Reporting Unfair Treatment at Work | Employment Discrimination Lawyer (2024)

Reporting Unfair Treatment at Work | Employment Discrimination Lawyer

All employees in America have the right to do their job in a safe environment, free from unfair treatment at work. Unfortunately, not all employers live up to this expectation. Instead of providing equal treatment in the workplace, employers often disrespect and discriminate against their employees. At times, they overlook qualified employees for promotions, and even, engage in sexual or workplace harassment.

It’s important to understand that these actions are unacceptable, and possibly illegal. If you experience harassment or discrimination in the workplace, then you may have a claim for damages under law.

Let’s take a closer look at mistreatment at work and how to report your job for unfair treatment.

How do you tell if you are being treated unfairly at work?

The scope and scale of unfair workplace treatment is vast. Any behavior that seems questionable, disturbing, or that makes you feel uncomfortable should result in an investigation.

Mistreatment, even by a colleague, is a common occurrence and a demoralizing experience. Thousands of employees everyday, face harassment, discrimination, and other illegal job-related actions across the United States. You don’t have to stay a victim. Take steps to report the issue and secure your rights under the law.

Examples of Being Treated Unfairly at Work

What is an example of unfair treatment at work? Unfair treatment at any place of employment can express itself in many different ways, from wage discrimination to gender inequality, favoritism, violence, workplace bullying, and verbal abuse. Signs of unfair treatment at work are:

  • Discrimination due to race, gender, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, or any other protected characteristic
  • Spreading false rumors
  • Pay disparities despite equal qualifications and experience
  • Refusing reasonable accommodations for disabled employees
  • Any instances of sexual harassment
  • Punishing those who take parental leave by docking pay or terminating employment
  • Laying off older workers to hire new, younger employees at lower pay
  • Facing employer retaliation after resignation or reporting unfair treatment
  • Being wrongfully terminated without reason
  • Forced to work in unsafe conditions

What is Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a landmark piece of federal legislation that revolutionized workplace rights in the United States. This crucial part of the Civil Rights Act focuses on preventing employment discrimination and promoting equality in the workplace.

The Essence of Title VII

  • Prohibition of Discrimination: Title VII explicitly prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. This covers a wide range of employment practices, including hiring, firing, promotions, salary, and training opportunities.
  • Creating an Inclusive Work Environment: The Act was designed to create a more inclusive and fair work environment for all, ensuring that employees are judged on their abilities and qualifications rather than personal characteristics unrelated to job performance.

Enforcement and Compliance

  • Role of the EEOC: The enforcement of Title VII is primarily handled by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The EEOC investigates discrimination complaints, mediates disputes, and enforces the laws against workplace discrimination.
  • Legal Recourse: Under Title VII, employees who face discrimination have the right to file a complaint with the EEOC. If the EEOC’s intervention doesn’t resolve the issue, employees can pursue legal action in federal court.

Expanded Protections

  • Sex Discrimination: While Title VII originally prohibited discrimination based on sex, its interpretation of protected classes has expanded over time. For instance, it now includes protection against sexual harassment and pregnancy discrimination.
  • Religious Accommodation: Title VII also requires employers to reasonably accommodate employees’ religious practices unless doing so would cause undue hardship on the business.

Impact on Employers

  • Policies and Training: Employers are encouraged to develop and enforce policies that promote a discrimination-free workplace. Regular training and awareness programs can help in preventing violations of Title VII.
  • Liability for Discrimination: Employers can be held legally responsible for discriminatory practices, whether intentional or due to neglect in enforcing non-discriminatory policies.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 remains a cornerstone in the fight against workplace discrimination. It not only provides a legal framework for addressing grievances but also fosters a culture of equality and respect in the work environment. Understanding Title VII is essential for both employers and employees to ensure a fair, productive, and legally compliant workplace.

What do you do if you are mistreated at work?

Many workplaces have a formal complaint system for these issues. To ensure that documented evidence exists of a formal complaint, it is important to report any problematic actions that happen on the job. Usually, this step of reporting unacceptable or unprofessional behavior happens with your manager or Human Resources.

That being said, we encourage you to get in touch with a qualified attorney as soon as possible, even better if you do it before submitting the complaint. A labor and employment attorney can help you submit a well-documented report. Should the situation evolve into a lawsuit, you will then have a stronger case.

Document the Event

  1. If you received mistreatment, the first step is: document the event as thoroughly as possible. Record the date, time, details, and names of everyone involved. Do the same for subsequent cases, if and when they occur. Document the information during or directly after the event so the details are as accurate as possible.
  2. Next, save copies of memos or emails that exhibit illegal or unfair practices.
  3. To support your claim, the last step is: ask witnesses to record their observations of what happened to support your claim.

All additional evidence you gather can help your eventual legal case. It is not uncommon to file a lawsuit against an employer, so don’t be nervous. This is your right.

