What’s Your Highest & Safest Level of Empathy? (2024)

Uncategorized Aug 05, 2019

What’s Your Highest & Safest Level of Empathy? (1)

Here we go! This week I'm going to share with you the highest level of empathy, which also gives you the most detailed pockets of empathic info.

This level is also the most user-friendly and safest feeling intuitive empathy you can obtain.

But before we dive into this new level, let's recap. Over the past several weeks I’ve thin-sliced intuitive empathic skills, levels, and experiences we all encounter as we move through different degrees of empathy.

Remember, everyone has empathy — that inborn state of being and feeling. Empathy is tied to our capacity to feel happiness for someone else's success and joy.

On the other end of that continuum, empathy allows us to feel another's sorrow, anger, or grief in difficult times.

However, when your natural state of empathy is highly responsive, you have qualities that move you into the category of being an Empath.

There are many qualities, strengths, enervations, and categories regarding being an empath. Briefly, the primary qualities of being an empath is that you feel - by absorption - the energy, emotions, and various states of mind that other people are experiencing.

Empaths are visceral experiencers of life.

Empaths are permeable.

Empaths don't have the same filters or defenses that other people naturally have.

To rise above the challenges inherent within this emotional and energetic permeability, empaths must commit to their personal practices.

Practices of self-care, such as meditation, setting boundaries, getting out in nature all support your energetic and emotional awareness and growth. They also help you understand the workings and strengths of your intuitive system.

The highest level of intuitive empathy also feels the safest and most contained. It’s the most rewarding level of being an empath.

You feel supplemented, connected, andbalanced.

You delight in the enriched harmony of interconnectedness that you were born to experience.

You feel more like a grounded and self-contained intuitive antenna, as opposed to a feather in the wind.

This higher level is called Directional Empathy — a state of intuitive/empathic awareness in which the individual can intuitively discern and separate well-defined qualities of both energy and emotions inside and outside of themselves.

The qualities you can clearly discern at this level are:

Movement — sensing the direction and ever-changing movement of energy that is in and around your physical body and within your environment. You’ve become the observer and not the bombarded target. That’s an enormous difference in how you feel in crowds or energetically noisy-florescent-light-soaked-big-box stores.

Structure — being able to feel with accurate and exacting discernment size, shape, and texture of energy in and around you. This gives you the beginning skills of gauging the scale and scope of energy.

Emotions — you achieve an enhanced level of accuracy in the process of discerning what emotions you're feeling — sadness, joy, happiness, gratitude, anger, pain (physical or emotional), etc. — and to whom these emotions actually belong.

Location — you can locate pockets of energy within your own body and energy field. You can intuitively discern any point of impact, draining of energy, or enter a situation or someone else's energy is generating on your body and your body’s systems.

To reach the level of Directional Empathy means that you're no longer at the mercy of chaotic energy — in or around you.

Empaths pick up the emotions and energy of other people, no matter the scale or level of empathy on which you carry out most of your living.

When you're operating at lower levels of empathy, someone else’s emotions feel like exactly your emotions … but they are not.

Yet, you have embodied the energies, mental states, and emotions of someone else … even a stranger.

Your system, your hormones, your mind, your emotions, your choices are catalyzed by absorbing someone else’s stuff.

Directional Empathy is a fantastic stage of intuitive awareness to achieve.

You have awakened and cultivated a higher level of conscious mind and heart. This will save you much grief and confusion regarding what you're feeling and from whom did this energetic/emotional impact come.

This is BIG stuff! A huge relief for any empath.

Now, let’s pull together this series on being an empath. If you missed any of my earlier writings, click here to read them.https://www.laurakamm.com/blog/

Instinctual Empathy — characterized by fear, panic, and heightened emotions on a survival level.

Raw Empathy — characterized by three separate stages of empathic awareness:

Rarified — fear, worry, confusion, but not survival

level of initial panic. You know you're feeling something but you don't know what it is — a non-terrifying; yet, unnerving level of feeling and facing the unknown.

Activated — curiosity rules this stage. You’ve advanced when you hit this stage. You have more clarity regarding shapes, colors, and positions of energy and emotions. But, things are still not yet fully understood as to why, what, and how you’re feeling what you’re feeling.

Worldly — you’ve gained even more emotional stability, along with greater empathic discernment regarding what you're feeling when you jump to this stage. You're standing strong and not so easily knocked down by the emotions and energies that surround you as you move through the world.

Directional empathy — the highest level of empathy that allows you to move through the world and know what's coming toward you energetically and emotionally. You have stellar intuitive discernment as to the movement, points of impact, location, velocity, shapes, colors, whose attached to what, when, where, how, and why. You feel much more grounded and at ease within your own body.

You feel safe, even if you’re feeling other people’s energy that used to overwhelm you. You aren’t energetically and emotionally tossed around like before. Not in the least!

All levels and stages of intuitive empathy absolutely require you to maintain a daily practice.

Practices such as meditation, deep breathing, calming visualizations, and contemplative prayer are a must.

We’re all intuitive. We’re all empathic. We all have a purpose as we live in this world and can't afford to be derailed because of highly-responsive intuitive skills and nervous systems. You must practice the art of self-care, which means a lot of things.

As a professional intuitive, self-care is essential. In my view, we're all professional intuitives whether we realize the degree to which we're using intuitive empathy in our day-to-day life and work or not.

Gaining skill in any field requires continuing education. Intuitive development is no different.

What’s Your Highest & Safest Level of Empathy? (2)

I encourage you to keep learning and growing and paying attention to your own body and your own energy systems. Look for and senses the different nuances of how you feel when you're around various people. In short, pay attention.

I know you're doing that already; yet, I want you to pay additionalattention. Pause. Breathe. Turn on your intuitive headlamp and body awareness and pay attention to the signal(s) your body receives in the moment.

You can train yourself to rise through these levels and stages of Empathy and then hold steady at the higher levels, like Directional Movement. This will significantly reduce fear, anxiety, shyness, and any unwillingness to move forward and be seen.

You can’t share your gifts with the world if you're too busy swatting at or unsuccessfully dodging unseen and un-recognized sensations of energy.

In the What’s New section, there is a visualization that will help guide you through your energy field. Listen to it and see where your empathic skill sets are at this point in time.

When you begin a journey of any kind, it's always good to know the place from which you're starting.

Visualizations are great and relaxing. I like to offer working visualizations in the sense that you're not only feeling more relaxed; yet, you're also learning and assessing what's going on within your field or within your body.

That is one of the ways in which you build your intuitive skills, moving you out of that fear-based instinctual empathy and into the higher levels of intuitive perception.

Life is all about perception. If you don't like what's going on in your life, change your perception.

Your ultimate lens of perception is an intuitive system. It illuminates what's true.

Learning to accurately interpret what you're sensing is an essential part of becoming a happy human.

Enjoy the practice. Most importantly, enjoy your life! It's the most precious gift you have.

With love,

What’s Your Highest & Safest Level of Empathy? (3)

What’s Your Highest & Safest Level of Empathy? (2024)
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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.