Are Long URLs Bad for SEO? (2024)

Are Long URLs Bad for SEO? (1)

Let’s unleash the truths behind one of the most debated topics in search engine optimization (SEO) — are long URLs harmful to your site’s SEO? It may seem like a trivial matter, but this inquiry takes root in many areas that influence how your website is discovered online.

In completing our journey together, you’ll gain an understanding of long URL structures and their impact on search engine rankings. Alongside gaining clarity about the age-old question, “are long urls bad for SEO”, we will delve into SEO-friendly URL structures and why these matters should top your list of SEO considerations.

Now, let’s dive headfirst into this enlightening exploration.

Simply put, SEO friendly URLs are designed to meet the needs of users and searchers. These effectively structured web addresses boost usability and accessibility while making your site more understandable for both users and search engines alike.

Employing insightful keywords regarding content can make a your domain URL much more beneficial to internet users from an SEO perspective. Additionally, maintaining consistency in structure throughout all pages could increase your site’s potential visibility on popular search engines such as Google.

Not only do clearly constructed URLs potentially boost user experience by providing helpful insights about page content, they also simplify navigation within websites making it easier to improve organic traffic rates even further. In all fairness though, crafting idealized URL structures isn’t always a walk in the park; hence it requires deliberate planning coupled with conscious implementation.


  • Not merely for aesthetics or organization: Use meaningful words not just codes numbers.
  • They show hierarchy: If there’s nesting involved each part suggests where we sit within the site architecture.
  • Readable to humans: Meaningful wording helps visitors memorize or predict them emphasizing utility beyond mere functionality.

From website architectural structuring all the way down to individual webpage content delivery — every detail crucially impacts how well-equipped sites become in reeling in coveted search engine rankings. So, do these factors make long URLs detrimental for SEO? Let’s delve deeper to explore the impact length may have on this intricately woven web.

Primarily conceived as an internet navigation tool, URLs have grown to be paramount in the realm of keyword optimization and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). But why?

One valid reason is that URLs act as a sort of roadmap for both search engines and visitors. Clear, concise URLs can guide users to your site and help them envisage the structure even before landing on it. This aids in providing an optimal user experience which has been proven to influence SEO indirectly.

Moreover, incorporating relevant keywords back into your URL — without overdoing it — can reap significant benefits. Web crawlers utilize keywords within the URL to determine the webpage’s content. Remember, relevance is king in these circ*mstances; therefore, accurate descriptive terms are vital when considering “are long urls bad for SEO.”

In fact, correlation studies conducted by Backlinko showed that short URLs might rank higher than lengthy ones. However, it’s essential not to misconstrue this data. Shorter doesn’t necessarily mean better per se but rather points to well-structured URLs AKA ones which avoid superfluous information or folders.

Also worth noting is the potential impact on click-through rates (CTR); if your URL accurately reflects relevant search queries (“are long urls bad for SEO” for instance), this could boost CTR from SERPs. Consequently, improving your organic search visibility.

Lastly, sharing-friendly and memorability aspects grant shorter URLs with competitive edge due their simple articulation and recall efficacy thereby promoting word of mouth marketing — integral component of a strong SEO strategy.

Henceforward, striking a balance between length and descriptiveness will ensure user friendliness without comprising web page intelligibility among potential visitors or complicating crawler understanding leading towards higher ranking probability and improved online presence.

It’s evident then; crafty construction of an easily understood yet concise URL plays quite a pivotal role in effective SEO strategies.

Before delving deeper into the query — “Are long URLs bad for SEO?” let me first draw your attention to the fact that there are no hard and fast rules. Several studies have shown conflicting outcomes, making this matter somewhat of a grey area in SEO best practices. However, it’s undeniable that certain considerations should be made regarding URL length.

When discussing whether longer URLs negatively affect SEO, I need to stress that overlong URLs can indeed impact user experience (UX). If a person finds it difficult to remember or type out a dauntingly vast string of characters related with your site, they’re less likely to revisit it or share the link. Search engines take note of this user behavior as an indication of your website’s credibility and usefulness.

Moreover, there’s a compelling argument correlating shorter URLs and higher search engine rankings carried by Backlinko’s study. This comprehensive research shows that brief, concise URLs tend to rank more favorably within Google SERPs — perhaps due to their inherent readability and ability to encapsulate the page content effectively.

Yet conversely, Google’s John Mueller stated in 2018 that URL length isn’t a critical ranking factor when between different ranking pages. He clarifies his stance mentioning several factors come before URL length when prioritizing optimization efforts.

That being said, excessive URL length might invite keyword stuffing risk — an outdated and harmful SEO practice you absolutely want to avoid. By trying to cram numerous keywords into your short URL, for ‘extra’ optimization could raise red flags for search algorithms leading not only to unsuccessful search results but even penalizations undermining your previous SEO initiatives.

