Braces Colors: What the Options Are & How to Choose (2024)

Table of Contents

  1. Best Elastic Color Option
  2. Alternative Options
  3. Elastic Teeth Movement

Why did you choose to get braces? If you're like most people, aesthetics drove your decision. You wanted your smile to look as beautiful as possible.

Unfortunately, braces aren't appealing to many people. A mouth filled with metal can look robotic rather than human. And you might find that all the gleaming hardware prompts people to use awkward nicknames like "metal mouth" when talking about you.

It's almost impossible to eliminate all the metal from your braces. Even if you choose clear or ceramic brackets, the wires that connect them are sometimes shiny and bright with metal.

But your doctor might use elastics during your braces treatment. If so, you could add a bit of color and flair to your smile. For some people, that added dash of fashion is just enough to lower the impact of metal and make their treatment bearable.

While your braces will probably be silvery with metal, you'll have plenty of elastic items that can be as colorful as you'd like

What Color Is Best for Your Elastics?

Bands come in almost every color you can think of. In fact, your orthodontist might show you a wheel of colors that looks a lot like something you'd see inside the paint department at the hardware store.

Researchers say that both men and women often choose blue as their favorite color. If you have a hue that calls to you, chances are, your orthodontist can apply it to your teeth.

But if you don't have a favorite color, think about:

  • Your diet. Do you drink a lot of coffee and tea? Are blueberries and pomegranates your favorite fruits? Light-colored bands can pick up stains from the items you eat and drink. A darker color might be better for you.

  • Your tooth color. Are your teeth gleaming white? Or are they closer to yellow? Choose yellow bands, and your teeth will look even more discolored. And bright, white bands can make your teeth look darker too.

  • Your skin coloring. Bright colors look great in people with darker skin. If you're fair, a warm color might be better for you.

  • Upcoming events. Dress up your smile with holiday colors. Or pick out a hue that works well with an outfit you're wearing to a wedding or important dance.

  • Lifestyle issues. You might love brown and green. But food often takes on these colors, and your bands can look like items trapped in your teeth.

You're not stuck with the same color throughout your treatment journey. Each time you visit your orthodontist, you'll get new bands. So experiment, and choose a different color each time to spice up your smile.

What Else Can You Try?

Add color to your braces with bands, and your smile is bound to get noticed. For some people, that's a problem.

You may want a brighter, better smile. But you may not want people to notice and comment on all of your hard work. If you're a private or sensitive person, adding color can add to your embarrassment, not reduce it.

Aligners can also move your teeth, and studies suggest that people think clear aligners are more attractive than braces. People who look closely at your mouth may see your trays. But you won't call attention to them with garish colors and plenty of metal. They'll just be there, quietly working on your perfect smile.

DID YOU KNOW Aligners work for many orthodontic issues and can cost thousands less than braces.

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How Does Elastic Move Your Teeth?

If you're surprised at the idea of using latex with your braces, you're not alone. Many people had no idea that their path to a perfect smile might involve something loose and rubbery.

Your orthodontist might use one or all three of these elastic forms during your treatment plan:

  • Ligatures: Brackets affixed to the front of your teeth have a gap just wide enough for a tiny band. Wires connect all of your brackets, and that band keeps the wire in place. You can't remove these bands at home, but each time you visit your doctor, you'll get a new set.

  • Rubber bands: A few of your brackets are customized with hooks for larger bands. Your doctor might stretch some from your upper jaws to the lower to pull your bite into alignment. You can take these bands off to eat and brush, but they should stay on throughout most of your day.

  • Power chains: If your smile is marred by several gaps (including those caused by pulled or missing teeth), your orthodontist might use long, twisted sets of rubber bands called power chains to add to the pulling power and close up the space.

If you have all of these bands filling your mouth at once, people may see very little metal when you smile. Researchers say most people like braces with very little metal. The more we can see, the more uncomfortable we are.

But some people don't need all of these elastic types. You might need just one or two bands on your journey to the smile you always wanted.

Disclaimer: This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to serve as dental or other professional health advice and is not intended to be used for diagnosis or treatment of any condition or symptom. You should consult a dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.

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Braces Colors: What the Options Are & How to Choose (2024)


Braces Colors: What the Options Are & How to Choose? ›

You can choose colours of braces to help complement your skin tone. If you have dark or olive skin, opt for bright jewel tones, like gold, turquoise, violet or navy. If you have fair skin, cool colours look best, so try silver, sky blue, light pink or lilac.

What color braces do you recommend? ›

Darker colors such as black, dark purple and navy blue make your teeth look whiter. If none of these strike your fancy, try red or light blue to make your teeth appear brighter. Sometimes it is beneficial to go with neutral colors.

