How Men Feel Loved (2024)

Takeaways: Men and women don’t experience love in exactly the same way. Learning about how men feel loved, and more importantly, how to speak your guy’s love language can strengthen your relationship and bring you closer together.

  • Men and women experience love differently
  • How to make a man feel good
  • Respect + freedom = love, too
  • Men and women manage stress differently
  • Never assume what love means to others

Men Need Romance Too: How Men Feel Loved

“What does love feel like for a man?” As a couples therapist, I am often asked this question by people hoping to strengthen their connection with their most important guy. I was recently interviewed for a feature in about how “Men Need Romance in Their Lives Just As Much As Women.” I was happy to do it, because I’m so glad that men’s issues — particularly when it comes to healthy relationships — are getting more attention in the media. As I discussed with some of my male colleagues on a recent episode of the Love, Happiness and Success Podcast, “How to Understand Men,” and another episode with researcher Andrew Reiner on the secret desire for emotional intimacy in men, too often, the emotional reality of men goes either unseen, or is disregarded. This can create a barrier to men becoming fully self-actualized, or to having the kinds of high quality relationships that they deserve.

In my experience, one of the main issues when it comes to men in relationships is that their feelings or emotional needs aren’t often acknowledged or addressed. One mistake I often see women make is assuming that men should feel connected and romanced in the same way that they do.

It’s a common misperception that men don’t crave feelings of closeness, connection, and emotional intimacy just as much as women do. As a marriage counselor and couples therapist, I can’t tell you how many poignant conversations I’ve had with lonely men who want nothing more than to feel connected to and loved by the most important woman in their life. When they get the love and affection they crave, they’re like plants being watered.

It can be hard for many guys to put a voice to how they feel. As a result, sometimes their partners don’t fully understand them.

Men and Women Experience Love Differently

There are differences in the way that men and women feel connected and cared for, often having to do with their “Love Languages.” While there are no hard and fast rules that are true for all men, oftentimes men experience love through physical affection, quality time together, and words of affirmation, whereas women are more likely to experience feelings of love through acts of service, words of affirmation, as well as gifts. Another difference is that men often have a higher need for novelty and excitement than women do.

How to Make a Man Feel Good

In plain language: Men often feel most loved by the women in their lives when their partners hug them, kiss them, smile at them, and explicitly offer gratitude, praise, and words of affection. This is how to make a man feel good. Men also feel loved and connected through sexuality, often to a greater degree than women do. Whereas women often need to feel emotionally connected as a prelude to sexuality, men often need to feel sexually connected before they can connect emotionally. Additionally, some men feel stronger feelings of attachment and connection when there is novelty and adventure in a relationship.

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Respect + Freedom = Love, Too

In my experience many men also long to feel respected, and supported in the things that are most important to them. For some men, having partners who support them in pursuing their hobbies or interests outside of the relationship is a very meaningful way of feeling loved. It may sound paradoxical, to love someone by setting them free, but many men feel an enormous amount of satisfaction in relationships where they are not just accepted, but prized, for who and what they are.

One mistake I often see women make is assuming that men should feel connected and romanced in the same way that they do: through conversation, time together, gift giving, etc. (Leading women to feel frustrated or rejected when they try to show love in the way they think their partner “should” experience it, and it’s not received well). This can lead to conflict, or even worse, men withdrawing in their attempts to show love by protecting the relationship from conflict.

One mistake I often see women make is assuming that men should feel connected and romanced in the same way that they do…

Men and Women Manage Stress Differently

One mistake I often see my marriage counseling couples make is that they expect each other to deal with stress in similar ways — and often judge each other ruthlessly when they don’t. For example, when men experience stress or challenging life situations they are more likely than women to internalize stress. They sometimes withdraw, distract themselves, or get busy doing other things rather than talking about how they’re feeling. (Or even feeling what they’re feeling, honestly). Women are more likely to externalize stress, meaning that they feel all the feels, and they talk about it. They want to reach out for connection in difficult times.

