This Timer App Is the Answer to Your Focus Woes (2024)

It's easy to get distracted these days. Between remote work and phones that have all of your favorite entertainment at your fingertips, focus can be hard to come by.The Forestapp, however, turns your favorite little distraction device into a helpful way to stay focused.

Forest is a "gamified timer," meaning you're rewarded for using the timer. Start the timer by planting a digital tree and then, while the timer runs, the tree grows.

What makes this so powerful for focus is that while the tree is growing, your phone is essentially locked. You can still access all of your apps, but doing so will be at the expense of your tree. That's right, if you play on your phone while the timer is running, your tree will die. Each tree that you grow, or don't, is saved into a forest where you can see all of the time you've spent focusing quantified as a cute digital forest.

The forest isn't the only reward, though. The more trees you successfully grow, the more coins you earn. These coins purchase more types of trees to grow in your timer, allowing you to plant all sorts of flowers, shrubs and trees. How much your tree grows depends on how long you focus for, and while the specific times depend on the tree you're growing, the general idea with the growth stages is to incentivize you to focus longer and grow bigger, prettier trees.

The coins, more importantly, can be used to plant real trees. Get 2,500 in-game coins, plant one real-life tree. Currently the limit for real trees is five per user, but it is still really neat that you can make an impact while you're focusing.

I have a great deal of experience with Forest, and it has truly made a huge difference in my life. Forest was recommended to me by a mental health professional during a semester of online classes. I have ADHD and struggle with focus even when I am in a perfect study or work environment, so being outside of the classroom and around so many distractions while I was attempting to work proved pretty challenging.

Forest works so well for me because of how strict it is. I know that if I try to play on my phone while I have a timer running, I will kill my tree and frankly, that really dissuaded me from poking around on Instagram or TikTok.

Now, one thing that is frustrating about the app is it doesn't make great exceptions for emergencies. You can completely disable the tree-killing aspect of the timer, but that takes away from the helpful incentive of not killing trees. There would be times where I needed to respond to a text message or email with some urgency, and would have to kill my tree and restart my timer to do so.

Granted, this is a tiny frustration for an app that has been so helpful in my life. Getting to look back at my fully grown forest of trees instills a sense of pride and it's helpful to see my hard work quantified. I even use Forest outside of an academic setting: Whenever I need to ditch my phone and focus on something, I grow a tree and get to work.

This Timer App Is the Answer to Your Focus Woes (2024)


What is the tree planting app for procrastination? ›

Forest is an app that helps you stay focused on the important things in life. Whenever you want to stay focused, plant a tree. Your tree will grow while you focus on your work.

What is the app called focus? ›

Focus lets you break down your work time into smaller chunks called Focus Sessions. Working in sessions helps you to stay focused and get some meaningful work done, tackling one task at a time.

What is the timer app that stays on screen IPAD? ›

Flip Timer, A full-screen digital timer. Countdown, flip animation allows you to feel the passage of time; Stopwatch, record your sport, fitness, work, study and so on.

What is the plant app that helps you study? ›

Flora is a new way to stay off your phone, clear to-do lists, and build positive, life-changing habits. Whenever you want to make progress towards your goals, plant a seed in Flora. As you work hard, the seed will grow into a healthy tree.

Does the tree app really work? ›

Does Treeapp actually plant trees? Yes! Here's how it works: We have gathered a group of tree planting experts who review our processes and ensure that our operations adhere to the best practices.

Is one tree planted legitimate? ›

One Tree Planted is an environmental nonprofit that is dedicated to making it simple for anyone to help the environment. Our simplified donation process and project transparency allow individuals, businesses and foundations to understand the impact of their donation.

What are the benefits from using focus tree app? ›

  • No distraction from incoming messages and notifications.
  • Nice extra trees.
  • Real trees planted if you keep going and collect coins.

Is Focus app safe? ›

Focus is a safe app. We make sure that your private stuff, like blocked websites and settings, stays only on your Mac.

What is the best app to help you focus? ›

Try these top apps to improve your attention span
  • Forest. The Forest app uses gamification to encourage focused work sessions. ...
  • Headspace. Primarily known for its meditation features, Headspace offers features specifically designed to improve focus and attention. ...
  • Peak. ...
  • Lumosity. ...
  • CogniFit. ...
  • Elevate.
Feb 28, 2024

What is the timer for ADHD? ›

The Time Timer® is an innovative visual timer designed to “show” the passage of time. Research shows that Time Timer products are extremely effective aids in teaching time awareness for children and adults diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, autism, and a wide variety of other learning and behavioral disabilities.

What is a task timer for ADHD? ›

Most ADHD timers are visual timers which provide a visual reminder of the passing of time which can serve as a powerful motivator to stay focused. Most timers also have sounds such as loud ticking or alarm features that provide an auditory reminder that the timer is going and you should be focused on the task.

Is the time timer app free? ›

Time Timer is here to help. This app is free during the COVID-19 crisis to help create structure for everyone during this time of uncertainty.

Is focus plant safe? ›

It's a fine app in regards to focusing, I suppose. However, certain things (like the ones I mentioned) make me feel as if there's more going on in the background, and most definitely does not make me feel like my phone is safe. It seems like they're trying to mine your data.

What plant app is actually free? ›

PlantNet was fast and highly accurate in our plant identification tests. Given that PlantNet is also free and easy to use, we recommend it as the go-to plant identification app for most people.

What is the app that locks your phone while studying? ›

For over 7 years, Focus Lock is the original #1 app for limiting screen time and the easiest way to block distracting apps on your phone. With Focus Lock, you can block all or selected apps for a period of time, allowing you to focus, get more done, and simply be present without distractions.

What is the best app to help with procrastination? ›

10 apps to help you end procrastination and smash your to-do-lists
  1. 1 - Freedom. Beginning with one of the most hardcore anti-procrastination apps, we have the Freedom app. ...
  2. 2 - Todoist. ...
  3. 3 - Trello. ...
  4. 4 - Dart. ...
  5. 5 - Write or Die. ...
  6. 6 – RescueTime. ...
  7. 7 - Tomato Timer. ...
  8. 8 – Forest.

What is the best app to avoid procrastination? ›

Focus Booster is a Pomodoro Technique-based app that helps users overcome procrastination by breaking down work into focused 25-minute intervals followed by short breaks. It utilizes a gamified approach to enhance motivation and accountability. Pros: User-friendly Pomodoro Technique-based app.

What is the tree growing app for screen time? ›

About Forest App

Users can earn credits by not using their cell phones and plant real trees around the world with the credits. With Forest, users can have a delightful experience to spend less time on their cell phones, focus on what's more important in their lives, and keep our environment green.

Does TreesPlease games really plant trees? ›

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - 19th FEBRUARY – TreesPlease Games, a studio founded in 2019 to make meaningful games that can be good for the planet, today unveils a landmark moment as over One million trees have been planted through player action in their debut title; Longleaf Valley.

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.