The Top 5 Skills Modern C-Suite Executives Need to Succeed - (2024)

The time-honored hard and soft skills that traditional C-suite executive must possess, including communication skills, presentation ability, team building, and strategic planning, are now being joined with a new set of skills that any modern CEO, CIO, CMO, or CDO must have to succeed in an unpredictable and uncertain world.

Modern organizations are flattening. With a lack of a hierarchical structure, the top-down directorial style of leadership is going the way of the Dodo bird. Executives must expand their traditional skill sets to stay competitive and able to execute in a more collaborative and data-driven capacity.

Modern C-suite leaders must tap into a broader range of both soft and hard skills to win in a world where adaptability is key to success. They must possess soft, people-oriented skills, like improved emotional intelligence, to be able to build a team collaboratively across different locations. The must also build up their technology and data skills to ensure plans are anchored in digital-first and digitally-centric behaviors.

The Top 5 Skills Modern Executives Need

1. Adaptability and Flexibility

If there is one thing both business and technology C-suite executives agree on, it’s that unpredictability and uncertainty is the new normal. Since the ensuing chaos from the COVID-19 pandemic, and all the resulting business and consumer behavior changes, being able to adapt to massive shifts in political, environmental, and medical conditions is something that will enable businesses to not just survive unpredictability, but thrive.

C-Suite executives must deal with the ambiguous nature of the new global norm by becoming more flexible, with the ability to pivot quickly based on sea changes in the surrounding world. Being adaptive and flexible is partly about culture and process, but it must be supported by more modern technology solutions, like artificial intelligence (AI), that enable adaptivity, and flexibility, at scale.

2. Technological Literacy

Knowing how to select and deploy the right technology solutions is a critical component to ensure the success of your business. For the modern CEO, part of this is making sure you have the right technology leadership (CIO, CDO) under you that you trust, with some level of business acumen so the right conversations can take place. The CIO/CDO should be able to converse with the CEO in a way that bridges the business and technology divide.

And, while it is not expected that CEOs are as tech-savvy as their CIO, CEOs do need to step up their game and at least become more technologically-literate, so they have a good understanding of important technologies that can differentiate their business offerings. Understanding critical data management, automation platforms, and technologies, like the customer data platforms (CDP), artificial intelligence (AI), and customer experience (CX) analytics is a key skill CEOs must possess.

CEOs should make space at the table for CIOs if they do not have one already. CIOs are your active partner in ensuring positive business outcomes from technology investment. Keeping them involved in strategic decision makingis key to master skills and knowhow.

3. Data-Driven Practices

Data is one of the most valuable resources a company has. More data is being created today than at any point in history. Around 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every day. Ninety percent of all data today was created in just the last two years.

Modern executives must embrace data-driven processes and strategies. To do that, they must focus on centralized data management, and leveraging customer data for business success. As businesses move towards more data-driven processes and culture, the need for a centralized data management solution to gather and make sense of data increases significantly. With a CDP, a single source of truth regarding a customer can be leveraged across the enterprise to align efforts around commonly held metrics.

More advanced analytics and visualizations are needed, either in a stand-alone package or baked into a CDP system to understand that data and make actionable decisions from it. This allows C-Suite execs to have the data they need to make decisions in an agile and timely fashion.

4. An Agile Mindset

Modern C-suite executives must be able to act and support their teams to plan, execute, and deliver programs and products in an agile and iterative fashion.

Agile methodology was developed 20 years ago and was part of an effort to modernize software development into a process that was more collaborative, iterative, and scalable. Agile development has been used by companies through methods like Scrum and Kanban to modernize apps, improve the customer experience, and implement and accelerate digital transformations.

Part of agile methodology is empowering employees and self-organizing teams to make decisions and act and react quickly. Another critical part is deploying the right tools that allows people to organize, plan, and execute in an agile fashion. Tools like Jira and DevOps packages allow agile teams to prioritize work, gather requirements, do user stories, and collaborate with customers and business stakeholders.

According to Issac Sacolick, president, StarCIO, “The challenge for organization leaders is to find the right balance of diverse teams, self-organization principles, standards, tools, and integrations that enable their organizations to build, extend, scale, and maintain technology capabilities.”

Agile methodology is now making its way into the rest of the enterprise. Project managers and product developers are adapting agile methods, as well other areas outside software development.

5. Emotionally Intelligent

Emotional intelligence is one of the top soft skills all C-suite executives need to work on. Emotional intelligence, as defined by the APA, refers to the ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. These are critical skills for C-Suite executives who now need to manage collaboration in flattened organizations, as well as empower employees to act in an agile fashion.

