Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based Personal Assistant Development (2024)

No business today can deny the benefits of artificial intelligence technology, the way it is paving ways for new opportunities and business benefits. Not only it is transforming businesses, but also society as a whole.

Tech giants like Microsoft, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Google have built their own AI-based personal assistants and they aren’t doing this just like that. These companies have invested heavily for the purpose of acquiring AI startups.

For instance, Amazon acquired Lex, Google acquired, and Facebook acquired These acquired platforms help the tech giants to build AI personal assistant and provide other businesses with new ways for growth.

Apple Siri, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, and Microsoft Cortana are the most popular AI-powered personal assistants in the market. If you are thinking that AI assistant development is a task that can be done only by these big enterprises, then it’s just your myth. The rapid advancements in the technologies and digital transformation arena have brought every technology to common adoption.

Every business can develop such personal assistants for their own benefits. If you are looking to build your own artificial intelligence assistant, then this article is for you.

Before diving into how to make your own AI assistant, let’s first learn what actually is an AI assistant, its benefits, working, cost of development, and much more.

What is Personal AI Assistant?

AI personal assistant is an application program powered by artificial intelligence technology that can understand the voice commands by the users and then fulfil the task assigned with the commands.

It is also known as a digital assistant or AI assistant. Siri, Alexa, Cortana, and Google Assistant have become mainstream today, being used through smartphones and dedicated devices. For example, just say ‘Ok Google’ on Android, or ‘Hey Siri’ on an iPhone, and the devices will wait for your command.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based Personal Assistant Development (1)

Businesses are using digital assistants to optimize the tasks that are traditionally handed to personal secretaries. For instance, the digital assistants can perform almost every task of the human assistants, such as taking dictation, reading emails and text messages, finding phone numbers, dialling and calling on asked phone numbers, setting reminders for meetings, fixing meetings and appointments, etc.

Furthermore, an artificial intelligence personal assistant can also help in various other tasks. These tasks include weather forecasting, opening apps, launching Windows apps, searching queries on Google, opening websites, reading out news, etc.

Digital Assistants driving AI Growth

Undoubtedly, AI is one of the hottest technologies today and its market is booming. In 2017, the artificial intelligence market was valued at just $15.70 billion. It is expected that the global AI market will reach $300 billion by 2023.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based Personal Assistant Development (2)

Businesses are aware of this growth, but what they don’t know is that the growth is driven majorly by the demand for personal AI assistant. Research shows that the voice and speech recognition market will grow at a CAGR of 17.2% from 2018 to 2025. This is a massive growth.

AI assistants are powering almost every smartphone and computer today, without users even realizing that they have access to artificial intelligence services.

The numbers below show a breakdown of digital assistants in use already:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based Personal Assistant Development (3)

Before developing, you have to ensure that the AI assistant is a finetune solution because it will represent your business or brand communicating with your teams or customers. It should be optimized for performance and user experience.

Technologies and Tech Stack Required

Along with artificial intelligence, an AI assistant makes use of a cloud solution and a coding language. The subsets of AI used include speech recognition, machine learning, and natural language processing (NLP). Some advanced assistants also use the internet of things (IoT) technology, such as Amazon Alexa for smart homes.

Wondering how to make a personal assistant program? Well, the program can be made with Python coding.

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Primary tasks that can be done with AI assistants

  • Adding events to the calendar
  • Adding items to To-Do list
  • Requesting songs
  • Checking weather and news
  • Controlling smart home devices
  • Making and receiving calls
  • Sending text messages and emails
  • Getting directions on maps
  • Finding hotels and restaurants
  • Booking trains, buses, and flights
  • Checking flight status
  • Automating customer service
  • Finding recommendations
  • Creating shopping lists
  • Ordering groceries
  • Scheduling meetings
  • Setting alarms and reminders
  • Shopping online

Business Benefits of Artificial Intelligence Personal Assistant

Apart from meeting the personal requirements, the AI personal assistants are also benefiting startups, small and medium businesses (SMBs), as well as large enterprises.

A majority of businesses are already integrating voice-activated technology into their systems and operations to enhance the user experience.

