Pico de Gallo Recipe - Two Peas & Their Pod (2024)

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Quick Summary

Pico de Gallo is a classic fresh salsa that is great with tortilla chips or any Mexican meal. You only need six ingredients to make the BEST Pico de Gallo recipe!

Pico de Gallo Recipe - Two Peas & Their Pod (1)

Chips and salsa (and guacamole)are one of my all-time favorite appetizers and snacks. If I open a bag a chips and start dipping, you can count on that bag of chips being gone by the end of the hour. I have no self control when it comes to snacking on chips and salsa! I want to eat them all and I usually do.

I love making Pico de Gallo because it is so simple and fresh! You can’t go wrong with this classic salsa. It is also great with tacos, burritos, quesadillas, taquitos, enchiladas, nachos, and MORE!

Table of Contents

  1. What is Pico de Gallo?
  2. How to Make Pico de Gallo
  3. What do you Serve with Pico de Gallo?
  4. How to Store
  5. More Salsa Recipes
  6. Pico de Gallo Recipe

What is Pico de Gallo?

Pico de Gallo is a fresh, chunky salsa, sometimes called salsa fresca. I love it because it is simple to make and SO fresh! It is a fun salsa to say and a delicious salsa to eat!

Pico de gallo is made with:

  • tomatoes
  • onion
  • jalapeño
  • cilantro
  • lime juice
  • salt

These six simple ingredients make one amazing salsa! Pico de gallo is served at most Mexican restaurants, but it is SO easy to make at home.

It only takes 10 minutes to make and is a staple at our house, especially during the summer when tomatoes are in season. We probably make it once a week when our garden tomatoes are ripe and ready.

Pico de Gallo Recipe - Two Peas & Their Pod (2)

How to Make Pico de Gallo

  • Because there are only six ingredients necessary for making pico de gallo, you need to make sure that all of the ingredients are fresh and top quality. It is especially important that you pick the best ripe tomatoes.
  • Remove the seeds from the tomato and dice the tomatoes.
  • Dice half of a large white onion. You can use a yellow or red onion, but I prefer a white onion for pico de gallo.
  • I like to use jalapeño peppers for pico de gallo, but you can useserrano chili peppers.
  • Use 1-2 jalapeño peppers, depending on how spicy you like your salsa. Make sure you remove the seeds and ribs before dicing the peppers. Cut the jalapeño in half lengthwise, then take a spoon and scrape out the ribs and seeds, working from the bottom to the top of the pepper. Pro tip-wear plastic gloves when working with jalapeños to prevent burning. And never rub your eyes after dicing up a jalapeño, trust me!
  • Chop up fresh cilantro. If you are one of those people who think cilantro tastes like soap, I am so sorry because fresh cilantro is a MUST for pico de gallo.
  • Place the tomatoes, onion, jalapeño, and cilantro in a bowl. Squeeze fresh lime juice over all of the ingredients and season generously with salt. You want the pico to have a nice salty kick.
  • You can serve the pico de gallo right away, but it is best after it sits for 30 minutes so all of the flavors can come together and get juicy.
  • Pico de gallo is best the day it is made.

What do you Serve with Pico de Gallo?

Pico de gallo with chips is a great appetizer for parties, game day, Cinco de Mayo, or any day. Pico de gallo also goes great with any Mexican meal. You can serve pico de gallo with:

  • Tortilla chips
  • Taquitos
  • Tacos: steak, ground beef, veggie, turkey, fish, and more!
  • Burritos or burrito bowls
  • Quesadillas
  • Enchiladas: chicken, beef, veggie, or bean!
  • Tostadas
  • Enchilada quinoa bake
  • Nachos
  • Salads (I love using it as a dressing, it adds so much flavor to salads)

How to Store

Pico De Gallo is best the day it is made, but can be storedin an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Stir before serving and add more lime and/or salt, if necessary.

More Salsa Recipes

  • Restaurant-Style Salsa
  • Guacamole
  • Pineapple Salsa
  • Mango Salsa
  • Peach Salsa
  • Tomatillo Salsa
Pico de Gallo Recipe - Two Peas & Their Pod (3)

Pico de Gallo Recipe - Two Peas & Their Pod (4)


Pico de Gallo

You only need six ingredients to make the BEST Pico de Gallo recipe! It is great with chips or any Mexican meal.

4.75 from 4 votes


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Prep Time 10 minutes mins

Total Time 10 minutes mins

Cuisine Mexican

Servings 6


  • 2 cups medium diced tomatoes, seeds removed (about 1 ½ pounds)
  • 1/2 large white onion, diced
  • 1-2 large jalapeño peppers, seeds removed and minced
  • 1/2 cup chopped cilantro
  • Juice of 1 large lime, 2 tablespoons
  • Kosher salt, to taste


  • In a large bowl, combine diced tomatoes, onion, jalapeño, cilantro, lime juice, and salt. Stir and let the salsa sit for 30 minutes for the best flavor. Stir again and serve with tortilla chips or with any Mexican meal.

  • Note-you can serve the salsa right away, but I think it is best after it sits for awhile and the flavors have time to meld. This pico de gallo is best the day it is made, but you can keep it in a container in the fridge and enjoy the next day.