How to Report Your Boss for Unfair Treatment

File a Complaint with Human Resources (HR)

Report instances of unfair treatment to the Human Resources Department (or another authority figure in management). The formal letter of complaint should describe the event completely, but concisely. Stay on target and include only information relevant to the event. Alerting HR to the problem is usually a required step if you plan to later file a lawsuit.

How to Write a Formal Complaint Letter

In the formal complaint letter, you may:

  • Identify helpful actions that can lead to a resolution.
  • Refrain from making threats or getting angry.
  • Keep a calm demeanor and offer reasonable solutions where appropriate.

If the complaint ends up becoming a legal matter, any poor behavior on your part could be used against you. As such, it’s important to consult an experienced attorney for guidance before you file a complaint.

How to Report an Employer for Unfair Treatment

If you’re facing unfair treatment in your workplace, it’s essential to know the right steps to take to protect your rights. One effective course of action is to file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The EEOC is a federal agency that enforces laws against workplace discrimination and can be a powerful ally in your quest for justice.

Understanding the Role of the EEOC

The EEOC’s main role is to investigate discrimination claims against employers. Whether you’re facing issues related to race, gender, age, disability, or any other form of discrimination, the EEOC can step in to assess your situation.

If your complaint escalates into a discrimination claim, the EEOC or your attorney can help you navigate the legal process. They can advise you on the likelihood of success and what to expect as your case progresses.

Remember, reporting unfair treatment is not just about addressing your personal situation; it’s about ensuring a fair and equitable workplace for everyone. The EEOC and legal professionals are there to help you stand up against injustice and seek the resolution you deserve.

File an EEOC Complaint

An employee that has been subject to any type of job discrimination or mistreatment may also file an EEOC complaint. The EEOC, or Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, accepts complaints filed in person or by mail with the nearest office. In addition to victims, witnesses of unfair treatment can also file a formal complaint.

Include the following information in your documentation:

  • Personal details of the person mistreated. Include their full name, number, and address.
  • Name and contact information for the employer the complaint is against.
  • Description of the unfair events and the dates they happened.

To prevent the situation from escalating further, speak up. If you feel like your complaint is not being addressed, or that you can’t speak with management at your work, talk with an employment attorney for legal advice on how to proceed.

Filing a Complaint with the EEOC

  1. Gather Evidence: Before you file a complaint, collect any evidence that supports your claim. This could include emails, witness statements, or any records of unfair treatment.
  2. Submit Your Complaint: The process of filing a complaint with the EEOC is straightforward but requires attention to detail. You’ll need to provide your personal details, information about your employer, and a clear description of the discriminatory events and their dates.
  3. Review Process: Once your complaint is filed, the EEOC will review it to determine if there’s sufficient evidence to proceed. They may conduct an investigation to gather more information.

How to Sue a Company for Unfair Treatment

Considering Legal Action

While the EEOC plays a vital role, sometimes taking legal action is necessary. If you believe your case is strong, consulting with an employment attorney can provide you with additional options and strategies. An attorney can guide you through the complexities of employment law, help you understand your rights, and determine the best course of action for your situation.

Not all situations that are “unfair” are actually illegal. So, it is important to know what is employee mistreatment is within Employment Law and At Will Employment.

For example, you were passed over for a promotion or assigned to a different shift. These events are frustrating, but they do not necessarily qualify as discrimination.

At Will Employment States

Not all states are at will employment states. For those that are, employers can fire employees without notice or reason. Some exceptions apply, like if an employer violates an employment contract or state or federal employment statute.

Regardless if the state is California, Texas, or another state, there’s some behavior that employers cannot express. One example of this is: discrimination based on protected characteristics. Your state may include additional protections beyond federally mandated requirements, so it is important to know the laws in your state. To learn your state’s labor laws, read compliance guidelines and ask the appropriate authorities questions.

If you’ve faced unfair treatment in the workplace, you should seek the counsel of an experienced employment and labor attorney to discuss your concerns. A lawyer will be able to help you decide whether you should file a lawsuit and assess the likelihood of success.

Experienced attorneys also have the knowledge and expertise necessary to advise you on the best course of action. They can guide you through the litigation process, help collect necessary documentation, and improve your chances of winning the lawsuit.

Know your rights and don’t settle for being mistreated.

Call 1-800-THE-LAW2 for a free and confidential consultation with an attorney in our network. We’ll connect you in just 10 minutes or less.

Reporting Unfair Treatment at Work | Employment Discrimination Lawyer (2024)


How to prove you are being treated unfairly at work? ›

However, certain pieces of evidence can help you build your case, including employee records, witness statements, email notifications, pay stubs, or hiring policies. If you were wrongly treated at work due to protected categories, like age or race, it may be worth it to talk with an employment lawyer.

How do you fight unfair treatment at work? ›

Report instances of unfair treatment to the Human Resources Department (or another authority figure in management). The formal letter of complaint should describe the event completely, but concisely. Stay on target and include only information relevant to the event.