Read Also: How to give your best shot at Creating a Voice User Interface Design?

Following are the primary benefits of using AI voice assistants in business:

  • Personalize consumer experience
  • Augment human talent
  • Enhance marketing efficiency
  • Enable improved insights for sales and marketing teams
  • Boost product sales
  • Get things done quickly to save time for important things

How to make your own AI Assistant in Python?

To create an AI-based personal assistant using Python language, you have to create some modules and write code for the required methods. Below, you will find the modules and methods, along with the complete code to develop Python personal assistant.


1. Pyttsx3

It is a cross-platform library that is used to convert text to speech. It is an essential module for every AI assistant because text to speech conversion is a necessary part of it. A great thing about pyttsx3 library is that works in an offline mode as well. Use this command in the terminal to install the library:

pip install pyttsx3

2. SpeechRecognition

To identify the audio and speech and convert it into text for processing, you can use the SpeechRecognition module. Use the command below in the terminal to install this module:

pip install SpeechRecognition

3. Webbrowser

To show the web results to the users, you need to use the webbrowser module. It provides a user-friendly user interface. Here is the command to install this module:

pip install webbrowser

4. Wikipedia

To fetch and read/show information from Wikipedia, you can use the wikipedia module. Here is the command for the same:

pip install wikipedia

5. Ecapture

Use of ecapture module will enable capturing photos using the camera. Type this command in the terminal:

from ecapture import ecapture as ec

6. Datetime

It is used to maintain date and time.

import datetime

7. Os

This is a library in Python that allows the function to communicate with the operating system in place.

import os

8. Time

It is used to show or speak the time.

import time

9. Subprocess

A very useful and standard library in Python that is used for processing a number of different commands to the systems, such as restarting the PC.

import subprocess

10. Json

The role of json module is to store and exchange data.

import json

11. Wolfram alpha

It is an API whose role is to compute or calculate advanced answers using Wolfram’s algorithms.

import wolframalpha

Methods to use for AI Personal Assistant Development

Speak- This method is used to take the voice from the machine.

Take query- Take query method identifies the condition whether it is true or false. It shows the output when it is true.

Hello- This method in Python is used for greeting the user.

takeCommand- This method accepts the commands from the users and then uses speechrecognition module to identify them.

Main- The execution of the files takes place in the main method. To fetch the output from main method, the takequery method complements it.

if __name__ == ‘__main__’:

# main method for executing
# the functions

Now that you have understood the methods and modules used to develop AI digital assistants, it’s time for you to try it yourself. Below is the complete code that includes most of the above-mentioned methods and modules:

AI Personal Assistant Development Cost

The cost of AI personal assistant development depends on multiple factors, including technical tools used, methods and modules, design tools, level of intelligence, the experience of developers, etc. The estimated cost will be between $30,000 to $50,000.

What is the Future of Personal AI Assistants?

It’s not difficult to predict the future of AI assistants as the technology becomes more mainstream and reaches people at an increased rate. The adoption of these devices is growing rapidly. For instance, eMarketer says that around 70% of the people in the US will be using an Amazon Echo device by the end of 2021.

These stats are for Alexa alone. People are also using other digital assistants by Microsoft, Google, and more brands. What this means is that almost everyone will have access to AI assistants and the future is bright for voice-activated technology.

With time, these devices are also getting advanced to solve real-world problems and offering a new level of capabilities to the users. These will get deeper into the business workflows with more effectiveness and efficiency.

Wrapping up:

In this era of digital transformation, no business should avoid leveraging the benefits of a digital assistant powered by AI. It can help in gaining a competitive advantage, enabling better customer experience, save on costs, and drive business growth. Python programming language is great for this development, allowing you integrate modules and methods easily.

For any queries regarding artificial intelligence digital assistant, feel free to drop in your query.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based Personal Assistant Development (2024)


What is artificial intelligence personal assistant? ›

Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVA) also known as Intelligent Personal Assistants (IPA) are AI-powered agents capable of generating personalized responses, pulling from contexts such as customer metadata, prior conversations, knowledge bases, geolocation, and other modular databases and plug-ins.

