Heaven Ascension DIO (2024)

  • Heaven Ascension DIO

  • The World Over Heaven

Heaven Ascension DIO (1)
Heaven Ascension DIO (2)
Your vampiric nature makes you predictable and your lack of a Stand makes you useless, however, you still have a chance at achieving 'Heaven' so I will erase you now.
~ DIO to his younger self
  • 1 Character Synopsis
  • 2 Character Statistics
  • 3 Other Attributes
  • 4 The World Over Heaven (TWOH)
  • 5 Personal
  • 6 Others

Character Synopsis

Heaven Ascension DIO is the main antagonist of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven. This version of DIO is from an alternate timeline where he succeded in killing the Joestars, thus, "obtaining heaven" and gaining god-like powers through The World Over Heaven. This was done after DIO had collected the souls of the "36 Sinners" required to evolve his stand. He had rewritten the world and all of humanity to worship him as their one true god.

Character Statistics

Tiering: 8-C physically. 8-C with The World Over Heaven. 4-A with Reality Overwrite | 8-C physically. 8-C with The World Over Heaven. Low 2-C with Reality Overwrite. 2-C via Fate Manipulation

Verse: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

Name: Heaven Ascension DIO

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown (should be older than 122 as this is DIO sometime after Part 3 in his universe)

Classification: Vampire, Deity, The Noble One

Special Abilities:

  • Pre-Absorption

    See Also
  • Post-Absorption

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, all abilities of his original timeline self, Teleportion, Lightning Manipulation (In the form of casting lightning bolts), Time Manipulation (Capable of time stop through The World Over Heaven), Regeneration (High-Mid; Scaling from his canon counterpart), Immortality (Type 1, 2 & 3), Healing (through manually rewriting any injuries he has obtained from opponents), Corruption (Biological; Via Reality Overwrite), Power Bestowal (Can grant the power to travel through time or even to alternate timelines), Soul Manipulation (Capable of stealing souls and make them servents of him or to increase his power), Reality Warping, Existence Erasure, Power Nullification (Has access to "Reality Overwrite", an ability that allows one to overwrite and define reality in any meaningful way they desire, such as removing beings out of existence in any dimension or even nullifying attacks), Ressurection (Brough back many antagonists from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure), Creation, Pocket Reality Manipulation (Created ans sustains Over Heaven Area, a dimension that belongs to DIO), Dimensional Travel (Can arrive at any reality he wishes), Biological Manipulation (As explained here), BFR (through BFR and or Time Travel), Technological Manipulation (Could control Rudol von Stroheim as a cyborg), Summoning (Can summon some sort of Purple Aura to attack his enemies. Able to summons his minions, like Enya the Hag). With Corpse Parts, DIO has the following: Spatial Manipulation (Could alter space), Clairvoyance (As showcased here), Fate Manipulation (Should Scale to Jotaro) alongside, resistance to Transmutation, Disease Manipulation and Mind Manipulation (The Holy Corpse allows the holders to resist Scary Monsters and similar abilities)

All previous abilities + Air Manipulation and Perception Manipulation (Can create tornados that can make opponents blind for 11 seconds), Telekinesis (Can levitate), Improved Reality Warping, Existence Erasure, Power Nullification (Can now preform Reality Overwrite without the need of touch)

Destructive Ability: Building Level (Scales to his original self, whom of which is above Tarkus, a character who can split hills). Building Level with The World Over Heaven (Superior to it's original timeline version and is capable of harming Star Platinum). Multi-Solar System Level with Reality Overwrite (Capable of creating Over Heaven Area, a pocket dimension that contains a starry sky as part of it) | Building Level physically. Building Level with The World Over Heaven. Universe Level+ with Reality Overwrite (Has obtained a far superior version of Reality Overwrite, after absorbing the souls and the Complete Holy Corpse. This in turn, gave DIO the power to overwrite the reality of the main world JoJo's Bizarre Adventure takes place in, of which contextually means the universe. This was implied by Enrico Pucci and stated by DIO). Multi-Universe Level via Fate Manipulation (Star Platinum Over Heaven and The World Over Heaven are the exact same type of Stands; SPOH was able to change different timelines and their fates)

