There are only four personality types, psychologists say (2024)

And here you thought you were unique. Pack away your freezer bag, snowflake: According to Northwestern University, there are only four distinct clusters of personality type in the world.

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The four are: average, reserved, self-centered and role model. So says Northwestern.

After picking one’s jaw off the keyboard, one thinks about it and realizes these definitions are rather broad – go define “average.” They pretty much cover everybody you know.

The information could be useful chiefly to human resource managers seeking to distinguish useful future employees from narcissistic psychotics.

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Northwestern’s startling conclusion isn’t based on mere oversimplification. It’s based on data from more than 1.5 million questionnaire respondents from around the world, the team led by Luís Amaral of the McCormick School of Engineering reported Monday in Nature Human Behavior.

Psychology as a profession had traditionally pooh-poohed “personality types,” especially given the looseness in definition and measurement. Psychology therefore tended to leave such fluffy stuff for the self-help set. In short, scientific journals wouldn’t touch the issue, explains Amaral, a professor of chemical and biological engineering at Northwestern Engineering, and adds: “We think this will change because of this study.”

The four newly determined personality types are based on five widely-recognized character traits.Credit: Northwestern University

Attempts to classify “personality type” probably go back to the cave. Co-author Prof. William Revelle says attempts date back at least to Hippocrates, the physician who lived around 2,400 years ago (460 B.C.E. to 370 B.C.E.), who probably wasn’t the first to mournfully note that “life is short.” However, Revelle explains, previous scientific literature found the attempts to classify personality type to be balderdash. “Now, these data show there are higher densities of certain personality types,” he sums up.

Actually the study looks at a number of different questionnaires from different sources, developed over decades, one being the BBC’s Big Personality Test datasets. The tests had between 44 and 300 questions, say the researchers.

The average neurotic

It is true that all 1.5 million respondents are surfers, which is one constraint on the conclusions. “People voluntarily take the online quizzes attracted by the opportunity to receive feedback about their own personality,” writes the team.

That’s a downside. But there’s an upside in the sheer vastness of the global online population. It is the biggest pool in history.

“The thing that is really, really cool is that a study with a dataset this large would not have been possible before the web,” Amaral says. “Previously, maybe researchers would recruit undergrads on campus, and maybe get a few hundred people. Now, we have all these online resources available, and now data is being shared.”

The personality types are based on the five widely accepted basic personality traits: neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness. With the help of mathematics, four clusters emerged. We quote:

Average: More neurotic and extroverted than the other types, not very open. The team says women are more likely than men to fall into the Average type. The team also thinks most people fall into this category, which makes “average” a good name for it.

Reserved: Emotionally stable, not open and not neurotic. Don’t look to them to dance on the desk at offices parties: they are likely to be “somewhat agreeable and conscientious.”

Role Models: Score low on neuroticism and high in all the other traits. “The likelihood that someone is a role model increases dramatically with age,” writes the team. More women than men are likely to be role models.

Then there’s everybody who isn’t you:

Self-Centered: Very extroverted, and below average in openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness. “These are people you don’t want to hang out with,” says Revelle. Both men and women become much less self-centered with age, as anybody who’s ever met children and teenagers, and other people, will have noticed.

And there you have it. “I like data, and I believe these results,” Revelle, a self-described skeptic at the onset, stated. “The methodology is the main part of the paper’s contribution to science.”

For dessert, here is another unexpected finding. To test the accuracy of the clusters, the researchers used a notoriously self-centered group – teenaged boys – to validate their information.

“We know teen boys behave in self-centered ways,” Amaral said. “If the data were correct and sifted for demographics, they would turn out to be the biggest cluster of people.”

Yup: Teen boys were overrepresented in the Self-Centered group. Teen girls over 15 were vastly underrepresented. Make of that what you will.

There are only four personality types, psychologists say (2024)


There are only four personality types, psychologists say? ›

And here you thought you were unique. Pack away your freezer bag, snowflake: According to Northwestern University, there are only four distinct clusters of personality type in the world. The four are: average, reserved, self-centered and role model.