How do I become an AI personal assistant? ›

How to make a virtual assistant? There are three ways: Integrate existing voice technologies like Siri, Google, Cortana into your app using specific APIs and other dev tools. Build a smart assistant using open-source services and APIs like or Jasper.

What is the best AI personal assistant? ›

Out of all of the AI assistants on the market, Google Assistant is considered one of the most advanced. Thanks to various partnerships with several companies, the AI assistant is now available on many devices like smartphones, headphones, home appliances, and cars.

What is the purpose of intelligent personal assistant? ›

An intelligent virtual assistant (IVA) or intelligent personal assistant (IPA) is a software agent that can perform tasks or services for an individual based on commands or questions. The term "chatbot" is sometimes used to refer to virtual assistants generally or specifically accessed by online chat.

How many AI personal assistants are there? ›

In 2020, there will be 4.2 billion digital voice assistants being used in devices around the world.

Which is best AI assistant for PC? ›

Braina is a multi-functional AI software that allows you to interact with your computer using voice commands in most of the languages of the world. Braina also allows you to accurately convert speech to text in over 100 different languages of the world.

What is the best programming language for AI? ›

Python is the best programming language for AI. It's easy to learn and has a large community of developers. Java is also a good choice, but it's more challenging to learn. Other popular AI programming languages include Julia, Haskell, Lisp, R, JavaScript, C++, Prolog, and Scala.

Can I create AI using Python? ›

Python is commonly used to develop AI applications, such as improving human to computer interactions, identifying trends, and making predictions. One way that Python is used for human to computer interactions is through chatbots.

What is the most advanced AI assistant? ›

10 Best AI Apps Of 2022
  1. Siri. Siri, the famous virtual assistant from Apple doesn't need too much of an introduction, and it's one of the most popular AI apps. ...
  2. Cortana. Another AI app that hardly needs an introduction is Cortana, the virtual assistant from Microsoft. ...
  3. Google Assistant. ...
  4. Alexa. ...
  5. ELSA Speak. ...
  6. Socratic. ...
  7. Fyle. ...
  8. DataBot.

Is there any AI app? ›

Amazon Alexa

Let's start with one of the most famous AI apps that has become a household name: Amazon Alexa. This Android and iOS app is a leader among AI voice assistants. It allows you to use your voice for planning, scheduling, finding entertainment, and much more.

Is Google Assistant AI based? ›

Based on artificial intelligence, Google Assistant can engage in two-way conversations, unlike the company's previous virtual assistant, Google Now. Google Assistant debuted in May 2016 as part of Google's messaging app Allo, and its voice-activated speaker Google Home.

How does a smart assistant work? ›

Smart assistants are devices loaded with software that you use to access information, perform tasks or control other devices. You can have a smart assistant on your computer or your phone, but most people use them through a smart speaker. Well-known brands include Alexa, Siri, Cortana and Google Assistant.

What is the future of personal assistant? ›

Gartner predicts that, by 2025, 50% of knowledge workers will use a virtual assistant on a daily basis, up from 2% in 2019. By 2023, Gartner predicts that 25% of employee interactions will be voice-based communications.

Which was the first AI assistant? ›

The first chatbot ever was developed by MIT professor Joseph Weizenbaum in the 1960s. It was called ELIZA. You'll read more about ELIZA and other popular chatbots that were developed in the second half of the 20th century later on. In the year 2009, a company called WeChat in China created a more advanced Chatbot.

What is the future of virtual assistants? ›

It will further develop the work process, consumer loyalty, and deals and develop your suggestions to your customers. Artificial intelligence-fueled Virtual Assistants can likewise make customized Emails - email automation for every one of your customers and take notes of significant central issues during a gathering.

How do I make an AI assistant in Python? ›

  1. Speech Recognition in Python using Google Speech API.
  2. Convert Text to Speech in Python.
  3. Python Text To Speech | pyttsx module.
  4. Text-To-Speech changing voice in Python.
  5. Personal Voice Assistant in Python.
  6. Voice Assistant using python.
  7. Build a Virtual Assistant Using Python.
28 Jun 2022

What should I study for artificial intelligence? ›

Those who wish to get into artificial intelligence and be successful must earn, at minimum, a bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field, such as computer engineering. Those who want to maximize their employability should consider going on to earn a graduate degree in AI.

