Choosing the Right C++ IDE : CodeBlocks vs Dev C++ (2024)

If you’re a C++ developer, it’s wise to use an integrated development environment or IDE, considering the pesky nature of C++ programming. An ideal C++ IDE can help programmers avoid bugs and reduce coding time substantially.

Wait! Before we tell you the answer to which IDE should be ideal for your use case, we’d have to go back to basics for once.

What Is C++ Programming Language?

Let’s start with learning a fact or two about the C++ language and beginning with the fact that it was created to add object-oriented features and other improvements into the already existing language called C. Moreover, Bjarne Stroustrup developed C++ at Bell Laboratories.

C++ was earlier named “C with objects” to denote its object-oriented nature added over C. The current name, C++, was picked by Bjarne in 1983.

The ‘++’ after C is an increment operator used for increasing a value in terms of programming languages. In light of this, we can say that it suggests an increment or upgrade of the C programming language.

It was publicly released in 1985. Additionally, the commercial C++ compiler called the Cfront was released the same year.

So, we’ve covered pretty much all that we had to know about the language. Let’s move on to the IDEs and why they are essential.

What Is an Integrated Development Environment or IDE and Why Should We Be Using It?

An Integrated Development Environment or IDE is software used to build applications and provides developer tools in a convenient Graphical User Interface (GUI).

To put it simply, an IDE is a source code editor, like Microsoft Word but has inbuilt functions like auto code completion, the colour scheme for differentiating codes, and more.

Some specific IDE’s have live code debugging tools, which allows users to see what they’re doing wrong in real-time. Not only that but features like creating snapshots, collaboration with users, live emulation, and more are on the table.

Lastly, if we’re talking about C++, two of the most used IDEs are CodeBlocks and Dev C++, which we’re going to talk about. The knowledge we’ve gained up until here will help us differentiate between these two and help us reach a decision. Finally, we’ll be able to tell you which one is better and better suitable for your use case.

CodeBlocks V/S Dev C++: A Detailed Comparison

To make an informed decision between the two C++ IDEs, it is better to understand them in-depth. Let’s compare these two on different areas of importance concerning IDEs. You can check the detailed information on interviewbit.


Both the IDEs are open source, which means they are free to use and distribute. This makes them an affordable choice for the user. So, if your primary concern is the budget factor, you’re covered with both.

Customization Capabilities

The unique feature of CodeBlocks is its customization. This C++ IDE is entirely customizable using plugins. It can format source code in various ways and has an integrated hex editor on the side.

Being open-source, it offers flexibility as well. Workspaces are easier to maintain by programmers and can bring a lot of development tasks to be performed under the same umbrella.

On the other hand, Dev C++ offers limited customizable features if we’re talking customization aspects. Dev C++ offers customising syntax highlighting editors. It makes the source code easier to read and understand. In Dev C++ vs. CodesBlock, the latter takes the cake.

Supported Operating System

Looking at Dev C++ vs. CodeBlocks in terms of Operating Systems, Dev C++ can only be used on Windows. It is not compatible with other operating systems like Linux or macOS.

Alternatively, CodeBlocks can be run on various operating systems, including Windows,
macOS and Linux. It might seem clear who leads between the two C++ IDEs in this regard.

But before you jump to a conclusion, it has to be mentioned here that CodeBlocks’ compiler is challenging to set up. Moreover, CodeBlocks, in its latest provided release, skipped the macOS-compatible version. The earlier versions, however, support MacOS.

Ease of Use

Dev C++ has limited features and no updates, so it can be buggy and not fit modern standards. Nevertheless, the old interface is straightforward to understand by beginners. So, it’s suitable for you if you’re starting with your coding journey, but you may have to ditch the IDE at some point.

CodeBlocks is free and relatively straightforward in terms of usage for beginners. Although, it must be noted that it is not great for cross-language coding if the need arises. It is essentially used for C/C++ and Fortran, so make sure you understand your choice of programming language.

Upgrades and Scope Of New Features

Dev C++ received its last update on 22nd February 2005, far beyond the timeline. Since then, there have been no updates posted about the C++ IDE, and the chances are looking quite slim for the next update. The developer, Colin Laplace, mentioned in 2006 through the medium of a forum that he is no longer interested in developing the project further.

CodeBlocks is a project managed by a community of developers and is updated regularly. There may be some shortcomings, like the lack of the latest update for Mac Os during the newest build, but it’s pretty consistent in this area of comparison.

Community Support

Due to the lack of updates and developments in DevC++, it also has lacked support from the developers’ community.

If you’re a programmer, you would understand the need of fellow developers to assist in coding and debugging tasks. There are many instances where the code won’t work, and you have to take help from the community forums.

On the other hand, CodeBlocks has an active community. They have an official forum page where queries are answered, and programmers can connect to rectify their bugs.

Development Language and Compilers

Dev-C++ is a fully-featured graphical IDE. It uses the MinGW compiler system and is written using Delphi. But it lacks right away when compared to CodeBlocks as, on the other hand, CodeBlocks supports various compilers like Clang, MSVC++, Borland C++, and more.


The first C++ IDE, Dev C++ uses integrated debugging using GDB or CDB. With this debugger, it is possible to do debugging easily on the source code itself.

CodeBlocks supports GNU GDB and partially MS CDB. In Dev C++ vs CodeBlocks, the latter, has slight debugger restrictions that partially support MS CDB.

Which IDE Is Better CodeBlocks or Dev C++?

If you’ve gone through all the points, you’d know that CodeBlocks has a slighter edge than Dev C++. It wins in almost all the areas, whether it be a regular update cycle, community support, more compiling options, customization, supported operating systems, etc.

But there’s a catch, and if you’re a beginner, you should not indulge with CodeBlocks as it comes with a hefty setting up procedure. Especially in the case you’re using it in a Linux-based environment.

Choosing the Right C++ IDE : CodeBlocks vs Dev C++ (2024)
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