Was steckt in einem Namen ~ Kalifornien (2024)

by SJPL-MitarbeiterAchtung: Dieser Beitrag ist über 3 Jahre alt und die Informationen sind möglicherweise veraltet.Achtung: Dieser Beitrag ist über 3 Jahre alt und die Informationen sind möglicherweise veraltet.

Ursprünglich geschrieben von Estella Inda.

California Name Myths: Wie kam Kalifornien zu seinem Namen?

Während seinertory, es gab viele storEs geht darum, wie Kalifornien zu seinem Namen kam. Einige glauben, dass der Name verwurzelt ist Kar-i-Farn, ein persischer Begriff, der aus dem elementaren oder himmlischen Feuer stammt, mit dem Greifen identifiziert werden, die im griechischen Mythos als "die lodernden Vögel" beschrieben werden. In dem San Francisco Chronicle "Riptides" Artikel von Robert O'Brien, geschrieben im März 1947, viele andere plausible Wurzeln des Namens Kalifornien werden beschrieben. Diese reichen von der Benennung nach Julius Caesars Frau Calpurnia bis zu einem indianischen Wort "kali-forno", das "hoher Hügel" oder "Heimatland" bedeutet.

Königin Calafia

Der am häufigsten angenommene Ursprung stammt aus einem mythischen Character, Königin Calafia, kreiert von Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo in seinem romantischen Thriller Die Abenteuer von EsplandianIn dieser fiktiven Geschichte war Königin Calafia eine Königin der Amazonas-Krieger, die über die Insel Kalifornien herrschte. Die Insel soll nur von Frauen bewohnt worden sein, die alle dunkelhäutig und schön waren, obwohl keine so schön wie ihre Königin. Sie wurde oft darauf hingewiesen, auf ihren Reisen einen Greif dabei zu haben, den sie gegen ihre Feinde einsetzte.

Unsere Geschichte

Als die spanischen Entdecker an der kalifornischen Küste ankamen, identifizierten sie sich mit drei Teilen der Beschreibung, die Montalvo in seinem s liefertetory. Erstens glaubten sie, "zur Rechten Indiens" gelandet zu sein, wo Montalvo die Insel Kalifornien darstellte. Zweitens glaubten sie, dass es der karge und sandige Boden der s wartory; Dieser Boden sollte große s versteckt habentores aus Gold. Drittens stellten sie fest, dass sie auf einer Insel gelandet waren, im Gegensatz zu einer Halbinsel, die an einen großen Kontinent angeschlossen war.

Was steckt in einem Namen ~ Kalifornien (1)

Das Wachstum des Mythos

Als die Zeit verging und die story von Königin Calafia wurde wiederholt, verschiedene Schreibweisen wurden erstellt: Kalifornien und Khalifa. Königin Calafia hat sich auch als wichtige Ikone Kaliforniens etabliert. Whoopi Goldberg porträtierte sie im Disney-Film goldene Träume, wo Calafia verwendet wurde, um Menschen während der Ereignisse von Kalifornien zu führen und zu ermutigentory.

Viele Autoren haben auch das Bild von Calafia verwendet oder sie in die Grafiken integriert, die sie auf dem Cover oder in ihren Büchern als Illustrationen verwenden. Hier ist ein Beispiel:

Was steckt in einem Namen ~ Kalifornien (2)
Was steckt in einem Namen ~ Kalifornien (3)
Was steckt in einem Namen ~ Kalifornien (4)
Was steckt in einem Namen ~ Kalifornien (5)


Lesen Sie mehr über Kalifornien im König Bibliothek der California Room:

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Was steckt in einem Namen ~ Kalifornien (2024)


How was California's name chosen? ›

California got its name from a best-selling novel

The book, “Las Sergas de Esplandián,” was written by Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo. According to the History Channel website, the book tells the story of warriors who live on the mythical island of “California” with the story's protagonist Esplandián.

