How Much Do Authors Make? The Truth About Money in Publishing (2024)

How much can authors expect to earn from their books? A first-time author with a traditional publishing deal might expect an advance of $1,000-$10,000 and 5-18% royalties once they “earn out” their advance. Self-published authors do not receive advances, but their royalties can reach up to 70% for ebook editions.

If this sounds like cryptic mumbo-jumbo to you right now, that’s okay. In this post, we’ll break down money matters in publishing and help you understand how much authors make from publishing a book. For those already in the know, here are some up-to-date facts and figures:

How Much Do Authors Make? The Truth About Money in Publishing (1)

💸 How much do authors make?

Self-published authors

  • 70% royalties on ebooks priced $2.99-$9.99
  • 35% royalties on ebooks outside that range
  • 40-60% royalties on print books; no advance

Small press authors

  • $1k-$2k advance, less for newer presses
  • 25-50% royalties on ebooks
  • 20-30% royalties on print books

Big 5 authors

  • $5k-10k advance, more for established authors
  • 5-15% royalties on print books
  • 25% royalties on ebooks

*Self-publishing figures based on Amazon KDP royalties.

As you can already tell, an author’s income will depend on many factors (most of which are out of an author’s control). So, let’s look closely at the world of advances, royalties, and additional income streams.

How Much Do Authors Make? The Truth About Money in Publishing (2)

Advances in traditional book deals

In traditional publishing, authors receive an advance on royalties based on how well the publisher thinks the book will sell. The advance is estimated on other factors too, such as the publisher’s size, and the author’s popularity and track record.

How much do authors earn from their books? Let's take a look at royalties and advances in publishing. Click to tweet!

There are also outliers, of course, household-name authors who nab hundreds of thousands in advances. To name a few:

  • Roxane Gay received $100,000 for Hunger (her fourth book, a memoir).
  • Scott Westerfeld received $175,000 for Extras (his 15th book, YA sci-fi).
  • Viet Thanh Nguyen received $250,000 for The Refugees (his third book, a collection of short stories).
  • Gillian Flynn received $400,000 for Gone Girl (her third book, a thriller).
  • Kristen Roupenian received $1,200,000 for You Know You Want This (her first book, a short story collection including the viral “Cat Person”).

These authors are the exception, not the rule. They all published books with lower advances (or in Roupenian’s case, got a viral story in the New Yorker) before ascending to the six-figure mark. The lesson here is that you need to be at the top of your writing game before you can get there financially — and traditional publishing still requires a great deal of luck. If you're publishing traditionally, a reputable literary agent to help you negotiate the best possible deal. In that case,you can check out our directory of literary agents to find relevant candidates.

The scales aren't always balanced

Moreover, one can’t ignore the racial disparities in trad pub payments exposed by 2020’s #PublishingPaidMe campaign, in which BIPOC authors reported much lower advances than white authors. To give a particularly egregious example, N.K. Jemisin — one of the most prominent sci-fi/fantasy authors working today, boasting four Hugo Awards and a MacArthur Genius Grant — received just $25,000 for each book in her Broken Earth trilogy. And this was after she’d published multiple successful series in the same genre!

#PublishingPaidMe was followed by an informal Twitter questionnaire, responses to which are available in this public spreadsheet, where you can get a sense of what advances are given to which genres, and how they might have been affected by biases.

If your book sells enough to repay the publisher of the advance they gave you, you’ll then earn royalties on the rest of the copies sold.

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How Much Do Authors Make? The Truth About Money in Publishing (4)


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Author royalties on sales

There is a staggering difference in the royalties earned by a traditionally published author and a self-published one. The former doesn’t have to take a financial risk to pay for book marketing, printing, and distribution, but agrees to receive lower royalties. In contrast, a self-published author takes ownership of the publishing process but also keeps most of the profit on each sale.

How much do authors make per book?

