Fastly-generated 503 errors in VCL | Fastly Documentation (2024)

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If a fatal error occurs in your service while processing your VCL logic, Fastly will generate an error response with a 503 HTTP status, instead of using a response from an upstream server or cache, and unless intercepted by code running in vcl_error, this generated error may be served to the end user.

Error states can be triggered at any point in the VCL request lifecycle and will immediately terminate processing of the current subroutine and invoke vcl_error with a synthetic obj variable that contains information about the error. The value of obj.status is always 503 and obj.response is set to a descriptive name for the error. You can therefore intercept Fastly-generated errors by writing custom VCL in the vcl_error subroutine:

sub vcl_error { ... }

Fastly VCL

if (obj.status == 503 && obj.response == "backend read error") { ... }

Possible errors

The following table itemizes the possible errors that may be generated by Fastly during VCL execution, their causes and possible troubleshooting actions.

HINT: obj.response is case sensitive and capitalization is somewhat inconsistent between different errors. Starting from HTTP/2 the HTTP response "reason" text (obj.response) is no longer sent along with the response, so if a Fastly generated error response is delivered to the end user unmodified, it is typically not possible to know what the specific error was.

All backends failed or unhealthyA director typically used for load balancing is failing because either: a) all the backends are unhealthy; or b) no backend could provide a valid response (if the director uses a chash policy, the error is suffixed with the policy name, i.e. "All backends failed or unhealthy (chash)"). Try reviewing backend configuration, checking your origin server is accessible from Fastly, and ensuring that the server is working as expected.
Backend is unhealthyYour configured health check is reporting that the selected backend is down. Fastly will not send traffic to backends that are failing health checks. To provide alternative options when backends are down, consider using load balancing or redundancy and failover. If the origin server is in fact healthy, try checking health check settings.
backend read errorA timeout occurred when Fastly attempted to fetch content from your origin server over an established connection. It can also be due to a variety of transient network issues that might cause a read to fail (e.g., router failovers, packet loss) or an origin overload. Consider benchmarking backend response times to assess the origin server's expected performance, and if necessary increasing backend timeouts.
backend write errorA timeout occurred when Fastly attempted to write a request body to your origin server over an established connection (typically on POST requests). Typically troubleshooting follows the same steps as for backend read error.
Backend unavailable, connection timeoutSame as connection timed out.
Backend unavailable, connection failedSame as connection timed out.
Backend unavailable, socket(2) failedAn internal error on a Fastly cache node prevented a socket being allocated for the fetch.
Backend.max_conn reachedFastly attempted to make a request to a backend that has reached its maximum number of connections (by default, 200 per Fastly cache node). Consider increasing the concurrent connecton limit, or check whether the origin server is serving responses too slowly.
between bytes timeoutNo data was received from an origin server during a response for more than the allowed duration configured on the backend's between_bytes_timeout property. If that behavior is expected, consider increasing backend timeouts.
certificate has expiredA certificate installed at the origin has expired. To resolve this, renew your certificate or download a new one.
Certificate verification failedRare edge case triggered by a narrow range of expired certificate or domain mismatch errors.
client read errorA problem occurred between the end user and Fastly. This is often because the user aborts the request by navigating away from the page.
Connection refusedFastly attempted to make a connection to your origin and the server refused the connection. It typically appears when the wrong port is specified for the backend. Try reviewing backend configuration or checking your origin server is accessible from Fastly
connection timed outA timeout occurred while waiting to establish a TCP connection from Fastly to your origin, or while waiting for your origin to respond to a request. Consider increasing backend timeouts or enabling shielding using a location close to your origin.
first byte timeoutFastly established a connection to your origin, but the origin did not start sending the response within the time configured for the backend's first byte timeout, which defaults to 15 seconds. Consider increasing backend timeouts.
Generic SSL handshake errorSame as SSL handshake error
hostname doesn't match against certificateThe TLS certificate being served by your origin does not match the certificate hostname specified in your Fastly service's backend settings. The hostname specified in the ssl_cert_hostname property must match either the Common Name (CN) or a Subject Alternate Names (SANs) listed on the certificate. To resolve this error, reconfigure the backend within Fastly.
Illegal Vary header from backendA backend returned a malformed Vary header with its response. A well-formed Vary header specifies that the response can only be used with certain qualifying future requests. If the Vary header is malformed Fastly cannot use the response.
Maximum threads for service reachedThis error occurs when Fastly detects that a service has exceeded a safety limit on the number of concurrent requests. Typically this indicates that a service is experiencing an unusually high load, that an origin is slow, or that features like request collapsing are being intentionally avoided.
Missing ssl_hostname/ssl_cert_hostname to check againstCaused by misconfigurations in the TLS certificate, but rarely seen.
No healthy backendsA director (typically used for load balancing) is unable to make a backend request because there are no healthy backends available in its group.
No healthy IP available for the backendHealth checks or DNS resolution on the backend are failing. Check that the backend configuration on your Fastly service has the correct hostname or IP address, or review health check settings.
No stale object availableThis error occurs when you configure Fastly to serve stale objects in the event of a backend failure (or your VCL code invokes return (deliver_stale)) but there is no stale object or it has expired. Consider reviewing any stale-serving-related VCL code, checking health check settings, or bringing a failing origin server back online.
Quorum weight not reachedA director (typically used for load balancing) can't serve traffic based on its configuration because it does not have enough available backends in its group. Consider checking for and resolving any issues with your origin servers, or review the quorum setting.
Response object too largeThe object being fetched from origin is too big for your Fastly service. You can use the Segmented Caching feature to break such large objects down into smaller chunks.
Server did not provide certificateOrigin TLS certificate is not configured correctly. In most cases this will trigger SSL handshake error, and not this one.
SSL handshake errorTLS negotiation between Fastly and your origin failed. To fix this error, review and correct your host's TLS configurations.
unable to get local issuer certificateA certificate in the certificate chain is missing or invalid. To better determine which of these issues is the cause of the error, consider running an SSL test on your origin server hostname. You may then need to update certificate configuration.

