Career Coaching Costs: Does It Really Pay For Itself? (2024)

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Career Coaching Costs: Does It Really Pay For Itself? (1)

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Career Coaching Costs: Does It Really Pay For Itself? (2)

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What is the role of a career coach?

How much does career coaching cost?

What are the benefits of career coaching?

What to look for in a career coach

Once you’ve started meeting with a coach, it’s easy to understand the benefits of career coaching. Since we spend so much time of our time at work, finding someone who can help you get the most out of your time and efforts is critical. Planning and developing a career is an investment in your financial security and your life satisfaction — but it plays out over time.

But if you’ve never worked with a coach before, understanding what they do can be a bit fuzzy. Coaching can represent a significant investment of both time and money. You might be (understandably) hesitant to move forward if you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.

For some people, the entire concept of a career is a bit of a mystery. Maybe you weren’t around adults who talked about having careers when you were growing up. After all, much of the workforce is focused on paying their bills today and not thinking past their current job.

For others who are thinking in terms of a career, it can still be confusing to know how to develop a career — given constant technological change and economic disruptions.

Keep reading to understand the role of a career coach, how much it should cost, how to find one, and what to expect out of your career coaching experience.

What is the role of a career coach?

A career coach is part-mentor, part-guidance counselor. Career coaches use their skills and experience to help you identify your unique strengths and interests, develop career goals that align with them, and fulfill your potential.

Practically speaking, coaches also help provide accountability so that you take the actions, explore the paths, and make the connections that you say you want to.

As you can see, career coaching sessions can span every aspect of your professional life. You and your coach will work together to set the direction for your sessions. Specific career coaching services can help you with any or all of the following:

  • Finding a new job
  • Navigating a career change
  • Rewriting your cover letter and resume
  • Conducting mock job interviews and aptitude assessments
  • Discovering your life’s purpose
  • Starting your own business
  • Developing new career and leadership skills
  • Researching and negotiating your salary

The role of a coach, even a career coach, can change over time. Their guidance will shift to reflect the needs of the client, the current stage of their career, and the overall work landscape.

Our individual experiences will also change what we’re looking for in our coaching sessions. Pre-pandemic, BetterUp noted that Members were focused on leading and influencing others. They sought coaching around being an inspiration, career advancement, influence, empowering others, and managing up.

That’s changed dramatically in the last few years. Over the course of the pandemic, as people began to understand the unique challenges of working from home, what they wanted out of coaching changed too. In the last three years, BetterUp Members have begun to focus more on work-life balance, emotional intelligence, physical health, and dealing with uncertainty. The needs of professionals today extend well past traditional career coaching.

How much does career coaching cost?

Career coaching can be affordable, especially when you consider the potential return on investment. A good coach will pay for themselves many times over in higher salary, more opportunities, greater job satisfaction, and maybe even landing that dream job.

How much does career coaching cost?

Generally, career coaches charge anywhere from $50 to $250 per hour. This varies depending on a few factors, including experience, length of session, and whether they’re certified by an independent entity like the International Coach Federation (ICF).

These hourly rates reflect the average cost of career counseling and coaching. But not every coach charges by the hour. Since most career advice is most helpful over the long-term (like career planning or help navigating a job search), professional coaches may offer coaching packages. These are designed to encourage a long-term relationship, build rapport with your coach and give you more accountability.

It can take a few tries to find the right coach for you. Some coaches offer free consultations but plan on investing some time into the process. These introductory sessions are a great way for you and your coach to determine if you’re a good fit and set the direction for your coaching experience.

Career Coaching Costs: Does It Really Pay For Itself? (3)

What are the benefits of career coaching?

Simply put, a career coach helps you get from point A to point B. Their role is to achieve a certain result or milestone, rather than driving behavior change. Career coaches focus exclusively on your career path and professional development.

Broadly speaking, there are five reasons that people seek career coaching:

1. Plan your career

Unsure about which direction to go in? Much like college guidance counselors, a career coach can help you narrow down a broad interest to a clear direction. No matter what stage of your career you’re in, a coach can help you continually evaluate if you’re on track. Career planning is an ongoing process that you revisit as you grow.

