ISFP vs. INFP: 6 Differences Between These Personality Types (2024)


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The ISFP and INFP personalities are introverts but aren’t shy about it. These personality types are distinctive types that may be hard to get to know but create a lasting impression.

However, their specific attitudes and behaviors are highly different. Let’s learn more about ISFP and INFP personalities and their significant differences.

What You Will Learn

  • What Is the ISFP Personality Type?
    • Introverted
    • Sensing
    • Feeling
    • Perceiving
  • What Is the INFP Personality Type?
    • Introverted
    • INtuiting
    • Feeling
    • Perceiving
  • What Do ISFP and INFP Personalities Have in Common?
    • 1. Curious and Open-Minded
    • 2. Passionate and Enthusiastic
    • 3. People-Pleasers
  • 6 Key Differences Between ISFP and INFP Personalities
    • 1. Personality Type Frequency
    • 2. Practical vs. Impractical
    • 3. Present-Focused vs. Future-Focused
    • 4. Doers vs. Thinkers
    • 5. Appearance vs. Minimalism
    • 6. Capricious vs. Devoted
  • Final Thoughts on ISFP and INFP Personalities

What Is the ISFP Personality Type?

The ISFP is known as the Artist or the Composer because their strong aesthetics and appreciation for beauty usually manifest tangibly in how they use tools and work with their hands. Key characteristics of this type are:


The first preference indicates where people tend to direct and receive their energy. Introverts prefer to channel their energy inward toward ideas, information, and beliefs.

Introverts prefer doing things alone or with just one or two people they know and trust. Introverts usually think and plan before they act or speak and sometimes like the idea of something better than the thing itself.


The second psychological preference indicates the way a person prefers to receive information. A sensing person pays attention to the information they receive through their five sense: taste, touch, smell, sight, and hearing.

They focus best on what is present, current, and real, noticing actual facts and remembering concrete details. They understand the practical use of things and learn through hands-on experience.


The third preference indicates the way a person prefers to make decisions. A feeling person makes decisions by considering the perspectives and opinions of everyone involved and trying to create a harmonious outcome.

They want to deeply understand the feelings of the people around them and reach a peaceful resolution, knowing that no two situations will have the same solution because other people and different feelings will be involved.


The final preference indicator refers to how a person deals with the outside world. A perceiving person remains flexible and spontaneous, allowing events to unfold around them.

They want to understand, adapt, and interact with the world rather than structure and control it. As a result, they are casual about their activities, keep planning to a minimum, and keep their options open.

ISFP vs. INFP: 6 Differences Between These Personality Types (1)

An ISFP is warm and kind, with the grounded practicality that makes them great caretakers. They are open-minded and flexible, enjoying new experiences and getting along well with others.

An ISFP is a doer who seeks direct experiences and self-expression through action and is not very interested in abstract concepts or ideas that don’t have practical results. Their focus on enjoying the present can hinder their ability to make and carry through on long-term goals and plans.

What Is the INFP Personality Type?

The INFP is known as the Mediator, powerfully motivated to help others. Their key characteristics are:


The first preference indicates where people tend to direct and receive their energy. Introverts prefer to channel their energy inward toward ideas, information, and beliefs.

Introverts prefer doing things alone or with just one or two people they know and trust. Introverts usually think and plan before they act or speak and sometimes like the idea of something better than the thing itself.


The second psychological preference indicates the way a person prefers to receive information. An intuiting person pays more attention to information patterns, impressions, and underlying meaning.

They learn by thinking things through and exploring the implications of new information. They mentally explore symbols, theories, and abstractions and remember ideas and concepts better than factual details.


The third preference indicates the way a person prefers to make decisions. A feeling person makes decisions by considering the perspectives and opinions of everyone involved and trying to create a harmonious outcome.

They want to deeply understand the feelings of the people around them and reach a peaceful resolution. They know that no two different situations will have the same solution because other people and different feelings will be involved.


The final preference indicator refers to how a person deals with the outside world. A perceiving person prefers to remain flexible and spontaneous, allowing events to unfold around them.

They want to understand, adapt, and interact with the world rather than structure and control it. Therefore, they are casual about their activities, keep planning to a minimum, and keep their options open.

This combination of preferences makes The Mediator deeply interested in improving the world. They want to understand themselves and others and find a sense of meaning and purpose in using their abilities to serve humanity and work for the welfare of others.

They are quiet and reserved and think deeply about feelings and concepts. They tend to ignore petty details and often delay making important decisions in case something new comes along. But on the other hand, they are sensitive, imaginative, open-minded, and filled with a sense of purpose.

