How to Increase Ecommerce Sales: 11 Effective Strategies (2023) - Shopify (2024)

If you want to boost your business revenue, you have three options: You can reduce costs, raise prices, or increase sales. The first two options are finite—you can only reduce costs so far without sacrificing operations, and raising prices too much will drive away customers.

Increasing sales volume is where ecommerce businesses can find the most growth potential. Theoretically, there’s no limit to how much you can increase sales—you’ll just need to build your internal capacity to meet demand. Boosting your ecommerce sales can result in more money in your pocket and a more stable long-term outlook for your company. Learn about some tactics to help you get there.

What are the key factors that influence ecommerce sales?

Market trends, competitor activities, marketing efforts, and seasonal buying patterns can all lead to fluctuations in online sales. Despite this, the main drivers of ecommerce sales are simple: Sales depend on how many people visit your online store, what percentage become customers, and how much each customer spends on your products or services.

Improving performance in any one of these categories can help ecommerce store owners boost sales:

Ecommerce store traffic

Site traffic refers to the number of visits to your online store. In general, increased traffic to your website means more potential customers and increased website sales.

Conversion rate

Your ecommerce conversion rate is the percentage of visitors to your online store who make a purchase. Boosting your conversion rate can help you increase sales—even if you don’t increase your number of website visitors.

Average lifetime value of a customer

Customer lifetime value (CLV) is the total amount of money you earn over the course of a customer’s relationship with your business. It depends on the value of each sale, purchase frequency, and customer retention rate. Improving customer retention, increasing repeat purchases, or growing the average value of each sale can increase customer value.

How to increase ecommerce sales

  1. Improve your sales funnel
  2. Launch a paid ad campaign
  3. Partner with an influencer
  4. Use social media marketing
  5. Enable in-app shopping
  6. Start an email marketing campaign
  7. Improve your ecommerce site’s user experience
  8. Reduce cart abandonment
  9. Provide purchase incentives
  10. Start a loyalty program
  11. Provide excellent customer service

The best strategy to increase ecommerce sales depends on your business model, marketing budget, and the strengths and weaknesses of your sales funnel. These ideas can help you increase traffic to your online store, boost conversions, and increase customer retention and loyalty:

1. Improve your sales funnel

You can optimize your efforts by using ecommerce site metrics to identify weaknesses in your sales funnel. For example, if you have a high conversion rate but relatively few website visitors, you might focus on top-of-funnel marketing strategies like social media campaigns and paid advertisem*nts. If you have plenty of site traffic but a low conversion rate, you might focus on improving the online shopping experience for website visitors.

2. Launch a paid ad campaign

Running paid ads can help you quickly increase traffic to your online store. Paid ad campaigns can include traditional formats (like outdoor advertising on billboards, print ads in physical or online magazines and newspapers, and TV and radio commercials) and digital advertising (like social media, display, and search engine ads).

Digital advertising can be an effective strategy for ecommerce businesses. It can reach a large and geographically dispersed audience and allow businesses to target potential customers based on demographic factors, interests, and browsing behaviors. Digital ads also allow potential customers to click through directly to your ecommerce site, making it easy for you to attribute sales to individual ads.

3. Partner with an influencer

Influencer marketing involves partnering with one or more creators to build brand awareness and boost sales. It can be helpful for increasing reach and establishing credibility with prospective customers in niche audience segments.

Influencer marketing partnerships can take many forms. Unpaid gift programs are where brands send free products to creators in hopes of earning coverage, while long-term brand ambassadorships involve establishing long-term partnerships with creators.

Distributing coupon codes is one particularly effective way to use influencer marketing to boost sales. Find influencers popular with your target customers and compensate them for sharing discount codes with their followers.

4. Use social media marketing

If one of your objectives is to increase traffic to your ecommerce store, you can use social media marketing to increase brand awareness, educate audiences about your products, increase followers, and encourage customers to click-through to your site. Social media marketing can also help you improve customer retention and encourage repeat purchases by providing them with long-term value.

To maximize your return, select social media platforms where your target customers are active. Use a social media management tool to help you create and schedule quality content, interact with audiences, and track your performance.

5. Enable in-app shopping

In-app shopping can decrease the barrier to purchase by allowing mobile shoppers to purchase an item advertised on a social media platform without leaving the social app. If you advertise on TikTok, Instagram, or Facebook you can also increase online sales by taking advantage of these platforms’ in-app shopping functions.