Speed: Hypersonic+ physically with Massively FTL reaction speeds. Infinite via The World Over Heaven (Can intercept attacks from the likes of Gold Experience Requiem)

Lifting Ability: Class K, possibly Class M (Scales to Tarkus, whom of which he is superior than)

Striking Ability: Building Class (Would have instantly killed Jotaro by himself had he not pulled the golden bracelets up at the last second). Building Class with The World Over Heaven | Building Class. Building Class with The World Over Heaven

Durability: Building Level (Took a direct punch from Star Platinum to the head and recovered finely after); Regeneration and immortality makes him very difficult to kill (Even using the main timeline DIO's bracelets to cause a paradox, Jotaro was unable to inflict any permanent harm to DIO until his stand also began to manifest its Over Heaven abilities)

Stamina: At least vastly Superhuman

Range: Standard melee range. 10 meters with TWOH (Could possibly get weaker if it gets farther away from HAD, but it is unknown if TWOH still retained its range weakness). Multiversal+ with time stop and reality overwrite (Can rewrite anything within any timeline, albeit it has to be initiated via TWOH's hands)

Intelligence: Very High (Scaling from his original timeline self)


  • He is not immune to paradoxical damage, in spite of the power he got from obtaining heaven and absorbing the Holy Corpse.
  • DIO is still vulnerable to the mutual destruction of two versions of a person or thing connected to him, like his Part 3 incarnation's golden bracelets.
  • While he was able to recover the damage to his arms done by this, it shows he is only resistant to a certain degree, and not entirely immune.).
  • Heaven DIO's powers come from his hands. Should they get wounded or injured in any way, Dio will not be able to overwrite reality anymore.
  • He is a glass cannon of sorts as he only gained god-like powers, but not having god-like physical capabilities.
  • As Heaven DIO's reality overwrite is centered around the use of TWOH's hands, he must have it punch someone or something in order to warp it out of existence.

Other Attributes

List of Equipment: The Corpse Parts

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

The World Over Heaven (TWOH)

  • DIO's evolved Stand, The World Over Heaven, can overwrite reality itself and stop time indefinitely, as opposed to the mere nine seconds The World could handle. With Time Stop, DIO is able to trap his opponents within the stopped time for however long he pleases. Reality Overwrite also allows him to rewrite anything within any timeline, granting him godlike power.
  • The World Over Heaven also retains The World's original superhuman strength, speed and incredible precision, but more enhanced than Part 4 Jotaro's Star Platinum: The World.
  • Reality Overwrite: The World Over Heaven gains the new signature godlike power to overwrite reality, allowing DIO to rewrite virtually anything in time. The potential extent of this ability appears to be limitless, as this power can be used to rewrite the existence of anything he wants, steal/absorb souls and use them as slaves, and completely negate almost any defence that the series has to offer (As demonstrated against the abilities of Tusk Act 4 and Gold Experience Requiem). However, this power is eventually revealed to suffer from a major drawback; It can only be initiated through The World Over Heaven's fists, meaning that the stand would have to punch something in order to rewrite it.
    • Infinite Time Stop: Previously, The World was only able to stop time for a maximum of 9 seconds before its destruction. However, as The World Over Heaven, this stand can now freeze time indefinitely, with no apparent limitation to its duration.


  • DIO in his ascended form has the powers of teleportation, instantaneous regeneration, resurrecting the dead, mind control and can summon lightning bolts to attack and target his opponents. He also appears to have the ability of dimensional travel, similar to Valentine's D4C.
  • This form has a weakness of being connected to his self from Part 3's timeline. As no two versions of the same person or thing can co-exist in the same dimension, should Part 3 DIO or something connected to him, like his golden bracelet rings, come in contact with Heaven Ascension DIO or their matching item, both versions will collide and explode.

Extra Info: This profile only covers the version from Eyes of Heaven Dio, who is an exclusive character made for the game by Araki himself


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:

Heaven Ascension DIO (2024)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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