What is the cost of adoption from foster care? (2024)

What is the cost of adoption from foster care? (1)

“I cannot afford to adopt” is something we hear from families almost every day. But most adoptions from foster care are free.

Families who adopt from foster care usually adopt from a county, state, territory, or tribal public child welfare agency. Adopting a child from foster care is often funded by the state, and in most cases there are few or no fees. Parents may choose to hire a private agency to help them through this process. These families could incur out-of-pocket expenses, which they can typically recoup from federal or state programs after the adoption is finalized.

Other types of adoption usually do cost money. According to Child Welfare Information Gateway, working with a private agency to adopt a healthy newborn or baby or to adopt from another country can cost $5,000 to $40,000. Some agencies have a sliding scale based on the prospective adoptive parent’s income.

The cost of working with an attorney and not involving an agency may range from $8,000 to $40,000 and averages $10,000 to $15,000. Families who choose to work with an adoption attorney on these independent adoptions typically take an active role in identifying the child they hope to adopt or a birth mother.

Adoption assistance

Adoption assistance exists to remove the financial and other barriers that may prevent a family from adopting from foster care and ensure that a child’s special needs are met until she legally becomes an adult, between the ages of 18 and 21. Adoption assistance can include medical assistance and monthly maintenance payments.

Most children who are photolisted on our site are eligible for adoption assistance provided by the federal Title IV-E Adoption Assistance Program. It can take the form of a one-time payment, ongoing financial assistance, or both, in addition to Medicaid or other medical assistance. Read more about Title IV-E in Adoption Assistance for Children Adopted from Foster Care, a fact sheet from Child Welfare Information Gateway.

State adoption programs may provide financial assistance for children who are not covered by Title IV-E funds. Eligibility and amounts of assistance vary by state. Find information about financial assistance by state.

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What is the cost of adoption from foster care? (2024)


What is the cost of adoption from foster care? ›

The cost of working with an attorney and not involving an agency may range from $8,000 to $40,000 and averages $10,000 to $15,000. Families who choose to work with an adoption attorney on these independent adoptions typically take an active role in identifying the child they hope to adopt or a birth mother.

How much does adoption cost in the US? ›

The average cost of adopting a child in the United States is between $20,000 and $45,000, says the Child Welfare Information Gateway from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This price can cover legal fees, home studies, travel and lodging, court fees, and medical and living expenses for the birth parent.

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The most affordable way to adopt a child is to do so through the foster care system, as sometimes it can be completely free with the subsidies available.

How much does it cost to adopt a child from foster care in Texas? ›

Cost of Adoption in Texas

The cost to adopt a child in Texas of can be anywhere from $5,000 to $40,000 on average. These numbers can vary greatly based on which adoption agency is used, whether the child is a U.S. citizen or comes from another country, whether you're adopting a foster child, and many other factors.

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What is the Cost of Adoption in Florida? Several factors influence the total cost of adoption in Florida. These include the agency you work with, the type of adoption you choose, the attorney who assists you and more. Because of this, the average cost of adoption is reported to range from $60,000 to $65,000.

Is adoption free in the US? ›

Adopting a child can cost anywhere from $0 to $50,000 or more, depending on the type of adoption. Both the U.S. federal government and the states have programs that can help defray the costs. Grants and loans are also available from some private foundations and organizations.

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While adoptive parents can receive an adoption subsidy or reimbursem*nt when adopting from foster care, it doesn't mean that they're getting a paycheck out of it. Any assistance they receive from the government or the state is non-taxable income intended to supplement the cost of a child's needs after adoption.

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Adoption is expensive because the process to legally adopt a baby requires the involvement of attorneys, social workers, physicians, government administrators, adoption specialists, counselors and more.

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International adoption

International adoptions often cost more than domestic adoption, since parents need to coordinate the added expense of travel, immigration, and documentation. The Children's Bureau estimates you'll spend between $20,000 and $50,000 when adopting a child from another country.

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You will get R1 180 per month per child.

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Payment Ceilings for Adoption Assistance

The payment ceiling (maximum) for monthly payments is based on the child's authorized service level at the beginning of the adoptive placement, as follows: $400 per month for Basic care. $545 per month for Moderate, Specialized, or Intense care.

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Foster-to-Adopt: Adopting through the foster care system can generally be accomplished for under $2600, and often entirely for free, as these adoptions are through the public child welfare system.

Is it free to adopt a child in Florida? ›

If you adopt a child from one of Florida's 20 community-based care agencies, then you will not be charged for the adoption or receive fees related to the placement, home visit or pre-adoptive training. You may still face non-recurring expenses such as legal fees or the birth certificate fee.

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The adoption process for Adoptive Parents is tough because adoption agencies, professionals, states and countries want to ensure that the child is going to a safe place. The child's safety and wellbeing are of the utmost importance, making the extra requirements incredibly necessary.

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The Pros of Adoption

Second, the adoption process can be less expensive than pregnancy and childbirth. This is because you are not incurring the medical costs associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Additionally, there is less of a time commitment than pregnancy and childbirth.

How much does it cost to adopt someone over 18 in US? ›

While the cost of adopting someone over 18 can vary widely, ranging from $100 to $2,000, it's crucial to be prepared for all potential expenses, including attorney fees, filing fees, and paperwork costs.

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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