What Do ISFP and INFP Personalities Have in Common?

ISFP and INFP personalities are highly similar. Here are the most significant factors that these two personality types have in common.

1. Curious and Open-Minded

ISFP and INFP personalities are interested in the world around them, with active, curious minds. They seek out the opinions, perspectives, and knowledge of others and welcome new information and new ideas.

2. Passionate and Enthusiastic

ISFP and INFP personality types are passionate and energetic, getting caught up in the people and causes they care about, and willing to work hard to make them successful. In addition, they are incredibly supportive and helpful and devoted to their goals and values.

3. People-Pleasers

ISFP and INFP personalities care about the feelings and opinions of others, and this is exacerbated by the fact that they are introverts who tend to connect deeply with only a few people.

This can make them extraordinarily conflict-avoidant and highly motivated to please others, even when neglecting their care. As a result, these types struggle to maintain healthy boundaries and engage in healthy conflict.

A fantastic example of the similarities between these two types is comparing famous ISFP Paul McCartney with famous INFP John Lennon. Both men are reserved, thoughtful, creative, and care deeply about the world around them.

However, as an ISFP, Paul is more grounded and realistic, while John was more abstract and idealistic. Yet, together, they changed the world forever.

6 Key Differences Between ISFP and INFP Personalities

Despite these strong similarities, there are several important differences in the ISFP vs. INFP personality. Here are the biggest contrasts to be aware of:

1. Personality Type Frequency

ISFP: 5-9% overall. INFP: 4-5% overall

In America, ISFPs are almost twice as common as INFPs. However, both personality types are slightly more common among women than men.

2. Practical vs. Impractical

Practical: ISFP. The ISFP focus on the real, tangible world in front of them makes them incredibly practical. They can be impatient with concepts and ideas that don’t apply to real-world situations and problems and are likely to solve problems by trying different solutions and seeing what works.

Impractical: INFP, The INFP personality type is more interested in concepts and ideas and works best with symbols and abstractions that can be disconnected from the real world. Many of their ideas lack attention to real-world facts and details and can often be impractical.

3. Present-Focused vs. Future-Focused

Present-Focused: ISFP. The attention to tangible real-world experiences also makes the ISFP very focused on the present moment here and now.

They sincerely appreciate the sights, sounds, and sensations of the present moment, paying attention to nature, life, and their immediate surroundings. They tend to be more interested in short-term enjoyment than long-term goals.

Future-Focused: INFP. The INFP tends to be more focused on long-term goals and objectives and is willing to have unpleasant experiences at the moment if they think there will be a payoff at a later date. Their more abstract, cerebral thinking style doesn’t focus as much on what’s immediately around them but is more concerned with an imaginary future.

4. Doers vs. Thinkers

Doers: ISFP. The ISFP is an active doer who chooses activities that engage their senses. They are more likely to be making something with their hands, participating in physical activity or exercise, or creating something they can enjoy with their senses (like cooking or composing) than they are to enjoy more abstract, meditative activities like reading.

ISFP vs. INFP: 6 Differences Between These Personality Types (2)

As introverts, they are happy to do these things alone, but they do like to be doing something.

Thinkers: INFP. An INFP is happy to get lost in thought and caught up in their imagination. Concepts, ideas, and symbols are real, so they don’t require as much input from their senses. They tend to enjoy reading, quiet talking, or just hanging out.

5. Appearance vs. Minimalism

Aesthetics: ISFP. The ISFP focus on enjoying the present moment gives them a natural gift for aesthetics. They want environments and situations that are enjoyable to their senses and create beauty all around them.

This sense of beauty and aesthetics, combined with their desire for hands-on activity, makes these personalities excellent artists and musicians.

Minimalism: INFP. An INFP isn’t as focused on the appearances of things and, in fact, often overlooks immediate sensory input because they are caught up in their ideas. Their environment usually doesn’t matter much to them, and they seldom spend a lot of effort on seeking beauty for its own sake.

6. Capricious vs. Devoted

Capricious: ISFP. An ISFP is likely to seek new sensations and experiences and, as such, can be a bit capricious, losing interest in activities and getting bored quickly. On the other hand, they dislike repetition and monotony, and their curiosity and present focus often prompt them to find new and different activities.

They will stick with projects and activities that deeply engage with their sense of purpose, but they can be flighty until or unless they find that purpose.

