What Are DISC Personality Types? 4 Types & 12 Styles (2024)

Have you ever wondered why DiSC personality traits are so frequently used in the modern workplace industry?

The reason is that the DISC assessment allows employers to measure whether and to what degree their employees match the demands of the job.

As a result, they can predict how the employees can adapt to the company environment, follow the rules and deal with challenges.

DISC model personality types are one of the most common assessment instruments for understanding people and their personalities.

The tool consists of four major personality traits (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness) and is used by millions of companies around the world.

In this article, you’ll learn what DISC personality styles are and why using the DISC personality test is so important. We’ll also provide examples for each predominant personality style of DISC.

What Are DISC Personality Types? Definition

The DISC profile is a behavioral model first created by psychologist William Moulton Marston in 1928.

The author first introduced the classification of these four personality types in his book, Emotions Of Normal People.

“DISC” is an acronym for four basic personality traits: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness.

Based on these personality signs, the DISC instrument assesses the differentiation among styles and how a person uses these traits to work with others.

The personality styles of DISC generally take the form of a circular or graph.

However, whether it’s the DISC circular or DISC graph, the main purpose of this tool is to identify how a person responds to certain situations, what their dominant personality traits are, and how this can influence their performance either at work, in school, or other areas of life.

Most importantly, DISC models focus on behavior instead of intelligence, basic values, skills, or psychological well-being.

Therefore, regardless of a person’s background and knowledge, employers use the information received from this tool to determine how well their employees can communicate with each other and predict their behavior patterns in the working process.

These are the four key personality traits of DISC:

Dominance – This personality trait is related to power, control, and assertiveness. Dominant people tend to be direct, fast-paced, and strong-willed.
Influence – This personality trait is related to communication patterns during social interaction. Influential people tend to be sociable, accepting, and easy-going.
Steadiness – This personality trait is related to persistence, willpower, and patience. Steady people tend to be gentle, patient, and accommodating.
Conscientiousness – This personality trait is related to structure, organization, and dedication. Conscientious people tend to be analytical, skeptical, and logical.

Based on the answers people give in the DISC test, employers can find out their personality traits and possible behaviors that are expected from this person in particular situations.

What is the DISC Personality Test?

The DiSC personality test is one of the most popular personality assessment instruments in the workplace all over the world.

The DiSC measurement scales are designed to quickly determine the personality profile and major personality traits.

The main purpose of DiSC tests is to explain and predict individuals’ behavior in order to improve communication, productivity, and teamwork in the workplace environment.

Generally, DiSC personality tests are conducted online. You just need to fill out the questionnaire to determine your exact personality profile.

The test consists of 28 groups of four statements. The entire process of filling out the instrument usually takes 5 to 10 minutes.

Studies show that the DiSC assessment is an effective way to raise self-awareness and improve teamwork skills in employees.

Besides, organizations use DiSC profiles to train their employees without judgment, help them develop stronger sales skills, and solve problems productively.

Type D: Dominance (Meaning & Subtypes)

Type D from DISC stands for Dominance. People with the dominant (D) personality type can be task-oriented, strong-willed, and outgoing.

Generally, people with this personality type are independent individuals who aren’t afraid of taking risks.

They are willing to accept new challenges and easily manage to perform multiple tasks in stressful working situations.

Therefore, the faster-paced work environment is extremely suitable for them.

On the other hand, employees with the Dominance personality trait often struggle to keep an eye on details.

They are rather impatient and find it hard to include other people in their decision-making process. As a result, they prefer to work on their own instead of working in teams.

DI: Dominance and Influence

DI style (Dominance & Influence) is one of the most common styles of DISC personality traits.

People with a DI-type personality tend to have an innovative approach to life. As a result, they usually use their creativity in the workplace to solve complex problems and find original solutions.

DI personalities are also called achievers or seekers.

Unlike the D type, the combination of dominance and influence creates a more adaptive style, enabling people to work efficiently in teams.

Even though people with these personality traits aren’t completely analytical, they are flexible, which makes them eager to try new experiences.

Thus, employees with a DI profile also tend to prefer working in a faster-paced work environment where they can show off their creativity and imagination.

DC: Dominance and conscientiousness

The DC-style (dominance and conscientiousness) is another variation of the D personality type. However, this time, it’s influenced by C (conscientiousness).

People with this personality type tend to be perfectionists. They put all their effort into achieving better success than people expected from them.

They are eager to take leadership roles while working in a team and stand out from all the other employees.