What is artificial intelligence for beginners? ›

AI- artificial intelligence- is the science of training machines to perform human tasks. The term was invented in the 1950s when scientists began exploring how computers could solve problems on their own. Artificial Intelligence is a computer that is given human-like properties.

Can I get a job in AI without a degree? ›

Understand the degree type

Expect most jobs in AI to require a bachelor's degree or higher. For some entry-level positions, you may only need an associate degree or no degree, but that's not too common.

How do I add AI to my website? ›

To get started, you can do one of two things: Hire a web developer. They can build a personalized chatbot for your website, and can even program it to learn. Use an AI chatbot tool.

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Everything you need

With iBuildApp App Maker, one mobile app is all it takes to reach your customers. You can develop a single app for iPhone, Android phones and tablets. iBuildApp App Builder software allows businesses to develop mobile apps in a matter of minutes, no coding required!

How much does it cost to make an AI app? ›

AI Mobile application development costs a little higher than traditional apps. The average artificial intelligence app cost between $50,000 and $150,000.

How do I start learning AI in Python? ›

Learn AI Fundamentals
  1. Introduction to Python. Start coding with Python, drawing upon libraries and automation scripts to solve complex problems quickly. ...
  2. Jupyter Notebooks, NumPy, Anaconda, pandas, and Matplotlib. ...
  3. Linear Algebra Essentials. ...
  4. Calculus Essentials. ...
  5. Neural Networks.

Can you make AI in Java? ›

Java can be called as one of the best languages for AI projects. It is also one of the most loved and commonly used by programming languages. Choosing Java for building AI powered intelligent business solutions can easily bring a digital transformation within your business.

What type of AI is Siri? ›

Apple's Siri is one of a group of virtual assistants capable of performing a wide range of everyday tasks and interacting with users in a human-sounding voice and natural speech patterns that you wouldn't normally expect from a machine or computer system.

What are the examples of AI in real life? ›

Artificial Intelligence Examples
  • Manufacturing robots.
  • Self-driving cars.
  • Smart assistants.
  • Healthcare management.
  • Automated financial investing.
  • Virtual travel booking agent.
  • Social media monitoring.
  • Marketing chatbots.
17 Aug 2022

What is the most common type of AI used today? ›

The most used Artificial Intelligence (AI) trends
  • Natural language generation. It is an AI subfield which is based in creating text as of data obtained. ...
  • Speech recognition or voice response. ...
  • Visual agents. ...
  • Machine Learning. ...
  • Optimized hardware's. ...
  • Smart machines. ...
  • Deep learning platforms. ...
  • Biometrics.
11 Apr 2018

Is there an AI I can talk to? ›

Replika. With over 10 million users, Replika is one of the most popular and advanced AI companions. Unlike traditional chatbots, Replika can recognize images and continue the conversation using them. Moreover, it supports voice calls, so you can actually talk to your friend.

What type of AI is Alexa? ›

With conversational AI, voice-enabled devices like Amazon Echo are enabling the sort of magical interactions we've dreamed of for decades. Through a voice user interface (VUI), voice services like Alexa can communicate with people in ways that feel effortless, solve problems, and get smarter over time.

Is Alexa considered AI? ›

Alexa and Siri, Amazon and Apple's digital voice assistants, are much more than a convenient tool—they are very real applications of artificial intelligence that is increasingly integral to our daily life.

Which programming language is used in Google Assistant? ›

Google Assistant Service

js, Go, C++, Java for all platforms that support gRPC. Reference code is provided in Python for audio capture, audio playback, and conversation state management.

Who is the best assistant in the world? ›

Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa stand alone at the top here with Bixby following up in third. Additionally, we said goodbye to Cortana in late 2019 and that app is no longer available on this list.

