Use Application Health extension with Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets (preview) - Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets (2024)

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  • 14 minutes to read


Rich Health States is currently in public preview. Binary Health States is generally available.This preview version is provided without a service-level agreement, and we don't recommend it for production workloads. Certain features might not be supported or might have constrained capabilities.For more information, see Supplemental Terms of Use for Microsoft Azure Previews.

Monitoring your application health is an important signal for managing and upgrading your deployment. Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets provide support for Rolling Upgrades including Automatic OS-Image Upgrades and Automatic VM Guest Patching, which rely on health monitoring of the individual instances to upgrade your deployment. You can also use Application Health Extension to monitor the application health of each instance in your scale set and perform instance repairs using Automatic Instance Repairs.

This article describes how you can use the two types of Application Health extension, Binary Health States or Rich Health States, to monitor the health of your applications deployed on Virtual Machine Scale Sets.


This article assumes that you're familiar with:

  • Azure virtual machine extensions
  • Modifying Virtual Machine Scale Sets


Application Health Extension expects to receive a consistent probe response at the configured port tcp or request path http/https in order to label a VM as Healthy. If no application is running on the VM, or you're unable to configure a probe response, your VM is going to show up as Unhealthy.

When to use the Application Health extension

The Application Health extension is deployed inside a Virtual Machine Scale Set instance and reports on VM health from inside the scale set instance. You can configure the extension to probe on an application endpoint and update the status of the application on that instance. This instance status is checked by Azure to determine whether an instance is eligible for upgrade operations.

The Application Health Extension is deployed inside a Virtual Machine Scale Set instance and reports on application health from inside the scale set instance. The extension probes on a local application endpoint and will update the health status based on TCP/HTTP(S) responses received from the application. This health status is used by Azure to initiate repairs on unhealthy instances and to determine if an instance is eligible for upgrade operations.

The extension reports health from within a VM and can be used in situations where an external probe such as the Azure Load Balancer health probes can’t be used.

Binary versus Rich Health States


Rich Health States is currently in public preview.

Application Health Extensions has two options available: Binary Health States and Rich Health States. The following table highlights some key differences between the two options. See the end of this section for general recommendations.

FeaturesBinary Health StatesRich Health States
Available Health StatesTwo available states: Healthy, UnhealthyFour available states: Healthy, Unhealthy, Initializing, Unknown1
Sending Health SignalsHealth signals are sent through HTTP/HTTPS response codes or TCP connections.Health signals on HTTP/HTTPS protocol are sent through the probe response code and response body. Health signals through TCP protocol remain unchanged from Binary Health States.
Identifying Unhealthy InstancesInstances will automatically fall into Unhealthy state if a Healthy signal isn't received from the application. An Unhealthy instance can indicate either an issue with the extension configuration (for example, unreachable endpoint) or an issue with the application (for example, non-2xx status code).Instances will only go into an Unhealthy state if the application emits an Unhealthy probe response. Users are responsible for implementing custom logic to identify and flag instances with Unhealthy applications2. Instances with incorrect extension settings (for example, unreachable endpoint) or invalid health probe responses will fall under the Unknown state2.
Initializing state for newly created instancesInitializing state isn't available. Newly created instances may take some time before settling into a steady state.Initializing state allows newly created instances to settle into a steady Health State before making the instance eligible for rolling upgrades or instance repair operations.
HTTP/HTTPS protocolSupportedSupported
TCP protocolSupportedLimited Support – Unknown state is unavailable on TCP protocol. See Rich Health States protocol table for Health State behaviors on TCP.

1 The Unknown state is unavailable on TCP protocol.2 Only applicable for HTTP/HTTPS protocol. TCP protocol will follow the same process of identifying Unhealthy instances as in Binary Health States.

In general, you should use Binary Health States if:

  • You're not interested in configuring custom logic to identify and flag an unhealthy instance
  • You don't require an initializing grace period for newly created instances

You should use Rich Health States if:

  • You send health signals through HTTP/HTTPS protocol and can submit health information through the probe response body
  • You would like to use custom logic to identify and mark unhealthy instances
  • You would like to set an initializing grace period for newly created instances, so that they settle into a steady Health State before making the instance eligible for rolling upgrade or instance repairs

Binary Health States

Binary Health State reporting contains two Health States, Healthy and Unhealthy. The following tables provide a brief description for how the Health States are configured.