DC personalities just can’t work in routine environments. They enjoy challenges and are in search of exploring all the possibilities available.

Therefore, a slower-paced work environment isn’t something suitable for them. Instead, they prefer to create their own schedule and get all the work done at their own pace.

Type I: Influence (Meaning & Subtypes)

Type I stands for Influence and expresses behavioral styles during social interactions.

People with the I personality type are known as sociable and energetic individuals whose actions are guided by assertiveness.

I personalities are a naturally outgoing, extroverted, and affectionate employees who enjoy working in teams and communicating with other people in the workplace.

They can easily notice positive things, even in difficult situations, and express warm feelings in order to help other people perform better.

Generally, the I (influence) type can’t concentrate on consistent routines. Traditional environments make them lose enthusiasm and motivation.

However, they can perform well in changing working situations where one can’t possibly predict the situation in advance.

ID: Influence and dominance

ID personality (influence and dominance) has the prevalent influence style (I) but is impacted by dominance (D).

They usually work hard in teams and try to help the company achieve success, but they aren’t motivated by genuine feelings.

Instead, DI personalities have extrinsic motivation, which means that they try to get things done in order to receive some specific rewards.

Whether it’s material rewards or appreciation from their co-workers, it makes ID types stay engaged.

Employees with an ID style can easily thrive even in challenging working environments as they are passionate about working hard and achieving their goals.

Besides, they are eager to motivate other team members because, in that way, achieving the collective goals is much easier and more effective.

IS: Influence and steadiness

IS style is a combination of influence and steadiness. Here as well, Influence is the predominant style that leads people to success and dedication.

IS personalities constantly try to step up to the career leader and get promotions as quickly as possible.

They are work-oriented, enthusiastic employees who find harmony among their co-workers as something valuable.

Having friendly and supportive relationships with their co-workers is a priority for IS personalities.

Even though they usually focus on maintaining harmony, they hate routine tasks and prefer to have the chance of growth and development.

Type S: Steadiness (Meaning & Subtypes)

Based on the Extended DISC validation study (2019), type S (steadiness) is the most prominent style worldwide of all DiSC types.

Specifically, 32% of the worldwide population tends to have a steady personality type.

People with type S personalities are oriented towards other individuals.

They feel comfortable while working in a slower-paced work environment and struggle to deal with challenges and unexpected problems.

However, their advantage as employees is that they can look at things from different perspectives and evaluate the problem from various angles.

Generally, people with the S style find it hard to concentrate in emotional and stressful environments.

SI: Steadiness and influence

SI style consists of steadiness (S) with influence (I). Individuals with this DISC style tend to be supportive, empathetic, and understanding.

They are oriented towards people and enjoy helping others, even when it might slow down their progress.

Teamwork is something desirable for them, and engaging the team is one of the most desirable activities for SI personalities.

People with steadiness and influence personality traits are great listeners. They are motivated to help people solve their problems, but still, they can easily manage to achieve success on their own.

SI personalities make great charismatic leaders as they are enthusiastic about taking care of others’ needs.

SC: Steadiness and conscientiousness

SC personality type is a combination of prevalent steadiness (S), which is influenced by the conscientiousness (C) trait.

These two DISC personality traits create pragmatic, analytical individuals that can rationally consider all available alternatives before making final decisions.

They are practical, logical, and task-oriented people who can work well in traditional working environments.

SC personalities are focused on finding rational solutions to complex problems. They enjoy following guidelines and having a certain routine throughout the working day.

However, working in teams isn’t something for them. They have rather weak communication skills and prefer to work on their own.

Type C: Conscientiousness (Meaning & Subtypes)

Type C stands for conscientiousness. People with C personality types are highly organized, detail-oriented individuals who try to thrive in whatever they do.

They always do their best to achieve success. However, C personalities still manage to maintain rationality rather than being driven by emotions.

In simple words, people with conscientiousness DISC style tend to be perfectionists. They are focused on all the available data and try to be as accurate as possible.

They’re sincere, honest individuals with a pure motivation to succeed. They easily achieve their goals in a slower-paced work environment.

CD: Conscientiousness and dominance

CD personality type consists of conscientiousness (C) and dominance (D). Employees with this behavioral style enjoy working at their own pace.

As a result, they can’t always handle multiple tasks at the same time. CD personalities tend to be overly assertive and organized in the workplace.

Due to their organizational skills, CD types make great managers.

Conscientiousness and dominance personality traits help people with this behavioral style be extremely rational and remove all emotions while making decisions.