Devoted: INFP. An INFP is more likely to devote themselves to a project, goal, cause, or activity and stick with it for the long term. Their future focus and ability to overlook the present moment allow them to pursue their goals with greater consistency and devotion.

Final Thoughts on ISFP and INFP Personalities

As with Lennon and McCartney, ISFP and INFP personalities are highly compatible and likely to make excellent partners. Both personality types need and want the same things from life, so they can partner and work together toward shared goals.

However, since they are both perceivers, both personalities struggle with making plans and schedules and sticking with agendas, which can exacerbate some of their weaknesses and reduce conflict between these peace-loving personalities.

Knowing your MBTI personality type and the personality types of the people close to you can help you better understand yourself and others, ease communication and reduce conflict. If you are new to the world of personality types, check out our beginner’s guide to the 16 personalities and use this new knowledge in your everyday life.

Finally, if you want to identify YOUR personality type, then take one of these 11 personality tests to better understand what makes you tick.

ISFP vs. INFP: 6 Differences Between These Personality Types (3)


ISFP vs. INFP: 6 Differences Between These Personality Types (2024)


What is the main difference between INFP and ISFP? ›

INFPs are focused on the future, on possibilities, and on words and ideas. ISFPs enjoy being in the moment and like taking action and experiencing and understanding the world through their senses. Did you see yourself in one of these?

Can ISFP be mistyped as INFP? ›

INFPs and ISFPs (Fi-Se-Ni-Te) are quite similar and can be easily mistyped for one another. Both types have Fi as their dominant function, which makes them highly value personal expression and individualism. The main difference between INFPs and ISFPs lies within our auxiliary function.

Do ISFP get angry easily? ›

The ISFP. Ever enigmatic, ISFPs registered as the type most likely to get angry and show it, as well as one of the types most likely to get angry and not show it. According to the MBTI® Manual, ISFPs ranked highest of all the types in suppressing anger, and second-highest of the types most likely to show it.

Is ISFP the rarest personality type? ›

How rare is the ISFP personality type? ISFP is the fourth most common type in the population. ISFPs make up: 9% of the general population.

Are ISFP and INFP good friends? ›

Again, they usually don't have much of an interest in helping each other. With too much closeness, ISFPs and INFPs criticize each other for qualities that they themselves have. While they see each other's weaknesses and know what the problems are in the relationship, they have a hard time resolving them.

Are INFP and ISFP close? ›

An INFP and ISFP couple have great potential for developing both a great physical and emotional relationship, provided they tune into the needs of their partner – which both can do very well. INFPs value peace and do not like conflict. The exception to this is when their personal values are pressed.

Are ISFP innocent? ›

ISFPs can often possess an innocent spirit within themselves, so they are drawn to anything pure and good. They can see beauty in the world rather naturally, and believe in preserving it when they can.

Can ISFP be selfish? ›

They see nothing but their own perspective, and deal with the world only so far as they need to in order to support their perspective. These individuals usually come across as selfish and unrealistic. Depending on how serious the problem is, they may appear to be anything from "a bit eccentric" to "way out there".

Do ISFP like being alone? ›

People with ISFP preferences are thoughtful and dedicated friends who often put other people's needs before their own. They like to have fun and they can be very spontaneous, which often makes for exciting and supportive friendships. However, ISFPs require freedom and lots of alone time.

Can ISFP be jealous? ›

ISFPs are sensitive individuals, but they tend to avoid being jealous of others. They do not wish ill towards people and often enjoy seeing them happy.

What is the dark side of ISFP? ›

However, when ISFPs are unhealthy, they can become withdrawn and self-critical. They may have difficulty dealing with conflict or criticism. They can become highly sensitive to what others think of them and may avoid social interactions altogether.

What makes ISFP uncomfortable? ›

Not feeling appreciated

Selfless and service-oriented, ISFPs can make wonderful partners and friends. But they need to feel the love, too. If an ISFP feels like they're giving and giving without any thanks in return, they'll hate it.

Are ISFP lazy? ›

ISFPs may appear to be lazy. The ISFP personality trait tends to take things easy and enjoy and savor the moment, making them slow-moving at times, which can be frustrating to others. ISFPs have difficulty expressing their affection with words.

Are ISFP smart? ›

For the ISFP there are so many things which they can excel in, and this is part of what makes them uniquely intelligent and equipped for different types of exploration. ISFPs are highly creative people with rich inner minds filled with imagination and unique ideas.

Can ISFP be shy? ›

ISFPs have introverted tendencies, yes, but they also have a slight tendency to have a shy streak about them. If you blush around your crush, have a hard time figuring out what to say around them, and fumble over your words, you might be a shyer ISFP.

