How Much You Should Tip in Common Situations (2024)




15 Min Read | Aug 21, 2024

How Much You Should Tip in Common Situations (1)

By George Kamel

How Much You Should Tip in Common Situations (2)

How Much You Should Tip in Common Situations (3)

By George Kamel

Key Takeaways

  • A standard tip for most services and dining situations is 15–20%.
  • Even if you receive terrible service, it’s still nice to be generous and leave something for your waiter or other service provider.
  • You don’t have to tip in all dining and service situations, like ordering at a takeout counter or having your internet installed.

Ever ask yourself, How much should I tip the barista for that Cinnamon Toast Crunchuccino? What about the pizza guy? Or your barber or hair stylist? You’re not alone! Tipping can be pretty awkward (and filled with guilt). We’ve all experienced that fight-or-flight moment when the iPad of doom flips around and you hear the dreaded words: “It’s just going to ask you a few questions.” Ugh. If you’ve been there, done that, it doesn’t mean you’re not a generous person. It probably just means you aren’t sure about the rules.

But I’ve got your back. And now you’ll have a handy list of how much you should tip in the most common scenarios.

Here's what we’ll dive into:

  • How Much to Tip at Restaurants
  • How Much to Tip for Grocery Services
  • How Much to Tip at Salons and Spas
  • How Much to Tip While Traveling
  • How Much to Tip for Other Common Services
  • How Much to Tip During the Holidays
  • How to Calculate Your Tip

Let’s start by talking about how much you should tip at all types of restaurants, because that can be tricky (especially with these new iPad tipping screens popping up everywhere).

How Much to Tip at Restaurants

Sit-Down Restaurants

When you eat at a sit-down restaurant, you should tip your server or waiter 15–20%. If youhad outstanding service or you reallywant to be generous, go for the 25% mark. Many servers make around $2 per hour,so they’re counting on those tips to make ends meet.1

You should consider the tip part of the overall cost of dining out. Meaning, if you can’t afford to tip your server, then you shouldn’t be eating out to begin with.

But George, what if I get really bad service?Hey, sometimes waiters have a bad day too. But you shouldn’t skip the tip altogether. If you want to knock that 20% down to 15%, that’s okay.

Fast-Food Restaurants

When it comes to fast-food (or “fast casual”) restaurants, pay attention to the kind of service you receive when you’re figuring out how to tip. Do they bring the food to your table? Do they bus the table and tidy it up for you? If so, leave a few bucks in the tip jar or on the screen if you’re feeling extra generous. But don’t feel obligated. It’s okay to bypass the tip in these quick and casual settings.

Buffet Restaurants

Servers at a buffet may not bring food to your table, but they still refill your drinks and clear your plates. So. Many. Plates. Think about it: You’ve got to grab anewplate for every visit back to the buffet, so you’re making a lot of work for that person. Tip them!

A good rule of thumb here is to tip at least 10%. Feel free to raise that if you get great service. Again, these servers makeverylittle per hour. If everyone tipped just one extra dollar, it would make a big difference for the servers.


Calculating a takeout tip is iffy. You shouldn’t feelpressureto leave a tip when you pick up a takeout order, but it would be a nice gesture to leave the workers a little something-something. Assuming you’re just grabbing one or two meals, rather than a massive group order, a few bucks will show your appreciation.

Restaurant Delivery

This one’s easy: You should absolutely tip for restaurant delivery. After all, someone brought that piping-hot pizza to your front door. Without them, you’d probably be eating cold mac and cheese leftovers and that salami that’s about to grow legs. Plus, you didn’t have to leave the house (or change out of your pajamas).

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Be generous and give them 10–20%.


How much should you tip at a drive-in? If you’re a regular at Sonic or a local mom-and-pop drive-in, tipping your carhop is up to you—but I strongly encourage it. Carhops don’t make much per hour (usually less than kitchen workers!), and I can tell you this: If I brought out a meal and drink on roller skates during the heat of summer and lived to tell the tale, I’d be primed for a tip! I recommend 15–20%.