ProtocolHealth StateDescription
http/httpsHealthyTo send a Healthy signal, the application is expected to return a 2xx response code.
http/httpsUnhealthyThe instance will be marked as Unhealthy if a 2xx response code isn't received from the application.

TCP Protocol

ProtocolHealth StateDescription
TCPHealthyTo send a Healthy signal, a successful handshake must be made with the provided application endpoint.
TCPUnhealthyThe instance will be marked as Unhealthy if a failed or incomplete handshake occurred with the provided application endpoint.

Some scenarios that may result in an Unhealthy state include:

  • When the application endpoint returns a non-2xx status code
  • When there's no application endpoint configured inside the virtual machine instances to provide application health status
  • When the application endpoint is incorrectly configured
  • When the application endpoint isn't reachable

Rich Health States

Rich Health States reporting contains four Health States, Initializing, Healthy, Unhealthy, and Unknown. The following tables provide a brief description for how each Health State is configured.


ProtocolHealth StateDescription
http/httpsHealthyTo send a Healthy signal, the application is expected to return a probe response with: Probe Response Code: Status 2xx, Probe Response Body: {"ApplicationHealthState": "Healthy"}
http/httpsUnhealthyTo send an Unhealthy signal, the application is expected to return a probe response with: Probe Response Code: Status 2xx, Probe Response Body: {"ApplicationHealthState": "Unhealthy"}
http/httpsInitializingThe instance automatically enters an Initializing state at extension start time. For more information, see Initializing state.
http/httpsUnknownAn Unknown state may occur in the following scenarios: when a non-2xx status code is returned by the application, when the probe request times out, when the application endpoint is unreachable or incorrectly configured, when a missing or invalid value is provided for ApplicationHealthState in the response body, or when the grace period expires. For more information, see Unknown state.

TCP Protocol

ProtocolHealth StateDescription
TCPHealthyTo send a Healthy signal, a successful handshake must be made with the provided application endpoint.
TCPUnhealthyThe instance will be marked as Unhealthy if a failed or incomplete handshake occurred with the provided application endpoint.
TCPUnhealthyThe instance automatically enters an Initializing state at extension start time. For more information, see Initializing state.

Initializing state

This state only applies to Rich Health States. The Initializing state only occurs once at extension start time and can be configured by the extension settings gracePeriod and numberOfProbes.

At extension startup, the application health will remain in the Initializing state until one of two scenarios occurs:

  • The same Health State (Healthy or Unhealthy) is reported a consecutive number of times as configured through numberOfProbes
  • The gracePeriod expires

If the same Health State (Healthy or Unhealthy) is reported consecutively, the application health will transition out of the Initializing state and into the reported Health State (Healthy or Unhealthy).


If numberOfProbes = 3, that would mean:

  • To transition from Initializing to Healthy state: Application health extension must receive three consecutive Healthy signals via HTTP/HTTPS or TCP protocol
  • To transition from Initializing to Unhealthy state: Application health extension must receive three consecutive Unhealthy signals via HTTP/HTTPS or TCP protocol

If the gracePeriod expires before a consecutive health status is reported by the application, the instance health will be determined as follows:

  • HTTP/HTTPS protocol: The application health will transition from Initializing to Unknown
  • TCP protocol: The application health will transition from Initializing to Unhealthy

Unknown state

This state only applies to Rich Health States. The Unknown state is only reported for "http" or "https" probes and occurs in the following scenarios:

  • When a non-2xx status code is returned by the application
  • When the probe request times out
  • When the application endpoint is unreachable or incorrectly configured
  • When a missing or invalid value is provided for ApplicationHealthState in the response body
  • When the grace period expires

An instance in an Unknown state is treated similar to an Unhealthy instance. If enabled, instance repairs will be carried out on an Unknown instance while rolling upgrades will be paused until the instance falls back into a Healthy state.