Modern C-suite executives need to build trust, not fear, in their teams. They can do this by showing they value employees by recognizing them, as well as trusting them to act in the company’s best interests without being micromanaged.

Emotional intelligence will allow executives to build better teams, and understand individual team members’ strengths and weaknesses. Also, given the fact that teams may be remote or hybrid, taking the time to talk to and understand employee needs and concerns is the first step to retaining top talent in difficult times.


Being a successful C-suite executive has changed a lot in just the last few years.The COVID-19 pandemic, related supply chain issues, and with environmental and political instability have all made the business world more unpredictable. Modern C-suite executives must be more flexible and adaptable to unknown situations in order to lead their organizations through the chaos to success.

To succeed in today’s world, executives need to be more data-driven, and customer centric, so they can drive success in a mutually beneficial way. And, building teams across an enterprise means having the emotional intelligence needed to connect groups, work across business lines, and give people the support they need to meet evolving goals.

With the right set of data-driven skills, technology know-how, emotional intelligence, and agile and adaptive behaviors, C-suite executives will be equipped to lead their companies to financial success.

The Top 5 Skills Modern C-Suite Executives Need to Succeed - (2024)


What skills do you need to be a chief executive officer? ›

In conclusion, being a successful CEO requires a wide range of leadership skills. Visionary thinking, strategic planning, emotional intelligence, communication, decision-making, adaptability, and team building are all essential for leading a company to success.

What are the core competencies of a chief executive officer? ›

Historically, the main competencies required for a CEO were technical expertise and financial acumen. While these are still core skills, businesses are also placing increasing emphasis on strong people skills and seeking leaders who can inspire, empower, and enable their teams.

What are the main C level executives? ›

"C-suite" refers to the executive-level managers within a company. Common c-suite executives include chief executive officer (CEO), chief financial officer (CFO), chief operating officer (COO), and chief information officer (CIO).

What motivates C-suite executives? ›

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivators

Extrinsic values are those received in exchange for effort: the higher earnings of a c-suite role, alongside pension, benefits, and recognition. If there is a mismatch between someone's intrinsic and extrinsic values, and the demands of their role, they will feel internal conflict.

What are 3 roles of the chief executive? ›

The powers and responsibilities of the Chief Executive are the delivery of the State of the Union Address, the nomination of political appointees, and control of executive agencies.

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Fast Speed and efficiency are crucial skills for an executive assistant. It involves handling multiple tasks, managing time effectively, and producing high-quality work in a fast-paced environment.

What does a CEO CV look like? ›

Your CEO CV must clearly showcase your leadership experience. Include specific examples of strategic initiatives you've led and their outcomes. Demonstrate your financial acumen on your CEO CV. Investors trust leaders who can deliver sustainable growth and manage complex budgets effectively.

Is C-suite higher than VP? ›

C-level positions are reserved for those with chief roles, such as chief operating officer. Vice presidents are known as V-level management, which are below C-level positions.

What do C-level executives care about? ›

One of the c-suite's main responsibilities is to de-risk the business and enhance security to minimize exposure to threats. If you're pitching to a C-level executive, your solution should be able to help them solve this key challenge.

What are the 7 types of CEOS? ›

Whether you are a visionary, servant, autocratic, transformational, innovator, turnaround, or charismatic CEO, the key to success is to understand your strengths and weaknesses and to surround yourself with a strong team that can help you achieve your goals.

What is the hardest job in the C-suite? ›

Ideally, anyone should be able to walk away from a CFO after making a request with one of three things – 1) what they need, 2) a clear understanding of why they can't have it, or 3) a better idea to achieve their goal. By my money, being a modern strategic CFO is undoubtedly the hardest C-level job.

How many C-level executives are there? ›

The C-suite may include over 17 different executives. CEO, CTO, CIO, CFO, CMO, CPO, and COO are the most common roles. The responsibilities of C-level executives may vary and overlap: it all depends on the company's needs and priorities.

Who are D level executives? ›

Director of Sales: Manages a team of sales representatives to achieve regional or product-specific sales targets. Marketing Director: Oversees the implementation of marketing campaigns and initiatives for specific products or services.

What are B level executives? ›

What are B-level executives? B-level executives are mid-level managers (e.g., Sales Manager) who are three steps below C-level executives and report to D-level management.

How many C-level executives are there in the US? ›

How Many C-Suite Executives Are There in the United States as of 2019? One thing we have a lot of at Every Market Media is B2B contact data. And by our record count, there are 3,884,721 C-Suite executives actively employed in the United States (See the green colored cell in the table below).

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.