You can see where this is headed: When both partners are stressed out, if one of them copes by withdrawing and the other copes by talking…. both of them will feel like they’re not getting what they need from the other. Women feel shut down, invalidated or rejected by their partners in the moments when they need them the most. At the same time, men often feel harassed to talk about things they don’t want to (or even know how to) talk about, and then criticized when they don’t “do it right.”

I discussed this dynamic recently with a male marriage counselor to get his perspective on how to improve couples communication during times of stress. Here were his tips for couples communication during stressful times.

The Platinum Rule of Relationships

Never forget that while the golden rule we’re taught is, “Treat others as we’d like to be treated,” when it comes to having a great relationship the platinum rule takes precedence, which is “Treat others the way that THEY want to be treated.” (Learn more about the “platinum rule” from Dr. Helen Fisher, in the podcast episode we recorded together, Understand Your Relationship, Finally.) Often, more than anything, your man wants to know that you like him, you respect him, and that you find him sexually attractive. When in doubt, start there.

Never Assume What “Love” Means to Others

However, all men are different. Some men feel the deepest connection through sexuality. For others, the height of emotional connection is through conversation, time together, or acts of service. All romance starts and ends with paying attention to the other person’s feelings, and showing them that you love them in ways that are tailor made to be meaningful to them. Aren’t sure how your man feels most loved? Ask him!

But never forget that men crave romance and connection just as much as women do, even if they experience it differently. Take the time to figure out what’s most meaningful to your most important person.

If this sounds like a lot of work, consider that a wonderful side benefit of romancing your man is that when you do, you’re much more likely to have romantic energy coming back to you, too. It’s effortless to love when we feel loved, isn’t it?

Be the change you wish to see in your relationship! And if you’d like support from a couples counselor on my team, I invite you to schedule a free consultation.

All the best,

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

PS: A great way to get the conversational ball rolling about what you’re both needing from each other, and start taking action to change the dynamics in your relationship for the better, is by taking my “How Healthy is Your Relationship Quiz” with your partner, and discussing the results. It’s just a starting point, but it can open the door to great things for both of you. I hope you check it out! xoxo, LMB


Mostova O, Stolarski M, Matthews G. I love the way you love me: Responding to partner’s love language preferences boosts satisfaction in romantic heterosexual couples. PLoS One. 2022 Jun 22;17(6):e0269429. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0269429. PMID: 35731784; PMCID: PMC9216579.

McKenzie SK, Collings S, Jenkin G, River J. Masculinity, Social Connectedness, and Mental Health: Men’s Diverse Patterns of Practice. Am J Mens Health. 2018 Sep;12(5):1247-1261. doi: 10.1177/1557988318772732. Epub 2018 Apr 28. PMID: 29708008; PMCID: PMC6142169.

How Men Feel Loved (1)

Lisa Marie Bobby, PhD, LMFT, BCC( PhD, LP, LMFT, BCC )

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby is the founder and clinical director of Growing Self. She is a licensed psychologist, a licensed marriage and family therapist, and a board-certified coach, as well as the author of “Exaholics: Breaking Your Addiction to Your Ex Love,” and the host of The Love, Happiness & Success Podcast.

Learn more about Dr. Lisa

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How Men Feel Loved (2024)


How Men Feel Loved? ›

Men often feel loved when their partner understands them, and shows empathy and compassion towards them. Showing understanding and being there for your partner during difficult times can help strengthen the bond between partners.

How do you make a man feel loved? ›

18 ways to show your partner you love him
  1. Be spontaneous. ...
  2. Express love daily. ...
  3. Be open and honest. ...
  4. Have open communication. ...
  5. Make compromises. ...
  6. Cultivate positive qualities. ...
  7. Take care of yourself. ...
  8. Accept his friends and family.
Mar 12, 2024

What makes men feel most loved? ›

In plain language: Men often feel most loved by the women in their lives when their partners hug them, kiss them, smile at them, and explicitly offer gratitude, praise, and words of affection.

