Examples of Extracurricular Activities- 6 Activities With Examples (2024)

While curricular activities are activities that are part of the school or college, there are also a variety of other extra curricular activities that happen ‘outside the classroom’ and do not make up the curriculum. These activities are called co curricular and extra curricular activities, examples of which are aplenty

Examples of Extracurricular Activities- 6 Activities With Examples (1)

Extracurricular activities provide additional insight to your portfolio and are reflective of the skills that one comes to learn through them. However, co curricular and extra curricular activities examples do not just embellish your resume but also provide constructive ways to spend one’s time and learn a variety of soft skills that come in handy in life.

Whether you need a list of extra curricular activities examples for your job application or are looking for new and constructive ways to learn things outside of what is taught in school, this article will help you understand what counts as extracurricular, what are some co curricular activities examples, and how to go about developing them.

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What Counts As An Extracurricular Activity

Before we begin, let us consider what counts as an extracurricular activity. You may be tempted to list all of the activities that you do outside of your school curriculum as co curricular activities examples, but the fact of the matter is that not all of these will count as extracurricular examples. For instance, listening to music and going to live concerts are not co curricular and extracurricular activities examples. These are your interests and your hobbies.

On the other hand, playing music and organising events for your school concerts do count as co curricular activities examples. The basic difference here is that the activities should include other people as well and allow you the opportunity to display your skills and learning through your extracurricular activities in organised events, for that is what recruiters are looking for.

Extracurricular Activities Examples

Now that we know what does and does not count as co curricular activities and extracurricular activities examples, let us consider a few examples for extracurricular activities that you may want to include in your portfolio or ones that you may want to consider picking up.

Read further to know more about types of co curricular activities with examples.

Extracurricular Examples - Academics

Every school and college has various clubs and groups that revolve around academics. If you are interested in astronomy or international relations, being a part of your school’s astronomy club or Model United Nations can serve to not just embellish your portfolio but also lend you a broader perspective on how these skills can be used in the real world. Some other academic co curricular and extra curricular activities examples include the following:

  • Maths club
  • Chemistry club
  • Debate club
  • Student government body
  • Community service

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Extracurricular Examples - Arts

Arts are the foundation of our cultural milieu and having artistic activities as extracurricular examples serve to highlight all-around personality development. Here are a few extracurricular activities examples that are based on the arts.

  • Arts club
  • Painting
  • Pottery
  • Graphic design
  • Ceramics

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Extracurricular Examples - Media

Many schools and colleges have their own on-campus media activities that students can be a part of. Participating in your school’s media activities can acquaint you with new technology as well as teach you how to work in the dissemination of information through the various media channels. Here are a few co curricular activities and extra curricular activities examples:

  • School magazines and newspapers
  • Photography clubs
  • Film clubs
  • Audio/Video newscasts
  • Master of ceremonies (MC)

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Extracurricular Examples - Music

  • If you have an interest in playing musical instruments or singing, being a part of the school’s band or orchestra can serve to develop your musical abilities. Besides being a highly fulfilling activity on its own, many studies suggest that students that play music and are a part of musical clubs tend to do better at the school’s curricular activities as well. One can list the following as a few co curricular activities and extracurricular activities examples:

  • Choir
  • Orchestra
  • Concert band
  • Playing an instrument
  • Ensembles

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Extracurricular Examples - Performing Arts

Almost every school and college will have performing arts activities that students can be a part of. Those that like to be a part of the production but do not want to be in the spotlight can also find various avenues to channel their talents by designing sets and costumes, directing. Here are a few performing arts co curricular activities examples:

  • Acting
  • Dance and Choreography
  • Stand-up comedy
  • Film production club
  • Slam poetry

Keep on reading to know more about types of co curricular activities and extracurricular activities examples.

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Extracurricular Examples - Sports

Sports are the most popular example of extracurricular activities. Whether you are part of the school team, class team, or a part of the training and support staff, sports provide the basis of physical education and learning and develop various skills that are not taught in the classroom, such as playing for the team, to the spirit of the game, being fair, and competing. Some of the co curricular activities and extracurricular activities examples in the sports department are as follows:

  • Track and field
  • Cricket
  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Martial arts
  • Swimming
  • Rock climbing
  • Tennis

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How To Pursue Extracurricular Activities?

Extracurricular activities do not just make one adept in their chosen field, but also provide various invaluable lessons and life skills that are not covered in classrooms. If you are not pursuing extracurricular activities yet, you may want to change that. Some of the examples for extracurricular activities are listed below.