Are there only four personality types? ›

A large new study published in Nature Human Behavior, however, provides evidence for the existence of at least four personality types: average, reserved, self-centered and role model.

How many types of personalities are there in psychology? ›

The Myers-Briggs personality test breaks down the 16 personality types into two groups: introverts and extroverts. The introverts can be categorized as ISTJ, ISTP, ISFJ, ISFP, INTJ, INTP, INFJ, and INFP. The extroverts can be categorized as: ESTJ, ESTP, ESFJ, ESFP, ENTJ, ENTP, ENFJ, and ENFP.

How many personality types are there really? ›

Socionics divides people into 16 different types, called sociotypes which are; ESTJ, ENTJ, ESFJ, ENFJ, ISTJ, ISFJ, INTJ, INFJ, ESTP, ESFP, ENTP, ENFP, ISTP, ISFP, INTP & INFP. A formal conversion is carried out following the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator.

What are the Big 4 personality types? ›

Results yielded scales consistent with the Big Four model of personality (i.e., Neuroticism, Conscientiousness, Introversion, and Antagonism) and not the Big Five as there were insufficient items related to Openness.

What are the 4 new personality types? ›

The four new personality types are average, reserved, role model, and self-centered.

Are the 16 personality types real? ›

Although the MBTI, which categorizes people into 16 personality types, has been widely debunked as having no scientific basis, it continues to be used extensively in professional settings today. Consulting firms like McKinsey famously use the test during the application process.

What is the 1 rarest personality type? ›

1. INFJ. INFJ, also known as the advocate, counselor, or idealist, is the rarest type of personality in the general population. It represents about 1.5% of the general population in the United States.

What is the kindest personality type? ›

1. ESFJ. People who fit the ESFJ personality type can usually be recognized by their big hearts and kindly manner. ESFJs are warm and welcoming and their love of tradition means they value good old-fashioned manners highly.

What is personality according to psychologists? ›

Personality refers to the enduring characteristics and behavior that comprise a person's unique adjustment to life, including major traits, interests, drives, values, self-concept, abilities, and emotional patterns.

What is a 4 personality? ›

What is an Enneagram Type 4 (The Creative)? People with an Enneagram type four personality tend to be creative, sensitive, and expressive in their behavior. They like to be unique and seek to find their own identity. Though they desire relationships, they may seem distant and reserved, especially in group settings.

What do the 4 personality types mean? ›

Each person is a unique combination of four personality types. Over the centuries, these basic categories have gone by several names and designations, but for our purposes, they're known as the director, the socializer, the thinker, and the supporter.

What does 4 mean in personality? ›

Numerology Number 4 is associated with planet Rahu and indicates energetic, knowledgeable, clever, and confident individuals with leadership skills. They are good at keeping secrets, love creativity, and have a sharp memory. However, they can be rebellious and overconfident sometimes, leading to negative traits.

What is the rarest personality type? ›

  1. INFJ. INFJ, also known as the advocate, counselor, or idealist, is the rarest type of personality in the general population. ...
  2. ENTJ. The second least common personality type, ENTJ or commander, represents about 1.8% of the population. ...
  3. INTJ. ...
  4. ENFJ. ...
  5. ENTP.
Aug 26, 2023

What are the 5 different personality types? ›

The Big Five Personality Traits, also known as OCEAN or CANOE, are a psychological model that describes five broad dimensions of personality: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. These traits are believed to be relatively stable throughout an individual's lifetime.

Is there only Type A and Type B personality? ›

Most people don't fall solely under one category — that's why there are many different types of people in the world! It's not unusual to have characteristics of both Type A and Type B personalities. But an individual will often have one type that's more dominant than the other.

Is there a type C personality? ›

The type C personality can be better described as someone who thrives on being accurate, rational and applying logic to everything they do. They can however also struggle to emote their feelings and hold a lot in when things go awry, preferring to to be less assertive and be more cooperative in nature.

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