However, they often struggle to have clear and understanding interactions with their co-workers and often feel detached from them.

CS: Conscientiousness and steadiness

CS personality has a prevalent conscientiousness style (C) which is influenced by steadiness (S).

Employees with these two personality traits are described as responsible, reliable, and accountable individuals who prefer working in routine environments.

They are rather dependent types who prefer working with other people, but in communication, they tend to be shy and appear introverted.

CS personalities feel comfortable when managers give them tasks without asking any questions.

They ideally work at their pace, but only if someone gives them the right instructions. They easily manage to follow guidelines and consider the demands.

Examples for Each of 12 DISC Personality Styles

Each of the 12 DISC personality types differs from each other with specific behavioral styles in certain situations.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that although certain personality types have a tendency to behave in some ways, each individual is unique and might perform different behaviors from people of the same DISC types.

Still, they have more or less the same tendencies.

Let’s take a look at the examples of 12 DISC personality types.

D – results, action, challenge

Goals: Get exact results, overperform, win, compete with others

Fears: To be defeated, to seem weak

Leadership: Taking charge of the team, focusing on results

Career: Lawyer, architect, operations manager

DI – action, results, enthusiasm

Goals: Thriving at work, facing challenges, taking quick actions

Fears: Losing power, being taken advantage of, failing

Leadership: Searching for new possibilities, setting future goals

Career: Art director, public speaker, news reporter

DC – challenge, results, accuracy

Goals: Personal achievements, independence, accuracy, task orientation

Fears: Failure to achieve goals, getting inconsistent results

Leadership: Having high standards, engaging the team members

Career: Attorney, project manager, CEO, finance director

I – enthusiasm, action, collaboration

Goals: Admiration, acceptance, approval, popularity

Fears: Abandonment, blackmailing, rejection

Leadership: Building engaged networks, expressing charisma

Career: Graphic designer, filmmaker, creative director

ID – action, enthusiasm, results

Goals: Progress, advancement, innovative solutions, taking steps forward

Fears: Routine tasks, following fixed rules, lack of attention

Leadership: Looking for opportunities, taking action

Career: Travel agent, copywriter, content creator, CCO

IS – collaboration, enthusiasm, support

Goals: Supporting colleagues, communicating, friendship

Fears: Not being popular, not being appreciated

Leadership: Taking care of team members, expressing emotions

Career: Public relations, minister, teacher, counselor

S – support, stability, collaboration

Goals: Maintaining harmony, keeping balance, adaptation

Fears: Unexpected changes, disappointing people

Leadership: Diplomatic skills, open communication with the team

Career: Therapist, nurse, international relations

SI- collaboration, support, enthusiasm

Goals: Close relationships with people, affirmation, support

Fears: Antagonistic attitude from others, ignorance, hostility

Leadership: Affiliative leadership, praising team members

Career: Human resources manager, primary teacher, psychologist

SC – stability, support, accuracy

Goals: Fast progress, direct objectives, following rules

Fears: Chaos, disorganization, time pressure

Leadership: Compromises, fixed obligations, strict demands

Career: Scientist, data analyst, researcher

C – accuracy, stability, challenge

Goals: Facing challenges, stable outcomes, validity

Fears: Making mistakes, having to show emotions

Leadership: Clear communication, strong discipline, goal orientation

Career: Investment analyst, data analyst, software developer

CD – challenge, accuracy, results

Goals: Rational decisions, reasonable arguments, efficient outcomes

Fears: Losing rationality, failure, lack of success

Leadership: Focused on progress, having high standards

Career: Manager, CFO, social work, psychiatry

CS – stability, accuracy, support

Goals: Reliable relationships, steady results, security

Fears: Uncertainty, emotional burden, ambiguous situations

Leadership: Fair-minded leadership, modesty, fairness

Career: IT director, accountant, bookkeeper, chemist

Frequently Asked Questions About DISC Personality Types

What is the most common DISC personality type?

The S (Steadiness) type is the most common DISC personality type in the world.

In fact, 32% of the global population tends to be of the S personality type, showing signs of stability, predictability, and friendliness.

What is the rarest DISC personality type?

The D (Dominance) personality type tends to be the least common DISC personality type in the world.

In fact, people with the D personality type represent only 9% of the global population.

Which DISC style works fastest?

The fastest DiSC personality profile tends to be DI (dominance and influence).

Individuals with DI personality types are goal-oriented, practical, and quick employees who prefer to get the work done as quickly as possible.

They are open to new experiences and tend to solve problems quickly and effectively.