IMPORTANT: This table describes errors generated during VCL processing, but Fastly may also generate error responses from our routing systems. Learn more.

Since VCL errors trigger vcl_error and run your VCL code, it is possible to intercept these and serve a custom error page instead of allowing the synthetic error to be seen by end users.

Memory overflows

During VCL execution, exceeding some limits will cause the VCL program to terminate immediately, without invoking vcl_error. In these cases a 503 error is always generated and emitted to the client, and cannot be modified by your service configuration. The most common types of overflows are:

  • Workspace exhaustion: VCL programs allocate memory greedily and free it when the request ends. Use workspace.bytes_free to understand how much workspace is available.
  • Header overflows: VCL programs may only define around 90 HTTP headers in total. The exact number available to your program depends on the number of headers used by Fastly during your request.

Troubleshooting options

This is a description of some of the most common and effective actions that can help resolve elevated rates of synthetic errors in your VCL service.

WARNING: Purging cache in response to unexplained elevated error rates may make things worse. Purges typically increase traffic to origin, which may exacerbate a problem rather than fixing it. Try to determine the cause of errors and be certain purging is the right solution.

Benchmark origin server response times

In situations where Fastly is emitting errors relating to backend connections, it's often useful to check backend response times independently. Many outside factors cause backends response times to vary. Run the following command to estimate response time for benchmarking purposes:

$ curl -s -w "%{time_total}\n" -o /dev/null

This can help you understand the typical performance characteristics of an origin server and decide on appropriate timeout settings - or reveal issues with an origin server's performance that you may need to debug outside of Fastly.

Increase origin timeouts

Timeouts apply to multiple stages of the request when Fastly makes requests to a backend, and these can be configured as properties of the backend in the API, UI or CLI. In the case of errors like backend read error, backend write error, connection timed out, or first byte timeout, first check the performance of the origin server. Our defaults are generous, and hitting these timeouts generally indicates a very poorly performing origin server. However, if you need to, adjust the timeouts in the backend configuration, notably the first_byte_timeout property (also available in the web interface).

Timeout typeDescriptionVCL variable
ConnectMaximum duration Fastly will wait for a connection to this backend to be established. If exceeded, the connection is aborted and a synthethic 503 response will be presented instead.bereq.connect_timeout
First byteMaximum duration Fastly will wait for the server response to begin after a TCP connection is established and the request has been sent. If exceeded, the connection is aborted and a synthethic 503 response will be presented instead.bereq.first_byte_timeout
Between bytesMaximum duration that Fastly will wait while receiving no data on a download from a backend. If exceeded, the response received so far will be considered complete and the fetch will end.bereq.between_bytes_timeout

Except for requests flagged for PASS, Fastly enforces a 60 second timeout on requests between one Fastly node and another, which cannot be changed. Therefore, if your request transits more than one Fastly server (usually as a result of shielding or clustering), the maximum connection and first byte timeouts are effectively 60 seconds on any requests that may produce a cacheable response.

If you want a timeout higher than 60s and do not need the response to be cached by Fastly, flag the request as PASS in vcl_recv:


If you do want to use the cache, but must have a maximum timeout higher than 60s, it's possible to disable clustering, but this will result in a significant degradation in cache performance because the response will be cached separately on each Fastly server.

If there are any external interfaces in front of the origin server, such as a load balancer or firewall, these may also apply their own timeouts.

Enable shielding

Enabling shielding may help resolve some backend related connection problems:

  • Shortening the distance needed to establish a connection, which may help avoid connection timeouts.
  • Reducing TCP handshakes resulting from using multiple POPs. This allows the origin to avoid slowdowns and to process only requests on a few connections from the shield POP, and may resolve issues resulting from holding open too many connections.
  • Improving cache hit ratio and request collapsing efficiency, which may significantly reduce overall traffic to origin.

Conversely, some issues can be created by enabling shielding, especially if you operate geographically distributed origin servers, so this option should be targeted to appropraite situations.