Coffee Barista

You’ve seen the little tip jar on the counter when you pick up yourmorning cup of joe(and if it’s a trendy joint, the more stress-inducing iPad). It usually has a one-liner on it like “alms for thepour” or “thanks a latte for yourtip.” (A for effort. C+ for the puns.) So, what do you do?

When it comes to coffee, you’re not obligated to tip. But even though it’s the employer’s responsibility to pay their employees well, some service industry workers depend on tips to make ends meet. So if your barista went out of their way for you, why not put an extra dollar or two in that punny tip jar as a sign of thanks?


A good bartender or mixologist basically serves you liquid art. So tip your bartender—especially if the drink is complex or requires mixing, shaking or stirring. Two dollars per drink is perfectly fair tipping etiquette here. Although if you run up a tab, it’s kind to tip a standard 15–20%.

Restroom Attendant

Yeah, it’s an awkward one, but someday you’ll thank me for including this tip on tipping. If you’re in a swanky establishment, a restroom attendant might be part of the gig. If you’re wondering how much you should tip them and you’ve got a couple of bucks on you, feel free to offer it. If you don’t, just smile and say thanks when they pass you a hand towel or a mint.


When you use convenience services, remember that convenience often costs money. So, if you treat yourself to a valet service instead of parking your own car, you should absolutely tip a few bucks. And if the valet service itself is free,definitelydon’t skip the tip. Have you seen how those guys hustle to make sure you get in your car lickety-split? The Flash couldn’t do better. It’s worth tipping $5–10.

How Much to Tip for Grocery Services

Grocery Store Bagger or Order Pickup Runner

A lot of grocery stores ask you not to tip the people who bag or carry outyour groceries. Some even flat-out tell their employees to refuse tips. You don’t want to get them in trouble. But if the person is kind enough to carry your bags out to the car, express thanks with some kind words. Want to make a bigger impact? Check out their name tag and say their name as you thank them (without making it creepy). You’d be surprised how few people do this—and how much it could mean to the bagger.

The same tipping advice goes for people who prepare your drive-up or pickup orders.Technically,they aren’t allowed to accept tips either—so again, don’t get them into trouble. Just offer a sincere thank-you. They’re basically doing what’s now become a regular part of working at a grocery store.

Grocery Delivery Services

When figuring out how to tip forgrocery delivery, remember most of the gig workers at companies like Shipt and TaskRabbit count on tips as part of their income. Once you factor in transportation costs like gasoline, wear and tear on their car, and independent contractor taxes (not to mention time and energy spent shoppingfor you), they really don’t have much base pay left.

So be nice. A 15–20% tip is a good rule of thumb for someone who braved the store, picked out the freshest avocados, waited in line, sat through traffic, and brought groceries right to your porch so you didn’t have to. The same goes for stores like Walmart and Kroger that offer delivery services in-house.

How Much to Tip at Salons and Spas

Hair Stylist or Barber

Do you need to tip your hair person or your barber? You’re darn right you do! After all, you’re trusting these people with your precious hair. That’s one of the strongest levels of trust there is! Tipping 15–20% is standard depending on their level of expertise and the service you received. But feel free to go higher, especially if you get a scalp massage or the highlights of your dreams.


When it comes to nail services, here’s what I’ve learned from my wife: Tip like you’d tip your hair stylist. With 15–20%, you can’t go wrong.

Tattoo Artist

It takes some pretty incredible skills (and trust) for someone to draw permanent art on your body—and do it well. A good tattoo artist deserves a gratuity of 15–20%. But if they accidentally ink you up with “No Ragrets,” you can probably skip the tip.

Massage Therapist

Just like most other beauty or personal service providers, it’s standard to tip massage therapists 15–20%. But if you get a massage or muscle work done as a regular part of your chiropractor visit or physical therapy appointment, you don’t need to tip.