Calories: 13kcal, Carbohydrates: 2g, Sodium: 3mg, Potassium: 138mg, Sugar: 1g, Vitamin A: 530IU, Vitamin C: 10.6mg, Calcium: 7mg, Iron: 0.1mg

Keywords pico de gallo, tomatoes

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Pico de Gallo Recipe - Two Peas & Their Pod (2024)


Pico de Gallo Recipe - Two Peas & Their Pod? ›

In a large bowl, combine diced tomatoes, onion, jalapeño, cilantro, lime juice, and salt. Stir and let the salsa sit for 30 minutes for the best flavor. Stir again and serve with tortilla chips or with any Mexican meal.

Why does my pico de gallo taste bland? ›

Salt! Tomatoes need salt to enhance their natural flavor so don't skip or you Pico de Gallo will taste bland. Play with amounts.

How long does homemade pico de gallo last? ›

For the best flavor, let the mixture marinate for 15 minutes or several hours in the refrigerator. Serve as a dip, or with a slotted spoon or large serving fork to avoid transferring too much watery tomato juice with your pico. Pico de gallo keeps well in the refrigerator, covered, for up to 4 days.

How do you keep pico de gallo from getting watery? ›

When it comes to your pico de Gallo's water level, it all depends on how you prepare the tomatoes. The key is to salt your fresh tomatoes prior to putting the pico de Gallo recipe together. That's because the salt will help draw water out of the tomatoes.

What is pico de gallo good with? ›

Pico de gallo is a salsa popular with Mexican food, like tacos, nachos, or quesadillas. Pico de gallo is a great ingredient for Hispanic dishes, because it is less liquid than other salsas, while also has the same, great flavor. Like most other salsas, pico de gallo is made with tomatoes and other bold ingredients.

Why does my stomach hurt after eating pico de gallo? ›

Pico de gallo shouldn't result in any adverse effects for most people, with the exception of those sensitive to FODMAPs. But because pico de gallo consists of acidic and spicy ingredients, it may induce heartburn for some people. It might even aggravate symptoms in people with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Why does my Pico taste bitter? ›

Make sure not to zest into the pith as this can cause the pico de gallo to become bitter. Sweet cherry tomatoes give this fast pico de gallo an excellent balance of flavors! You can also use regular tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, or Roma tomatoes.

Should pico de gallo be watery? ›

How to Make Pico de Gallo
  1. Use the tomato flesh, not the seeds and juices. You don't want your pico to be too watery, so make sure to remove the seeds from the tomatoes as you dice them. ...
  2. For the best flavor, give it a chance to chill. ...
  3. Quality ingredients count.

What does bad pico de gallo look like? ›

Identifying when salsa or pico de gallo has gone bad relies on sensory evaluation. They should be discarded if: There is any foul odor, suggesting bacterial or fungal growth. The tomatoes become mushy and the color appears dull.

How do you thicken pico de gallo? ›

The way to avoid watery Pico de Gallo is to salt and drain the tomatoes before mixing them with all the other ingredients. This makes for a chunky Pico de Gallo that's free of extra liquid; then it won't drip all over the place.

Should you drain tomatoes for pico de gallo? ›

Season tomatoes with 1 teaspoon (4g) salt and toss to combine. Transfer to a fine-mesh strainer or colander set in a bowl and allow to drain for 20 to 30 minutes. Discard liquid. Combine drained tomatoes with onion, chiles, cilantro, and lime juice.

How long does it take for pico de gallo to go bad? ›

Pico de Gallo is usually safe to eat within 3 to 5 days when stored properly in the refrigerator. You can use any good quality storage container to store the salsa. To make it last longer, you can core and de seed the tomato you're using for the recipe, and use fresh onion and other ingredients.

Which is better pico de gallo or salsa? ›

It's all a matter of personal preference. If you're cooking with it, however, do keep in mind that salsa typically contains more liquid than pico de gallo, so you may need to adjust for the swap accordingly. It's a $3 ingredient you've probably seen before. This is perfect for Super Bowl Sunday.

Is pico de gallo good for high blood pressure? ›

If you can't eat a sandwich without a few tomato slices, always top your tacos with pico de gallo, and love marinara, you may actually be giving yourself a health boost. Research shows tomatoes may help lower your blood pressure and offer a number of other benefits.

How do you cool down pico de gallo? ›

Try adding cooling ingredients like citrus juice, fruit, or dairy. If you don't want to get experimental, just make another batch without the spicy ingredients, then combine it with the original batch.

Why does my salsa taste like nothing? ›

Blandness usually comes from lack of seasoning. When you prepare a dish like spaghetti sauce you want to season as you go, not just at the end. Salt enhances the flavor of foods as well as performs some important functions during cooking, like drawing moisture out of ingredients and intensifying their flavor.

How do you make bland salsa taste better? ›

At the very least, a little fresh lime juice and some minced cilantro can wake up even the sleepiest of salsas, ushering back in the flavor of just-squeezed citrus and herbs that taste like they came from a living plant. Beyond that, a crunchy raw vegetable or two never hurts.

Why doesn't my salsa taste like the restaurant? ›

Mexican restaurants usually make it from scratch using fresh ingredients. Store bought stuff is tailored to mass produced and usually add things to make them shelf stable. You'll never find a store bought equivalent to fresh ingredients.

Why doesn't my salsa taste like salsa? ›

Using the wrong amount of salt

Add too much salt to your salsa and it's all you can taste. Add too little and the veggies and herbs can come across as a little bland.

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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.