How Much Do Authors Make? The Truth About Money in Publishing (7)Let's look at an example to better illustrate the difference in potential earnings. Say you publish a novel traditionally and sell 4,000 paperback copies at $11 and 6,000 ebooks at $7 一 for a total of $86,000 in sales. At an average royalty rate of 7.5% on paperback and 25% on ebook sales, you’d earn around $10,650 from your royalty cut, then your literary agent would take a cut, too.

On the other hand, if you were to sell the same amount of copies independently, with 50% and 70% royalties for the two different formats, you’d make $51,600 一 five times as much.

Did you know that #indieauthors earn up to 70% royalties on ebooks, compared to 25% for traditionally published ones? Click to tweet!

This significant income difference means that, outliers aside, many more self-published authors make a living than traditionally published authors, with self-publishing royalty earnings outpacing trad pub’s advance plus subsequent royalties. This was proven by several years of Author Earnings reports — most notably, one study that divided authors into groups earning more than $10k, $25k, $50k, and $100k. The study found that the number of indie authors earning 5-6 figures/year from book sales was much higher than the number of Big 5 authors earning the same.

Curious about the success an indie author can achieve? Check out this list of 8 self-publishing success stories every author should know.

Though the raw data is no longer accessible to the general public, the Author Earnings methodology was extremely thorough and more reliable than any self-selecting author surveys. Their reports analyzed the sales data of up to a million published titles, extracted directly from Amazon’s website. With that in mind, the major findings were as follows:

  • There were more high-earning self-publishing authors than Big 5 authors at every single publishing “age”. Whether an author debuted in the last century, the last decade, or the last 3-5 years, they were more likely to have a higher income as an indie.
How Much Do Authors Make? The Truth About Money in Publishing (9)
  • The gap was much wider among new authors (those who’d published in the previous 3-5 years). Even looking at authors earning $50k+/year, indie authors outnumbered recent Big 5 authors by a factor of three (see the right side of this next graph).
How Much Do Authors Make? The Truth About Money in Publishing (10)
  • Adjusting for non-Amazon sales still left indie authors with a significant income lead in every category except “authors who debuted in the past century” — which is no surprise, given the popularity of classics in brick-and-mortar bookstores.

In short, indie authors tend to make more than traditionally published authors, especially if they’ve recently debuted. This is partly because indie authors often work harder for digital exposure (extra helpful for those with extensive backlists!), but mostly because they receive much higher royalties than their traditionally published counterparts.

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Additional income streams for writers

In addition to book sales, there are several ways for writers to supplement their income.

Suppose your work gains enough traction to transcend the book format. In that case, you may receive royalties from subsidiary rights for screen adaptations (what people call having your work “optioned” by a company like Netflix), or merchandise, which can range from branded objects like mugs or posters to clothing or special editions of your books.

How Much Do Authors Make? The Truth About Money in Publishing (11)

Many authors also choose to offer freelance services like professional editing and ghostwriting in order to grow their income. If that’s something you’re experienced enough to consider, Reedsy’s marketplace could help you find fellow authors in need of your help.

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For more tips on how to pay the bills as an author, check out our 8 tips for making money by writing books.

How Much Do Authors Make? The Truth About Money in Publishing (2024)


How Much Do Authors Make? The Truth About Money in Publishing? ›

Ballpark Figures. Self-published authors can earn up to 70% royalties from their books, while most traditionally published authors make 5-18% royalties which they only receive after 'earning out'. That means the books sales have “paid back” their advances and the publishers then start giving them a cut of book sales.

How much money do published authors make? ›

Self-published authors can earn 40% to 60% royalties for the selling price of a book, while traditionally published authors typically earn 10% to 12% royalties. First-time authors willing to publish traditionally will receive a prepayment. This is usually $10,000 (not so much for first-time authors).

What percentage do authors get for publishing? ›

The royalty rate: This is the percentage of each sale that goes to the author. It's typically between 15-25%, but can be higher or lower depending on the publisher and other factors.