What DISC personality do employers want?

IS type tends to be the most highly demanded of the DiSC personality types. IS type is a combination of influence and steadiness, which is something employers are always looking for.

People with an IS personality type usually have an optimistic, easy-going attitude and easily adapt to the working environment.

What DISC style is best for leadership?

D style personality types indeed make the best leaders and managers. The reason is that D personality types have the personality trait of dominance.

They are focused on controlling the environment and getting things done exactly as they are supposed to be.

What Are DISC Personality Types? 4 Types & 12 Styles (2024)


What is the rarest DISC style? ›

The type D personality profile, also known as Dominance or D style, is one of the four basic DISC types that originate from William Marston's DISC Model. D Styles are the rarest personality type and they form approximately 9% of the worldwide population.

What is the rarest DISC combination? ›

What is the rarest DISC personality? The rarest DISC profile is the D style, making up only 9% of the global population. This appears to be the trend across all countries, as illustrated in the Extended DISC 2019 Validation Study.

What are the styles of everything disc? ›

Everything DiSC® is a personal development learning experience that measures preferences and tendencies based on the DiSC® model. This simple yet powerful model describes four basic styles: D, i, S, and C, and serves as the foundation for the Everything DiSC Application Suite.

What are the 12 types of DISC? ›

Examples of 12 DiSC personality types
  • DC – challenge, results, accuracy. ...
  • D – results, action, challenge. ...
  • Di – action, results, enthusiasm. ...
  • iD – action, enthusiasm, results. ...
  • i – enthusiasm, action, collaboration. ...
  • iS – collaboration, enthusiasm, support. ...
  • Si – collaboration, support, enthusiasm.
Oct 27, 2012

Which DISC style makes the best leader? ›

S leaders are calm, patient, and relaxed. Their steadiness tends to put everyone at ease and they are seen by others as dependable and supportive. If a cooperative and harmonious environment is what you're looking to create, there's no better leader than an S personality.

What is the most common DISC personality? ›

According to the same study, the S personality type is the most common DISC style—dominant S styles make up 32% of the world's population.

Which DISC profile is best? ›

There is no best DISC profile for a leader. They can be any DISC style. Different DISC leadership styles may be required for different situations and must also match the team's mix of DISC profiles. To be successful, leaders need to have a high level of self-awareness.

Which DISC styles are considered dominant? ›

D is for Dominance

People with the DiSC D style personality tend to place a strong emphasis on shaping the environment and overcoming opposition to accomplish results.

Which DISC personalities clash? ›

According to Ursiny, conflict typically occurs between opposite personality types. That means dominant and steady personalities clash, and conscientious and influential personalities clash.

Can your DISC style change? ›

It can happen. It's just pretty rare. What is more likely, is that the person has learned new ways to behave and interact with the world and they are behaving differently today than they did in the past. In the language of the DISC assessment, their natural style probably doesn't change but their adapted style does.

Is DISC personality test accurate? ›

Psychometric properties

The DISC assessments have demonstrated no ability to predict job performance as the validity is low. The assessment has high reliability, meaning that an individual will consistently get the same result over time.

What do my DiSC results mean? ›

The DiSC model describes four main styles: D, i, S, and C. D is for Dominance, i is for Influence, S is for Steadiness, and C is for Conscientiousness. Everyone is a mixture of each style, but most people tend to fall into one or two main DiSC style quadrants.

What do the colors mean in DiSC? ›

While there's some variation between different DISC assessments, one version is common: Dominance is bright, fiery red, Influence is a warm sunshine yellow, Steadiness is an earthy and calming green, and Compliance is a cool and icy blue. But what exactly do the colours mean?

How much do DiSC styles change over time? ›

Can your DiSC profile change over time? In general, the average person's profile tends to stay fairly consistent over time. While small differences in results from one time to the next may occur, major shifts in style are unlikely.

How do I identify a DISC? ›

DISC is a four-quadrant model, determined by the two factors: communication directness and openness. These two factors are called Behavioral Tendencies. I briefly covered DISC Behavioral Tendencies, Areas of Focus, and Pace and Priority in my post on The Four DISC Styles of Leadership Communication.

What is the relationship between DISC D and C? ›

D-types are generally outspoken and direct when addressing others, while C-types tend to be more reserved. However, both tend to prefer direct, clear, objective communication. D-types should focus on presenting information in an open and detailed way, while C-types should vocalize their thoughts and ideas.