What are two examples of unfair treatment in the workplace? ›

Here are just a few examples of unfair treatment at work:

Demoting, transferring, or dismissing an employee without a fair, disciplinary process. Paying women lower wages for doing the same job, because of their sex. Firing or laying off older workers so the company can hire younger, cheaper workers to do their jobs.

What must an employee successfully prove to win a discrimination case? ›

How to Prove Discrimination in the Workplace
  • You have been treated unjustly based on one of your protected characteristics. ...
  • You are qualified, capable and honest and performed your job satisfactorily. ...
  • Discrimination has negatively affected your job. ...
  • Job decisions were not objective.

What is an example of unfair discrimination in the workplace? ›

Unfair discrimination can take many forms. For example, where an employee is unnecessarily sidelined because he/she is disabled this could be unfair discrimination. If an employee is sexually harassed this is a form of unfair discrimination based on sex.

Can you go to HR for unfair treatment? ›

Knowing how to handle unfair treatment starts with identifying discrimination and understanding the right way to begin addressing it. Document every incidence of unfair treatment, including emails, notes of conversations, or descriptions of specific incidents. Then, take your proof to the company HR department.

What is considered mistreatment of employees? ›

Abusive conduct may include repeated infliction of verbal abuse, such as the use of derogatory remarks, insults, and epithets, verbal or physical conduct that a reasonable person would find threatening, intimidating, or humiliating, or the gratuitous sabotage or undermining of a person's work performance.

How to prove hostile work environment? ›

To successfully win over the judge and the jury, you'll need to prove 5 important factors:
  1. You are the victim of discrimination. ...
  2. The harassment is severe, offensive, and/or abusive. ...
  3. The harassment is ongoing and/or pervasive. ...
  4. The harassment prohibits you from doing your job.

What is the legal term for unfair treatment at work? ›

Discrimination is when an employer treats an employee or job applicant unfairly because of their race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age (40 or older), disability, or genetic information.

What are the consequences of unfair treatment at work? ›

Unfair treatment can lead to decreased job satisfaction and motivation. Employees may feel like their work is not valued or that their contributions are not being recognized, which can lead to a decrease in their engagement and productivity.

How to write a letter of unfair treatment at work? ›

Follow these steps to write a complaint letter to your boss about someone else you work with:
  1. Try to resolve the conflict on your own. ...
  2. Make sure you have an issue to report. ...
  3. State the purpose of the letter. ...
  4. Include a lot of detail. ...
  5. Explain your involvement in the situation. ...
  6. Propose a resolution. ...
  7. Make a copy of your letter.
Jul 20, 2023

Can I report my boss for mistreating me? ›

According to the federal anti-discrimination laws, your employer is not liable for abusive workplace practices unless you first report them. If your employer is abusive, you may be able to file a complaint directly with the commission, because abuse does not fall under the vicarious liability exception.

What are the odds of winning a discrimination case? ›

A: The EEOC has a very high success rate when it comes to court decisions, reaching favorable outcomes in nearly 96% of all district court cases stemming from EEOC complaints. If the EEOC investigates your claim and determines you have a case, you will still need to proceed with your lawsuit.

Is a discrimination lawsuit worth it? ›

There are certain benefits when you decide to file a discrimination lawsuit. It will not only benefit you, but your co-workers as well because it will likely make your workplace safer by creating a better environment for all. When you sue, you can also obtain a legal remedy for the discrimination you have faced.

How do you prove unfairness at work? ›

Wronged employees have three ways of proving their employers intended to discriminate: circ*mstantial evidence, direct evidence, and pattern and practice. Circ*mstantial evidence is evidence that proves a fact by inference, as opposed to direct evidence which directly proves a fact.

How do you prove a workplace is toxic? ›

There are several ways to prove your work environment is toxic, including: text messages, recordings, emails, performance evaluations, turnover rate, and any other evidence of low workplace morale. These are all indicators of a toxic work environment.

How do you say you've been treated unfairly at work? ›

Take the first step by talking to someone. It's often best to try to sort things out informally if you can, so consider speaking to someone appropriate. If the issue is with your boss, for example, then you could speak to HR or another more senior colleague.

What are signs of unfairness in the workplace? ›

What Are the Signs of Employment Discrimination?
  • Lack of Diversity in the Workplace. ...
  • Harsh or Demeaning Communications. ...
  • Unequal Pay for Same Position and Experience. ...
  • Unfair Promotions in the Workplace. ...
  • Unjust Disciplinary Actions Against Employees. ...
  • Stand Up Against Employment Discrimination.
Feb 18, 2024

How do you tell your boss you are being treated unfairly? ›

Report unfair treatment to your boss or HR department

Explain what's happened and why you feel the work environment is unsafe, and then you can ask for help or advice on the situation. Sometimes it can be beneficial to bring up unfair treatment as soon as it happens, before you've recorded months-long unfair treatment.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.