The following table shows the health status interpretation for Rolling Upgrades and Instance Repairs:

Health StateRolling Upgrade interpretationInstance Repairs trigger
InitializingWait for the state to be in Healthy, Unhealthy, or UnknownNo

Extension schema for Binary Health States

The following JSON shows the schema for the Application Health extension. The extension requires at a minimum either a "tcp", "http" or "https" request with an associated port or request path respectively.

{ "type": "extensions", "name": "HealthExtension", "apiVersion": "2018-10-01", "location": "<location>", "properties": { "publisher": "Microsoft.ManagedServices", "type": "<ApplicationHealthLinux or ApplicationHealthWindows>", "autoUpgradeMinorVersion": true, "typeHandlerVersion": "1.0", "settings": { "protocol": "<protocol>", "port": <port>, "requestPath": "</requestPath>", "intervalInSeconds": 5.0, "numberOfProbes": 1.0 } }} 

Property values

NameValue / ExampleData Type
typeApplicationHealthLinux (Linux), ApplicationHealthWindows (Windows)string


NameValue / ExampleData Type
protocolhttp or https or tcpstring
portOptional when protocol is http or https, mandatory when protocol is tcpint
requestPathMandatory when protocol is http or https, not allowed when protocol is tcpstring

Extension schema for Rich Health States

The following JSON shows the schema for the Rich Health States extension. The extension requires at a minimum either an "http" or "https" request with an associated port or request path respectively. TCP probes are also supported, but won't be able to set the ApplicationHealthState through the probe response body and won't have access to the Unknown state.

{ "type": "extensions", "name": "HealthExtension", "apiVersion": "2018-10-01", "location": "<location>", "properties": { "publisher": "Microsoft.ManagedServices", "type": "<ApplicationHealthLinux or ApplicationHealthWindows>", "autoUpgradeMinorVersion": true, "typeHandlerVersion": "2.0", "settings": { "protocol": "<protocol>", "port": <port>, "requestPath": "</requestPath>", "intervalInSeconds": 5.0, "numberOfProbes": 1.0, "gracePeriod": 600 } }} 

Property values

NameValue / ExampleData Type
typeApplicationHealthLinux (Linux), ApplicationHealthWindows (Windows)string


NameValue / ExampleData Type
protocolhttp or https or tcpstring
portOptional when protocol is http or https, mandatory when protocol is tcpint
requestPathMandatory when protocol is http or https, not allowed when protocol is tcpstring
intervalInSecondsOptional, default is 5 secondsint
numberOfProbesOptional, default is 1int
gracePeriodOptional, default = intervalInSeconds * numberOfProbes; maximum grace period is 7200 secondsint

Deploy the Application Health extension

There are multiple ways of deploying the Application Health extension to your scale sets as detailed in the following examples.

Binary Health States

  • Azure PowerShell
  • Azure CLI 2.0

The following example adds the Application Health extension (with name myHealthExtension) to the extensionProfile in the scale set model of a Windows-based scale set.

You can also use this example to change an existing extension from Rich Health State to Binary Health by making a PATCH call instead of a PUT.

PUT on `/subscriptions/subscription_id/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/myScaleSet/extensions/myHealthExtension?api-version=2018-10-01`
{ "name": "myHealthExtension", "properties": { "publisher": "Microsoft.ManagedServices", "type": "ApplicationHealthWindows", "autoUpgradeMinorVersion": true, "typeHandlerVersion": "1.0", "settings": { "protocol": "<protocol>", "port": <port>, "requestPath": "</requestPath>" } }}

Use PATCH to edit an already deployed extension.

Upgrade the VMs to install the extension.

POST on `/subscriptions/<subscriptionId>/resourceGroups/<myResourceGroup>/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/< myScaleSet >/manualupgrade?api-version=2022-08-01`
{ "instanceIds": ["*"]}

Rich Health States

  • Azure PowerShell
  • Azure CLI 2.0

The following example adds the Application Health - Rich States extension (with name myHealthExtension) to the extensionProfile in the scale set model of a Windows-based scale set.

