How to Set Specific Goals to Improve Business Success (2024)

What one change can you make to increase your success dramatically? Learn about goal setting and use specific goals in all your business planning. Goals need to be specific if we have any chance of accomplishing them. Establishing specific goals sets us up for success rather than failure.

Setting Specific Goals

A success goal is a specific goal, a goal that incorporates an action plan outlining how you will achieve the goaland a performance measure that tells you whether you were successful or not.

This is the goal setting formula for ensuring that you're setting a specific goal:

"I will (goal + performance measure) BY (specific actions)."

The performance measure in the goal is often a date or a length of time, but it could be any objective criteria that you can use to determine whether or not you've accomplished the specific goal that you've set.

Suppose your objective is to lose weight. An example of a specific goal to help you meet this objective is:

"I will lose 10 pounds in two months BY running on a treadmill for half an hour six days a week."

Setting Goals for Business Success

Before you can set specific goals designed to increase your business success, you need to know what you mean by success. Success means enjoying what you do, to the point that your work energizes you and creates happiness that spills over to your personal life. But what does "increased business success" mean to you?

Perhaps it is to start a home-based businessto improve your work-life balance and have more time to spend with your family, or having more energy to tackle your many tasks. Is it becoming more professional and developing more confidence so you can sell your product or service more successfully or try something new? Or is it making your business more environmentally friendly, or improving your customer service?

Examples of Specific Goals to Success

Depending on what the purpose of your goal setting exercise is, you might decide to set specific goals such as:

  • To Improve Your Work-Life Balance: "One month from now, I will spend entire weekends with my family BY reorganizing my work schedule and learning how to delegate."
  • To Get a Small Business Loan to Start Your Business: "I will develop enough confidence to present my business plan to the bank BY faithfully completing every assignment in the Business Success program."
  • To Actively Promote Your Business: "I will implement some low-cost ways of promoting my business, including creating a social media plan."
  • To Improve Your Small Business's Bottom Line (And Make More Money): "I will cut my business costs by 10% this quarter."

Goal Setting Tips

Business success isn't just a matter of a healthy bank account; think about what you want to accomplish, no matter how outlandish it seems at first thought and set your specific goals accordingly. (Think of Elon Musk, for instance, and his goal ofestablishing a human settlement on Mars. It seems outlandish now, but he's set the goals and is working towards it.) Writing down a vision statement will help set yourself up for long-term success.

A goal doesn't have to be sweeping to be valuable; small goals are worth working on, too, because they can lead to big changes. For instance, "One month from now, I will work three hours less a week BY becoming better organized," is a perfectly acceptable specific goal.

Use this same specific goal setting formula in all your business planning, and you'll quickly see an increase in the number of goals you accomplish - and more success!

Homework Assignment

Practicesetting specific goals by determining how you want your work schedule to be different one month from now.

Look back over your weekly activity record from Week 1 and evaluate your work schedule.Are there activities that you feel you spend too much time on or activities that aren't there because you didn't have time to do them? These are important clues to possible changes you might want to make to improve your business success.

Think about what business success truly means to you, and what you hope to achieve four weeks from now. Then write down two specific goals, following the formula laid out above, starting with, "One month from now, I will..."

You can create more than two goals if you wish, but if you do, choose only two of the specific goals you've created to focus on over the next four weeks. Too many goals will be distracting.

How to Set Specific Goals to Improve Business Success (2024)


How to Set Specific Goals to Improve Business Success? ›

Specific: I want to wake up earlier to have more time for my morning routine. Measurable: I'll track how many times I snooze my alarm and when I finish my morning routine. Attainable: My schedule allows me to go to sleep early, so I can still maintain at least eight hours of sleep.

How do you set goals for a business? ›

10 steps to setting business goals
  1. Assess your current state with SWOT. ...
  2. Seek internal and external input. ...
  3. Be specific. ...
  4. Set clear timelines. ...
  5. Use SMART framework and other available resources. ...
  6. Establish and use metrics to measure progress toward reaching goals. ...
  7. Communicate and incorporate business goals across the organization.
Dec 5, 2023

What is an example of a specific goal? ›

Specific: I want to wake up earlier to have more time for my morning routine. Measurable: I'll track how many times I snooze my alarm and when I finish my morning routine. Attainable: My schedule allows me to go to sleep early, so I can still maintain at least eight hours of sleep.

How do you make a specific goal? ›

To make a goal specific, the five “W” questions must be considered: Who: Who is involved in this goal? What: What do I want to accomplish? Where: Where is this goal to be achieved?

What are the 3 goals of business? ›

Business Goals are simple: make enough money to run the business, expand as necessary, and provide for the people who own and operate the organization. Like a living organism, a business's main goal is to survive and thrive.

What is a specific professional goal? ›

What are professional goals? Professional goals are anything you hope to achieve during your career, including skills, milestones, career changes or salaries. They also can be goals you wish to accomplish personally or to help your company and/or industry achieve.

What is a specific goal statement? ›

A goal statement is a written description of your long-term professional objectives. This may include specific accomplishments, like receiving a certain job title, developing unique skills or earning an advanced degree. It's also helpful to include a timeline for achievement in your goal statement to stay on track.

How specific should goals be? ›

Goals should be very specific.

The more specific, the easier for your brain to develop a strategy to achieve them. They should have a deadline and you should be able to measure them in some way. How will you know that you get it? Share your goals with others.

What are SMART targets in business? ›

What are SMART goals? The SMART in SMART goals stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Defining these parameters as they pertain to your goal helps ensure that your objectives are attainable within a certain time frame.

How do you set specific and realistic goals? ›

An easy way to set realistic goals
  1. Specific: What exactly do you want to do?
  2. Measurable: How will you know when you've done it?
  3. Achievable: Can you realistically do it?
  4. Relevant: Does the goal relate to something important in your life?
  5. Timely: When do you want to achieve it?

How do you write a specific SMART goal? ›

  1. Template for writing a S.M.A.R.T. Goal.
  2. Initial Goal (Write the goal you have in mind):
  3. Specific (What do you want to accomplish? ...
  4. Measurable (How can you measure progress and know if you've successfully met your goal?):
  5. Achievable (Do you have the skills required to achieve the goal?

What are the 5 reasons goals are important? ›

  • Reason 1: Focus. Goals keep you focused. ...
  • Reason 2: Plan of Action. Goals help you make a plan of action. ...
  • Reason 3: Motivation. Goals get you motivated. ...
  • Reason 4: Your Potential. Goals help you actualize your potential. ...
  • Reason 5: Commitment. Goals keep you committed.
Dec 20, 2022

How do you achieve success in success? ›

10 Tips To Become Successful and Achieve Your Life Goals
  1. Be committed. Through commitment, you can gain motivation to pursue success. ...
  2. Learn from the journey. ...
  3. Have fun along the way. ...
  4. Think positively. ...
  5. Change your perspective. ...
  6. Be honest with yourself. ...
  7. Take away distractions. ...
  8. Count on yourself.
Jun 29, 2023

What is goal setting for small business owner? ›

When setting your business goals and plotting the path to success, make sure the objective is relevant (or realistic). Building a relevant goal means that it's not overly ambitious but is worth the time it's going to take to get there.

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.