Can Google Really Detect AI Content? (2024)

Google has always placed a premium on high-quality content. That is why, in recent years, it has begun to penalize websites that cover low-quality or auto-generated content.

But, the question here is whether all the AI-generated content is poor in quality. If yes, can Google even detect AI content on my website and penalize me for it?

More on these later, but first, let’s look at where the whole conversation about Google’s stand about AI writers started.

A recent post published in the Search Engine Journal (SEJ) by Matt Southern went viral in the AI writing community, with over 97K readers and 3.7K shares. Here’s why.

Can Google Really Detect AI Content? (1)

The article discusses how Google claims that AI-generated content is against its guidelines.

According to the post on SEJ, John Mueller, Google’s Webmaster Trends Analyst, AI written content is deemed spam and may result in a manual penalty by Google’s algorithms.

Southern obtained this information from “a recent Google Search Central SEO office-hours hangout in response to a question about GPT-3 AI writing tools.”

During the interview on the YouTube channel Google Search Central, Reddit moderator Rohan Chaubey requested John Mueller to explain his previous Reddit comment that individuals should not use GPT-3 AI writing tools.

Muller’s reaction was apparent: “If you’re using machine learning tools to generate your content… it’s still automatically generated content, which means for us (Google) it’s still against the webmaster guidelines.”

If you wish to learn more, you can check out the complete interview session with John Mueller.

So, while Southern’s paraphrasing is accurate, resulting in concerns about the automatically generated content, there’s more to the story than meets the eye.

Danny Sullivan Responds to AI Content Concerns

Danny Sullivan, Google's Search Liaison, recently tweeted about AI content and how it relates to SEO success.

In histweet, he stated - "We haven't said AI content is bad. We've said pretty clearly, content written primarily for search engines rather than humans is the issue. That's what we're focused on. If someone fires up 100 humans to write content just to rank, or fires up a spinner, or a AI, same issue... "(Nov 7, 22).

The tweet was in response to a video posted by DuckDuckGo, which promoted their privacy-focused search engine and suggested that users should stop using Google. Sullivan's tweet did not address the video directly but focused on the broader issue of content created to rank higher in search engines.

The original statement from Danny Sullivan came in October of 2022 when Google released its Spam update and Helpful Content Update. Since then, many SEOs have said that Google is targeting AI-generated content. However, Danny clarified that it is not about whether a human or a machine wrote the content but whether the content is helpful, reliable, and people-first.

He also stressed that content written for the people by the people is generally helpful and is the kind of content Google is looking for. He added that it is more important to focus on the content than the tool used to generate it. This indicates that Google is looking to provide its users with useful and helpful content and will not penalize AI content as long as it meets these standards.

Can Google Detect AI-Generated Content?

Here’s the million-dollar question; Can Google distinguish between human-written and machine-written content?

That is a somewhat complicated question. It’s much the same as distinguishing between a piece of genuine and fake news.

Here’s the thing, previous NLG models, such as GPT and GPT-2, are more likely to be detected by a search engine.

More advanced models, such as GPT-3, are somewhat hard to identify owing to their resemblance to human behavior.

And here’s the catch, the tech will only get better with time, but that should also be the case with Google’s bots. But still, it’ll be no less challenging than it already is.

So, Google may look at different parameters.

Google may evaluate AI content similarly to backlinks to illustrate how this may play out. Buying links is technically against Google’s guidelines. However, Google finds it hard to distinguish between natural and trade-related links. As such, they look for patterns to come to a solution.

Now, it’s doubtful that Google will detect a change as long as the writing includes a byline, a consistent style, and is of good quality.

But all that only comes into question if you are exploiting AI generators. More on it later.

What Is Google’s Perception of AI-Generated Content?

According to Google’s John Mueller, the content generated automatically using AI writing tools violates Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. His statement led to lots of debates in the SEO community.

Later, Danny Sullivan clarified that Google focuses on content written for humans rather than search engines.

Can Google Really Detect AI Content? (2)

AI-generated content is typically assumed to come under auto-generated content, which can lead to a manual penalty.

But it’s not that simple. There are a few things that you need to keep in mind.

If you’re generating content using an AI writer and don’t edit or even look at the generated content before posting, don’t be surprised to find things not going your way. And your website rankings might have to face the brunt of it all.

This is usually the case where people generate and publish a 1000-word blog using an AI writer in one go. In such a scenario, you’re inviting trouble; there’s no way Google will let you off its leash.

It’s essential to understand what any search engine like Google wants-good user experience, which comes from quality content.

So, does it matter where that content comes from if it improves the user experience? I don’t think so.

Google is constantly improving its ranking algorithms and looking to serve users with relevant, high-quality information. It also provides various examples of activities that it considers automatically generated content.

These activities concerning AI writers involve the following points

  • Content should not just include search keywords, but it should also make sense to the reader.
  • Human review is necessary before publishing.
  • It is best to avoid automatic synonymization methods.

Besides this, you can always use LongShot’s Helpful Content Checklist to create people-first content which delights your users and ranks high on Google!

As such, when you use an AI writer, you need to be responsible.

Remember, AI writers work best as assistants; you must guide them to get the best content.

This involves guiding AI to generate content in phases (like 100 words per generation) and not in one go. Meanwhile, editing content while checking for the factual accuracy of the content.