How Much to Tip While Traveling

Hotel Housekeeping

A lot of people don’t realize they need to tip at hotels, so let’s set the record straight. You should tip modestly (a couple of bucks) at a budget-friendly hotel and more generously at a nicer spot. In this new eco-friendly world, you might not want fresh sheets and towels every day, but on the days you request housekeeping, leave a tip for that day instead of one big tip at the end of your stay. A $5 bill with a note each time goes a long way. You might not get the same housekeeper throughout your stay, and you want to share the love with everyone who kept your room tidy.


I’m convinced that concierges are magicians—it seems like they can pull restaurant reservations and activities out of a hat. If your concierge has nabbed impossible-to-find tickets to a Broadway show or a hard-to-get reservation at a restaurant, then yes—slip them a $10 or $20 bill for going above and beyond with their connections. If they just gave you quick directions to the nearest coffee shop, you can skip the tip. But be sure to thank them.


We all know to tip the cabdriver for taking us safely to our destination. But how much is too much? That depends on the length of your trip and how well your driver drives.

If you feared for your life during the trip, that tip is going to be a big fat zero. If it was an overall safe and friendly drive, go ahead and tip 10–15%. Add an extra dollar or two if they helped you unload any luggage.

Uber and Lyft Drivers

I love technology because you can easily tip your Uber or Lyft driver right in the mobile app instead of fiddling with cash. Most of them go out of their way to win you over with perks like snacks, drinks and phone chargers. So give Uber and Lyft drivers the same tip amount you would give cabdrivers (10–15%).

Tipping Outside of the United States

If you’re traveling outside of the U.S., research ahead of time if tips are customary in that country. Other countries’ cultural norms are way different than ours, and you don’t want to offend anyone by leaving (or not leaving) a tip when you shouldn’t (or should).

How Much to Tip for Other Common Services


Hey, if you’ve knocked out your debt and it’s in your budget, there’s nothing wrong with paying for a housecleaning service! The folks who clean houses for a living are really good at what they do. No wonder nearly 10% of households in the U.S. pay a professional service to clean their homes.2So, how much should you tipthese top-notch housecleaners? A good goal is 15–20%.

Flower Delivery

A nice bouquet of flowers speaks volumes to someone you care about. Nothing like gifting my wife a dying plant to show myundying love, am I right? If you’re sending flowers, tip $2–5 per arrangement. On the flip side, if youreceivea display (or maybe a tasty fruit bouquet), it’s most likely a surprise. You don’t have to tip when receiving a gift. If you get excellent service and want to show appreciation, recommend that company to others. A word-of-mouth referral could bring them more business!

Professional Movers

No doubt about it—if your movers go the extra mile and help you bring in and set up your furniture, they deserve a tip. (Think about all that hard work!) And if they did an excellent job moving your home aquarium for exotic fish or your grandmother’s old piano up three flights of stairs, they definitely deserve a tip. I suggest $10–50 per mover depending on the level of difficulty, attitude of the crew, and amount of stuff they were lugging around for you. Every situation is different, so use your best judgment.

Cable Guy or Satellite and Internet Installer

With the convenience of streaming services like Netflix and Hulu, you might not use satellite and cable anymore. But we all need internet. And when the installer shows up at your house, they’re just doing their job. It’s not a service they’re going out of their way to do for you. That said, if it’s a blazing hot day, go ahead and “tip” them a cold bottle of water. And if it’s the dead of winter, why not offer them a hot cup of coffee or tea?


By “contractor,” I mean someone who offers contracted services like marketing for your business, filing your taxes, or building your website. Since they’re doing the job you hired them to do at a predetermined rate, you don’t have to tip them.

Pest Control

Tipping the bug or rodent guy isn’t expected, but it’s appreciated—especially if you call them on short notice. I suggest $10–20 for a standard extermination service.

