How Many Sellers Are on Amazon? | Helium 10 (2024)

How Many Sellers Are on Amazon? | Helium 10 (1)

Helium 10

8 minute read

Published: January 14, 2022

Modified: December 18, 2023

Amazon is one of the largest seller platforms in the world, with 6.3 million total sellers and an incredible 1.5 million active sellers in 2021, according to Marketplace Pulse. This should come as no surprise since Amazon is the largest online retailer in most of the world.

How Many Sellers Are on Amazon? | Helium 10 (2)

Due to Amazon’s global reach and surging popularity, competition can be fierce for newer sellers who are unequipped for the market. However, with the right Amazon seller tools, savvy niche selection, and a unique product, there is no shortage of profit for aspiring solopreneurs. Find out more about how many sellers are on Amazon and why selling on Amazon vs. eBay is a smart idea if you want to succeed in the modern world of online retail.

  • History of Third-Party Sales on Amazon
  • Amazon Seller Statistics
  • Launching an Amazon Seller Business

History of Third-Party Sales on Amazon

If you’ve been shopping on Amazon for long enough, you might remember that it started out as a bookstore. Despite starting as a bookstore, Amazon quickly grew into a store that carried everything, from CDs and DVDs to TVs, iPods and more. However, it wasn’t until Amazon implemented its Marketplace feature that the website really took off and became a shopping staple in households across the country.

Third-party sales on Amazon began in 2000 when the company launched its Marketplace feature. Previously, Amazon controlled all listings on its website, which meant buyers were limited to whatever Amazon happened to have for sale.

By allowing third-party vendors to list products for sale on Amazon, the company ensured that customers could get anything they were looking for in one convenient place.

Today, independent sales from third-party sellers make up about 44% of Amazon’s total sales. With how many third-party, sellers on Amazon there are succeeding in today’s world, this number is constantly growing and adding to the already massive selection of products Amazon offers.

Amazon Seller Statistics

Looking at how many sellers on Amazon are currently active helps you get a clear understanding of just how large the Amazon Marketplace is today. While there are a total of 6.3 million Amazon sellers registered worldwide, about 1.5 million of those sellers are active today.

Most of the active sellers on Amazon are fairly successful, too. Almost half of all Amazon sellers earn somewhere between $1,000 and $2,500 per month, and many sellers earn a lot more than that! Keep in mind that while the popularity of Amazon makes it a great place to succeed as a seller, you also have to face a lot of competition if you want to be a successful Amazon seller.

How Many Active Amazon Sellers Are There?

  • 6.3 million Amazon sellers worldwide
  • Approximately 1.5 million sellers are active

Source: Marketplace Pulse

If you want to get a look at the future for Amazon, all you have to do is look at how many sellers on Amazon Marketplace joined during 2021. During the year 2021 alone, a total of 472,000 sellers have joined Amazon Marketplace, or about 1,824 new Amazon sellers each day. Keep in mind, that this year is not yet over, which means that Amazon is projected to add a total of 665,000 new sellers by the end of 2021.

A fast-growing base of sellers means Amazon is only growing in popularity. What does that mean for you? Sure you can market your products to a larger audience thanks to the growth of Amazon, but it’s also important to keep in mind that more sellers mean more competition! This is why it’s important to take advantage of the best Amazon seller resources to help you succeed.

How Many Amazon Sellers Joined in 2021?

  • 472,000 sellers have joined in 2021
  • This averages to about 1,824 new Amazon sellers every day
  • At this rate, Amazon is projected to have 665,000 new sellers by the end of the year.

Source: Marketplace Pulse

How Many Sellers Are on Amazon? | Helium 10 (3)

The Amazon seller numbers vary a bit when you start looking at different countries. When you look at how many sellers on Amazon US there are, you might be surprised to learn just how popular Amazon has become. In fact, there are 1.11 million active Amazon sellers in the US and only 1.5 million active Amazon sellers in the entire world!