Google only has a problem if you’re using AI writers to push huge numbers without any quality basis or relevance.

If you take care of these accounts, search engines won’t pry an eye on your blog.

Wrapping up

AI writing tools like LongShot AI can significantly add to your content creation armory. But it is only possible if you use them correctly. But it’s a game of cat and mouse.

Since Google’s algorithm is constantly evolving, what works today may not work tomorrow. The trick is to remain ahead of the curve.

You already know the guidelines suggested; now, it’s all about how well you play inside the boundaries.

But a general rule of thumb is to avoid pushing out bulk content that doesn’t give readers enough value or is manipulating the search engines.

Long story short, if you help the users (the readers) get what they want (quality content), they’ll help search engines get what you want (top SERP rankings).

What are your opinions on employing artificial intelligence writing tools to create content? Have you had any successes or setbacks? Please let us know in the comments!

Can Google Really Detect AI Content? (2024)


Can Google Really Detect AI Content? ›

So, can Google automatically detect content generated by AI? Yes—but that doesn't mean you can't utilise it. Google recently released a blog post explaining their views on AI content and that they'll still reward helpful content, even if it is produced using AI tools.

Does Google know if content is AI-generated? ›

Yes, Google can detect AI-generated content.

Can Google assignments detect AI? ›

Google's Approach to AI Content Detection. By now, you can see why the answer to can Google detect AI content is a resounding yes. In fact, the tools that Google uses to find AI content are algorithms trained on both human and AI content. This is how it can put two and two together better than human readers.

Can AI-generated answers be detected? ›

Yes,, Sapling, and Copyleaks are AI content detectors that identify AI-generated content. is praised for its accuracy in verifying authenticity. Sapling excels in detecting even short AI-generated texts.

Is AI written content detectable? ›

AI detection tools are specialized software designed to check for AI-generated text in content. By using them, you can verify to a reasonable degree whether your content was written by a human or generated using an AI tool.

How do you evade AI detection? ›

Obfuscating text can be an effective strategy toevade detection and ensure that the intended message is not flagged or filtered by AI algorithms.
  1. Using Unicode Characters. ...
  2. Adding Punctuation and Symbols. ...
  3. Using hom*oglyphs. ...
  4. Using Synonyms and Antonyms. ...
  5. Rearranging Sentence Syntax. ...
  6. Changing Word Forms.
Apr 16, 2024

Does Google penalize AI Content 2024? ›

Conclusion. Overall, Google isn't cracking down on AI-generated content. However, the human touch is an irreplaceable factor, as their recent Helpful Content Update shows that Google is penalizing low-quality content that doesn't add any value to the readers, whether human or machine-generated.

Does Google flag AI content? ›

And the answer is no! Google does not penalize AI content. It penalizes poor content.

Can my professor see if I used AI? ›

Fact-checking: Professors can look for incorrect or outdated information that AI systems might have generated. If there are multiple factual errors within the work, it could be a sign that it's AI-generated.

Can teachers really detect AI? ›

Teachers have used AI-detection tools as a check on their gut instincts when they have suspicions that a student has improperly used generative AI. “For example, we had a teacher recently who had students writing paragraphs about Supreme Court cases, and a student used AI to generate answers to the questions,” he said.

Can AI be detected after paraphrasing? ›

Yes, AI can use different methods to detect when you use a paraphrasing tool. Don't forget that they are all technologies built and encoded with the same working system. Though they serve different purposes, they still work similarly.

Why is my essay being flagged as AI? ›

Content may be flagged as AI for various reasons, including partial use of AI in generating paper templates, employing AI tools for writing and subsequent rewriting with spinning tools, being falsely identified as AI due to non-native English language use, lacking a personal touch and first-person voice, using ...

Does paraphrasing remove AI detection? ›

In conclusion, a paraphrasing tool can help bypass AI content detection by replacing words with synonyms, modifying sentence structures, improving readability, and eliminating hyphenated words. They can also transform AI-generated text into human-written form, which reduces the detection chances.

How reliable are AI content detectors? ›

The Effectiveness of AI Detectors

That same month, a team of University of Maryland students found the tools would flag work not produced by AI or could be entirely circumvented by paraphrasing AI-generated text. Their research found “these detectors are not reliable in practical scenarios.”

How accurate is the AI content detector? ›

All tools performed reasonably well on False Positives ranging from a low of 0.8% to a high of 7.6% False Positive Rate. The ability to identify AI content (True Positive Rate) varied wildly from 19.8% to 98.4%.

Can AI text be reliably detected? ›

Detection tools for AI-generated text do fail, they are neither accurate nor reliable (all scored below 80% of accuracy and only 5 over 70%). In general, they have been found to diagnose human-written documents as AI-generated (false positives) and often diagnose AI-generated texts as human-written (false negatives).

How do you check if an assignment is AI-generated? ›

These common signs of AI-generated content include:
  1. Incorrect and outdated information.
  2. Lack of depth and personality.
  3. Repetitive language.
Oct 2, 2023

Can schools see if you use AI? ›

The Common App itself considers the use of AI to be fraud, according to its own fraud policy. The Common App is not scanning every application for fraud, but if you are reported for it, they will investigate. If they find evidence you have violated their policies, they will let every college on your list know.

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.