What are the 4 quadrants of disc profile? ›

DiSC Profile Explained: Four DiSC Quadrants

The model consists of D (Dominance), i (Influence), S (Steadiness), and C (Conscientiousness). These four quadrants describe the style typical personality style of participants.

What is the weakest leadership style? ›

The Micromanager Leader

There's no way around it—micromanagers are seen as leaders who are constantly hovering and don't trust employees to do their job. This can lead to low morale and high turnover rates.

What is the most powerful leadership style? ›

The democratic leadership style is one of the most effective because it encourages everyone to participate in all processes, share their opinions, and know that you will hear them. It also encourages employees to be engaged because they know you will hear their feedback.

What is the strongest leadership trait? ›

Responsibility & Dependability

One of the most important qualities a leader can have is a sense of responsibility and dependability. This means displaying those traits in your individual work, but also demonstrating them in your interactions with others.

What is the rare DISC profile? ›

Making up only 9% of the global population, the type d personality is the rarest disc profile. High D personality styles are competitive, aggressive, decisive and results-oriented. They prefer to move fast, take risks and get things done now. D styles also like to be in charge, control and have the power.

What is the rarest personality type *? ›

INFJ is the rarest personality type across the population, occurring in just 2% of the population. It is also the rarest personality type among men. INFJ stands for Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Judging. This unique combination is hard to find in most people.

What are the three rarest personality types? ›

The third most rare Myers-Briggs personality type is INTJ

Women, however, only make up 0.8% of the population for INTJs. ENTJ (0.9%) and INTJ (0.8%) are the least common MBTI personality types for women. Among men in the US, INFJ (1.3%) and ENFJ (1.6%) are the least common MBTI personality types.

What personality type is best for leaders? ›

ENTJ (Extroverted + Intuition + Thinking + Judging)

Individuals with this personality type are organized, critical, and logical. They enjoy planning, and are very career-driven. Those with this personality type are also exceptionally hard workers, making them great leaders.

What is the DISC of a leader? ›

DiSC is a behavior assessment tool based on four different personality traits - Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness.

What DISC style is best for sales? ›

A common thought among sales consultants and business owners is that the “Lazy Z” DISC pattern is best for sales performance. The Lazy Z pattern would look something like this on a 1 to 100% DISC scale . . . D (60-70%), I (65-85%), S (25-40%) C (40-60%). For many sales positions, that might work fine.

What type of person is Type A? ›

The phrase "Type A" refers to a pattern of behavior and personality associated with high achievement, competitiveness, and impatience, among other characteristics. In particular, the positive traits of a Type A personality include: Self-control. Motivation to achieve results.

What is a high I personality? ›

Overview of the Influencing (I) Personality Style

People who are high in “I” are extroverted and outgoing, and people-oriented. They tend to be inspiring, impressionable, interactive, impressive and involved. They are typically vocal and animated. They like to engage others in conversation.

What DISC style is a planner? ›

People with the Sc (Planner) personality type tend to be easy-going and fairly even-keeled in their temperament. They often provide predictability and consistency in their interactions and seek the same thing in return.

Which DISC styles work quickly? ›

Also, some styles prioritize people, whereas others prioritize tasks when communicating, working, or engaging in daily life. D- Dominance is faster-paced and task-focused. I- Influence is faster-paced and people-focused. S – Steadiness is slower-paced and people-focused.

What are the weaknesses of a DISC? ›

DISC S personality weaknesses
  • Not being direct when communicating negative information.
  • Being too passive when assertiveness is necessary.
  • Avoiding confrontation and not giving feedback to others who may need it.
  • Delaying decisions involving interpersonal conflict.

How do you communicate with DISC types? ›

Tips for Communicating with the DISC Styles
  1. Provide direct answers – act quickly.
  2. Don't ramble or waffle - limit socialising.
  3. Don't focus on problems and negatives.
  4. Try not to repeat yourself.
  5. Don't use generalisations – have support.
  6. Ask for their decisions.
  7. Focus on bottom-line issues and results.

What causes a disc flare up? ›

In addition to natural wear and tear, other factors that can contribute to a bulging disc include repetitive movements, strenuous lifting, twisting of the body, bone spurs pushing against the disc, and many other degenerative conditions.

Does disc go away? ›

Herniated disks get better on their own over time or with nonsurgical treatment for 9 out of 10 people. If other treatments don't relieve your symptoms, your healthcare provider may recommend surgery.

Are disc problems permanent? ›

Most disc problems will resolve with time, regardless of treatment, just like soft tissue sprains in other parts of the body. Short-term bed rest for a few days may help in the initial management of severe sciatica. However, most people can stay active, with some restrictions, according to their level of pain.

