What is Collect and ClearCollect in PowerApps (2024)

The Collect function adds records to a data source. The items to be added can be:

A single value: The value is placed in the Value field of a new record. All other properties are left blank.
A record: Each named property is placed in the corresponding property of a new record. All other properties are left blank.
A table: Each record of the table is added as a separate record of the data source as described above. The table isn’t added as a nested table to a record. To do this, wrap the table in a record first.

The ClearCollect function deletes all the records from a collection. And then adds a different set of records to the same collection. With a single function, ClearCollect offers the combination of Clear and then Collect.

ClearCollect returns the modified collection as a table. ClearCollect can only be used in a behavior formula.

I hope this helps you!


What is Collect and ClearCollect in PowerApps (2024)
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