Carpet or Appliance Installers

People who deliver carpeting or appliances to your home and then install them typically don’t expect tips. But if they offer great service and are careful about keeping your home in good shape during the installation, feel free to spot them about $10 each.

Wedding Officiant

Whoever officiates your wedding—whether it’s your priest, your pastor, a guy at the courthouse, or an Elvis impersonator—you should tip them. If it’s not already required as part of thewedding fees, hand the officiant $50–100 in a nice thank-you card at the rehearsal. If they absolutely refuse to accept it, offer to make a donation to their church or their favorite charity instead.


If your babysitter really helped you out (like agreeing to watch your little ones on short notice or cleaning up the aftermath of your child’s stomachache), then maybe you should tip them. This isn’t an absolute must. It’s a nice gesture to acknowledge the trouble they went through, and it sets you up for ayesif you need them last-minute in the future. This can look like adding a little extra to their hourly rate or rounding up when you’re figuring out what you owe.

How Much to Tip During the Holidays

Workingduring the holidaysis really stressful for the good folks in retail and service industries, so don’t be a Scrooge! You don’t have to tip more than usual—unless your hair person or plumber was able to squeeze you in out of the kindness of their heart during the hectic holiday season. But adding a “Merry Christmas” or including a card with your regular tip can make someone’s day.

And really, an extra $5 or a coffee gift card on top of your regular tip is a great way to spread some cheer for someone who serves you well all year long. It would also be a fantastic gesture to give a present to the barbers, delivery people or mechanics who help you throughout the year.

How to Calculate Your Tip

If you’re going to tip a percentage of the bill, that means you’ve got to calculate the darn thing. That can be intimidating, I get it. Especially if you’re in a hurry to get up from the table to make it to the movies or put the kids to bed. But all you really need is a little easy math and the calculator on your phone.

Here’s an easy way to calculate a tip:

1. Figure out what percentage you want to tip.

2. Move the decimal point in that percentage two places to the left.

3. Using your calculator, multiplythatnumber by the total bill.

That’s how much you should tip.

Here’s an example: Let’s say your total at Applebee’s is $28. Your server did an outstanding job of making sure your fries were piping hot and your Oreo milkshake was piled with whipped cream, so you decide to tip them 20%. (Good call!)

All you have to do is move the decimal on that percentage two places to the left (0.20), then multiply that by the cost of the meal ($28). And there you have it, folks—you’ll tip $5.60! You can do that for any percentage, whether it’s 15%, 20% or 25%.

You’ll be an expert at tipping in no time.

If You’re Not Sure How Much to Tip, Be Generous

No matter what tipping situation you find yourself in, you can’t go wrong withbeing generous.In fact, if you’re in a good financial position, be weird in a culture of normal and broke. In other words, beoutrageouslygenerous. Remember, your tip says more aboutyouthan the person you’re leaving it for. And if you budget for it, then tipping isn’t a big deal at all!

I suggest budgeting (for the tips, the groceries, the pizza, the ride-shares—all of it!) with my favorite budgeting app, EveryDollar. Plan your expenses and your generosity ahead of time so you can tell you money where to go (instead of wondering where it went). Start yourEveryDollarbudget for free today!

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About the author

George Kamel

George Kamel is the #1 national bestselling author of Breaking Free From Broke, a personal finance expert, a certified financial coach through Ramsey Financial Coach Master Training, and a nationally syndicated columnist. He’s the host of the George Kamel YouTube channel and co-host of Smart Money Happy Hour and The Ramsey Show, the second-largest talk radio show in America. George has served at Ramsey Solutions since 2013, where he speaks, writes and teaches on personal finance, investing, budgeting, insurance and how to avoid consumer traps. He’s been featured on Fox News, Fox Business and The Iced Coffee Hour, among others. Learn More.

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How Much You Should Tip in Common Situations (2024)


How Much You Should Tip in Common Situations? ›

Industry insider: common consensus says 15-20% is considered a normal tip, but honestly any amount less than 20% is considered a bad tip. If I (or the other servers I worked with) got less, we wondered what we did wrong.