You can also use this example to upgrade an existing extension from Binary to Rich Health States by making a PATCH call instead of a PUT.

PUT on `/subscriptions/subscription_id/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/myScaleSet/extensions/myHealthExtension?api-version=2018-10-01`
{ "name": "myHealthExtension", "properties": { "publisher": "Microsoft.ManagedServices", "type": "ApplicationHealthWindows", "autoUpgradeMinorVersion": true, "typeHandlerVersion": "2.0", "settings": { "protocol": "<protocol>", "port": <port>, "requestPath": "</requestPath>", "intervalInSeconds": <intervalInSeconds>, "numberOfProbes": <numberOfProbes>, "gracePeriod": <gracePeriod> } }}

Use PATCH to edit an already deployed extension.

Upgrade the VMs to install the extension.

POST on `/subscriptions/<subscriptionId>/resourceGroups/<myResourceGroup>/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/< myScaleSet >/manualupgrade?api-version=2022-08-01`
{ "instanceIds": ["*"]}


View VMHealth - single instance

Get-AzVmssVM -InstanceView ` -ResourceGroupName <rgName> ` -VMScaleSetName <vmssName> ` -InstanceId <instanceId> 

View VMHealth – batch call

This is only available for Virtual Machine Scale Sets with Uniform orchestration.

GET on `/subscriptions/<subscriptionID>/resourceGroups/<resourceGroupName>/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/<vmssName>/virtualMachines/?api-version=2022-03-01&$expand=instanceview`

Health State isn't showing up

If Health State isn't showing up in Azure portal or via GET call, check to ensure that the VM is upgraded to the latest model. If the VM isn't on the latest model, upgrade the VM and the health status will come up.

Extension execution output log

Extension execution output is logged to files found in the following directories:


The logs also periodically capture the application health status.

Next steps

Learn how to deploy your application on Virtual Machine Scale Sets.

Use Application Health extension with Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets (preview) - Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets (2024)


What extension should be enabled for Azure scale sets to auto scale based on in guest virtual machine metrics? ›

In-guest VM metrics with the Azure diagnostics extension

You can create autoscale rules based on a more detailed awareness of the VM performance, not just the percentage of CPU usage or memory consumption.

What is Azure virtual machine scale sets? ›

Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets let you create and manage a group of load balanced VMs. The number of VM instances can automatically increase or decrease in response to demand or a defined schedule. Scale sets provide the following key benefits: Easy to create and manage multiple VMs.

Do scale sets work with Azure Availability Sets? ›

Do scale sets work with Azure availability zones? Yes. For more information, see the scale set zone doc.

Which resource you use in case you want to implement virtual machine auto scaling in Azure? ›

Use Azure Monitor autoscale. Azure Monitor autoscale provide a common set of autoscaling functionality for virtual machine scale sets, Azure App Service, and Azure Cloud Service. Scaling can be performed on a schedule, or based on a runtime metric, such as CPU or memory usage.

How do I know if autoscaling is enabled in Azure? ›

You could check if the autoscaling is enabled or not on a container by inspecting AutoscaleSettings of the $througput object returned by the Cmdlet. If a container has the throughput set as Manual , then MaxThrougput property of the auto scale settings would return zero.

Which type of scaling would you use to enable autoscaling within a virtual machine scale set? ›

To create autoscale rules, you need an existing Virtual Machine Scale Set. You can create a scale set with the Azure portal, Azure PowerShell, or Azure CLI.

What is difference between VM and VM scale set? ›

Key Differences between Virtual Machines and Virtual Machine Scale Sets. Scale sets are built from VMs. If we want to add additional VM instances, VM Scale sets automatically create it from central configuration, traffic balancing and distribution, high availability and redundancy, and scaling of the VM.

What are the two types of scaling on Azure? ›

Two main ways an application can scale include vertical scaling and horizontal scaling. Vertical scaling (scaling up) increases the capacity of a resource, for example, by using a larger virtual machine (VM) size. Horizontal scaling (scaling out) adds new instances of a resource, such as VMs or database replicas.