JLL, a BetterUp customer, talks about how individualized coaching can help retain its employees to grow their careers within JLL.

2. Choose which skills to master

At any point in your career, there’s a seemingly endless number of possible skills to learn. It can be hard to know what to focus on next. A career coach can help you align your skills development to your goals. You’ll be able to pinpoint what you need to do well in your current role or land a new one.

3. Improve your interview skills

Whether you’re a brand-new job seeker or interviewing for an executive role, a career coach can help. While everyone has had the experience of interviewing for a job, few of us get feedback on how the interview went. By doing mock interviews, you can hone your skills and get ready for the real deal.

4. Navigate career transitions

After years of working in a certain field, you may not be sure of how to make the leap into a new role — or even what’s available. Or maybe you want to stay in the same industry, but you want to transition out of an individual contributor role. Once you have an idea of what you want to do, career coaches can help you uncover how to get to that next level.

5. Earn more money

When you’re navigating the professional world alone, salary negotiations can be a bit of a mystery. Working with a professional coach can help you have those nerve-wracking money conversations. They can practice negotiating, provide upfront insight into the market trends, and help you know whether to accept or turn down that job offer.

Career Coaching Costs: Does It Really Pay For Itself? (4)

What to look for in a career coach

Your ideal career coach might be different than your friends’, coworkers, or at different points in your career. If you’re looking to start working with a coach, here are three ways to determine if they’re a good fit for you:

1. Expertise

There are plenty of career coaches that are equipped to help with a broad range of skills. But it’s almost certain that you’ll get the most out of working with someone that specializes in your field.

In my career, I’ve worked with a number of brilliant coaches. But the magic happened when I realized that I wanted to become a writer. That insight led me to a coach that worked primarily with content creators. Her insight and encouragement led me to BetterUp, and to a job I never could have imagined when we started working together.

2. Format

When you imagine working with a coach, what do you have in mind? Do you meet daily, weekly, or as needed? Are they one-on-one meetings or group coaching? Would you prefer in-person sessions or virtual coaching? Do you want to build an ongoing relationship, or attend a set series of meetings?

Not every coach offers the same coaching format, so you’ll need to find something that works with your schedule. Certain goals might work better for certain formats. For example, developing leadership skills might happen over several months. On the other hand, revising your resume might only need a session or two.

3. Outcomes

What are you out to accomplish? Do you want to find a new job, develop skills to excel where you are, or start a new business? Whatever it is, you’ll be more satisfied working with a coach who is confident with the results you want.

If the coach has a website, look for testimonials from past clients to get an idea of what to expect. Ask them what kind of results they think are possible within a given time frame. Just keep in mind that in order to make the most out of a coaching relationship, you’ll have to put in the work, too.

4. Breadth

As our BetterUp Member data shows, most professionals have a range of needs that extend beyond just career coaching. That doesn’t mean a single coach should be expected to cover everything you need — BetterUp offers Extended Network coaching to provide access to specialized coaching expertise in nutrition, sleep, and grief, among others. Many excellent coaches specialize in career coaching while also being skilled leadership, communication, or executive coaches.

Another consideration? The questions we have about our careers almost always involve other questions, about our values, well-being, and personal goals. Be wary of a career coach that maps out a plan against your stated career goal without digging in to understand your motivations and obstacles.

Final thoughts

Career coaching is a great way to give context to your professional development and streamline your efforts. A coach can help you set a clear path for growth and learn from the mistakes of others.

If you’re ready to take your career to the next level, reach out to BetterUp for a demo. We offer flexible scheduling, consistent pricing, and evidence-based coaching to help you achieve your full potential.

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Published June 7, 2022

Career Coaching Costs: Does It Really Pay For Itself? (2024)


Career Coaching Costs: Does It Really Pay For Itself? ›

But recent data on the return on investment of career coaching is scant, possibly because it's tough to tell whether job seekers landed roles because of what they learned from coaches. On the other hand, while many candidates might feel more prepared for job interviews after coaching, they still might not get offers.

