What is the Difference between Effective and Efficient Teachers? - Classroom Management Expert (2024)

The best teachers are both effective and efficient. But what is the difference between the two? An effective teacher is one who can teach their students in the most effective manner. An efficient teacher is one who can make their teaching as efficient as possible by organizing and planning out what they are going to do before they teach a lesson. For example, an effective teacher can come up with a really good way to teach their students about how the heart works. However, if the teacher does not plan out how the class is going to go, it could be inefficient.

There is a big difference between effective and efficient teachers. Effective teachers are those who can engage their students in learning and get them excited about it. These teachers are able to make learning fun and interesting, and their students tend to excel academically. Efficient teachers, on the other hand, are those who can get the most out of their students in the shortest amount of time. They know how to manage their classroom and keep things running smoothly.

In this article, I will try my best to distinguish between the two by identifying the qualities of each. Afterward, I will suggest ways to become both an effective and efficient teacher.

What is the difference between effectiveness and efficiency?

Effectiveness and efficiency are two important concepts to understand when trying to improve productivity. Effectiveness is doing the right things, while efficiency is doing things right. Effectiveness is about achieving the desired outcome, while efficiency is about using resources in the most effective way possible. Effectiveness is often thought of as the end goal, while efficiency is how we get there.

The difference between effectiveness and efficiency is that effectiveness focuses on the end result (an outcome), while efficiency focuses on how the task is carried out. The distinction between the two is often a difficult one to make, as effectiveness and efficiency often go hand in hand.

Can a Teacher be Effective and Not Efficient?

There is a big difference between an effective teacher and an efficient teacher. An effective teacher is one who can engage their students in learning and get them excited about the material. An efficient teacher is one who can get through the material quickly and effectively. A lot of people think that you have to be efficient to be an effective teacher, but that is not always the case.

There are many ways to be an effective teacher, even if you are not able to move through the material quickly. Teachers are paid for their total effectiveness in the classroom, not for how efficient they are. So, while it is nice to be an efficient teacher, there is no reason to feel like you must be efficient in order to be an effective teacher.

Boring is the number one reason why students do not like to go to class. As a teacher, you need to make sure that your classes are interesting. Do not just read your notes to the class or lecture to them. Make sure that you interact with students and try to make the material come alive. If you are trying to make history or science, come alive, do some experiments that illustrate concepts. If you are trying to make psychology, come alive, show movies that illustrate concepts. If you are trying to make literature, come alive, do some skits, or create videos about the material.

What are the characteristics of an effective teacher?

There is no single answer to the question of what characteristics make an effective teacher. However, there are a few key things that stand out. Effective teachers are passionate about teaching and helping students learn. They have a positive attitude and are able to create a warm, welcoming environment in their classroom. They also have a strong knowledge of the subject they are teaching.

In contrast, efficient teachers may not be as passionate about teaching, but they know how to get the job done. They are able to quickly and effectively teach their students the material they need to know.


An effective teacher is patient with his or her students. They allow students to work at their own pace and don’t push them to learn things they are not ready for.

Patience is particularly important in a classroom of special education students. Some of these students have trouble learning in a traditional setting, and an ineffective teacher will become frustrated with them. A great teacher will realize that not all students learn at the same rate and will be patient with their learning.


A good teacher doesn’t just give information to his or her students. They give them the information, and then they teach them how to apply it. An effective teacher will also create a safe and encouraging environment and motivate his or her students to learn.


A good teacher knows how to lead and inspire their students. They lead by example, and they never give up on their students. Great teacher knows that they are a leader before they enter the classroom and will not let their students down.


An effective teacher is knowledgeable in the subjects he or she is teaching. It is not enough for a teacher to know their subject. They have to convey that knowledge to their students in a way that the students can understand.


In order to be effective in the classroom, teachers must be professional. They must be on time, prepared, and well-groomed. A professional teacher will be one that students would want to learn from.


Teachers are leaders in the classroom and should strive to achieve excellence in all they do.


An effective teacher is organized in their teaching methods. They have an organized plan for the day and know how to get from one activity to another in a smooth fashion.


An effective teacher is engaging and able to keep his or her students’ attention. They are able to get the students involved in their lessons and treat them as individuals.


An effective teacher is a team player and is willing to work with other teachers and administrators to improve the school environment for all. They are able to work well with others.


