Chapter 2 covers the literature review. It provides a detailed analysis of the theory/conceptual framework used in the study. In addition, chapter 2 offers a thorough synthesis of the available, current, scholarly literature on all aspects of the topic, including all points of view.
What is the gist of Chapter 2 of hidden figures? ›
Summary: Chapter Two: Mobilization
By the summer of 1943, American troops have been fighting in World War II for a year and a half. Camp Pickett, thirty miles from Farmville, Virginia, is one of many training centers that Black and white soldiers pass through before embarking for Europe.
The scene changes from Oxbridge to London, where the narrator sits in a room attempting to write about Women and Fiction. She reviews the questions raised during the previous day at Oxbridge ("Why did men drink wine and women water? Why was one sex so prosperous and the other so poor?
What does NASA stand for in Hidden Figures? ›National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Who was the boss in Hidden Figures? ›Katherine's supervisor Vivian Mitchell (Kirsten Dunst) assigns her to assist Al Harrison's (Kevin Costner) Space Task Group. Katherine becomes the first African American woman in the team and in the building, which has no bathrooms for colored people.
Who was Virginia Woolf's aunt in chapter 2 of a room of one's own? ›Mary Beton
The narrator's aunt, whose legacy of five hundred pounds a year secures her niece's financial independence. (Mary Beton is also one of the names Woolf assigns to her narrator, whose identity, she says, is irrelevant.)
On TV, Jack spots a commercial for the same painkillers Ma takes. This rattles his concept of what is and is not real. He badgers Ma about it. Ma admits that the TV features real things that exist outside Room.
What does the room symbolize in a room of one's own? ›The room in A Room of One's Own symbolizes a space away from the obligations of wifehood and motherhood placed upon women in society. Only by claiming this room, actual or symbolic, can women achieve literary equality.
What is the gist of chapter 3 in Hidden Figures? ›Summary: Chapter Three: Past Is Prologue
At the end of the summer of 1943, Dorothy returns to Farmville to teach. She tutors struggling students after school and also directs the choir. Then a letter from Langley arrives, offering her a position through the end of the war.
Prologue Summary
The Prologue sets the scene for how Shetterly came to write this book. She describes a visit home for Christmas 2010, during which she and her husband listened to stories from her father and several women who were members of her parents' church.