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“In general, for things like sit-down restaurant meals, haircuts and taxis/rideshares, I'd say a 20 percent tip is recommended,” Bankrate Senior Industry Analyst Ted Rossman says. “Unfortunately, many people are tipping far less — sometimes even nothing at all.

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In general, the tip for grocery delivery fee services ranges anywhere from $2 to $10. The amount paid, however, can be increased during busy periods or for larger orders. For subscription-based services, it is recommended to accept tips of about $5 or up to 20% of the total order cost.

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Servers: At sit-down restaurants, tip 15 to 20 percent pretax. If you received exceptional service, feel free to tip above 20 percent, but it's not expected. Bartenders: Tip 15 to 20 perfect of your tab, or about $1 to $2 per drink.

Is 10% a decent tip? ›

If you have excellent or extremely fast service and want to leave something, consider adding a few dollars to the tip jar. "Some suggest that 10% is a good amount, but others say $1 or $2 is reasonable for good service," she adds.

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As a blanket rule, you don't need to tip anyone who earns a salary or performs a trade. That means you don't have to tip doctors, lawyers, teachers, plumbers or cable technicians.

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The appropriate amount to tip servers depends on your service. 15% is appropriate for average service ; 20% if your server is above average. You should feel free to tip above 20% if you received excellent service.

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As with most service industries, the customary tip at a car wash is around 15-20% of the total cost. However, remember that this is a general guideline, and tipping rates may vary depending on the quality of service you receive.

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Tipping is not required in any scenario, but it is always a nice thing to do. Your Instacart shopper is providing you with a service, and it's customary to show your appreciation of that service with a gratuity.

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Before drivers accept an order, the app shows both their base pay and the customer's offered tip. But that tip can change over the course of 24 hours.

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Servers might comp your meal (give it to you for free), send your table dessert, or, at the very least, offer you a sincere apology. If you get confronted for not leaving an adequate tip, understand that this is normal. Avoid this in the future and express problems with your server before you pay the bill.

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In most cases, it is customary to tip waiters or service providers. However, there are certain restaurants or franchises, particularly fast food establishments like McDonald's, where employees are not allowed to accept tips.

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You're never obligated to tip someone when they've provided you poor service or if you've had a rude interaction with them. In the case of a one-on-one service, such as a haircut, this is pretty cut and dried.

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Too often, consumers feel obligated to tip, he said. “It's based on basic guilt.” Skijus advises shoppers, regardless of income, to consider tipping when you want to express gratitude, but not at every point of sale, even when prompted.

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Why Americans have had enough of tipping. An increasing number of Americans believe that tipping expectations are unfair, says Carla Bevins, an expert on business management communication at Carnegie Mellon University's Tepper School of Business. And that's led to a shift in public attitudes toward gratuities.

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20% is the REAL standard for tips

Industry insider: common consensus says 15-20% is considered a normal tip, but honestly any amount less than 20% is considered a bad tip.

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A good rule of thumb here is to tip at least 10%. Also, feel free to raise that if you get stellar service. Again, these servers make very little per hour. Think of it like this: If everyone tipped just one extra dollar, it would make a big difference for the server.

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“It's up to the discretion of the customer," and it's not strictly necessary to tip in a fast food or quick service restaurant. That's very different from service at a sit-down restaurant, she notes, where the expectation is still that patrons should leave a tip of between 15% and 20% of their bill.

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The move: “Always start by reviewing your bill to confirm that the gratuity was included” as the menu indicated it would be, Gottsman says. “If not, a tip of 15 to 20 percent of the bill is appropriate.

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"It depends on how big your order is — good tips are at least 15%," said a DoorDasher who declined to share his name. That means the woman who tipped $5 on her $20 DoorDash order — which is a 25% gratuity — actually gave quite a good tip, drivers said. "A $5 tip on a $20 order? That's not bad at all.

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.