Recipe Card Kitchen Towels - Mama Say What?! (2024)

Back in the day, recipe cards were pretty much a thing. Now with the internet and Pinterest, you can find and share recipes quickly. No one really hand-wrote recipes for someone anymore.

If you are organized like me, you might have put your recipe books somewhere. On my computer, I have a list of recipes from my mother and grandmother that I typed out.

While cruising Pinterest one day, a pin fromSpoonFlower’s blogcame across my page, where the designer,Emma Jeffery, took photos of her grandmother’s hand-written recipe cards and had some fabric custom-printed using Spoonflower.

She would then cut out the pieces and sewed a hem around the edges.

The result was a spectacular heirloom of her grandmother’s handwriting and a great set of tea towels for her kitchen. She also made one for her mother to have!

This was inspirational, so I set out in search of my mom’s recipe box. It took a long time to find the recipe box, a while to find it, but I recognized it when I saw the 1960s-yellow-and-green-floral-contact-paper cover.

This box has been stored for who knows how long. It has been stored in different parts of my mom’s kitchen for the entirety of my memory. The book contains full recipes from my mom, grandmother, great-grandmother, aunts, recipe books, magazines, and other family members.

I went through to find the ones that were written by my grandmother and my great-grandmother.

When my great-grandmother passed away after I was born, my mom got her box of recipes. I could quickly identify her handwriting and discern it from my mom’s.

I already knew what my grandmother’s handwriting was, but I was only able to find two recipes written by her. I also went ahead and borrow recipe cards from my mother, dad’s mom, and other family members over the years.

I also grabbed some recipes that I wanted to try and test.

Once I got home, I scanned all the recipe cards my great-grandmother wrote out and set about arranging them in a nice-looking collage.

I included three recipe cards that were clipped from her newspaper. I liked the charm they added to the designs since I know she used to adhere recipes from the newspaper onto her 3.5″ x 5″ cards with rubber cement so they would fit into her recipe box and not get lost.

Next, I open Adobe Photoshop to delete the backgrounds on each card and adjust the color and contrast to my liking. Once everything was to my liking, I dragged all of them into Adobe Illustrator and set up the file to one-quarter the size of the full yard of linen-cotton canvas that SpoonFlower sells.

You can use other programs if you prefer, like Photoshop Elements, Publisher, PowerPoint, or online using Picasa or Gimp.

For the towels, I gave a little bit of blue edge and some red edge. The reason for the colors is that I knew coordinated with the kitchens of my mom and my aunt; the people who would be receiving these as Christmas gifts.

Once my file was done, I uploaded it to SpoonFlower’s website to be tiled, so four towels fit on one panel of fabric. You can do whatever way you like!

If you want a sample before getting the real deal, you can ask for a fabric swatch. If you don’t have time, you better pray it comes in beautifully.

In about a week and a half, I was super excited about my fabric. The print quality was better than I expected to be honest.

After putting the fabric in the washing machine and dryer, there was a bit fading. However, it gave the towel an “aging” look to the colored edges which enhanced the look of the fabric. Either way, the printing quality was not a big deal.

Next, you can iron and trim the edges to make them look neater.

With my iron, I created a rolled hem around the edges. Then I did a simple stitch all the way around with my sewing machine.

To make the Christmas gifts extra special, I gave two towels each to my mom, aunt, sister, and cousin, along with one of my favorite cookbooks.

This gift doesn’t need to be for Christmas. You can give these as mother’s day or father’s day gifts too. The best part about these towels is that once they are worn, you can make more printed.

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock

Recipe Card Kitchen Towels - Mama Say What?! (1)

Cherilyn Thomas

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Recipe Card Kitchen Towels - Mama Say What?! (2024)


How do I write on a recipe card? ›

You can either handwrite your recipe cards for a more rustic look or type them up and print them onto your cards. If you are handwriting them, use a ruler and pencil to draw horizontal and vertical guidelines on the cards.

How to make a standard recipe card? ›

Your standardised recipe should include:
  1. Menu item title.
  2. Yield – (this is the usable amount obtained for the recipe)
  3. Portion size.
  4. Serving instructions and presentation.
  5. Ingredient list.
  6. Quantity (QTY) of each ingredient.
  7. Cooking time and temperature.
  8. Special equipment needed to produce and serve it.
Nov 4, 2019

How to design your own recipe card? ›

To make a recipe card, follow these key steps:
  1. Write the recipe's name.
  2. List the required ingredients with exact measurements.
  3. Clearly identify instructions for preparation and serving size.
  4. Include an image of the product.
Nov 9, 2023

Is there a recipe card template in Word? ›

Microsoft Word has various recipe card templates you can use. Once you've found the template you'd like to use and have customized it, you can easily convert your Word document template to a PDF file using Acrobat online services. Creating a PDF template will make it easier to share, edit, and print your template.

How to write a good recipe? ›

Tips for recipe writing
  1. Write ingredients in the order in which they'll be used! ...
  2. Write the directions in an order that makes sense. ...
  3. If your recipe has multiple "recipes" within it, separate the ingredients and step for each. ...
  4. Offer additional methods or substitutions. ...
  5. Share when to know a recipe is ready.
May 4, 2022

What do you write in a recipe book for a gift? ›

You could write: “Here's a cookbook to help you get started. Find my favorite recipes on pages x, x, and x. I hope you love them as much as I have. I've included a couple of printed recipes from another much-loved family cookbook, so you have even more options.

What information should be included on a standard recipe card? ›

  1. ingredient list with quantities, procedures, yield, portion size. .
  2. name of recipe, portions, labor cost to produce recipe, and total recipe weight. .
  3. name of employee who will make the recipe, cooking time, service instructions, and food cost. .
  4. ingredient specifications, order quantity and purchase unit. .

What is a recipe card? ›

In summary, a recipe card is a card that records the ingredients and instructions for cooking a particular dish.

Is there an app for recipe cards? ›

Recipe Keeper is the easy to use, all-in-one recipe organizer, shopping list and meal planner available across all of your devices. Enter your recipes with as much or as little information as you like. Copy and paste recipes from your existing documents or apps. Categorize your recipes by course and category.

Does Excel have a recipe template? ›

When you want to create a new recipe, open the “Recipe Template” file and immediately “save as” the name of your new recipe. Then add all of the content for your new recipe. This will keep your template blank and clear so it will be easy to use repeatedly.

How do I type up a recipe? ›

Include The Necessary Elements In Your Recipe
  1. Title.
  2. Description.
  3. Preparation and cooking time.
  4. Number of servings and serving size.
  5. List of ingredients with accurate measurements.
  6. Step-by-step directions.
  7. Accurate nutrition information.
  8. Notes and FAQ.
Feb 11, 2021

What are the key information which should be listed on a standard recipe card? ›

When creating the Standard Recipe format, include the following information:
  • Name of recipe.
  • Yield: includes total yield (weight, volume, count), number of portions and portion size.
  • Equipment needed: measuring equipment, pan sizes, table top etc.
  • Ingredients: exact amount, listed in order of use.

What is the easiest way to write a recipe? ›

List steps in order, keeping instructions short and to the point. The instructions should match the same order as the ingredients list. And they should be as short and simple as possible. Try to describe the easiest way possible to accomplish the steps in the recipe.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.