An effective teacher is kind to his or her students. They treat them with respect and have no qualms about hugging or telling them they love them.


An effective teacher is able to perform all aspects of the job effectively without having to rely on other teachers or paraprofessionals to fill in the gaps.


An effective teacher is creative in their teaching methods. They are able to adapt to the needs of their students in order to teach them effectively.


An effective teacher is a caring individual who cares about their students and the well-being of their students.


An effective teacher is passionate about teaching and helping their students learn. They are excited about their subject and are able to effectively convey that excitement to their students.


An effective teacher is able to work collaboratively with colleagues, administrators, and parents in order to meet the needs of the students.

Low to medium levels of noise in his/her classroom:

There are acceptable levels of noise in an effective teacher’s classroom. There is no excessive noise in the classroom.

High levels of student engagement:

Effective teachers have students who are engaged and actively participating in class, who know what they should be doing when they should be doing it, and how to do it.

Low emphasis on regimented procedures:

Research indicates that the most effective teachers are those who do not rely heavily on regimented procedures but instead adapt their teaching methods to meet the needs of their students.

This flexibility enables teachers to build relationships with their students and respond to their individual needs. Additionally, it allows teachers to create a learning environment that is both engaging and challenging.

While some level of structure is necessary in order for students to learn effectively, over-reliance on rigid procedures can actually lead to decreased student engagement and achievement. In contrast, a teacher who is able to adapt their teaching methods as needed can help students reach their full potential.

High degree of classroom management:

Effective teachers know how to control the class and make sure students are engaged in learning. They have the skills necessary to handle behavior problems and do not allow them to interfere with instruction.

High levels of student effort:

Students are actively engaged in their own learning and are willing to put forth the necessary effort to complete work and achieve success.

High levels of student persistence:

Students persevere through challenges and failures, actively try to overcome obstacles, and demonstrate tenacity in order to succeed.

High levels of student motivation:

Students have a positive attitude toward learning and are internally motivated.

Extremely Flexible:

Effective teachers are extremely flexible in their classrooms. They use a wide range of instructional strategies and techniques to ensure that all students make progress.

Excellent Communicators:

Effective teachers are effective communicators; they know how to communicate effectively with different kinds of learners, parents, and members of the community.

Approachable and friendly:

Effective teachers are positive, approachable, and friendly. They have a positive attitude, and they are very supportive of others.

Effective classroom management skills:

Effective teachers are effective at classroom management. They know how to create a safe and orderly learning environment, which is also an inviting place for students to be.

Emphasizes Students’ Growth and Understanding:

Effective teachers work hard to see their students succeed and grow in every aspect of their lives. Teachers who are effective at their jobs know how to help students understand the material they are learning. They provide effective feedback on assignments and tests in order to help students become better learners. Effective teachers are able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of all students in their classroom, and they focus on helping students address areas in which they need improvement.

What are the characteristics of an efficient teacher?


Efficient teachers are well organized. They plan their lessons ahead of time and have materials available that will help them teach the lesson effectively. Efficient teachers are able to move from one activity to another quickly because they do not waste time looking for materials or trying to figure out what they are going to do next.


Efficient teachers communicate well with their students. They give clear instructions and ask questions that help students focus on the lesson. They are also able to communicate with other adults who are involved in the education of their students, such as parents and administrators, and they can talk with their students’ parents about their children’s progress.


Efficient teachers prepare for class well. They know all of the materials that they will need, and they have a plan for what they are going to teach. They also set goals for themselves, such as completing a certain project or reading a certain number of books.


Teachers evaluate themselves and their students. They know what they are doing well, and they know what could be improved in their teaching. They also use a variety of methods to evaluate the progress of their students.


Efficient teachers use their time efficiently in class. They do not let extraneous things interfere with teaching. They also use their time efficiently outside of class. They use their time wisely to complete projects and prepare for class.


Efficient teachers use the materials that they have to their best advantage. They set up their classrooms in a way that makes learning easy and fun for students. Evaluation:

Teachers who are efficient evaluate their students. They know what they have to do to improve and make sure that they are fulfilling their goals.


Efficient teachers are always professional in their appearance and behavior.


Efficient teachers are flexible when needed. Rather than remaining rigid and unyielding, they are able to adapt to changing situations.

