Want to get started with Artificial Intelligence? 7 easy steps (2024)

Artificial intelligence is one of the most significant breakthroughs of the 21st century. Experts from different industries study its capabilities and discover new ways of its application. We call AI an emerging technology, however, scientists have been working in this direction since the 1950s.

At first, AI was far from smart robots we see in sci-fi movies. Nevertheless, thanks to such technologies as machine learning and deep learning, AI became one of the most promising areas of the IT industry. The demand for AI developers constantly grows, and some experts imagine a future where computers replace humans. Even though it’s too early to speak of artificial intelligence as of a threat to the workforce, modern workers will definitely benefit from learning more about this technology because it will allow them to prepare for the future сhanges in their industries and to get familiar with a new, effective and interesting tool.

Important reasons to start studying AI

AI enters our lives in many different ways. For example, we use assistants like Amazon Echo, Google Assistant, or Siri. When we play video games, AI is always our enemy. However, not everyone knows that AI is present even in Google Translate and tools that detect spam messages.

The understanding of artificial intelligence opens lots of opportunities. It’s enough to master the basics of this technology to understand how simple tools work. As you learn more about AI, you get a chance to become a developer who will create advanced AI applications likeIBM’s Watsonor self-driving cars. There are endless possibilities in this field. Studying AI is necessary for a career in software engineering, in case you want to work with human-machine interfaces, neural networks, and quantum artificial intelligence. Companies like Amazon and Facebook use AI to make shopping list recommendations and to analyze big data. The understanding of AI is also necessary for hardware engineers who create home assistants and parking assistants.

Those who want to start learning AI have a plenty of options available. For example, the internet allows everyone to enroll in online courses. Some of them are aimed towards people who already have a certain level of technical knowledge and focus on coding, while other courses will help even those who don’t have any prior expertise in programming and engineering.

The best online AI courses for 2018

  • Learn with Google AI– This is a fresh project which was launched by Google to let the general public understand what AI is and how it works. Although the resource is growing slowly, it already has a machine learning course for beginners that includes Google’s TensorFlow library.This course will help even those who know nothing about AI, covering the basics of machine learning, introducing TensorFlow, and explaining the crucial principles of designing neural networks.
  • Stanford University – Machine Learning– The course is available on Coursera. It is taught by the founder of Google Brain, Andrew Ng. You can enjoy this course for free or choose paid options in case you want to get a certificate that can be used in the future when making the first steps towards your career in software engineering. This course will familiarize you with the examples of AI-driven technologies from real life, such as advanced mechanisms of web search and speech recognition. You will also understand how neural networks learn.
  • Nvidia – Fundamentals of Deep Learning for Computer Vision– Computer vision is a discipline that focuses on creating computers capable of analyzing the visual information as the human brain does. This course covers the necessary technical fundamentals along with the practical applications of object classification and object recognition. You can study at your own pace and learn how to build your own neural net application.

How to Get Started with AI

There’s no surprise if you experience certain difficulties studying artificial intelligence. If you get stuck, we suggest looking for a solution onKaggleor posting your questions on specific forums. It’s also important to understand what to focus on and what to do first.

1. Pick a topic you are interested in

First, select a topic that is really interesting for you. It will help you stay motivated and involved in the learning process. Focus on a certain problem and look for a solution, instead of just passively reading about everything you can find on the internet.

2. Find a quick solution

The point is to find any basic solution that covers the problem as much as possible. You need an algorithm that will process data into a form which is understandable for machine learning, train a simple model, give a result, and evaluate its performance.

3. Improve your simple solution

Once you have a simple basis, it’s time for creativity. Try to improve all the components and evaluate the changes in order to determine whether these improvements are worth your time and effort. For example, sometimes, improving preprocessing and data cleaning gives a higher return on investments than improving a learning model itself.

4. Share your solution

Write up your solution and share it in order to get feedback. Not only will you get valuable advice from other people, but it will also be the first record in your portfolio.

5. Repeat steps 1-4 for different problems

Choose different problems and follow the same steps for each task. If you’ve started with tabular data, choose a problem that involves working with images or unstructured text. It’s also important to learn how to formulate problems for machine learning properly. Developers often need to turn some abstract business objectives into concrete problems that fit the specifics of machine learning.

6. Complete a Kaggle competition

This competition allows you to test your skills, solving the same problems many other engineers are working on. You will be forced to try different approaches, choosing the most effective solutions. This competition can also teach you collaboration, as you can join a big community and communicate with people on the forum, sharing your ideas and learning from others.

7. Use machine learning professionally

You need to determine what your career goals are and to create your own portfolio. If you are not ready to apply for machine learning jobs, look for more projects that will make your portfolio impressive. Join civic hackathons and look for data-related positions in community service.


The basic understanding of AI and machine learning becomes more and more valuable in any area of business and any profession. Thanks to various online courses, today you don’t have to go to university to learn this complex and interesting technology. Even if you don’t have any prior experience in engineering, you can learn artificial intelligence from home and start applying your knowledge in practice, creating simple machine learning solutions and making first steps towards your new profession.