What is difference between Azure scale set and availability set? ›

Use Availability Set for predictable workloads. Use Scale Set for unpredictable workloads (autoscale). Virtual machines are created from different images and configurations. Virtual machines are created from the same image and configuration.

What is scale up and scale down in Azure? ›

At its most basic level, database scalability can be divided into two types: Vertical scaling, or scaling up or down, where you increase or decrease computing power or databases as needed—either by changing performance levels or by using elastic database pools to automatically adjust to your workload demands.

How do you get 99.99 availability in Azure? ›

Azure VMs SLA

But, if two or more virtual machines are deployed in an Availability Set, the guaranteed connectivity rises to 99.95 percent for at least one instance. If VMs are deployed in two or more Availability Zones, guaranteed connectivity rises again to 99.99 percent.

Can we add existing VM to scale set? ›

In a nutshell, to convert a single VM into a scale set you need to: capture a generalized image of the VM and copy that image into the storage account you'll use for the set, then deploy a VM Scale Set with a custom image pointing to the generalized image.

Why do we use auto scaling? ›

AWS Auto Scaling can help you optimize your utilization and cost efficiencies when consuming AWS services so you only pay for the resources you actually need. When demand drops, AWS Auto Scaling will automatically remove any excess resource capacity so you avoid overspending.

What triggers Auto Scaling? ›

The Auto Scaling group in your Elastic Beanstalk environment uses two Amazon CloudWatch alarms to trigger scaling operations. The default triggers scale when the average outbound network traffic from each instance is higher than 6 MB or lower than 2 MB over a period of five minutes.

What are the benefits of using Auto Scaling? ›

The overall benefit of autoscaling is that it eliminates the need to respond manually in real-time to traffic spikes that merit new resources and instances by automatically changing the active number of servers.

What happens if an instance launched by Auto Scaling becomes unhealthy? ›

When Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling determines that an InService instance is unhealthy, it terminates the instance while it launches a new replacement instance. The new instance launches using the current settings of the Auto Scaling group and its associated launch template or launch configuration.

What are the types of Auto Scaling? ›

There are four main types of AWS autoscaling: manual scaling, scheduled scaling, dynamic scaling, and predictive scaling.

How does Auto Scaling work in Azure? ›

Predictive autoscale uses machine learning to help manage and scale Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets with cyclical workload patterns. It forecasts the overall CPU load on your Virtual Machine Scale Set, based on historical CPU usage patterns. The scale set can then be scaled out in time to meet the predicted demand.

How much RAM should I give to VM? ›

RAM Sizing for Specific Workloads and Operating Systems

A good starting point is to allocate 1GB for 32-bit Windows 7 or later desktops and 2GB for 64-bit Windows 7 or later desktops. If you want to use one of the hardware accelerated graphics features for 3D workloads, VMware recommends 2 virtual CPUs and 4GB of RAM.

How do I stop a virtual machine from set the scale? ›

To stop one or more VMs in a scale set, use Stop-AzVmss. The -InstanceId parameter allows you to specify one or more VMs to stop. If you do not specify an instance ID, all VMs in the scale set are stopped.

Does more RAM make VM faster? ›

A major RAM upgrade can make the difference between a smooth or sluggish experience on a virtualization workstation. Virtualization, or running a virtual machine, emulates an additional computer within another computer using the same hardware.

What are the two 2 ways to achieve scalability? ›

We have two basic ways to achieve scalability, namely increasing system capacity, typically through replication, and performance optimization of system components.

What's the difference between scaling up versus scaling out in the context of Azure app services? ›

"Scale up" means upgrade the capacity of the host where the app is hosted. Ex: Increase the memory from 1.75GB to 3.5GB. "Scale out" means upgrade the capacity of the app by increasing the number of host instances. Save this answer.

What's the difference between Scaling Up vs Scaling out in the context of Azure app services? ›

"Scale up" refers to increasing the capacity of the server on which the app is hosted. Increase the RAM from 1.75GB to 3.5GB, for example. "Scale out" refers to raising the number of host instances to increase the app's capacity.