Attention to school rules:

Efficient teachers are attentive to school rules and policies. They are also aware of the consequences and implications of their actions.

Teaching Methods:

Efficient teachers use a variety of teaching methods to help students learn. This includes using effective classroom management strategies, allowing students to contribute ideas, and using effective teaching methods.

Teachers who are efficient also use a variety of tools and resources in the classroom. These tools can be used to help teach and to monitor student progress.

Has Quite Classrooms:

They have rules, routines, procedures, schedules, and standards that help them manage their classrooms well. Efficient teachers have quiet classrooms, which are conducive to learning. They use effective classroom management strategies to control the classroom. The students are not distracted when they are engaged in learning activities.

Highly Regimented Classroom and Procedures:

Efficient teachers have highly structured rules and procedures that cannot be disobeyed by their students. They have clear objectives, expectations, and standards which they follow to achieve success in the classroom. They teach specific skills and concepts that are directly related to the goals of the course. They have well-designed lesson plans that are aligned with the curriculum.

How can you become a more effective and efficient teacher?

Follow best practices:

Best practices can help teachers become more effective and efficient. There are several ways that teachers can do this. First, effective teachers adopt a positive attitude toward their profession and students. They also recognize the need for classroom management and discipline in order to create a safe learning environment for all students.

Organize your time:

Organizing your time can help reduce stress and increase productivity. Teachers who organize their time are better able to manage their classrooms. This is because they have a plan in place to keep students on task and engaged. By having a plan in place, teachers can easily monitor student behavior and make sure that each student is completing the lesson objectives.

Create a plan:

Creating a plan can help teachers stay on track and be more organized. Without an organized plan, teachers can easily get off track and lose focus. Having a plan in place will help teachers monitor student behavior and ensure that students are engaged in the lesson.

Set goals:

Setting goals can help teachers focus on what is important and be more productive. By setting goals, teachers can help students focus on the lesson objectives and ensure that they are on the task.

Reward students:

A reward system can be used to encourage student behavior. A reward system for students can be based on their behavior and participation in the lesson. The teacher can give a reward for a job well done, for example.

Facilitate learning:

Facilitating learning is a good way to keep students engaged in the lesson and allow them to learn. Facilitating learning is done by creating an environment that allows students to learn in a natural way. For example, the teacher can use objects around the classroom as visual aids during a lesson. Or the teacher can use technology to help facilitate learning, such as using computer programs or videos.

Use technology:

Technology can help teachers save time and be more organized. A planner can be created on a computer and then printed out. This is much more efficient than writing everything down by hand.

Be Prepared:

Effective and efficient teachers must always prepare for their lessons. This means setting up the classroom correctly and knowing where everything is.

Create a Positive Learning Environment:

Encourage students to ask questions, give feedback, and be respectful. Students will be more interested and comfortable in the classroom.

Use a variety of teaching styles to engage students:

The textbook method does not always work. Instead, effective and efficient teachers use different methods, such as case studies, debates, lectures, and hands-on projects. This helps teachers keep students engaged.

Manage Time Wisely:

Effective and efficient teachers manage their time wisely. They plan their lessons carefully, allowing ample time for getting ready, teaching, and checking in with students. They want to make sure that they are giving students an engaging class, so they plan ahead of time.

Take care of yourself:

Teaching can be stressful, so make sure to get enough sleep and exercise. Teachers should also take time to eat and relax. If you are having a bad day, try taking a walk or listening to music.


From the discussion above, the two go hand in hand. Becoming a more effective and efficient teacher takes time and effort, but it is worth it in the end. The most important aspect of being an effective teacher is building relationships with students. If a student trusts the teacher and feels like they can be themselves, then they will be more engaged in the classroom. Effective teachers are also creative and know how to use their resources wisely. It is important to know what works for you and your students and to be flexible enough to adjust your plans as needed.

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What is the Difference between Effective and Efficient Teachers? - Classroom Management Expert (2024)


What is the difference between effective teacher and efficient teacher? ›

Efficient teachers can make teaching as efficient as possible by organizing and planning what needs to be done before teaching a lesson. These teachers have the ability to get the most out of the learners in the shortest amount of time. Effective teachers are those who can teach learners in the most productive manner.