What does lack of affection do to a man? ›

The impact of the lack of affection on men extends far beyond emotional and psychological realms; it affects their physical well-being as well. Skin hunger, the longing for physical touch, is a genuine need that, when unfulfilled, can lead to various health issues and a diminished sense of overall well-being.

What do men feel when they are in love? ›

Men may feel euphoric when falling in love

This can translate into an elevated mood overall for a man in love, especially if he's spending a lot of time with the person he's falling for, which can contribute to sexual chemistry, physical intimacy, and a strong emotional connection.

What makes a man feel connected to a woman? ›

Put simply, when you understand each other, you feel connected. So, communication becomes a key area to focus on. The simplest way for men to feel connected with women is through sharing intimacy and experiences.

How a man shows love without saying it? ›

For example, for some men, giving their time to you is a gift. When they spend more time with you, and less with family and friends, this is their way of saying that they love you. They are choosing to be with you. Some other men choose other gifts.

What triggers a man's love? ›

While physical appearance can initially catch their attention, it is the deeper qualities that truly ignite emotional connection. A genuine sense of humor, intelligence, empathy, and confidence are among the traits that trigger emotional attraction in men.

What makes men fall deep in love? ›

Makes him feel wanted

To know that a woman desires you can elevate the confidence of a man and make him feel that you value him. It gives him a boost to open up and trust you with their heart. That is what makes a man fall deeply in love with a woman.

What makes a man want to see you again? ›

It's a sign that he really connected with you.

If something really funny or memorable happened on your date, he may bring it up afterward as a way to break the ice or talk about how much fun you two had together. If he enjoyed being with you once, he likely wants to see you again.

What is intimacy to a man? ›

For many men, intimacy involves an exclusive emotional and physical bond, marked by open communication, vulnerability and trust. It's a safe space to access admiration and affection. The physical and emotional intimately interconnect, allowing men to lower their guard away from outside pressures.

What is emotional intimacy to a man? ›

Emotional intimacy is the sharing of thoughts and feelings with another person in a way that is trusting, safe, and vulnerable. It is about being emotionally open and honest with each other. When you are emotionally intimate with your partner, you are able to share your deepest thoughts and feelings with them.

What kind of physical touch do guys like? ›

Similar to the neck massage, another light touch that works like magic is to lightly scratch his head or another part of his body. Running your fingers through his hair or down his arm ever so slightly will help him feel extremely relaxed and affectionate.

Which gender falls out of love faster? ›

The second is that, over the course of a long relationship, women on average experience a much steeper decline in these feeling compared to their male partners. Whereas men showed a 9.2% reduction in their romantic feelings towards their spouses, women underwent a 55.2% drop.

How to make a man miss you? ›

10 proven ways to make a guy miss you
  1. Deliberately leave things behind. ...
  2. Give him some personal space. ...
  3. Make him wait before replying his texts. ...
  4. Take things slow. ...
  5. Wear a unique perfume. ...
  6. Add some mystery to your experiences together. ...
  7. Have adventures with him (and your friends)
Jan 18, 2018

How long does it take a man to miss you? ›

On average, it takes men about 8 weeks to miss their ex after a breakup. This can vary depending on the length and intensity of the relationship. You can tell he misses you if he texts or calls frequently, talks to other people about you, and invites you out to do things with him.

How do you show a man you care? ›

Here are some essential ways to show your man just how much you love him.
  1. Let him be himself. ...
  2. Remember the details. ...
  3. Give him your undivided attention. ...
  4. Do your own thing. ...
  5. Anticipate his needs. ...
  6. Relinquish control. ...
  7. Compliment him.

How do you emotionally bond with a man? ›

10 ways to connect with a man on an emotional level
  1. Communicate openly and honestly.
  2. Keeping it transparent.
  3. Take an interest in his life.
  4. Show empathy.
  5. Show respect.
  6. Surprise him.
  7. Create a safe space.
  8. Connect through shared experiences.
Nov 16, 2023

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