LinkedIn (2024)


LinkedIn offers standard job posting services for employers to connect with and recruit talented professionals faster. Equipped with job ad customization tools and sponsored posts to increase visibility, LinkedIn serves as a valuable resource for employers looking to easily access a global network of candidates.

For local businesses looking to simply network with competitors or recruit new talent, LinkedIn's communication channels help ease the process, and its sponsored posts include robust hiring features, such as access to potential candidates' profiles and employer branding capabilities.


  • LinkedIn offers a Basic option that includes free job postings and access to ad management tools.
  • Employers can tailor their target markets and categorize them by location, industry, and/or job function.
  • The platform allows employers to manage and track job ads' performance, metrics, and applicant data.
  • LinkedIn provides access to active and passive job seekers by allowing employers to view candidates' profiles.
  • Employers can create customized job ads that highlight the key aspects of their job opening and company.
  • The platform offers candidate messaging and tracking features to simplify the recruitment process.
  • To enhance brand visibility, sponsored posts can include company logos and branding elements.
  • Employers can share job ads on their social media networks to boost exposure.
  • There is a dedicated U.K. site available and pricing is available in pounds sterling.
  • Thanks to its various integrations and partnerships, job ads are distributed to a network of job posting sites.


  • The free job posting option is only active for 21 days.
  • LinkedIn does not offer access to a traditional resume database. Instead, employers can only view candidate profiles.
  • Job ads have strong competition from Indeed, which advertises vacancies across the world.


LinkedIn has a mixed reputation online, with many reviewers highlighting the benefits and disadvantages of its job posting services. On Trustpilot, LinkedIn received a 1.5-star rating based on more than 1,300 reviews. Customer reviews that centered around job postings praised its customization abilities and targeted hiring.

Many of the negative reviews cited cost as an issue. Users frequently mentioned that promoted job postings worked out more costly than expected. This was reiterated on GetApp, where customers continued to label the service as "expensive." However, the platform still managed to receive 4.6 out of 5 stars based on over 1,400 reviews.

LinkedIn Plans:

1. LinkedIn Jobs.

With LinkedIn Jobs employers can post a job on their LinkedIn page for free. Free job postings are listed for 21 days and appear in search results. Employers can also filter and manage a limited number of applicants for free.

Employers who want to reach more candidates can choose to promote their job by setting a budget. Once a budget is set, employers are charged on a pay-per-click basis per role advertised. Promoted jobs appear in job recommendations and appear at the top of search results with a promoted tag.

Promoted jobs stay active until employers close them, and are sent as mobile notifications to job seekers. Unlike free job posts, promoted posts notify employers when an applicant applies and there are no restrictions to the number of applicants.

2. LinkedIn Recruiter.

LinkedIn Recruiter is LinkedIn's most advanced tool for sourcing and hiring candidates. Aimed at companies and talent acquisition teams hiring more than five people per year, LinkedIn Recruiter offers unlimited job postings and access to the LinkedIn network with advanced search filters and automatic recommendations.

Employers can message candidates directly with up to 150 InMails per seat per month. The plan includes advanced applicant management tools, hiring analytics, and integrations with applicant tracking systems (ATSs).

LinkedIn Recruiter's pricing is dynamic and changes according to the size of the company and the number of seats required.

3. LinkedIn Recruiter Lite.

LinkedIn Recruiter Lite is a scaled-down version of Recruiter for companies hiring less than five people per year. Recruiter Lite provides access to third-degree profile connections and limits InMails to 30 per seat per month. It also offers fewer search parameters.

Employers still benefit from advanced job postings, recommended matches, and job performance reporting. However, the plan lacks advanced tools such as pipeline analytics and ATS integration. As with LinkedIn Recruiter, the Lite plan is priced according to the size of the company and number of seats required.

4. LinkedIn Career Pages.

A Linkedin Career Page is an advanced employer profile page specifically geared toward hiring. It provides more real estate than regular profile pages with advanced options for employer branding including videos, employee perspectives, and images.

Career Pages include a dedicated tab for jobs where visitors are only shown job recommendations based on their preferences. Companies can personalize job recommendations and other messaging based on member industry, position, and more. Pricing for Career Pages is available on request.

5. LinkedIn Talent Insights.

LinkedIn Talent Insights is an intelligence platform that provides employers with access to real-time LinkedIn data from over 20 million job posts, 58 million company profiles, and 850 million member profiles. Talent Insights is designed to boost hiring efficiency by helping companies understand their current and future talent needs.

The platform can be used to shape a company's workforce strategy by understanding where candidates are based and the skills they possess. It also provides insights into how a company measures up against competitors. The cost of LinkedIn Talent Insights varies depending on the size of the company as well as the data and insights required.

6. LinkedIn Landing Pages.

Previously known as Pipeline Builder, LinkedIn Landing Pages is a platform where businesses can generate and manage leads for current and future hiring needs. A Landing Page is a personalized, media-rich LinkedIn page that allows users to showcase open roles and provide more information about the company.

Landing Pages integrate with other LinkedIn hiring tools, including LinkedIn Recruiter, where interested candidates can connect with the hiring team. Pricing for Landing Pages is provided upon request.

7. LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect.

Recruiter System Connect is a service offered to companies that have an existing ATS but want the recruiting power of LinkedIn. While basic ATS integration is free through LinkedIn, the platform offers additional ATS packages for candidate sourcing, applications, and reporting.

The Sourcing package provides access to LinkedIn profiles, where companies can find candidates and message them directly. With the Apply package, candidates can apply for jobs directly through the ATS and provide their personal information.

The Reporting package provides an overview of hiring statistics. It allows companies to view performance and conversion rates across the hiring funnel. Pricing for each plan is available on request.

8. LinkedIn Talent Hub.

LinkedIn Talent Hub is LinkedIn's online ATS for sourcing, managing, and hiring candidates. The Talent Hub ATS is an all-in-one system where employers can post jobs, manage and track applicants, and see a full view of the talent pool.

As with Recruiter, Talent Hub provides tailored candidate search results and access to the recruitment workflow. The platform also provides team collaboration and interview-scheduling software. Pricing for Talent Hub is available on request.

How to Post a Job on LinkedIn:

  1. Navigate to the LinkedIn home page.
  2. Sign in or create a new account.
  3. From your account dashboard, click on "Post a Job" on the top right of the page.
  4. Enter the job title, location, and job type. Then click "Get started for free."
  5. Add a job description, then click "Next."
  6. Select the screening questions you would like, then click "Next."
  7. Click on "Post without promoting" to post your job for free, or enter your payment information and click on "Promote job" to increase the visibility of your post.
LinkedIn (2024)
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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.