Association of American Educators (2024)

posted by: Alana | July 01, 2016, 03:08 PM

Becoming a better teacher isn't just about the students you teach, it’s also about increasing your own work satisfaction. That’s why so many educators constantly strive to improve their teaching skills not only as a way ofdoing abetter job producing well-educated members of society, but to build theirownself-esteem through improved work quality. Below are 6 things teachers and educators can do to enhance their personal professional development practices...

Association of American Educators (1)

1. Focus on the Subject Matter and the Students’ Learning

The main idea of your job is to transfer your knowledge to students in a way that enables them to retain that same knowledge. The best way to improve this is to remember that this work is about the student. Make sure every lesson is focused on each individual child.

2. Try Something New

Don’t restrain yourself from trying a new approach or a new method of teaching. Your students' reactions will help you determine if your approach is working or not. Not only is it the simplest form of enhancing your teaching performance, but it’s also another great way to show your students a side to you they didn’t know existed, keeping things lively and fresh in the classroom.

3. Make Use of Tutoring

Teachers don’t have unlimited time to teach. So relying on good tutors to supplement a student’s educational career can be critical for parents, teachers, and students alike. Finding a quality tutor or tutoring job to supplement your work is always a worthwhile investment.

4. Improve Your Performance

Three ways you can improve your performance include:

Reading & participating – Just as students learn through reading homework assignments, so too should teachers strive to do homework by picking up a good book of their own. Even the best teachers can learn new things through reading and testing various approaches to find what works best for them!

Joining a group to observe &BE observed by your peers – Do you know what fellow teachers at your school are doing? Observation can be key to professional development. Sometimes the best feedback comes directly from the people who know the students in your community best...your peers. Don’t underestimate this essential feedback.

Sharing – Don’t have the opportunity to join an observation group? Simply talking to other teachers, tutors, and professors about your experiences and challenges can reap great rewards. Take advantage of staff meetings and lunch breaks to share what’s working in your classroom to help create a collaborative environment among your colleagues!

5. Don’t Be Afraid of Taking Risks

Loosen up. If you never try something new and exciting, you will never be able to improve your teaching skills. Stepping outside of your comfort zone can be scary, but with great risk comes great rewards. Take a lesson from Thomas Edison when he said, “I didn’t fail...I just found 2000 ways NOT to make a lightbulb!”

6. Present Better Content

The last tip in today’s blog is to focus on how you show and explain the knowledge that you want to transfer to your students. Don’t just rely on the same outdated powerpoint you’ve used year after year. Instead, opt for more hands-on activities or a more modern approach that incorporates the technology they’re already captivated by.

These may not be revolutionary tips that we’ve never heard before, but they’re tips many of us strive to work on in our classrooms day in and day out. Challenge yourself to be a better teacher every single day, and then, tell AAE your success stories so that we can share them with our growing community of professionals.

What tip do YOU have to become a better teacher?
Share it with us in the comments below!


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Association of American Educators (2024)


What is the purpose of the Association of American Educators? ›

The Association of American Educators (AAE) is the largest national, non-union, professional educators' organization, advancing the profession by offering a modern approach to teacher representation and educational advocacy, as well as promoting professionalism, collaboration and excellence without a partisan agenda.

Who funds the Association of American Educators? ›

AAE is funded by dues from thousands of members located in all fifty states and the District of Columbia and by contributions to the AAE Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. AAE claims to “help lead a coalition of nearly 300,000 teachers across the country who have joined a non-union teacher association.”

How many members are in the Association of American Educators? ›

Founded in 1994 the Association of American Educators (AAE) serves more than 30,000 educators, retired educators, and pre-service educators throughout the country. For 30 years AAE has been a leader in individual educator rights and teacher advocacy.

What does NEA do for teachers? ›

NEA supports classroom teachers by helping them advocate for safe working conditions, reasonable pay, professional development resources, and so much more. We help teachers understand the unique challenges of today's classrooms and develop groundbreaking solutions to strengthen public schools.

What is the difference between the National Education Association and the Association of American educators? ›

This is a basic philosophical difference between the NEA and AAE. Unlike the NEA and AFT, the AAE seeks more involvement and help from parents, local communities, and state departments rather than the federal government.

Is American Educator peer reviewed? ›

Our peer review process is crucial for informing and strengthening the articles we publish. We invite articles on a wide range of topics; for details please see our submission guidelines.

How do I cancel my AAE membership? ›

If you need to change your membership status to reflect retirement, sabbatical, unemployment, or other need for cancellation, please login to the AAE Member Portal and you will find "Suspend/Change Membership" on the left-hand menu. If you prefer to contact our Member Services team, please call 1-800-704-7799.

Who pays Teach For America teachers? ›

Because they are firstly employed by the schools and districts in which they work, they receive the same financial compensation and benefits as other beginning teachers.

Is American Educator a journal? ›

American Educator is the professional journal of the American Federation of Teachers, covering research and ideas from early childhood through higher education.

What is the largest organization representing teachers in the USA? ›

The National Education Association (NEA) is America's largest labor union representing nearly three million employees, principally teachers.

What is the organization for many public school teachers? ›

The National Education Association (NEA) is more than 3 million people—educators, students, activists, workers, parents, neighbors, friends—who believe in opportunity for all students and in the power of public education to transform lives and create a more just and inclusive society.

How many American teachers are there? ›

Employment Statistics of Teachers

In 2020, the total number of teachers in the U.S. was 3.8 million. Of these, approximately 3.2 million were employed in public schools and 0.5 million in private schools.

What political party does the NEA support? ›

The NEA asserts itself as "non-partisan", but critics point out that the NEA has endorsed and provided support for every Democratic presidential nominee from Jimmy Carter to Barack Obama and has never endorsed any Republican or third party candidate for the presidency.

Does NEA protect teachers? ›

NEA's Educators Employment Liability program protects all association members—whether classroom teachers or support professionals—from personal financial liability for most incidents arising out of their educational employment activities or duties.

What are the cons of the National Education Association? ›

It lacks the focus to fulfill its mission of "a great public school for every student." Individual teachers pay hundreds and even thousands of dollars year after year in NEA dues. These dues are used in activities that many members find offensive and infuriating.

What is the teachers role in AAC? ›

The teacher can often be the educational team leader, and is often responsible for facilitating communication between team members, as well as creating the structure of educational routines and activities. The paraprofessional often has the strongest role in supporting a student's communication development.

What is the primary goal of both the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers? ›

In October 2001, the NEA and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) formed a partnership to work together on behalf of our members and on behalf of all those whom our members serve. Both of our organizations are committed to nurturing and improving public education above all.

What is the purpose of the Association for Childhood Education International? ›

Since 1892, Childhood Education International has been committed to one primary objective: ensuring children's access to quality education worldwide. We create programs and projects that support pre-primary to primary school-age children so they can learn, grow, and develop optimally.

What is the purpose of the Committee of education? ›

The Committee on Education and the Workforce oversees federal education programs and initiatives at all levels -- from preschool through high school to higher education and continuing education.

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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.