Difference Between Drive & Motivation (2024)

Entrepreneurship normally requires individuals to have high levels of motivation when planning and starting a new business. Motivation is often defined as an internal or external desire to achieve a goal in life. While many types of motivation exist in the business environment, internal motivation may be thought of as an individual’s personal “drive.” This informal description describes an individual’s personal character traits for achieving goals and creating a successful business.


  1. An individual’s personal drive is often the starting point of motivation. This drive helps individuals focus on specific goals they wish to achieve or how they wish to improve their life. All people have some level of personal drive. They may focus their personal drive on obtaining educational degrees, building a family or starting a business. Personal drive may be enhanced by the extrinsic motivational factors found in the goals individuals are attempting to achieve.


  1. Two basic types of motivation in business are intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is closely related to an individual’s personal drive. This motivation provides individuals with personal satisfaction or fulfillment when achieving goals in life. Extrinsic motivation includes outside factors or influences that help individuals stay focused on achieving goals. Common types of extrinsic motivators include wealth, business reputation and prestige.


  1. Drive and motivation often go hand in hand in the small business environment. External motivation factors help individuals set goals and objectives, but drive helps them achieve their goals during tough times. Small business owners may become frustrated when running their businesses and attempting to achieve a predetermined level of success. Even though extrinsic motivational factors exist in the business environment, these factors (without personal drive) may not be enough to motivate the small business owner.


  1. Small business owners and entrepreneurs might need to attend training seminars or business trade shows to re-energize their personal drive and motivation. These events usually provide owners and entrepreneurs with new ideas for running and growing their businesses to achieve more successful operations. Business owners and entrepreneurs also find opportunites to network with other like-minded individuals and share ideas regarding business operations at seminars.


  1. Highly motivated entrepreneurs and small business owners can create an infectious business environment. They can use their personal drive to succeed to develop performance management reviews for employees and help motivate these individuals to achieve business success. Thus, business owners often use extrinsic motivational factors to enhance their employees' work ethic and offer them rewards for conducting themselves in accordance with standard operating procedures.

Difference Between Drive & Motivation (2024)
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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.