What color braces make your teeth whiter? ›

Make your teeth look whiter – Darker shades like royal/navy blue, purple, and even black can make the color of your teeth appear whiter. Even so, be aware that colors like dark green and brown can look like food. What about white braces – Although this may be a color you were thinking of, you may want to stray away.

What do the different colored braces mean? ›

Red is often associated with anger or passion, but it also represents power, strength, and courage. Blue can reflect calmness, intelligence, and loyalty. Green can represent good fortune, harmony, and growth. Orange isn't just a popular fruit, it can be a popular braces color for enthusiastic and creative people.

Should I get blue or black braces? ›

How to Select the Best Colors For Braces. To complement darker skin tones, select pink, gold, orange, dark blue, turquoise, or violet. To compliment lighter skin tones, choose pale blue, bronze, dark purple, or subtle reds and pinks. To make your teeth appear whiter, you must choose darker colors.

What color braces should I get if I have yellow teeth? ›

Clear or silver bands are appropriate for persons who have a yellow tint to their teeth. If your teeth are naturally white, black is the greatest option to make them appear even whiter. The color of your braces is crucial, and you probably want to whiten your teeth while you're at it.

What color braces make your teeth look yellow? ›

If you want whiter-looking teeth, you should avoid the following braces colors: White/Gold/Clear – can make your teeth look dull or yellow. Green – could be mistaken for food stuck in your teeth. Brown – could make your teeth appear yellowed and dirty.

What colors should you avoid for braces? ›

Steer clear of extremely dark hues such as black and brown, as they can give your teeth a stained or discolored appearance. The same goes for white, yellow, and clear rubber bands. They are prone to absorbing color from dark drinks such as coffee, tea, and red wine.

Do lips change after braces? ›

They don't actually make your lips bigger, but braces can make them appear bigger since they push the lips out somewhat. This effect is temporary, and your lips will return to their natural positioning once the braces are removed.

What is the best braces color for girls? ›

What are the finest colors for girls' braces? The following are some of the best braces colors for girls: Pink, pale blue, muted crimson, dark purple, or silver is all options for a lady with a lighter skin tone. Dark blue, pink & turquoise, a violet color is a suitable options for girls who have a darker complexion.

How many colors can you get on your braces at once? ›

You can settle on a single color or combine a few — most patients choose between one and two colors. Many orthodontists offer a color wheel to help patients imagine their braces. This tool shows all of the available colors and helps patients to see the differences between hues.

Is teal a good braces color? ›

Shades of blue braces are the most common color and are picked by almost half of our patients. Dark blue braces, navy blue braces, and royal blue braces tend to be the best braces colors for boys. Blue braces and teal braces tend to be the best braces colors for girls.

What food can you not eat with braces? ›

Top Ten Foods to Avoid With Braces
  • Popcorn. For the duration of time you have metal braces, you'll need to avoid eating popcorn. ...
  • Nuts. ...
  • Chewing Gum. ...
  • Hard or Chewy Candy. ...
  • Hard Rolls or Bagels. ...
  • Pretzels, Chips, Taco Shells, and Hard Crackers. ...
  • Pizza Crust. ...
  • Ice.
Apr 5, 2021

What to do if you hate your braces color? ›

If you do not like the colors you've chosen immediately, they might grow on you. If the colors don't grow on you, you only have to wear them for a few weeks before you can have them swapped out at your next orthodontist appointment.

Should I get blue or purple braces? ›

Light blue is a superb choice for someone who wants to go lighter with their braces and works well on most people. If light blue isn't quite your style but you still want something bright and fun, try opting for royal blue instead! Purple braces are equally popular among adults and kids.

What color braces should a black girl get? ›

Darker skin and hair look best with jewel colors, like turquoise, emerald, violet, navy blue, and pink. Pastels and neons can also provide excellent contrast. Lighter skin and hair look best with either bright or dark colors, such as pink, light blue, navy, dark green, dark red, violet, or even bronze colors.

What color braces look best in pictures? ›

Pick colors that complement your skin tone and eye color. The rule of thumb is that warmer colors like red, peach, coral and olive green complement darker skin tones while cooler colors like bright blue, pink and turquoise are best for lighter skin tones. If you have blue eyes, blue bands will make your eyes pop more.

Should I get red or blue braces? ›

If you have light skin, bright colors like red and orange will look great on you. On the other hand, if you have dark skin, colors like white and light blue will be more flattering. Dark hair means you can go for silver-colored braces which will blend in well with your hair color and won't stand out too much from it.

Does pink braces make your teeth look whiter? ›

Generally, the best braces color for whiter looking teeth are light blues, light pinks, and clear shades. However, there is no single rule when it comes to braces color and patients are encouraged to choose the shade that most appeals to them!

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.