What is Systems Development Life Cycle | Veracode (2024)

What is the system development life cycle?

The system development life cycle is a project management model that defines the stages involved in bringing a project from inception to completion. Software development teams, for example, deploy a variety of system development life cycle models you may have heard of like waterfall, spiral, and agile processes.

What are system development life cycle stages?

Systems development life cycle phases include planning, system analysis, system design, development, implementation, integration, testing, operations, and maintenance.

What is system development life cycle iteration?

Iteration is the system development life cycle’s greatest advantage. Iteration enables faster development of systems by moving ahead with development without requiring full specifications upfront. Additional specifications can be introduced as the development process is repeated, producing new versions of the system at the end of each iteration.

What is system development life cycle security?

Security is critical – especially when the purpose of the system development life cycle is to create software. Software is the most-attacked part of the security perimeter, and more than half of all successful security breaches begin with an attack on an application.

What is system development life cycle testing?

Testing is critical to the system development life cycle to ensure compliance with functional, performance, and security requirements. Ideally, testing should happen at every stage of the SDLC to address issues early when they are fastest and most cost effective to fix. However, tests are often postponed until later stages, especially if they are not well integrated and create friction.

What is a system development life cycle security testing provider?

A system development life cycle security testing provider offers solutions that facilitate security tests throughout the development life cycle – both in development and in production.

How can you secure your system development lifecycle with Veracode?

As a leading provider of application security testing solutions, Veracode makes it easy for developers and security teams to integrate security throughout the SDLC. This makes it possible for developers to find and fix flaws at the most cost-efficient point in the development process and deliver more secure software, faster.

Here are a few solutions to explore how you can embed security into your system development lifecycle with Veracode:

Explore more about how you can create a secure system development life cycle.

What is Systems Development Life Cycle | Veracode (2024)
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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.