What is the difference between efficient and effective learning? ›

They know how to manage their classroom and keep things running smoothly. Effectiveness is about achieving the desired outcome, while efficiency is about using resources in the best way possible. Effectiveness is often thought of as the end goal, while efficiency is how we get there.

What is the difference between expert teachers and teachers with less expertise? ›

Expert teachers have deeper representations about teaching and learning. A major attribute of experts is their deep representations about teaching and learning. Experts and experienced teachers do not differ in the amount of knowledge they have about curriculum matters or knowledge about teaching strategies.

What is the difference between an effective teacher and an ineffective teacher? ›

Effective teachers encourage student participation. They welcome student questions and try to offer authentic, hands-on learning activities. They know how to use discussion as a learning experience and get their students involved. However, ineffective teachers may even discourage participation or shut-down questions.

What is the difference between effective and efficient school management? ›

Efficiency refers to the act of performing activities with minimum wastage of time and optimum usage of resources, so that the work done is faster and in an error free manner. Effectiveness is the extent to which someone or something is successful towards meeting the desired outcome.

What is the difference between effectiveness and efficiency with examples? ›

The focus of effectiveness is thus on the goal and the goal orientation. Efficiency, on the other hand, is about optimising the measures that have been set. For example, it is about achieving the goal in the shortest possible time or with the lowest possible financial input.

What is the difference between effective and efficient management? ›

Efficiency in management focuses on achieving short-term improvements and objectives. That is, implementing the steps needed to achieve your goals. Effectiveness considers the bigger picture – the company's long-term goals.

Why is effective and efficient teaching important? ›

Effective teaching impacts students' academic, physical, socialemotional, and behavioral well-being. Effective teaching occurs best when all education stakeholders, including parents, policymakers, community members, and educators, share responsibility for continuous improvement and student achievement.

Which is more important between effective and efficient? ›

The late and renowned management consultant Peter Drucker has his own definition of effective vs efficient. He wrote that efficiency is doing things right while to be effective is doing the right thing. When growing a company, efficiency can support profit, but effectiveness drives long-term growth.

How do you identify an expert teacher? ›

An expert teacher makes careful plans, but remains flexible.

Working with other teachers to refine lesson plans leads to better learning for students. When teachers work together, they are more likely to identify the points of confusion and plan a sequence of events that help avoid student misconceptions.

What are the 4 Cs of an expert teacher? ›

Combining all 4Cs

Teachers and educators alike have common goals for preparing students today for success tomorrow. The 4Cs in education—collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking—have played a vital role over the last two decades and will continue to do so.

What is the difference between expert and experienced teachers? ›

“Expert teachers can identify the most important ways in which to represent the subject they teach.” Hattie found that Expert and Experienced Teachers presented the same amount of content, but the Expert Teachers have a more integrated approach in organizing and using the content knowledge.

How do you characterize an efficient and effective teacher? ›

They are prepared, set clear and fair expectations, have a positive attitude, are patient with students, and assess their teaching on a regular basis. They are able to adjust their teaching strategies to fit both the students and the material, recognizing that different students learn in different ways.

What is the definition of an effective teacher? ›

Effective teachers demonstrate a deep understanding of the curriculum. They plan, teach, and assess to promote mastery for all students. Effective teachers provide high-quality instruction to increase student achievement for all students by providing researched-based instruction filled with technology integration.

What is difference between teaching and effective teaching? ›

There are many ways of teaching, but some are more effective than others. A definition for effective teaching is teaching that utilizes instructional strategies that are most appropriate for the content and the student, and is carried out in a proficient manner that allows for real learning.

What is difference between effectiveness and efficiency? ›

Efficiency and effectiveness are not the same thing. Efficiency is defined as the ability to accomplish something with the least amount of wasted time, money, and effort or competency in performance. Effectiveness is defined as the degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result; success.

What is your idea about effective and efficient teaching? ›

To be an efficient, effective teacher, you need to know what your students are learning, as well as what they are struggling with. Assessing their learning, early and often, allows you to attend to any difficulties, or any misconceptions, as soon as they arise, before they become impediments to future learning.

What is a effective teacher? ›

Some qualities of a good teacher include skills in communication, listening, collaboration, adaptability, empathy and patience. Other characteristics of effective teaching include an engaging classroom presence, value in real-world learning, exchange of best practices and a lifelong love of learning. Danielle Gagnon.

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