Community College Transfer Recruitment Program (2024)

The Community College Transfer Recruitment (CCTR) program provides assistance to prospective community college transfer students, with particular emphasis on underrepresented students.

The program is staffed by UCLA Undergraduate Admission personnel who visit participating community colleges several times during the academic year to provide admission advising workshops on a variety of topics such as choosing a major, completing the undergraduate application, financial aid, and EOP/AAP. Other support services are also available throughout the academic year.

The UCLA transfer advisors keep transfer applicants informed of the status of their application and assist them during all phases of the application process.

Schedule an appointment with CCTR representatives through your college’s Transfer Center.

Please refer to Transfer Admission for additional information on transfer admission requirements.

Community College Transfer Recruitment Program (2024)


How do you stand out in college transfer application? ›

How do I become a competitive transfer applicant?
  1. Finish general education requirements. ...
  2. Earn high grades. ...
  3. Befriend your professors. ...
  4. Take advantage of your school. ...
  5. Enjoy the extracurricular activities and opportunities that are offered. ...
  6. Find a job.

What do colleges look for in transfer applicants? ›

They want to see a demonstrated effort to do well and commitment to a program, as well as a plan for how your new school will help you achieve your goals. A strong transfer application will look much like a strong freshman application, but with letters of recommendation and grades from college instead of high school.

Why did I get rejected from community college? ›

So, if you left a four-year college with a GPA of less than 2.0, you could be rejected from community college on those grounds. Most community colleges have a minimum course grade and overall GPA requirement for transfer students, so you want to make sure you find out what it is before you apply.

How do you explain why you want to transfer colleges? ›

Here are a few that might apply to you:
  1. You're Completing Community College. ...
  2. Your College Isn't the Right Fit. ...
  3. You're Changing Majors. ...
  4. You're Having Trouble Getting into the Courses You Need. ...
  5. You're Looking for a Different Type of Academic Experience. ...
  6. You Need More Flexibility. ...
  7. Your Financial Situation Has Changed.
Feb 28, 2023

Is it easier to get into college as a transfer? ›

According to NACAC, on average, transfer admission rates were slightly lower than that of first-year students.

How to prepare a strong transfer application? ›

Preparing a Strong Transfer Application: Showcasing Your Academic Journey
  1. Know When to Transfer. ...
  2. Does High School Still Count? ...
  3. Showcase Your Activities. ...
  4. Focus On Your Grades. ...
  5. Explain Why You Want to Transfer. ...
  6. Consider Attending Dean College.
Jan 22, 2024

What GPA should a transfer student have? ›

Academic Preparation

The average GPA of admitted transfer students is above 3.5 and admitted students have completed most or all major preparatory courses. We give highest priority to applicants from California community colleges and other UC campuses.

Are colleges more likely to accept transfer students? ›

when you think about it, it's not really. That isn't to say it's going to be easy to get into these selective and very selective schools, but, in some cases, your chances are nearly doubled for acceptance as a transfer than they were as a freshman.

Do community colleges reject anyone? ›

Depends, usually community colleges accept anybody as long as they have a high school diploma. But some programs at a 2 year college have entrance requirements and are competitive. Also, if you don't have a high school diploma, community colleges offer GED programs.

Can you try again for college after being rejected? ›

Yes. While students certainly can ask a university to reconsider, these are rarely, if ever, successful in changing an admission decision. Many counselors only recommend that students appeal their decision if an important piece of information was missing from their application.

Can community college boost your GPA? ›

There are two reasons why high school students should take community college classes during their high school years. The first reason is to boost the GPA for every A earned in a college course. One college course in any particular term equates to one year of high school credit (10 credits).

Why is it so hard to transfer colleges? ›

It's hard to find accurate transfer information. And while individual colleges have requirements specific to major, general education and number of units, information about each is found in different places. Ultimately, mapping out the transfer credit process – as a student – was overwhelming, unclear and stressful.

How do you write a reason for transfer? ›

How to request a job transfer
  1. Start with why you are requesting the transfer. Be specific about your reasoning and your timeline for when you need this job transfer .
  2. Include your background with the company. Remember that this letter should display how the company will also benefit from your transfer. ...
  3. Make your argument.
Jun 9, 2023

How do you write about why you want to transfer? ›

Key Takeaways
  1. Explain why you want to transfer, what you need that you are not getting at your current school, and why you chose your current school to begin with.
  2. Always present things in a positive light.
  3. Share how the transfer school will help you achieve your goals and why you are a good fit for the school.
Jan 26, 2024

What do you say in a transfer application? ›

  1. Have a clear academic reason for your transfer. Personal reasons are fine, but academics need to come first.
  2. Stay positive. Don't speak badly of your current school. Emphasize what you like about your target school, not what you dislike about your current school.
  3. Be meticulous. Grammar, punctuation, and style matter.

Do colleges look at your high school grades when you transfer? ›

In California, if you attend a community college and transfer, your HS grades are not a factor. They do, however, want college transcripts from all colleges you have attended when you transfer, the good, the bad and the ugly, if they exist.

How do you tell your university you are transferring? ›

If you are transferring mid-year, you may need to have your professors sign a mid-year report to submit with your application. Meet with an academic advisor. It's important to talk with an academic advisor to discuss the options you have for credit transfer. Fill out the application for your new institution.

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