Personal Selling: Introduction, Advantages, Disadvantages with Examples (2024)


Have you noticed different salesmen come to your house to sell different products and services? This is an example of personal selling. So, personal selling refers to a face-to-face product selling method.

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Personal selling happens when companies and business firms send out their salesmen to use the sale force and sell the products and services by meeting the consumer face – to – face. The salesmen aim to inform and encourage the customer to buy, or at least try the product.

For example, salesmen go to different societies to sell the products. Another exampleis found in department stores on the perfume and cosmetic counters, wherein agents of the company try to sell their products. A customer can get advice on how to apply the product and can try different products. Products with relatively high prices, or with complex features, are often sold using personal selling. Great examples include cars, office equipment (e.g. photocopiers) and many products that are sold by businesses to other industrial customers.

Q1. Personal selling is more effective than advertising when the customer base is__________

Sol. The correct answer is theoption ”d”. Personal selling is more effective than advertising when the customer base is small and widespread. Small because the sales force cannot reach every individual and widespread so that multiple salesmen can cover different areas and sell their products or services to people of that area.

Personal Selling: Introduction, Advantages, Disadvantages with Examples (2024)


What are the advantages and disadvantages of personal selling? ›

In summary, personal selling has its perks, like building strong connections and having more influence. But, it also has challenges – people can see you more, and your insecurities might show. It's like finding the right mix of strengths and challenges to be a great salesperson.

What is the introduction of personal selling? ›

Personal selling is a marketing technique that involves direct, face-to-face interaction with potential customers. Not only does this technique build relationships, but it also improves customer satisfaction, builds trust, and helps build brand awareness.

What is an example of a personal selling? ›

Types of Personal Selling

An example of an order taker is a retail sales rep. Order Creators: Order creators don't complete the transaction themselves; they persuade customers to promote the business's offering. Examples of order creators include pharmaceutical reps and brand reps working with retailers.

What is an example of a selling concept? ›

The selling concept focuses on increasing sales and revenue, regardless of customer needs. The primary goal of this approach is to persuade the consumer to buy a product. For example, a confectionery manufacturer might rely on a sales concept to sell more goods.

What are the disadvantages of personal sales? ›

Disadvantages of Personal Selling
  • It is a relatively expensive method of selling. ...
  • Also, it is an extremely labour intensive method because a large sales force is required to carry out personal selling successfully.
  • The training of the salesperson is also a very time consuming and costly process.

What is the main disadvantage of personal selling? ›

In fact, salespeople are often best at disseminating negative and positive word-of-mouth product information. High cost is the primary disadvantage of personal selling.

What is the purpose of personal selling? ›

Personal selling is a method that personalizes and humanizes the selling process. It allows businesses to help prospects resolve challenges with the use of their product or service, rather than simply selling at them. Personal selling involves direct communication between a salesperson and a potential customer.

What are the 7 steps of personal selling? ›

There are seven common steps to the selling process: prospecting, preparation, approach, presentation, handling objections, closing and follow-up. The first three steps of the selling process involve research into prospects' wants and needs, with your presentation midway through the selling process.

What is the first step in the personal selling process? ›


The first step in the sales process is prospecting. In this stage, you find potential customers and determine whether they have a need for your product or service—and whether they can afford what you offer.

What are the 3 types of personal selling? ›

The 3 types of personal selling

There are three overarching categories of personal sales — order takers, order creators, and order getters. One company might use all three types of personal selling to generate revenue; others might just use one.

What is personal selling in simple words? ›

Definition: Personal selling is also known as face-to-face selling in which one person who is the salesman tries to convince the customer in buying a product. It is a promotional method by which the salesperson uses his or her skills and abilities in an attempt to make a sale.

How to do personal selling? ›

Ask informed questions. Questions are critical when it comes to personal selling. Your customers' responses help you gauge how your product or service might benefit them and what their pain points look like. Asking questions also shows your customers that you're interested in them, not just their money.

What are the disadvantages of selling concept? ›

Selling concepts do not take customer feedback into consideration, instead, they influence the buying decision. This strategy is risky because it ignores negative feedback as well, which might result in poor reviews from one consumer to another.

What is the basic selling concept? ›

The Selling Concept.

This is another common business orientation. It holds that consumers and businesses, if left alone, will ordinarily not buy enough of the selling company's products. The organization must, therefore, undertake an aggressive selling and promotion effort.

What is an example of selling and marketing? ›

MacDonald is selling their food items which is considered as — Selling. When it comes to Toy, they are marketing Movies, TV series, products, Books and many more. By adding a toy to their Food products (A Happy Meal), they are marketing the Movie/TV Series and growing their product sales as well.

What are two advantages of personal selling? ›

Here are the advantages of personal selling: Personalized sales experience. Two-way communication. Detailed presentation.

What are the disadvantages of selling a product? ›

Disadvantages of Selling a Product

Storing your inventory can be a challenge, especially if you have a lot of product to sell. You also need to have enough product to fill orders and meet demands, which means in addition to space, you have to invest money on products before you can sell them.

What are three advantages of personal selling quizlet? ›

-Personal selling provides detailed explanation or demonstration of the product. -Message can be varied according to motivations of each customer. -Personal selling can be directed only to qualified prospects. -Costs can be controlled by adjusting the size of the sales force in one-person increments.

What are the advantages of selling? ›

Selling solves problems and fulfills needs.

Depending on what you sell, customers will be better able to solve problems, make more money, serve other betters, enhance their self-esteem, improve their knowledge, or fulfill a heart's desire. When you do your job, you help people get what they want out of life.

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.