What's the best assistant in the world? ›

Intelligence and accuracy

When it comes to answering questions, Google Assistant takes the crown. During the test of more than 4,000 questions led by Stone Temple, Google Assistant consistently outperformed other industry leaders including Alexa, Siri, and Cortana when recognizing and responding to questions correctly.

What is a digital assistant job? ›

A digital assistant, also known as a predictive chatbot, is an advanced computer program that simulates a conversation with the people who use it, typically over the internet.

Why do I need an AI assistant? ›

AI-enabled assistants analyze all the data you have - including real-time data streams and legacy data. This data can also deliver an unparalleled level of personalization to your customers throughout their customer journey.

What is AI assistant in mg Astor? ›

The MG Astor is also the first SUV in India to have this kind of robotic personal assistant embedded in the car. Imagine, no need to move an inch to control media and set navigation, even to control vehicle functions, do all of it with just your voice.

How does a smart assistant work? ›

Smart assistants are devices loaded with software that you use to access information, perform tasks or control other devices. You can have a smart assistant on your computer or your phone, but most people use them through a smart speaker. Well-known brands include Alexa, Siri, Cortana and Google Assistant.

What is the most common digital personal assistant? ›

Google Assistant (on a Smartphone) still answers the most questions and has the highest percentage that is responded to fully and correctly. Google Home ranks second, and the Google Home Hub ranks third.

Which of the following is an intelligent personal assistant? ›

Best Intelligent Personal Assistants or Automated Personal Assistants: Google Assistant, Nina, Viv, Jibo, Google now, Hey Athena, Cortana, Mycroft, Braina Virtual Assistant, Siri, SILVIA, Amazon Echo, Bixby, Lucida, Cubic, Dragon Go, Hound, Aido, Ubi Kit, BlackBerry Assistant, Maluuba, Vlingo are some of Top ...

What are the applications of smart assistant? ›

Smart Assistant
  • Social Messaging. Facebook, Twitter.
  • Messengers. Telegram. / Slack / Skype.
  • Voice. Amazon Alexa, Actions on Google.
  • Support / Monitoring / Alerts automation.
  • Email / SMS assistance. for any tasks.
  • AIl support. for any kind of tasks.

Which domain of AI is used by all smart assistants? ›

Some of the most popular and best AI assistants working all over the world are Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, Cortana, and many more. These are pre-programmed machines that work under the domain of machine learning. AI personal assistant works just like a normal human personal assistant would work.

What is the price of MG Ester? ›

MG Astor Latest Update

MG Astor Price: The compact SUV is priced between Rs 10.32 lakh and Rs 18.23 lakh (introductory ex-showroom pan-India). MG Astor Variants: It's sold in Style, Super, Smart, and Sharp trims. Each trim gets an EX variant, which cuts out on a few safety features.

In which variant of MG Astor has AI assistant? ›

MG Astor Smart Variant Features

While it builds on the features of the Super trim, the Smart comes with MG's new personal AI assistant, a digital car key that runs on Bluetooth and iSmart Connected car tech with 80+ internet-enabled features.

What is a digital assistant job? ›

A digital assistant, also known as a predictive chatbot, is an advanced computer program that simulates a conversation with the people who use it, typically over the internet.

Who was the first smart assistant? ›

The era of Smart Speakers and the Virtual Assistant

The Siri voice assistant was released as an app for iOS in February 2010. It was the first modern digital virtual assistant installed on a smartphone, introduced later as a feature of the iPhone 4S on 4 October 2011.

Which AI is better Alexa or Google? ›

The test found that Google Assistant answered more questions correctly than Alexa—or even Apple's Siri. After asking the same 800 questions to each smart assistant, Google Assistant understood 100% of the queries and answered 92.9% of questions correctly.

Is PDA a type of computer? ›

Personal digital assistants (PDAs) are also known as handheld computers, pocket computers, and palmtops, and their sales are growing exponentially. These devices have continued to grow in popularity even during periods of economic downturn.

Is PDA a computer? ›

Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) are small networked computers that can fit in the palm of your hand. PDAs have evolved over the years, beginning with first-generation devices such as the Apple Newton (Apple coined the term “PDA”) and Palm Pilot.

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.