Log in to the site (2024)

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Log in to the site (2024)


Is it log in to the site or log in to the site? ›

“Log in” is a phrasal verb meaning “connect to an electronic device, system, or app.” The preposition “to” is often used directly after the verb; “in” and “to” should be written as two separate words (e.g., “log in to the app to update privacy settings”).

Is it correct to say login in? ›

Log in and login have only seen heavy use since personal computers became ubiquitous in the 1980s, but they are now so common that misusing them in your writing can cost you credibility. Log in (two words) should only be used as a verb. Login (one word) can be a noun or an adjective.

Do you say log in or log on? ›

When used as a noun or adjective, the term should be one word, as in "the user logon" or "the logon procedure." When used as a verb, the term should be two words, as in "you must log on" or "the user is still logged on." The term login follows the same guidelines.

How do I log into a website? ›

Inputting credentials​
  1. Accept their cookies policy, then load the main page.
  2. Click on the Sign in button and load the sign-in page.
  3. Enter the username and click the button.
  4. Enter the password and click the button, then load the main page again (but now logged in).

Which is correct on the site or in the site? ›

According to the search results, the correct preposition to use with a website is on. This is because we think of a website as a surface that we can navigate or interact with. For example, you can say: I saw your comment on the website.

What is the meaning of log in in? ›

When someone logs in or logs on, or logs into a computer system, they start using the system, usually by typing their name or identity code and a password.

How do you use login in a sentence? ›

Examples of 'login' in a sentence
  1. Type your router model into any search engine to find its default address and login details.
  2. If they discovered that their login details had been compromised, they would be able to change them.
  3. Most calls were to ask for a computer login or where an important document is.

How do you use log in in a sentence? ›

Users were required to log in to access the service. Additionally, they published admin user name and password for other citizens to log in and clear their debts early morning. Users can download free versions and log in through the panel to inject browsers and decrypt the host to log in to other websites.

Should login be two words? ›

Some people struggle with words like login/login. Should it be one word or two, they wonder. According to the Associated Press Stylebook, “login” is a noun and “log in” is a verb. So, if you're following AP style, you use your login to log in.

What is another word for log in? ›

What is another word for log in?
log onsign in
sign ongain access
connect togain access to
6 more rows

Is it log in on time or in time? ›

'on time' means 'at the arranged or correct time', whereas the phrase 'in time' means 'before it's too late'. Now, you are probably wondering when to use these phrases, so let's start with 'on time'. We generally use 'on time' for something that has a fixed time every day, or a plan that we have arranged previously.

How do I log into my computer? ›

Logging into a Computer, Tablet, or Smartphone

Upon starting up your computer, click your preferred account on the left side of the screen, then type in the password for that account and press Enter. If you're using a Windows 10 computer, you may instead enter a four-digit PIN, or use a fingerprint scanner to log in.

Why can't I log into a website? ›

Try clearing your cache and cookies

Sometimes for a variety of technical reasons, your browser's cookies and cache for a particular website can just get a bit messed up - clearing your cookies and cache can take you back to a bit of a "blank slate" and let you try again freshly.

What happens after you login to a website? ›

When you login the website sends data to backend server where it validates from a database whether the username and password matches , if it does it redirects you to your account page or any other page. The username are mostly stored as text but passwords are stored with encryption so that no one can read it directly.

How do I log into a website email? ›

From Your Browser
  1. Open a new window in your browser.
  2. In the address bar, type mail. <your domain name>. <your domain extension>. ...
  3. Enter your login credentials on the login page.
  4. Click the Login button.

What is the difference between into and in to? ›

Into and "in to" are different. Into indicates movement, action or transformation. "In to" is usually used to mean "in order to". When in and to are used as separate words, they are not a combined phrase.

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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.