Is there money to be made in publishing? ›

As you can see from above, traditional publishers only give you around 10 to 15% of royalties. Self-publishing gives you anywhere from 35 to 70%. When it comes to how much money can you make writing a book, it's a lot more with self-publishing.

What is money paid to an author by a publisher for the rights of publication? ›

A publisher pays authors royalties in exchange for the rights to publish their work in book form. Royalty rates are percentages of book sales and they are entirely negotiable, though some publishers have standard royalty rates or standard royalty ranges that they try to stick to for the majority of their book deals.

Is it better to self-publish or get a publisher? ›

For many authors, self-publishing is the most attainable—and even profitable—method of publication. This is because traditional publishers are highly selective. Unless you are a notable CEO, business leader, celebrity, or influencer, it's difficult to convince a publishing house to take a risk on you.

Do publishers pay authors? ›

A publisher pays authors book royalties in exchange for the rights to publish their work in book form. Royalty rates are made up of percentages of book sales and they are entirely negotiable, though some publishers do have standard royalty rates that they try to adhere to for the majority of their book deals.

What are the odds of getting a book published? ›

The odds of getting a book traditionally published is around 1-2%. The average traditionally published book sells around 3,000 copies over its lifetime, and less than 500 the first year. A PUBLISHER breaks even on a $10,000 advance by selling around 1,000 copies.

What are the odds of becoming a published author? ›

Within the book publishing industry, it is agreed that the odds of an author getting their work published stands between 1% and 2%. Despite this low number, more than 95% of manuscripts received by publishers and agents are below the level the standard required.

How much do publishers pay first-time authors? ›

Book advances often start at $5,000 from major publishing houses. Advances from independent publishers are slightly lower, often starting at $1,000. Authors who work alongside traditional publishers can earn royalties once an advance has been repaid (earning out).

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Most people make over $25,000 and 1 in 8 people who sell their books have advances of over $100,000. I honestly was really surprised by this in a good way. It means it's quite possible to make… quite good money on your book.

Does publishing a book pay well? ›

A first-time author of a traditionally published book can usually expect an advance of $1,000 to $10,000 and a 5% to 18% cut of the royalties. Many self-published authors have reported earning up to 70% in royalty fees for their ebooks although they do not receive any advance payment.

How do self-published authors get paid? ›

A self-published author will pay to publish the work (often sourcing outside help such as editors and designers) and will then sell it using any proceeds to defray the initial outlay and in the hope of making a profit.

Should you ever pay a publisher to publish your book? ›

Do you have to pay to publish a book? No, you do not have to pay a publisher to publish a book. You do have to pay for editing, cover design, and marketing.

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Traditional Publishing Houses: If a writer is traditionally published, the publishing house typically covers the cost of cover design, editing, and other production expenses.

How do you get a publisher to pay you to write a book? ›

Authors who work with a traditional publisher will agree on an advance to be paid before the book goes to print. For a first-time author, you can expect around $5,000 or $10,000–it is effectively a signing bonus. You will not earn any new money until sales earn back the advance for your publisher.

How much does a traditionally published author make per book? ›

Key Takeaway: Traditional publishing royalties are around 10 to 15%, while self-publishing royalties go anywhere from 35 to 70%.

Can authors make 100k a year? ›

While most Digital Writers can quickly elevate themselves and start earning $100,000+ per year, it is very, very hard to make more than $250,000 per year without some form of Digital Leverage. This means finding a way to work with more people without selling more of your time.

Can you become a millionaire by publishing a book? ›

Will you be a millionaire by just becoming a book author, and how? - Quora. No, you won't. Most authors earn less than minimum wage from their writing, and need to have a day job in order to survive.

How much does JK Rowling earn per book? ›

Her earnings for the Harry Potter series are estimated at about $60-$80 million from book sales alone. Let's attempt a ridiculous estimate of per-word earnings based on seven Harry Potter books at about 300 pages each or 80,000 words each: $60000000/7=$8,571,438 for each book, divided by 80,000 words=$107.14 per word.

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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

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Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.