Pick an activity that piques your interest, be it sports, media, theatre, music and become a member of your school’s club. Most of the co curricular activities and extracurricular activities examples, as mentioned above, can also be learned outside of school in one’s free time as well. Make friends with people who are already skilled in the activities that you are interested in and learn through participation. The only thing you should take note of is not to overschedule or overburden yourself with such activities that it starts affecting your academic performance. Having a good balance of the two is paramount.

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Regardless of the extracurricular activities you choose, you will invariably develop skills that go beyond academics and make you a holistic learner. Many of the skills learned through co curricular activities provide the foundation for further learning, developing interpersonal relationships, friendships, building confidence and being a part of a larger community. Many of these skills are what recruiters are also on the lookout for during college admissions and job interviews.

We hope you now have a better understanding of what constitutes co curricular activities and extracurricular activities examples and how they benefit one’s life and career.

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Examples of Extracurricular Activities- 6 Activities With Examples (2024)


Is 6 extracurricular activities good? ›

How Many “Normal” Activities Should Students Have? The Goldilocks “just right” number of activities is 5 or 6. This is a good amount because it's achievable for most students without being overwhelming.

What are extracurricular activities and examples? ›

Extracurricular is a combination of the Latin prefix extra- meaning "on the outside" and the word curriculum, meaning "a running, course, career." Something that is extracurricular is on the outside of your course or career. When you get involved in an extracurricular activity, you are going outside of what's expected.

What are examples of extracurricular education? ›

Types of Extracurricular Activities
  • Athletics. ...
  • Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) ...
  • Student Government. ...
  • Model UN, Mock Trial, & Debate. ...
  • Volunteer & Community Organizations. ...
  • Language Clubs Organizations. ...
  • Cultural Organizations. ...
  • The Arts.

Is 7 extracurriculars good? ›

Most colleges look for depth in a few areas as opposed to a blatant, calculated stack of extracurricular activities. In the end, extracurriculars are about quality, not quantity, so try not to worry about having a specific number of activities or blank spaces to fill.

Is 7 extracurriculars too much? ›

There is never too many, but you have to show that you are genuinely committed and interested in the activity.

What are examples of activities? ›

Seeing a movie, art or sports game, sightseeing, driving, caring for pets, playing a video game, reading a book (including a comic) as a hobby, playing a musical instrument as part of club activities - Activities done as a hobby, such as confectionery-making, are included in this category.

What is the most popular extracurricular? ›

Sports are the most common extracurricular activity for kids in the United States.

What are the names of extracurricular activities? ›

Sports and Recreation. You probably already know about the sports teams at your schools, but there are also many opportunities to participate outside of those. Try doing extramural sports, join a club league in your community, or consider coaching a youth team.

Can you list hobbies as extracurricular activities? ›

It typically doesn't carry academic credit but can be related to school. For example, athletics and student clubs are considered extracurricular activities. Hobbies, interests, and volunteer work outside of school are also considered extracurricular activities.

What is your extracurricular activity? ›

Extracurricular activities refer to any kind of activity not covered by a school, college, or university curriculum. They are usually voluntary, social, or philanthropic activities that involve other participants of the same age.

How to answer extracurricular activities? ›

Some common extracurricular activities to mention during an interview include:
  1. Travel.
  2. Volunteering, community service or charity work.
  3. Sports such as competing on a team or in a league, hiking or other forms of exercise.
  4. Creative arts, including writing, music, painting and crafts.
  5. Cooking or gardening.
Apr 9, 2024

What is an example of extracurricular activities in a sentence? ›

Each child had participated in extracurricular activities at school. The money he made from these extra-curricular activities enabled him to pursue other ventures.

What is an extracurricular in school? ›

An extracurricular is any activity that doesn't count towards an academic credit. These are activities that students participate in outside of class, such as activities in the arts, athletics, personal commitments and so on.

How many extracurricular activities should I do? ›

Strong applications tend to have between 8 and 10 extracurricular activities. This sounds like a lot, but many activities are seasonal, so it's possible to fit, for example, three to four sports into one year. That being said, the most important thing to keep in mind is quality over quantity.

Is 7 activities enough for a common app? ›

You can add up to ten activities to your application, but that doesn't mean that you need to enter ten.

How many extracurriculars are too much? ›

There's no magic number of activities. For some kids, even one intense activity like sports or theater might turn out to be too many. Other kids can handle several without getting stressed. Check in with your child to see how they feel about their balance of activities.

How many extracurriculars should a 12 year old have? ›

Choose a healthy maximum.

Children should not have activities every day of the week. Many people agree that three is a good maximum. If a child is at that maximum and wants to add a new activity, then ensure that they drop one.

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.