In conclusion while excessively long URLs certainly don’t carry benefits for your site’s accessibility, navigability or aesthetics — nor do they inherently promise more traffic or improved search engine visibility — falling on either extreme end of brevity or verbosity isn’t recommended. Instead striking a balance seems like the wisest strategy so keep them succinct yet descriptive enough for users and search engines alike to decipher their content relevance.

Delving into the realm of long URLs, it’s essential to recognize that while they can pose some challenges for SEO, they aren’t entirely unfavorable. Quite similar to a two-sided coin, long URLs carry their unique pros and cons.

  1. Details: Longer URLs typically contain more specific information about the content on a webpage. This detailed context can help both users and search engines comprehend the relevance of your page to a given search query.
  2. Keyword Rich: Extended length allows for the inclusion of multiple keywords in your URL which theoretically might enhance SEO performance.
  3. Hierarchy Indication: With long URLs, websites can convey deeper site hierarchy and breadcrumb trails — something users appreciate due to the user-friendly navigation experience.

Contrary to these advantages that seem quite fruitful from an SEO perspective, there are negative aspects tied with using long URLs as well.

  1. User Experience Implications: Excessively lengthy URLs may intimidate or confuse users leading them astray your web page thus impacting organic traffic — which is indeed bad news from an SEO perspective.
  2. Sharing Complexity: People often struggle with accurately copying or sharing cumbersome links over social media platforms or emails causing communication hiccups.
  3. Diminished Click-Through Rates (CTR): Long convoluted looking urls could be daunting for users to click resulting in lower CTR; an aspect many SEOs believe Google considers when ranking pages.

Hence as we tread down this nuanced path of parsing whether long urls are bad for SEO, a balanced approach seems obligatory albeit complex — but keep reading; I have plenty more insight to share!

When you’re addressing the question, “are long URLs bad for SEO?” several factors come into play. It’s essential not just to consider the potential negatives but also the pivotal elements that define an effective, URL optimization move.

Foremost, your URL should indicate what content awaits users on first page. Meaningful words within the link provide both human users and search engine bots with context about what they’re going to find on your page. Going clear and concise can lead to better user experience, which indirectly improves SEO.

Another critical point is how memorable or easy-to-read your URL is. Shorter URLs are generally easier for people to recall than longer ones. If a user can remember your domain name or URL easily, there’s a higher possibility of direct traffic — which is good news for your site ranking.

If you intend people to share your links frequently — especially in non-digital formats like print or spoken word — short and simple URLs can help immensely. This consideration significantly drives towards brand visibility; hence it has an indirect but substantial impact on SEO efforts.

Adding vital keywords is undoubtedly beneficial as it further clarifies the content of each page for search crawlers and users alike — a boost in relevancy scores! However, excessive keyword stuffing in URLs could backfire causing spammy looks and devalued user experience.

Considering these aspects doesn’t mean shorter URLs always win the race. Indeed, longer URLs might be more descriptive and useful in certain situations — for instance when dealing with hierarchical subjects or products categories which require subpages or directories.

Indeed, dictating precise length would be inadequate given different scenarios where long URLs might even excel. Yet if you prioritize simplicity, memorability ,and legibility while keeping up with strategic keyword inclusion — that will more likely represent ‘the sweet spot’. Decisions around creating URLs should ideally extend beyond isolated considerations like length to genuinely foster your site’s SEO health. It’s about finding the right balance and making informed choices based on what serves your audience and your content best.

URLs play a crucial part in defining the structure and navigation paths of your website. The importance of URL structure and length can’t be overstated because it has a direct influence on the search engine friendliness of your site. Following best practices for SEO friendly URLs will help streamline this process, hence improving your website’s visibility in the online domain.

One consideration is to keep URLs reasonably short while ensuring they’re descriptive. An overly lengthy URL may lead one into thinking — are long URLs bad for SEO? Although search engines like Google do not penalize long URLs per se, they could potentially cause negative user experiences, which might lower engagement levels with your page’s content and affect ranking indirectly. Therefore, keeping your URL concise yet meaningful is advisable.

Use hyphens instead of underscores to separate words within your URL, as it improves readability not only for users but also for search algorithms that value word separation. Google has officially stated this preference towards hyphens when it comes to breaking up individual terms in URLs.

When judiciously possible, ensure keyword integration within URL structures. Keywords act as indicative markers helping search crawlers better understand the content context hinging on certain conditions — avoid keyword stuffing and incorporate them naturally into anchor text.

Additionally, use canonical tags if you have multiple pages with similar content. Canonicalization helps tell Google which version of the page you consider definitive which saves you from self-imposed duplicate content issues.

Do not forget about SSL certificates with ‘https’ prefixes over ‘http’, which add an extra layer of security and slightly boost SEO efforts through non-direct signals — according to Google’s guidelines.

Last but far from least: optimizing path hierarchy in URLs adds structural clarity–a clear indication of where each webpage fits into greater web architecture aids both users and crawler bots alike.