6. Start an email marketing campaign

Like social media marketing, email marketing can increase brand awareness, encourage click-throughs to your ecommerce site, and generate sales. It can also increase customer retention and encourage repeat customers. For example, you can distribute an email newsletter to provide entertainment or educational value to customers, increasing loyalty, and keeping your brand top of mind. You can also use promotional emails to announce new products, advertise sales or other events.

7. Improve your ecommerce site’s user experience

Effective ecommerce websites are beautiful, functional, and persuasive. Audit yours, paying special attention to the following elements:

Design and branding

Does your online store design accurately represent your brand? Is it easy for customers to find what they are looking for? Do you have an eye-catching homepage that entices customers to explore your site?

Product pages

Do product pages feature high-quality product images? Are product descriptions up-to-date, and do they contain the information customers need to decide on a purchase? Are customer reviews displayed clearly? Are they positive or negative?

Checkout process

Is your checkout process simple and intuitive? Do you accept multiple forms of payment and offer customer support during the checkout process?

Mobile display

Is your ecommerce site optimized for display on mobile devices? Are key functions like checkout and customer support resources mobile-friendly?

Using an ecommerce platform like Shopify can help you optimize these elements of your online store to encourage conversions.

8. Reduce cart abandonment

The average cart abandonment rate is around 70%. That means that for every three customers who complete a purchase from your online store, seven drop off during the shopping or checkout process. Reminder emails and retargeting ads can help you reduce your rates of cart abandonment. Checkout best practices—such as offering support and accepting multiple forms of payment—can also help.

9. Provide purchase incentives

Offering purchase incentives can also help you boost ecommerce sales, particularly if customers are exiting the sales funnel during checkout. You might offer a discount on a customer’s first purchase in exchange for signing up for marketing emails. Offer discounts on all orders that exceed a certain dollar value. You can also offer free shipping, free returns, or a money-back guarantee to reduce the resistance to completing a purchase.

10. Start a loyalty program

A loyalty program is a customer engagement strategy that recognizes and rewards a business’s most loyal customers. Businesses also use them to incentivize certain behaviors, such as making a purchase or referring a new customer. Loyalty programs can help businesses grow ecommerce sales by improving customer retention rates, motivating repeat purchases, and increasing average order value.

11. Provide excellent customer service

More than 70% of shoppers say they’re willing to spend more money when a business provides good customer service, which means doing so can help you increase sales with your existing customer base. It can also improve customer retention and increase your average order value. Best practices include offering support on multiple channels, enabling self-service systems, and using customer feedback to evaluate your performance.

Reach customers everywhere they are with Shopify

Shopify comes with powerful tools that help you promote and sell products on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Google, and YouTube from one back office. Make sales on multiple channels and manage everything from Shopify.

Explore Shopify’s sales channels

How to increase ecommerce sales FAQ

How do I attract people to my ecommerce site?

These digital marketing channels can help you increase traffic to your online store:

  • Social media
  • Email newsletters
  • Search engines
  • Paid advertising
  • Influencer marketing

What are some mistakes to avoid when trying to increase ecommerce sales?

Avoid the following ecommerce sales mistakes:

  • Providing a complex, difficult-to-navigate online shopping experience
  • Underutilizing diverse marketing channels
  • Failing to track results

Is data analysis essential for improving ecommerce sales performance?

Yes. You can use ecommerce data to understand your current performance, identify areas for improvement, and gauge the effectiveness of marketing and sales tactics.

How to Increase Ecommerce Sales: 11 Effective Strategies (2023) - Shopify (2024)


How to Increase Ecommerce Sales: 11 Effective Strategies (2023) - Shopify? ›

The global ecommerce market is expected to total $6.3 trillion in 2023 and account for 21.2% of total retail sales.

How to increase e-commerce sales in 2023? ›

10 Ways To Increase Your eCommerce Online Store Sales in 2023
  1. Adopt Dynamic Pricing Strategies. ...
  2. Cultivate a Robust Email List. ...
  3. Tailor Campaigns for Social Platforms. ...
  4. Infuse Urgency through Scarcity. ...
  5. Reinforce Trust with a Money-Back Guarantee on eCommerce Sales. ...
  6. Leverage Social Proof.

How can I increase my sales on Shopify? ›

How To Increase Sales on Shopify: 8 Ways
  1. Connect to an Email Marketing Platform. ...
  2. Focus on Customer Retention. ...
  3. Use a Cross-Selling Strategy. ...
  4. Use Ecommerce SEO. ...
  5. Write the Best Product Descriptions. ...
  6. Use a Coupon Marketing Strategy. ...
  7. Sell on Multiple Platforms. ...
  8. Always Offer an Upsale.

