Is It Safe to Eat Eggplant That's Brown Inside? (2024)

You've got a whole eggplant on your cutting board and a knife in your hand. You slice through and see it — slightly shaded areas throughout your eggplant's flesh. Or maybe you lift an eggplant off the counter and find a bruise.

The brown patches that develop in eggplant aren't exactly appetizing, but are they safe to eat? And do they alter the remaining fruit's taste? Read on to find out what makes eggplant turn brown, how to prevent brown spots on eggplant, and whether eggplants with brown spots are safe to eat.

Why Do Eggplants Turn Brown?

Eggplants can have brown spots for two reasons: It's either the result of a process called enzymatic browning, or it's going bad. Enzymatic browning will only alter your eggplant's appearance, while a rotting eggplant will show additional indicators of spoilage.

What Is Enzymatic Browning?

Enzymatic browning is a process that occurs when certain fruits are exposed to air. The example you're most likely to know is apples turning brown once they're sliced.

An eggplant's flesh will start turning brown once it's exposed to oxygen, both before and after it's ripened. If an eggplant experiences trauma, such as an extreme temperature drop or physical injury, the fruit may undergo oxidation in certain areas, too.

It's a perfectly normal process, and foods that have reacted to oxygen in this manner are safe to eat. However, you can prevent enzymatic browning by adding an acid, such as lemon juice, to the exposed area.

Signs of Spoilage

Eggplant that is rotting or spoiling will produce obvious signs, in addition to browning and discoloration. These signs include:

  • oozing bruises
  • softness
  • slimy texture
  • funky, strong odor
  • mold
  • possibly bugs

If your eggplant is showing any signs of spoilage, toss it. Not only will the eggplant taste bad, it could make you sick.

Is Brown Eggplant Safe to Eat?

If an eggplant has brown spots or dark shading but shows no other signs of spoiling, such as softness, slime, or odor, then it's safe to eat. It's likely just been exposed to air and is experiencing enzymatic browning.

An eggplant with brown spots is not safe to eat if it contains bugs or mold or exhibits other signs of spoilage. It should be thrown out.

How to Prevent Brown Spots in Eggplant

There are several ways to prevent brown spots in eggplant, whether they result from enzymatic browning or decomposing.

Examine an eggplant carefully at the store before choosing one. Choose an eggplant that is firm and shiny and shows no signs of trauma, such as cuts, breaks, or bruises. Don't bag your eggplant with any items that could bruise or injure the fruit.

Additionally, you can delay enzymatic browning and rotting by keeping your eggplant properly stored in a safe environment.

  • At home — Keep your eggplant on the counter or in a cool, dark place, away from fruits that produce ethylene gas. If you do store it at room temperature, keep it isolated and use within two days. Don't force your eggplant into a crisper drawer because you may break it and expose it to oxygen. You can also store eggplants in the fridge, but they don't like the cold temps, so you might see more browning inside.
  • While you're cooking — After chopping or peeling your eggplant, cover it in lemon juice or store it in a mixture of cool water and lemon juice to prevent enzymatic browning.


Is It Safe to Eat Eggplant That's Brown Inside? (2024)


Is It Safe to Eat Eggplant That's Brown Inside? ›

Answer. Eggplant flesh will have tan to brown colored spots around the seeds. If this is the color you are referring to, it is edible. If the flesh is more brown than white, the eggplant may be spoiling and should be discarded.

Is eggplant still good if brown inside? ›

Is Brown Eggplant Safe to Eat? If an eggplant has brown spots or dark shading but shows no other signs of spoiling, such as softness, slime, or odor, then it's safe to eat. It's likely just been exposed to air and is experiencing enzymatic browning.

When should you throw out eggplant? ›

Eggplant that is going bad may have dull skin or soft spots and a soft texture. The interior may be completely brown and slimy or may have an unpleasant odor. If your eggplant shows any of these signs, discard it.

How do you know if an eggplant is good to eat? ›

You want a little firmness to your eggplant. It should be slightly firm but not hard. If you push on it with your finger and the veggie feels very soft, or you're able to puncture the skin, it's too far gone. A perfectly ripe eggplant will not have as much give when touched as a ripe tomato or peach.