Which is better scaling up or scaling out? ›

Scale-out allows you to combine multiple machines into a virtual single machine with the larger memory pool than a scale-up environment would need. In a scale-up you achieve higher performance over scale-out but are limited to the limitations of a single processor.

Is scaling out better than scaling up? ›

Scaling out addresses some of the limitations of scale-up infrastructure, as it is generally more efficient and effective. Furthermore, scaling out using the cloud ensures you do not have to buy new hardware whenever you want to upgrade your system.

What is the difference between scaling up and scaling down? ›

Scaling up lets you add more resources to easily handle peak workloads. Then, when the resources are not needed anymore, scaling down lets you go back to the original state and save on cloud costs.

What does it mean if a service is in public preview mode? ›

Public preview – During this phase we allow any customer with the proper Azure Communication Services license to evaluate the new feature. Microsoft will supply support services during this phase, but normal service level agreements do not apply.

How long is 99.99 availability? ›

Availability is normally expressed in 9's. For example, “5 nines uptime” means that a system is fully operational 99.999% of the time — an average of less than 6 minutes downtime per year. The chart shows what impact various availability levels have on your server downtime.

What is the use of virtual machine scale set? ›

Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets let you create and manage a group of load balanced VMs. The number of VM instances can automatically increase or decrease in response to demand or a defined schedule. Scale sets provide the following key benefits: Easy to create and manage multiple VMs.

Why we use VM scale set? ›

Increase application resiliency

Increase application uptime by using availability zones and availability sets to automatically distribute VMs in a scale set within a single datacenter or across multiple datacenters. Scale sets run multiple VM instances of your application.

What is Azure Guest configuration extension? ›

The Guest Configuration extension is a component of Azure Policy that performs audit and configuration operations inside virtual machines. Policies such as security baseline definitions for Linux and Windows can't check settings inside machines until the extension is installed.

What triggers Autoscaling? ›

Default Auto Scaling triggers are configured to scale under certain conditions. The triggers scale when the average outbound network traffic from each instance is higher than 6 MB or lower than 2 MB for five minutes.

Do I need to stop Azure VM to resize? ›

If the virtual machine is currently running, changing its size will cause it to restart. If your VM is still running and you don't see the size you want in the list, stopping the virtual machine may reveal more sizes.

What are the two types of scaling in Azure? ›

Two main ways an application can scale include vertical scaling and horizontal scaling. Vertical scaling (scaling up) increases the capacity of a resource, for example, by using a larger virtual machine (VM) size. Horizontal scaling (scaling out) adds new instances of a resource, such as VMs or database replicas.

What is the purpose of Auto Scaling? ›

AWS Auto Scaling monitors your applications and automatically adjusts capacity to maintain steady, predictable performance at the lowest possible cost. Using AWS Auto Scaling, it's easy to setup application scaling for multiple resources across multiple services in minutes.

What is the difference between load balancer and Auto Scaling? ›

While load balancing will re-route connections from unhealthy instances, it still needs new instances to route connections to. Thus, auto scaling will initiate these new instances, and your load balancing will attach connections to them.

Why use virtual machine scale sets? ›

Increase application resiliency

Increase application uptime by using availability zones and availability sets to automatically distribute VMs in a scale set within a single datacenter or across multiple datacenters. Scale sets run multiple VM instances of your application.

What are Azure virtual machine extensions? ›

Azure virtual machine (VM) extensions are small applications that provide post-deployment configuration and automation tasks on Azure VMs. For example, if a virtual machine requires software installation, antivirus protection, or the ability to run a script inside it, you can use a VM extension.

What is the use of extension on Azure cloud? ›

Extensions are small applications that provide post-deployment configuration and automation on Azure VMs. The Azure platform hosts many extensions covering VM configuration, monitoring, security, and utility applications. Publishers take an application, wrap it into an extension, and simplify the installation.

How do I fix high CPU usage on Azure VM? ›

Select the duration of data collection. For the High-CPU option, select at least 15 minutes or more. In Azure portal mode, you can collect up to 15 minutes of data. For longer periods of collection, you must run the program as an executable within the VM.

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