How to increase revenue in ecommerce? ›

The Top 5 Ways To Increase Your E-Commerce Sales Revenue
  1. Increasing Traffic To Your E-Commerce Store. ...
  2. How to Increase Traffic To Your E-Commerce Store. ...
  3. Improving Your Website For Potential Buyers.
  4. Creating Compelling Product Pages. ...
  5. Offering Product Samples. ...
  6. Creating a Positive User Experience. ...
  7. Shipping and Returns.

How to create an ecommerce strategy? ›

Ecommerce strategy planning consists of six steps:
  1. Get to know your ideal buyer.
  2. List marketing channels and customer touchpoints.
  3. Define your goals and objectives.
  4. Get to know your competitors.
  5. Develop your unique value proposition.
  6. Map out the system and tools you need.
Jul 18, 2023

What is the future of ecommerce 2023 Shopify? ›

The global ecommerce market is expected to total $6.3 trillion in 2023 and account for 21.2% of total retail sales.

How to increase ecommerce sales in 2024? ›

Top 10 E-Commerce Sales Tactics for 2024
  1. Master the art of personalization.
  2. Leverage AI and machine learning.
  3. Optimize product listings.
  4. Harness the power of influencer marketing.
  5. Increase average order value.
  6. Expand globally.
  7. Deliver exceptional support.
  8. Find your augmented reality (AR) use cases.
Apr 4, 2024

Why is no one buying from my Shopify? ›

There could be several reasons why your Shopify store is not generating sales. It could be due to a lack of marketing efforts, poor website design, or unappealing product offerings.

How to grow your Shopify business? ›

Here are 10 ways to get noticed and keep your brand relevant.
  1. Sell a range of different products. ...
  2. Try print on demand (you won't look back) ...
  3. Market your merchandise using Facebook. ...
  4. Be old fashioned (use email marketing) ...
  5. Optimize your store for people buying on-the-go. ...
  6. Keep your regulars happy.
Mar 18, 2020

What is the most profitable ecommerce products? ›

Table of Contents
  • Online Specialty Food Ordering.
  • Dessert Boxes Store.
  • Brand-Name Fashion Reselling.
  • Sell Plants Online.
  • Sell Collectibles Online.
  • Make Natural Cosmetic Products for Selling.
  • Home Decor.
  • Ideology-Based Products.
Feb 4, 2024

How can I improve my ecommerce marketing? ›

21 ecommerce marketing ideas to increase online sales
  1. Invest in SEO.
  2. Run an influencer marketing campaign.
  3. Sell on marketplaces.
  4. Create a TikTok marketing strategy.
  5. Run PPC campaigns.
  6. Upsell your products.
  7. Integrate Instagram.
  8. Reduce abandoned carts.
Apr 14, 2022

What is a good profit for ecommerce? ›

According to Shopify, a 5% net profit margin is considered low, while 10% is considered average and 20% is high.

What are the 4 C's of eCommerce? ›

Among these principles are the Four C's of e-commerce: Convenience, Choice, Customization, and Communication.

What is a good eCommerce strategy? ›

A holistic ecommerce strategy starts at product development. From the start, products should be built with functionality that understands customer needs and works to fill them. Product development should be thoughtful, data-driven and consider all factors of a product's lifecycle.

What are eCommerce strategies? ›

An ecommerce marketing strategy is the tactics you plan to use to promote your online store and get more sales. The strategy is a long-term idea of where your ecommerce business is going. It's based on your knowledge of the market, trends, consumer research, brand values, and product.

Will ecommerce continue to grow in 2023? ›

Total e-commerce sales for 2023 were estimated at $1,118.7 billion, an increase of 7.6 percent (±1.2%) from 2022. Total retail sales in 2023 increased 2.1 percent (±0.4%) from 2022. E-commerce sales in 2023 accounted for 15.4 percent of total sales.

What is the e-commerce outlook for 2023? ›

Ecommerce businesses have a lot of potential and a 265% growth rate, from $1.5 trillion in 2015 to $5.9 trillion in 2023. This shows a future of a steady upward trend with no signs of decline. But, what's even more interesting is that global e-commerce sales have been steadily eating up the worldwide retail market.

What is the ecommerce projection for 2023? ›

KEY STAT: Worldwide ecommerce sales growth will accelerate this year and next, after an all-time low of 6.5% growth in 2022. Next year, sales will cross the $6 trillion mark, half of which will come from China.

Is ecommerce still worth it in 2023? ›

The global e-commerce market is expected to be worth $6.3 trillion this year—up from $5.8 trillion in 2023.

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.