By observing these principles while structuring or restructuring URLs — you ask if are long urls bad for seo — may become irrelevant; striking that balance between brief but comprehensive might ultimately be the key.

Are Long URLs Bad for SEO? (2024)


Are Long URLs Bad for SEO? ›

URL length doesn't matter for SEO, Mueller explains. Except for the one situation where it might. As a personal preference Mueller tries to keep URLs under 1,000 characters because it's easier to track the data that way.

Are long URLs bad for SEO? ›

URLs are used to identify a webpage, and how long they are is irrelevant for SEO purposes. However, overly complicated and lengthy URLs can often be confusing to users and have a habit of making things look sloppy. Experts recommend trying to aim for around 50-60 characters in your URL.

What is the length of a URL for SEO friendly? ›

The ideal URL length for SEO is typically under 60 characters. Shorter URLs are easier for search engines to crawl and for users to read and remember. Keeping URLs concise, relevant to the page content, and including keywords can positively impact SEO performance.

Is a shorter URL better for SEO? ›

For SEO, the ideal URL length typically ranges from 50 to 60 characters. However, it's important to prioritize clarity, relevance, and readability over strict character counts. Shorter URLs tend to perform better in search engine results pages (SERPs) because they are easier for users to read, share, and remember.

Are too many links bad for SEO? ›

Too many links on a page may look like you're spamming, which may affect your rankings. So be sure to only include the most relevant links in your webpage.

How long is too long for a URL? ›

Browsers' URL length limits

The maximum length of a URL in the address bar is 2048 characters. However, the successful processing of extra-long links by the browser doesn't mean that a search robot will be able to process them too. The appropriate page URL is 75 characters long.

What is the length of a SEO friendly domain? ›

Opt for a short domain name

The length of your domain name does not affect its standing on search engines. However, it can have a significant impact its memorability. Research indicates that the average domain length is 12 characters long, but the most popular websites tend to have even shorter names.

What is the best URL structure for SEO? ›

URL structure best practices for Google
  • Recommended: Simple, descriptive words in the URL: ...
  • Recommended: Localized words in the URL, if applicable. ...
  • Recommended: Use UTF-8 encoding as necessary. ...
  • Not recommended: Using non-ASCII characters in the URL: ...
  • Not recommended: Unreadable, long ID numbers in the URL:

What is the ideal length for SEO? ›

The optimum post length for SEO appears to be from 2,250 to 2,500 words. You also want to see your posts shared and backlinked as much as possible. Longer posts are more likely to generate quality backlinks which, in turn, affect ranking factors.

Are long domain names bad for SEO? ›

The takeaway point is that having a domain name that contains the search term that you're trying to rank for can give you an advantage when it comes to SEO, and this is often more conducive to long domain names.

Does Google prefer shorter URLs? ›

No, Google is not known to use URL length as a ranking factor. But shorter, simpler URLs may get more traffic than longer, more complex URLs simply because they are (1) easier and faster for googlebot to crawl and index, and (2) easier for people to remember and less prone to user errors.

What are the disadvantages of long URLs? ›

While short URLs offer better shareability and brand recognition, they may lack context and depend on URL-shortening services. On the other hand, long URLs provide more context and information but can be challenging to share and remember due to their length and complexity.

Why changing URLs is bad for SEO? ›

Without your website or search engines knowing where the new URL is, your site will get downranked and users will be confused. You will also have 404s on your website which is bad for both SEO and user experience.

Is a long URL bad for SEO? ›

In short— the length of a URL could affect the appearance of search snippets, but does not affect search rankings. “This does not affect ranking. It's purely a matter of which URL is shown in search. So, to sum up, when it comes to search rankings, neither the URL length nor the number of slashes matter.

Can backlinks hurt SEO? ›

Toxic backlinks are links that some SEO tools say could hurt your website's Google rankings. The implication is that you should disavow them to keep your site safe.

What is bad for SEO? ›

Low-Quality Content. High-quality content is one of the cornerstones of SEO. So, naturally, poor content can translate to bad SEO. Producing low-quality content in an effort to save time or money will likely accomplish the opposite.

How long should webpages be for SEO? ›

Get Yoast SEO Premium

But looking from an SEO and user-oriented perspective, there is a rule of thumb you can follow. We advise writing more than 300 words for posts or pages, while product descriptions should be over 200 words. Why? Because a higher word count helps Google understand what your text is about.

Are long pages bad for SEO? ›

Large page sizes can affect SEO and performance and cause search engines to rank your website lower. As such, now is the time to start understanding page size because, in the digital world, it matters.

Can content be too long for SEO? ›

The ideal length for long-form SEO blog posts is anything between 2,000 and 2,500 words. Of course, you shouldn't just sit down and write a 2,000 word blog post just because we said so. Instead, you should study your competitors and the top 5 to 10 results that are already ranking for the intended target keyword.

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