How to Use Feedback with Example Sentences (2024)

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

"He gave me a lot of helpful feedback."
(helpful, constructive, useful, valuable)

"So far we've received nothing but positive feedback."
(positive, favorable, good, great)

"She always provides honest feedback."
(honest, appropriate, relevant, accurate)

"He received some really critical feedback on his proposal."
(critical, negative)

"Getting immediate feedback can be very useful."
(immediate, instant, regular)

"My teacher never offers verbal feedback."
(verbal, written)

"They are analyzing student feedback."
(student, user, customer, reader, consumer)

Used with verbs:

"She always gives good feedback."
(gives, provides, offers)

"We received a lot of negative feedback about the story."
(received, got, had)

"She is trying to collect feedback on the new policy."
(collect, gather, obtain)

"He is constantly asking for feedback on his work."
(asking for, seeking, looking for)

"I appreciated her feedback."
(appreciated, welcomed)

Used with prepositions:

"She gave me some feedback on my paper."

"We have received a lot of feedback about the story."

"She provides relevant feedback to her students."

How to Use Feedback with Example Sentences (2024)


How to Use Feedback with Example Sentences? ›

The company uses customer feedback to improve its products. He asked for some feedback from his boss. The computer makes adjustments based on feedback from the sensors. We were getting some feedback from the microphone.

What is feedback with example? ›

Britannica Dictionary definition of FEEDBACK. [noncount] 1. : helpful information or criticism that is given to someone to say what can be done to improve a performance, product, etc. The company uses customer feedback to improve its products.

What is an example sentence for positive feedback? ›

1. I've noticed a significant improvement in your performance, behavior, and skills since your last performance review. You appear to have taken the constructive feedback to heart and worked on yourself. I am truly amazed by the dedication and positive attitude that you bring to work every day.

What does it mean to give feedback? ›

When you give feedback, it means you offer a helpful response to someone's work or idea. If you were recording your first album and you asked friends for feedback on which songs to include, you'd be asking them to offer their critical opinions on your music.

How do you use negative feedback in a sentence? ›

How to use negative feedback in a sentence
  1. He says he has yet to experience any negative feedback from the galaxy of Whovians. ...
  2. I believe that many depressed people are constantly afflicted by the crushing negative feedback of a negative personal narrative.

How do you politely give feedback examples? ›

Example of constructive feedback: "Helen, I always appreciate how productive and reliable you are, but I have noticed a change in your performance lately. Turning in assignments late is unlike you. I wanted to check in with you to discuss any challenges you have been facing and understand how I can support you better."

What are different types of feedback give example sentences? ›

Expert-Verified Answer

Negative feedback – corrective comments about past behavior. Positive feedback – affirming comments about past behavior. Negative feedforward – corrective comments about future performance.

What are three feedback examples? ›

Feedback examples:
  • “I'm not sure what this place would be like without you. Thank you for doing what you do every day to create a culture of support, innovation, and kindness.”
  • “We had a culture statement before you started working with us, but you are the one who truly brought it to life.”
Jul 15, 2022

What are 3 examples of positive sentences? ›

Examples of Positive sentence
  • 1) They are going to plant a tree. 2) Bill will join swimming classes this summer.
  • 3) My sister brought home a very cute puppy. 4) The work is due today.
  • 5) Ankush laughed loudly at the joke. 6) I have a plan. 7) Raju went to Kolkata yesterday. 8) Gourav tried hard to climb the wall.
Dec 12, 2021

How do you give good feedback? ›

Giving Effective Feedback
  1. Concentrate on the behaviour, not the person. One strategy is to open by stating the behaviour in question, then describing how you feel about it, and ending with what you want. ...
  2. Balance the content. ...
  3. Be specific. ...
  4. Be realistic. ...
  5. Own the feedback. ...
  6. Be timely. ...
  7. Offer continuing support.

What words to use when giving feedback? ›

5 best phrases for constructive feedback
  • “I see where you're going with this … ” ...
  • “Here's what I need you to improve.” ...
  • “We are off to a great start.” ...
  • “This is really creative. ...
  • “You're great at this.
Nov 1, 2018

Why is feedback important examples? ›

Feedback helps your team avoid major mistakes.

By creating a clear and honest communication flow during any kind of teamwork, it saves you the time of correcting someone's work, reduces errors caused by miscommunication to a minimum, and prevents regrets of those who feel like they failed.

What is feedback in the workplace? ›

Employee feedback is any information exchanged by employees (formally or informally) regarding their performance, skills, or ability to work within a team. Both supervisors and peers may deliver feedback, and when done tactfully, the process can create a stronger, more harmonious workplace.

What are 2 examples of positive and negative feedback? ›

Some examples of positive feedback are contractions in child birth and the ripening of fruit; negative feedback examples include the regulation of blood glucose levels and osmoregulation.

What is a good example of negative feedback? ›

Examples of Negative Feedback
  • Regulating Blood Sugar. Every time you eat, a negative feedback mechanism controls the level of sugar in your blood. ...
  • Temperature Regulation. All endotherms regulate their temperature. ...
  • Filling a Toilet Tank. Many students tend to struggle with abstract biological examples of negative feedback.
Jul 30, 2017

What is 1 example of negative feedback? ›

Another example of negative feedback is the regulation of the blood calcium level. The parathyroid glands secrete parathyroid hormone, which regulates the level of calcium in the blood. If calcium decreases, the parathyroid glands sense the decrease and secrete more parathyroid hormone.

What are the 3 types of feedback? ›

It comes in at least three formats:
  • Appreciation: recognising and rewarding someone for great work. ...
  • Coaching: helping someone expand their knowledge, skills and capabilities. ...
  • Evaluation: assessing someone against a set of standards, aligning expectations and informing decision-making.
Mar 25, 2021

What is a real world example of feedback? ›

Feedback Example: After observing your performance for over a period of two months, I feel that you seem a bit distracted and aren't able to focus on your work. I would like to know if there's something you need from me. Are there any resources that could help you get back on track?

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.