How much should I expect to pay for a career coach? ›

Decoding the Cost of Career Coaching

While the average answer of how much does a career coach cost sits between $75 and $150 per hour, given the factors above, you'll find that the cost of a career coach can range from as low as $50 to well over $500 per career coaching session.

Is it worth getting a career coach? ›

Hiring a career coach helps you leverage what you already know in your industry to tell your best story, highlight your relevant accomplishments, and build relationships with recruiters and referral connections. THOSE are the people you want to connect with who know your industry.

Do career coaches make money? ›

What you'll earn as an IACC-certified career coach depends on your region, the macroeconomic environment, and your own choices. In the United States, a certified career coach can expect to earn an average of $140K per year—some of our coaches make $400-500K.

How much should I invest in a career coach? ›

A good rule of thumb is to expect to invest at least two percent of your annual salary on coaching services. When you do the math, this comes out to one week's salary.

How do I know if my career coach is legit? ›

The International Coaching Federation, Certified Job and Career Transition Coach, Certified Job and Career Development Coach, and Certified Life Coach programs are all legitimate credentials that can indicate a coach knows their stuff.

How often should you meet with a career coach? ›

How often you meet with your career coach will depend on the support that you will need. You could meet once a week or once every two weeks. Perhaps you decide to have follow-up monthly meetings after you complete a phase of the process. You could agree to have phone calls between sessions.

How long does career coaching last? ›

Career development coaching can last from 3 to 6 months depending on the need of the client. The most critical part of the coaching is to restrategize based on the learnings and experiences.

Are LinkedIn career coaches worth it? ›

If you're looking to change careers and/or you don't know what you want to do next, then avoid recruiters and head straight for the coaches. Career coaches will help you get clarity on what your next job move could look like. They won't close off industries or possibilities just because you've never done them before.

What is the difference between a career coach and a career counselor? ›

A career counselor provides you with industry information and advice to help you find a job. A career coach does the same, but also takes a deeper look at your life as a whole, paying attention to your values, strengths and interests.

Is career coaching in demand? ›

Are career coaches in high demand? Yes. For example, according to iPEC Coaching, people make 1.5 million searches per month to look for coaches in a few niches, including career coaching.

How do career coaches get clients? ›

Work your network.

Once a week, post on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn and tell the world that you're looking to be featured as a guest. Include 2-3 topics that you're interested in talking about to make it easy for people to understand the value you'd bring to their audience.

What is a good career coach? ›

A good coach will challenge you, your attitudes, beliefs and perspective; hold you accountable for your actions and goals; and push you to a point of growth and possibly even transformation. But a coach can't make you do anything or do the work for you — you need to be committed to the process and the goals you set.

How big is the career coaching industry? ›

Highlights: Career Coaching Industry Statistics

The global coaching industry is worth about $2.849 billion. The US is the biggest market for coaching, claiming 37.2% of the global revenue. There are an estimated 71,000 coach practitioners worldwide. The average hourly rate for career coaching is ultimately $161.

Why would someone need a career coach? ›

Career coaches aren't just there to help you find a new job. Many coaches can help you understand why you aren't advancing at your current company. Coaches can administer a 360 review or decode your performance feedback to uncover behaviors you need to adjust for continued career growth.

How does career coaching work? ›

Career coaching is the engagement of an external expert, most often a dedicated coach, to guide an employee in their career choices and help them with challenges in the workplace. Some career coaches can also be used for advice about resumes, negotiations, and interviews.

How many sessions does a career coach have? ›

Career coaching services are often flexible and can start with a single consultation. Depending on their specific needs, most individuals find somewhere between five to fifteen sessions most helpful.

How do I prepare for a career coach consultation? ›

Scouted's 7 step guide to preparing for your first call with a...
  1. Prepare to tell your story. ...
  2. Set your expectations. ...
  3. Have your updated resume handy and make sure your coach has a copy. ...
  4. Take some time to consider your values, skills, and interests before your conversation. ...
  5. Prepare your questions. ...
  6. Take notes!

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Author: Kelle Weber

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Name: Kelle Weber

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Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.