Want to get started with Artificial Intelligence? 7 easy steps (2024)


Want to get started with Artificial Intelligence? 7 easy steps? ›

How do I start artificial intelligence from scratch? Start with a solid foundation in computer science and a strong grip on a programming language, preferably Python. Next, learn basic algorithms followed by machine learning and data science principles. Apply theoretical knowledge through AI projects.

What are the seven 7 steps in creating artificial intelligence? ›

The seven stages of AI are as follows:
  1. Symbolic AI: The early stage of AI focused on representing knowledge using symbolic logic. ...
  2. Machine Learning: Computers started learning from data and making predictions. ...
  3. Data Mining: Extracting patterns and knowledge from vast amounts of data became a priority.
Aug 26, 2023

How do I start AI for beginners? ›

How do I start artificial intelligence from scratch? Start with a solid foundation in computer science and a strong grip on a programming language, preferably Python. Next, learn basic algorithms followed by machine learning and data science principles. Apply theoretical knowledge through AI projects.

What are the main 7 areas of AI? ›

In this article, we'll go over the main branches of artificial intelligence, such as:
  • Computer vision.
  • Fuzzy logic.
  • Expert systems.
  • Robotics.
  • Machine learning.
  • Neural networks/deep learning.
  • Natural language processing.
Mar 22, 2023

How to get into AI with no experience? ›

1 Learn the basics. Before you apply for any AI job, you need to have a solid foundation in the core concepts and tools of AI. This includes programming languages, such as Python or R, data structures and algorithms, mathematics and statistics, and machine learning frameworks, such as TensorFlow or PyTorch.

What are the 5 rules of AI? ›

The 5 Laws of Robotics
  • Robots should not kill.
  • Robots should obey the law.
  • Robots should be good products.
  • Robots should be truthful.
  • Robots should be identifiable.
May 11, 2023

What is the golden rule of AI? ›

Understanding the AI Model Golden Rule Ramifications

The AI system should treat humans with respect and dignity. The AI system should not harm or allow humans to come to harm. The AI system should be transparent in its actions and explain its decisions when humans request it.

Can I learn AI on my own? ›

Online courses are a great option if you're looking for a flexible and affordable way to learn AI. Some online courses even give you certifications that can bolster your resume and signify that you're willing to augment your existing knowledge with additional skills.

How to learn AI from scratch? ›

Consider the following five tips on how to learn AI the best way and optimize your AI training.
  1. Set Clear Learning Goals. Start by outlining specific AI learning outcomes, such as mastering certain models or techniques. ...
  2. Build Strong AI Foundations. ...
  3. Engage in AI Projects. ...
  4. Stay Updated. ...
  5. Learn AI Collaboratively.

How to learn AI for free? ›

AWS Skill Builder. Amazon has more than 100 free and low-cost AI courses and learning resources available through AWS. Learners can obtain the basic skills in machine learning, generative AI, and foundational models. As a whole, the company has a commitment to provide free AI skills training to 2 million people by 2025 ...

What is the simplest form of AI? ›

Reactive Machines

This level of A.I. is the simplest. These types react to some input with some output. There is no learning that occurs.

What does GPT stand for? ›

GPT stands for Generative Pre-training Transformer. In essence, GPT is a kind of artificial intelligence (AI). When we talk about AI, we might think of sci-fi movies or robots. But AI is much more mundane and user-friendly.

Is Siri an AI? ›

Siri is Apple's voice-enabled virtual assistant powered by artificial intelligence, machine learning, and voice recognition. Using the commands "Siri" or "Hey Siri," you can activate Siri and ask it to perform various tasks, such as texting a friend, opening an app, pulling up a photo, or playing your favorite song.

How long does it take to learn AI as a beginner? ›

The time it takes to become an AI engineer depends on several factors such as your current level of knowledge, experience, and the learning path you choose. However, on average, it may take around 6 to 12 months to gain the necessary skills and knowledge to become an AI engineer.

Can a non-IT person learn AI? ›

Anyone with the appropriate attitude, the right resources, and the desire can understand AI's core ideas and applications. AI education is very easy; you can learn from online platforms. These courses allow you to learn AI concepts and build strong knowledge of AI. AI is used in healthcare, marketing, finance, etc.

What is the AI job that pays up to $335,000? ›

AI ChatGPT Chatbot Related Prompt Engineer Jobs Pay Up to $335,000 - Bloomberg.

What are the 7 aspects of AI 1955? ›

The original seven aspects of AI, named by McCarthy and others at the Dartmouth Conference in 1955, include automatic computers, programming AI to use language, hypothetical neuron nets to be used to form concepts, measuring problem complexity, self-improvement, abstractions, and randomness and creativity.

What is AI step by step? ›

In general, AI systems work by ingesting large amounts of labeled training data, analyzing the data for correlations and patterns, and using these patterns to make predictions about future states.

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.