Who does ISFP fall in love with? ›

Although two well-developed individuals of any type can enjoy a healthy relationship, the ISFP's natural partner is the ESFJ, or the ENFJ. ISFP's dominant function of Introverted Feeling is best matched with a partner whose dominant function is Extraverted Feeling.

Is ISFP needy? ›

ISFPs may be overly clingy, gullible, and have difficulty expressing anger, even when appropriate. At their worst, ISFPs will try to please others too much, put others' needs ahead of their own, and allow others to take advantage of them.

Who are ISFP most attracted to? ›

ISFPs are attracted to people who are passionate about life and have exciting hobbies to share. They need something they can connect with and want to be able to share themselves with this person as well. ISFPs are attracted to people who can be adventurous and willing to take chances in life.

Do ISFP keep secrets? ›

ISFPs are extremely private people and often have a rather small group of friends. If someone close to them makes it clear that they want their secret kept quiet, the ISFP will have no problem doing so. They would never want to do anything to harm someone they care for.

Is INFP or ISFP better? ›

ISFPs are more easygoing and adaptable. Relatively speaking, INFPs can be easygoing and adaptable too, because their Ne enables them to be spontaneous and playful. But they can also be extremely hard on themselves and those close to them, because they tend to be idealistic and have high moral standards.

Can ISFP be cold? ›

ISFPs are feeling types, but they have a reserve and inner serenity that differentiates them from many other feeling types. They tend to keep their feelings tucked inside and share them with only a trusted few. On the outside, they may seem stoic, mysterious, or even cold.

What makes an ISFP angry? ›

ISFP- Liars

When people are hurtful towards them, they often become upset rather than outright angry. ISFPs do dislike people who lie constantly and have zero respect for the truth. People who pretend to be something they are not, makes the ISFP unbelievably frustrated.

Can ISFP be talkative? ›

ISFPs are quiet, reserved types who like to focus their attention on people and the experiences they enjoy. They aren't typically big talkers unless someone they're talking about something deeply important to them or they're trying to empathize verbally with someone.

What makes ISFP happy? ›

Whether it's scrapbooking, sculpting, or vlogging, ISFPs get a thrill from creating and crafting. They enjoy experimenting with a variety of different skills and putting a little of their own identity into each thing that they make.

Can ISFP read minds? ›

Again, they tend to be highly sensitive people. ISFPs are also sensitive to the people around them. They read others well, and can easily tell when someone is upset, content, or hiding something.

Do ISFP like to argue? ›

ISFPs and INFPs tend to be very resolute in arguments. They have no patience for anyone who is pushy, domineering, or manipulative. They want to piece apart the emotions of the people in the argument, figuring out everyone's core motives and intentions. They will evaluate what really matters to them.

How can you tell if a girl is an ISFP? ›

Women with the ISFP personality type

ISFP females tend to be reserved and adaptable. They are likely to place a high value on others' feelings, often basing their decisions on emotional impact, rather than blind logic. They may be fairly unconventional and are likely to find their own way of doing things.

Does ISFP have anxiety? ›

Being so in tune with their emotions means that they are very in touch with their feelings of anxiety; when these feelings arise, the ISFP experiences them extremely intensely and privately. The ISFP may feel unable to assert themselves in the outer world, feeling overwhelmed and helpless in their anxiety.

Do ISFP care about looks? ›

Like the ESFP, ISFPs often display a high concern for, as well as good taste in, fashion and aesthetics. They are often physically attractive, well manicured, and enjoy keeping up their appearance.

Do ISFP miss people? ›

ISFPs feel things very deeply, and because of this they are very pained when they miss someone close to them. Being separated from someone they love can affect the ISFP immensely, causing them to retreat inward.

Do ISFP have a lot of friends? ›

People with this personality type are happy to get along with just about anyone, but potential friends need to ease up on being too judgmental or demanding. If their friends keep things supportive and easy-going, Adventurers are happy to return the favor with added warmth and laughter.

Can ISFP be loyal? ›

In relationships, the ISFP is loyal, patient, and easygoing. ISFPs are eager to help and quickly perceive the needs of their partners and families. They often show affection with simple, practical gestures that make their loved ones feel comfortable and well taken care of.

What is ISFP favorite color? ›

ISFP: Royal Purple, Deep Blue, White

Shades of purple and blue tend to pull you in, as they provide depth, creativity, and a sense of comfort. You're also drawn to white due to its association with being open and uninhibited.

