TWOH or Nocturnus? | Fandom (2024)

TWOH or Nocturnus?

I have completed both their quests for 90% and I can't decide what I should get.

Twoh seems better in most ways.

I fought someone with twoh i had sp at the moment and never dipped below in my down state

He resetted twoh cuz it seemed trash since he got malded so hard

Both stands have funny combos which do 70% of your health, I'd say go for nocturnus if you like killing bosses and want to do tryhard combos which make your opponents go mad, but go for twoh if you like being invincible.

I'm going for both, as I can store nocturnus and get twoh after that.

You can get both, if you're asking for which one is better, I'd say The World:Over Heaven for timestop combos, and Nocturnus if you're the kind to do smaller amounts and wait for it to add up.

Shadow The World is probably one of the best variants of The World. High damaging combos, and projectiles that have low cooldown.

It's more like TW is a variant of SDio since it's an evolution


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TWOH or Nocturnus? | Fandom (2024)
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