Does DiSC measure emotional intelligence? ›

After all, DiSC doesn't measure emotions. DiSC measures a person's behavioral style and personality. However, DiSC's measurement of our behaviors is also an indication of our psychological needs. In fact, it's our psychological needs that determine our behavior.

What do employers look for in a DiSC assessment? ›

DiSC assessments identify how a person tends to behave in a given environment, such as at work, by evaluating the individual along the four DiSC dynamics (dominance, influence, steadiness and conscientiousness) and seeing which dynamic makes up the bulk of an individual's behavioral style.

What is the most respected personality test? ›

The Big Five Personality Test is by far the most scientifically validated and reliable psychological model to measure personality. This test is, together with the Jung test (MBTI test style) and the DISC assessment, one of the most well known personality tests worldwide.

What is DISC type C personality? ›

C styles are motivated by opportunities to gain knowledge, show their expertise, and produce quality work. They prioritize ensuring accuracy, maintaining stability, and challenging assumptions. They are often described as careful, analytical, systematic, diplomatic, accurate, and tactful.

What is a DISC C personality? ›

C Type Personality Styles, based on DISC Theory by Dr. Marston, are accurate, precise, detail-oriented, and conscientious. They think analytically and systematically, and carefully make decisions with plenty of research and information to back it up.

Which personality type is dominant? ›

What is a Type D personality? The D Personality Style tends to be direct and decisive, sometimes described as dominant. They would prefer to lead than follow and tend towards leadership and management positions.

What is Type A personality called? ›

The phrase "Type A" refers to a pattern of behavior and personality associated with high achievement, competitiveness, and impatience, among other characteristics. In particular, the positive traits of a Type A personality include: Self-control. Motivation to achieve results. Competitiveness.

What is Type A or B personality? ›

Type A and type B are two main personality categories. People with type A personalities may be ambitious, competitive, and aggressive. People with type B personalities may be patient, flexible, and laid-back. Personality refers to the pattern of emotions, thoughts, and behaviors that make each individual who they are.

What is Type D personality type? ›

What Is Type D Personality? Type D personality is often called "distressed" personality. If your personality is type D, you tend to have negative emotions across many situations but avoid expressing those emotions because of fear of rejection or disapproval.

What is a high D personality? ›

Overview of the Dominant (D) Personality Style

People who are high in “D” are extroverted and outgoing and task-oriented. They tend to be direct, decisive, driven and demanding. They typically have high confidence, are self-motivated, and are comfortable taking risks. They like to focus on the big picture, not details.

What is the most common DISC personality type? ›

According to the same study, the S personality type is the most common DISC style—dominant S styles make up 32% of the world's population.

What is a high S personality? ›

Overview of the Steady (S) Personality Style

People who are high in “S” are more introverted and reserved, and people-oriented. They tend to be supportive, stable, sweet, and shy. They are typically calm, easy-going, and collected people. They like giving support, collaborating, and maintaining stability.

Which personality type is controlling? ›

Type C personalities tend to be quite controlling, both of themselves and others. They don't like things to get out of hand and may appear stoic because they don't really want themselves to display a lot of emotion. They're very outcome-driven and will be sticklers for following protocol.

Which is the most best personality type? ›

ESFJ. Those who are extroverted, sensing, feeling, and judging are often identified as one of the kindest types by experts. "ESFJs have extroverted feeling as a dominant cognitive function," Gonzalez-Berrios says. "This makes them rule by their hearts.

Which personality types get on the best? ›

Other research also shows that, based on similar interests and patterns of behaviors, these are some of the most highly compatible matches:
  • ENTP and INTJ.
  • INTP and ENTJ.
  • ESTJ and ISFP.
  • ESFJ and ISFP.
  • ISTJ and ESFP.
  • ISFJ and ESFP.
  • ESTJ and ISTP.
  • ESFJ and ISTP.
Apr 14, 2022

Is DISC personality accurate? ›

DISC assessments are behavioral self-assessment tools based on the 1928 DISC emotional and behavioral theory of psychologist William Moulton Marston. The tools are designed to predict job performance. However, the scientific validity of DISC has been contested and is by some considered to be a pseudoscience.

Can your DISC type change? ›

It can happen. It's just pretty rare. What is more likely, is that the person has learned new ways to behave and interact with the world and they are behaving differently today than they did in the past. In the language of the DISC assessment, their natural style probably doesn't change but their adapted style does.

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.