Was Queen Califia a real person? ›

Calafia, or Califia, is the fictional queen of the island of California, first introduced by 16th century poet Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo in his epic novel of chivalry, Las sergas de Esplandián (The Adventures of Esplandián), written around 1510.

How did California get its name and nickname? ›

The name “California” comes from a 16th century Spanish novel that involves a warrior queen named Calafia. But the name also has much deeper roots that connect North African pirates and a medieval epic poem.

Who is California originally named after? ›

The book mentioned a mythical island named California that was populated by beautiful black women who kept man-killing griffins as pets. Their queen was Calafia, a buxom warrior who was “desirous of achieving great things.”

Who had California first? ›

Spanish colonization of "Alta California" began when the Presidio at San Diego, the first permanent European settlement on the Pacific Coast, was established in 1769.

What was California's first name? ›

Most scholars agree that Montalvo's Las Sergas de Esplandián is the direct progenitor of the word California.

Did California have a black queen? ›

In Las Sergas, Calafia was described as a Black warrior queen who ruled the mythical island of California. The island was inhabited only by Black women who lived like amazon warriors. Calafia wore armor made of fish bones, used weapons made of gold and commanded an army of griffins.

Is California named after a fake black queen? ›

California has long been associated with fantasy, but few people know that centuries before Hollywood, it drew its very name from an imaginary kingdom—one ruled by a Black queen.

Did the Queen ever go to California? ›

Queen Elizabeth II has been the head of the British monarchy since she was 25. Her time on the throne took her around the world many times, including a 10-day trip to California in 1983. The queen and Prince Philip visited the Golden State in February and March of that year.

Does Texas have a nickname? ›

Texas is nicknamed the Lone Star State because in 1836, when the Republic of Texas declared itself an independent nation, it flew a flag with a single star on it.

What is California slang? ›

Gnarly, rad, and “sick,” are interchangeable slang terms, that are generally used in a positive way. If someone is excited for something, you may hear them say that they are “stoked.” But if they are not stoked, they may “bail,” meaning that they will skip something; not show up, or leave.

Why is it called Oregon? ›

The name, Oregon, is rounded down phonetically, from Ouve água—Oragua, Or-a-gon, Oregon—given probably by the same Portuguese navigator that named the Farallones after his first officer, and it literally, in a large way, means cascades: "Hear the waters."

Who was California before Mexico? ›

Coastal exploration by the Spanish began in the 16th century, with further European settlement along the coast and in the inland valleys following in the 18th century. California was part of New Spain until that kingdom dissolved in 1821, becoming part of Mexico until the Mexican–American War (1846–1848), when it was ...

Is California a Mexican name? ›

California's name is tied to a 16th century Spanish romance novel. CALIFORNIA, USA — Anything donning the name “California” may very well owe its namesake to a 16th century Spanish romance novel and a fantastical island populated with women and gold.

Why is it called Texas? ›

Etymology. The name Texas, based on the Caddo word táy:shaʼ (/tə́jːʃaʔ/) 'friend', was applied, in the spelling Tejas or Texas, by the Spanish to the Caddo themselves, specifically the Hasinai Confederacy.

When did the name California originate? ›

California's name is tied to a 16th century Spanish romance novel. CALIFORNIA, USA — Anything donning the name “California” may very well owe its namesake to a 16th century Spanish romance novel and a fantastical island populated with women and gold.

Why California has that name? ›

The popular 16th-century Spanish novel, Las sergas de Esplandián, mentions an island named California, which had been ruled by Queen Calafia and allegedly had beautiful women and weapons made of gold. Due to the novel, the name California stuck with the Spanish.

Is California named after an African queen? ›

In Las Sergas, Calafia was described as a Black warrior queen who ruled the mythical island of California. The island was inhabited only by Black women who lived like amazon warriors. Calafia wore armor made of fish bones, used weapons made of gold and commanded an army of griffins.

Why is California named after saints? ›

The reason, of course, is that Spanish explorers, settlers and missionaries were – excepting for Sir Francis Drake's brief sojourn in 1579 – the first Europeans to populate the Golden State. And they brought their saints with them.

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.