Are ISFP left or right brain? ›

ISFP Brain Activity

ISFPs show extremely strong activity in the right and left temporal lobes.

What superhero is ISFP? ›

The ISFP – T'Challa/Black Panther

Like most ISFPs, T'Challa does whatever he can to live in accordance with his moral code. In decisions, he always considers what's right, what's ethical, and what aligns with his personal beliefs.

What is ISFP love language? ›

ISFP: Physical Touch

Gentle and sensitive, ISFPs are attuned to their loved ones' emotions and will feel a sharp sting when others disregard theirs.

Do ISFP get scared easily? ›

ISFPs can become distracted easily, but they are very in touch with the physical world around them. They usually don't startle all that easily, unless their minds are completely caught up in something else.

Are ISFP weak? ›

Potential Weaknesses

They can become mired in unpleasant situations, not easily able to see alternatives and unwilling to risk hurting the feelings of others by confronting conflict. ISFPs use their personal values to judge everything and often don't consider more objective criteria in making decisions.

Are ISFP good at math? ›

As an ISFP, I'm admittedly very good at math, which is important because I am an electrical engineer. However, I doubt that being an ISFP is an indication that a person is good at math. At a young age, I struggled with math, and even in high school, it wasn't my favorite subject and I only took 3 years of it.

Are ISFP fast learners? ›

ISFPs easily and quickly retain new material when it actively engages their feelings and emotions. Information retained this way remains in their memory for a long time, and such memory is generally stronger and more accurate than memory that requires deep reflection and understanding.

Are ISFP strong? ›

Yes, ISFPs have many unique strengths that make them a great personality type. They are relaxed and do not experience stress easily. This means they have lower burnout rates and even less risk for mental illnesses. They are passionate and emotionally connected to their work.

Do ISFP like small talk? ›

ISFPs will rarely initiate small talk with people, but they definitely are not against it. They are kind individuals, and often enjoy learning more about others. ISFPs prefer to separate the depth of their conversations based on how close they are to another individual.

Which MBTI is most like ISFP? ›

INFPs and ISFPs have many things in common. They are both highly attuned to their personal values and they are both individualistic and open-minded. They are also both introverts who need alone time and perceivers who prefer a flexible schedule.

Is INFP the rarest personality type? ›

INFP stands for introverted, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving. As such, this personality type often results in a quieter, more reserved person, with a significant emotional world but a "go-with-the-flow" kind of attitude. INFPs are among the rarest types, at around 1% of the population, according to Dario Nardi, Ph.

What MBTI is most similar to INFP? ›

INFP is the opposite personality type of ESTJ. Other similar personality types include INTP and ENFJ.

Can ISFP be smart? ›

For the ISFP there are so many things which they can excel in, and this is part of what makes them uniquely intelligent and equipped for different types of exploration. ISFPs are highly creative people with rich inner minds filled with imagination and unique ideas.

Are ISFP good with money? ›


These types have a flexible approach with money. They enjoy having a regular financial amount set aside in case of an emergency, but they also like the freedom to use it when fun opportunities pop up.

Are INFP females rare? ›

INFP is the ninth most common type in the population. They make up: 4% of the general population. 5% of women.

Are INFPs smart? ›

Although emotional, we're both rational and calculating.

But INFPs are smart. In certain situations, we can be incredibly rational and calculating, using our imagination and creativity to think two steps ahead of everyone else in order to achieve something we want.

Can INFPs be badass? ›

INFPs are low-key rebels, which makes them badass. They are not blatant rebels, but their free-spiritedness and bohemian way of living make them understatedly cool. In a world filled with negativity and strife, INFPs always try to see the beauty of the moment.

Are INFPs easily jealous? ›

Because of our passionate need for meaningful connection, we INFJs can get jealous easily when we see other people connecting and having fun. We might compare ourselves to them, or worse yet, when someone close to us has friends of their own, we might pull away, feeling unwanted and pathetic.

Who loves INFPs the most? ›

Although two well-developed individuals of any type can enjoy a healthy relationship, INFP's natural partner is the ENFJ, or the ESFJ. INFP's dominant function of Introverted Feeling is best matched with a partner whose dominant function is Extraverted Feeling.

Who is attracted to INFP female? ›

The three personality types that INFPs are attracted to are ENFJ, INFJ, and ESFJ. Since INFPs value creativity, willingness to help, and exploring the world together, they often choose partners with extroverted feeling (Fe) function.

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.