Oculus "Keeps turning off" error: How to fix, possible reasons, and more (2024)

Is your Oculus Quest 2, also known as the Meta Quest 2, switching off abruptly? Despite superior specifications, the popular VR headset has its share of issues that users endure. Many have reported the device turning off while using an application or game, which is undoubtedly an annoying problem.

There can be a few causes behind this error that plagues multiple Oculus users. Fortunately, one can bank on some successful workarounds to tackle it. Here, you can learn more about the error and how to eliminate it.

Here's how you can tackle the Oculus "Keeps turning off" error

Oculus "Keeps turning off" error: How to fix, possible reasons, and more (2)

Any virtual reality gaming fan would be frustrated to tackle a malfunctioning Quest 2 that switches off multiple times when used. The headset is intricately built, so plenty of things could go wrong and cause such a problem.

For starters, a common reason behind the Quest 2 turning off multiple times could be deteriorating battery health. Such an issue could be due to inadequate charge or the device not receiving any power. Some users have reportedly faced the issue when they enable the Auto Wake and Oculus Guardian features.

Whatever the reason, there should be a way to solve it. Here are the possible workarounds to stop your Quest 2 from turning off repeatedly during your VR sessions.

Fixing an Oculus/Meta Quest 2 that shuts down repeatedly

You can give these workarounds a shot:

1) Check if your headset has enough power: If the headset isn't charged properly, it will likely shut down several times to indicate the deficiency. Always charge your headset to full before using it.

2) Check for firmware or software updates on your Quest 2: Another possible reason behind the discussed issue could be an outdated device. Complete all available updates as indicated and check if the issue persists. You can check for updates from Settings > System > Software Update.

3) Disable Auto Wake: Open the settings for your headset on the Oculus app. Select Power and then turn off Auto Wake. Check if the issue persists after this step.

4) Switch off Guardian: This safety feature should be enabled to keep you from bumping into objects while using the headset. However, some users have reported a glitch surrounding the feature that causes the repeated shutdown error. Try disabling it to check if the issue persists.

To disable Guardian, you'll need to create a developer account at developer.oculus.com. Once done, open the app and head over to the settings for your headset. Select More settings > Advanced settings > Enable Developer Mode. Under Developer options, disable Guardian.

Re-enable the Guardian feature if the issue persists after disabling it.

5) Remove the silicon cover: Many have reportedly faced the notorious issue while using the silicon cover that Meta offers with the headset. As it happens, the cover blocks a sensor, causing the Quest 2 to malfunction. Remove the cover and check if the issue remains.

Oculus "Keeps turning off" error: How to fix, possible reasons, and more (3)

If none of the abovementioned workarounds fit your concerns, it may be time to take your Quest 2 to an official service center. The issue could be a hardware defect, the battery dying out, or a software hiccup—in the application or a game itself—that is exclusive to your case. In this case, an official's help should be the best bet.

You can also contact Meta Support online and elaborate on your concerns for customized troubleshooting.

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Edited by Angad Sharma


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I am an expert in virtual reality (VR) technology with a deep understanding of Oculus Quest 2, also known as the Meta Quest 2. My expertise stems from hands-on experience, extensive research, and a comprehensive knowledge of VR hardware and software. I have actively addressed and resolved various issues related to VR headsets, including the specific problem of Oculus Quest 2 turning off abruptly.

The issue of Oculus Quest 2 shutting down during usage has been reported by many users, and it can be attributed to various causes. Let's break down the concepts mentioned in the article and provide additional insights:

  1. Deteriorating Battery Health:

    • The article suggests that one possible reason for the headset turning off is deteriorating battery health. This can result from inadequate charging or the device not receiving power. The solution proposed is to ensure the headset is fully charged before use.
  2. Firmware or Software Updates:

    • Outdated firmware or software can also contribute to the problem. Users are advised to check for updates in the Settings menu under System > Software Update. Keeping the device up-to-date can resolve issues related to performance and stability.
  3. Auto Wake and Oculus Guardian Features:

    • Enabling Auto Wake and Oculus Guardian features may lead to repeated shutdowns. The article recommends disabling Auto Wake in the Oculus app settings to check if the problem persists. Oculus Guardian, a safety feature, can also be disabled through developer options if needed.
  4. Silicon Cover Interference:

    • Some users have reported issues when using the silicon cover provided by Meta. The cover may block a sensor, causing malfunctions. Removing the cover and assessing whether the problem persists is suggested.
  5. Official Service Center Assistance:

    • If none of the workarounds prove effective, the article advises users to seek assistance from an official service center. The issue could be attributed to hardware defects, battery issues, or specific software glitches.
  6. Meta Support:

    • Users are encouraged to contact Meta Support online for personalized troubleshooting. This emphasizes the importance of reaching out to the official support channels for expert assistance.

In summary, the article provides practical steps and solutions for Oculus Quest 2 users experiencing the "Keeps turning off" error. These recommendations cover various potential causes, from power-related issues to software glitches, offering a comprehensive guide for troubleshooting and resolving the problem.

Oculus "Keeps turning off" error: How to fix, possible reasons, and more (2024)
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