Can you eat the middle of an eggplant? ›

The middle of an eggplant has a soft, pulpy core that holds its seeds. You don't have to remove the seeds to eat an eggplant, but they do sometimes have a bitter flavor that you might like to get rid of before cooking the eggplant. You can also harvest and save the seeds to grow your very own eggplant.

How to tell if eggplant is bad inside? ›

Brown-spotted and slimy interiorIf you've already bought the eggplant, slice into the flesh and take a look at the color. Is it white throughout, or does it look brown? Tap the surface of the inner eggplant with your finger, too—if it's discolored and slimy, the eggplant definitely needs to be thrown out.

Why is my eggplant brown instead of purple? ›

Brown color usually means over maturity with purple-skinned eggplants. Another indication is when you cut into the fruit and see the seed are hard and dark tan in color, they have been on the plant too long for highest flavor.

Should you refrigerate eggplant? ›

Eggplants do not store well for long periods of time. Without refrigeration, eggplants can be stored in a cool, dry place for 1 or 2 days. If you don't intend to eat the eggplant within 2 days, it should be refrigerated.

Should you store eggplant in the fridge or counter? ›

The best place to store eggplant is not in the refrigerator, but at room temperature, where it's likely to last longer. Store eggplant in a cool spot, away from direct sunlight, and use it as soon as possible after harvesting or buying.

Are black seeds in an eggplant bad? ›

If you notice black seeds inside the eggplant when you cut it open, throw it away; it has been sitting around too long and will be bitter. Eggplant are naturally sweet when fresh, and do not need to be salted for a long time to remove bitterness.

What does overripe eggplant taste like? ›

Overripe eggplants tend to develop a bitter taste and a spongy texture. The bitterness comes from the accumulation of solanine, a natural toxin found in nightshade vegetables, including eggplants.

What are the symptoms of soft rot in eggplant? ›

Typical symptoms of the soft rot on eggplant fruit started with water-soaking and dark-green lesions. After infection the diseased tissues were rotten rapidly under favorable environmental conditions (Fig. 1A). The pathogen penetrated mainly through wounds on the fruit and rotted rapidly.

What does under ripe eggplant look like? ›

Perfectly ripe eggplant will have glossy, smooth flesh that will slightly indent when you press it with a finger, but the indentation will vanish quickly. Underripe eggplant will see no indentation when you press, and overripe will have an indentation that stays put.

How to tell if eggplant is cooked? ›

When it's cooked, “it should turn fully tender, all the flesh should be somewhat custardy. If you have to, hammer it a bit, knock it around, let it start to collapse.” When you're roasting eggplant, like in YuChen's recipe, “make sure you give them enough space so they can cook evenly,” she says.

Do you remove the seeds from eggplant? ›

Can You Eat Eggplant Seeds? Yes, eggplant seeds are edible but they can be bitter. The seeds of a fresh eggplant should be soft and barely visible and if they are, there's no need to remove them. If seeds are brown, scoop them out with a spoon to reduce the bitterness in your recipe.

Do you eat eggplant skin? ›

The skin is edible, so you can leave it on when preparing eggplant. Cut off the stem and then cut into your desired shape—slices and cubes are popular options. Cut off and discard any parts that are turning brown.

Does eggplant turn brown when you cook it? ›

Eggplant is one of the most popular vegetables of all cuisines, but cooked eggplant would turn brown. Though the taste of cooked eggplant won't be affected, the brown eggplant doesn't look nice in terms of presentation.

Why is my eggplant brown on the bottom? ›

If that eggplant was once purple or white (Japanese) and now it's brown then yes, the eggplant is going bad. It may have also experienced rough handling and is bruised. If you want to know if it is still viable as long as it isn't oozing juice or showing mold, cut into the eggplant.

How long does eggplant last in the fridge? ›

If you don't intend to eat the eggplant within 2 days, it should be refrigerated. To refrigerate, wrap in a paper towel and place in a reusable container or perforated plastic bag in the crisper section of your refrigerator for use within 5 - 7 days.

How do you keep raw eggplant from turning brown? ›

Does eggplant go brown after cutting? Yes, in the same way that an apple does: the interior will oxidize fairly quickly once the eggplant (or apple) has been cut. You can brush lemon juice over the cut surface and that will prevent browning (or toss the cut pieces with lemon juice).

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