When you look at some of the other numbers, it’s even more amazing. There are 95 million Amazon Prime members out of the total US population of 328.2 million. Of those 328.2 million people, nearly two-thirds of people in the US have purchased an item on Amazon at some point. This is precisely why Amazon can be so rewarding for sellers.

How Many Amazon Sellers Are in the US?

  • There are an estimated 1.11 million active Amazon sellers in the US.
  • 95 million Prime members in the US.
  • Nearly two-thirds of the US population have purchased something on Amazon.

Source: Statista, TechJury

While Amazon is most popular in the United States, you might be surprised to learn how many sellers on Amazon UK there are. According to data, the active Amazon sellers in the UK make up about 281,257 of the 1.5 million active sellers in the world. This is less than a third of the United States’ active seller base, but it’s still the second largest.

In fact, Amazon sales make up 5.5% of all the retail sales in the UK, so it’s a great place to target as an Amazon seller. Some of the most popular products in the UK are books, clothes, and pet supplies. If you’re planning on becoming an Amazon UK seller, make sure you keep in mind that trends and best-selling products vary quite a bit by country.

How Many Amazon Sellers Are in the UK?

  • The UK has an estimated 281,257 active sellers on Amazon.
  • Amazon makes up 5.5% of the UK’s total retail sales.
  • The most popular product categories in the UK include books, clothing, and pet supplies.

Source: Statista, eCommerce News Europe

Amazon brings in most of its customers from the United States, but there are several countries where being an Amazon seller is a great opportunity since so many people shop with Amazon. As we mentioned before, the United States and the United Kingdom are regions where Amazon is most popular, as these active sellers make up the majority of the group. However, Amazon is also popular in other European countries and even has a foothold in parts of Asia.

Right behind the US and UK are Germany, Italy, and France, combining for more than 600,000 total active sellers. India is next with 205,884 sellers, and Canada and Mexico also combine for more than 200,000 active sellers. Once you get to countries like UAE, Turkey, and Singapore, there are other online retailers that compete with Amazon.

Keep in mind that it may be best to become an Amazon seller in a country where there are fewer sellers. The more people are selling products, the more listings you have to compete with. Countries like Mexico and Australia are great places to get started as an Amazon seller if you want to minimize competition.

Active Amazon Sellers By Country:

  • United States: 1.11 million
  • United Kingdom: 281,257
  • Germany: 244,425
  • Italy: 216,610
  • France: 211,859
  • India: 205,884
  • Spain: 203,413
  • Japan: 173,483
  • Canada: 163,595
  • Mexico: 51,087
  • Australia: 24,227
  • UAE: 20,842
  • Brazil: 15,605
  • Turkey: 5,987
  • Singapore: 1,721

Source: Statista

How Many Sellers Are on Amazon? | Helium 10 (4)

Launching an Amazon Seller Business

If you want to start your own Amazon business, the first thing you’ll need to do is sign up for a seller account. Once you’re registered, you can choose the plan that best fits your needs and start listing products for sale.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when you start selling:

  • Choose a product people want, but know when to stay away from oversaturated markets
  • Set fair prices – always keep an eye on your profit margin!
  • Market your products using Amazon PPC strategies
  • Get help when you need it!

The truth is, succeeding as an Amazon seller isn’t always easy. Fortunately, Helium 10 can help you grow as an Amazon seller and increase profits. We’ve got the tools and resources to help you succeed on Amazon, plus we’ve got a built-in community that can offer great advice. If you need help getting started as an Amazon seller, visit Helium 10 to learn more today.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many Amazon sellers are millionaires?

It is estimated that over 60,000 sellers sell over $1 million a year.

How many Amazon sellers use Amazon FBA?

It is estimated that over 90% of Amazon sellers use Amazon FBA. Some of those who use Amazon FBA also use FBM.

What is the best Amazon Marketplace to sell on?

This can vary depending on where you are located in the world, but Amazon USA is widely considered the best as it was the first and is the most popular marketplace in terms of traffic.

How Many Sellers Are on Amazon? | Helium 10 (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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