Review backend configuration

If your Fastly service is failing to connect to your origin server, some properties of the backend configuration are worth checking:

  • Port: Is your origin server listening on the port Fastly is configured to connect to?
  • Override host: Have you set the origin server's hostname into the "override host" property of the backend?

Ensure Fastly can reach the origin server

Fastly may not be able to connect to your origin server, even if it works from your local machine. Check that you do not have firewall rules that would prevent connections from Fastly's public IP ranges.

Check health check settings

Health checks will mark a backend as 'sick' if the conditions of the health check are not satisfied, which may happen even if the origin server appears to you to be working.

  • Check that the path configured in the health check exists on your origin server
  • Check that the health check traffic is not being blocked by origin firewall rules
  • Check that the health check conditions are reasonable. For example, if the health check's threshold is larger than its window, the check will never succeed.

Increase maximum concurrent origin connections

Fastly enforces a limit on the number of concurrent connections from a single Fastly edge node to a single origin host. In general, if you encounter this limit, first consider whether you could take action to reduce the number of connections required:

  • Consider making your responses more cacheable, allowing Fastly to respond to more requests without forwarding them to an origin server.
  • Improve (ie. reduce) origin server response times, so that backend connections are used more efficiently.
  • Enable shielding, to reduce the overall number of requests that need to be forwarded to origin (thanks to improved cache hit ratio and more efficient request collapsing)

These actions should especially be considered if you encounter problems with less than 10,000 non-hit requests per second.

If you have determined that your origin is not the issue, increase the maximum connections limit to your origin or reach out to Fastly support for further help with this issue.

Update certificate configuration

For missing or invalid certicates, download and replace the missing or incorrect certicate. If both the intermediate and root certicates are correct, insert a valid Server Name Indication (SNI) hostname in the origin TLS options of your Fastly service.

Fastly-generated 503 errors in VCL | Fastly Documentation (2024)


What does Fastly error mean? ›

When errors happen during the processing of a request, Fastly may generate a synthetic HTTP response and these may be delivered to the end user, often with a 503 (service unavailable) status code.

What does an error occurred while processing your request 503? ›

The server MAY send a Retry-After header field to suggest an appropriate amount of time for the client to wait before retrying the request. When you encounter the 503 error, it means that the server in question is unavailable.

What is Fastly 503 backend read error? ›

This error occurs when Fastly detects that a service has exceeded a safety limit on the number of concurrent requests.

How do I fix server errors? ›

Refreshing the page, clearing browser cache, or trying again later can sometimes resolve the issue from the user's end. However, if the error persists, it typically requires intervention from the website's technical team to diagnose and fix the underlying problem.

What is the difference between 502 and 503? ›

It indicates that the server failed to fulfill a valid request. Examples include 500 (Internal Server Error), 502 (Bad Gateway), and 503 (Service Unavailable).

What is error 503 all backends failed or unhealthy? ›

Causes. The HTTP status code 503 means that the server is currently unable to handle the incoming requests. Usually, this error occurs because the server is too busy or is temporarily down for maintenance. The backend server is overloaded or beyond its capacity and cannot handle any new incoming client requests.

What is error 503 unable to get local issuer certificate? ›

If you received a 503 error message, you must ensure that your origin server's SSL certificates meet certain criteria. The most common reason observed for the 503 error is due to an issue with a certificate in the SSL certificate chain.

What is the difference between 500 and 503 error? ›

In conclusion, understanding HTTP statuses is essential for web developers, website owners, and internet users. The most common HTTP statuses include 200 OK, 301 Moved Permanently, 400 Bad Request, 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, 404 Not Found, 500 Internal Server Error, and 503 Service Unavailable.

What is the difference between HTTP 500 and 503? ›

HTTP Status Code 503: “Service Unavailable”

It's not ready to handle the request, and won't be able to process it. If a web server is down for maintenance or overloaded, it will often return with a 503 response. Status code 500 (internal server error) and status code 503 sound like the same thing, but they're not.

What is error 500 and 503? ›

While a 500 Internal Server Error indicates an issue preventing the server from handling the request entirely, a 503 Service Unavailable Error is an indication that the server is still functioning properly, since it's able to process the request and has opted to return the 503 response code.

What is the default timeout for Fastly? ›

By default Fastly has a 1 minute timeout for cacheable objects and 10 minute timeout for uncacheable objects.

What is Amazon error 503 service unavailable? ›

An HTTP 503 status code (Service Unavailable) typically indicates a performance issue on the origin server. In rare cases, it indicates that CloudFront temporarily can't satisfy a request because of resource constraints at an edge location.

Why is the server temporarily unable to service your request in Wordpress? ›

What causes it? The 503 error occurs when your website server cannot be reached – i.e., the server is unavailable. The reasons for unavailability can be a badly coded plugin or theme, a code snippet gone rogue, a glitch in the server, a DDoS attack, or quality issues with your hosting service overall.

What is error 503 on VPN? ›

Background An “Error 503: Service Unavailable” with no Cloudflare in the message means you need to contact your hosting provider for assistance. It generally means your host is rate limiting requests to your site or that I'm Under Attack Mode has been enabled on the domain.

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