7 Reasons Why The World Needs More Women Leaders in 2022 (2024)

An Australian economist Conrad Liveris conducted a study sourcing data from various publicly available sources that stated there are more CEOs named Andrew than the total number of women CEOs. In other words, there were more men with the same first name at the top of Australia’s top 200 significant corporations than women.

Another survey by aauw.org showed that across the United States, among the fortune 500 CEOs, there are only 7.2% women, and only 25% have C-suite jobs in top 1000 companies.

The only purpose of beginning this article with hefty facts and figures is to address the disproportionately low numbers of women in corporate leadership. This has been happening across the globe in all countries, for even when women have been scaling new heights and carving a place for themselves, there still isn’t adequate representation in leadership roles.

In recent decades, there have been calls for greater gender equality and a greater emphasis on the need to bridge the salary gap between men and women. While significant progress has been made in this area, we can still see an acute shortage of women in positions of power.

To tackle this problem, organizations must create better policies and opportunities for women. On the other hand, women require assistance in taking steps ahead and overcoming the tendencies that hold them back.

By definition, Gender diversity is the adequate or equitable representation between both genders.

A comprehensive study by Gallup showed that organizations with a gender-diverse workforce perform monumentally better than those dominated by a single-gender.

So, here I am to give you reasons and more reasons why you, I, and the world needs more women in leadership roles.

1. Women bring fresh perspectives

Diverse experiences and viewpoints play a significant role in fostering innovation since varied perspectives lead to better decision-making. As a result, companies with higher degrees of diversity tend to outgrow those with lower diversity percentages.

When women become leaders, they bring talents, new views, alongside structural and cultural diversity to the companies they work for, resulting in more successful solutions. Women can study more minor details to see what is going on underneath the surface with diverse views and a sense of awareness.

2. Women lead more effectively

Recent research by Business Insider showed that women are perceived as better and more capable leaders in comparison to their male counterparts.

Until the age of 36 to 40, men are thought to be more effective leaders. Women become considerably more effective than men after the age of 40 and continue to do so until they reach the age of 60.

Women executives bring talents, new perspectives, and unique ideas to the table. Still, when these three factors are combined, they help develop new viewpoints that lead to better corporate decision-making.

3. Women are more empathic

In terms of the roles they play throughout their life, empathy is often considered the greatest superpower a female possesses.

An empathic leader can accept that everyone perceives the world differently without passing judgment. They can relate to their team and openly interact with them, and comprehend when they are having difficulties. In brief, an empathic leader can listen to their team rather than fix, solve, or dictate, thus preparing them for success.

Women are more likely to use this form of leadership than more authoritative leadership, making them more effective at influencing others. Empathy also requires being open-minded and understanding diverse points of view. This facilitates the exchange of ideas and gives a fresh perspective about things. As a result, the identification of an effective solution to problems.

4. Women are better communicators

Women are great at communicating and collaborating in everyday aspects of life. Women are considered to communicate with intimacy and connection at the workplace, making them better communicators. On the other hand, male leaders speak with authority and have a one-upmanship mentality.

Communication is thought to be one of a woman’s most vital abilities. Female leaders will use this capacity to have more meaningful dialogues with their bosses, coworkers, and partners, resulting in an open line of communication and a sense of clarity.

An open communication stream enables clarity in performing roles and responsibilities, whether interacting with employers, coworkers, or partners. Female business executives can frequently communicate, straightforward, and open footing.

5. Women handle crises better

Women have the qualities of leadership that are most appealing especially in case of contingency or an emergency of any sort. People-development, the capacity to set clear standards and rewards, the ability to serve as a role model, the ability to inspire, and participatory decision-making are all examples.

Many women, particularly mothers, are trained caregivers who handle domestic crises with compassion and patience. When a woman leader is coping with an emergency, these qualities become extremely important.

6. Women leaders can help bridge the gender pay gap

According to data by the United Nations, globally the pay gap between men and women is 16 percent, meaning women earn 84 percent of what men do.

The gender wage gap exists in organizations and workplaces despite decades of development. Organizations have been looking for a means to close the gender pay gap for a long time, and offering women leadership in organizations is one possible answer.

The salary discrepancy between men and women is more akin to a gender opportunity gap. When men and women begin their careers from the ground up, men are often given more opportunities that lead to higher-paying leadership positions.

7. Women make amazing mentors

The significance of mentors, particularly for the younger generation, cannot be overstated. Everyone, regardless of gender, requires someone to mentor them as they advance in their jobs. Women leaders, in particular, are more vital mentors and coaches of emerging potential than men.

Women are more understanding, strong-willed, tactical, and cognizant in comparison to men and this is precisely what makes them terrific mentors. We need more and more women in mentorship programs and we must also focus on women mentoring women for a bright future.

Wrapping Up

Women leaders are a requirement of the twenty-first century. Organizations must empower women with leadership roles to be more productive and show their latent potential, increasing workplace diversity because it is a challenging undertaking that will require the support and participation of everyone in the company.

And also, wishing all the talented, beautiful, amazing women out there a veryHappy International Women’s Day!

7 Reasons Why The World Needs More Women Leaders in 2022 (2024)


Why the world needs more women in leadership? ›

When there are more women in leadership positions, diverse perspectives are brought to the table, which can lead to better decision-making. Women often bring a different perspective to problem-solving and decision-making, which can help to avoid groupthink and bring fresh ideas to the table.

Why it is important to build women leaders in 21st century? ›

Women leaders often bring a different set of values and perspectives to the table, which can lead to a more empathetic and inclusive style of governance. Their leadership is instrumental in driving social change, promoting gender equality, and tackling issues from a more holistic and nuanced perspective.

How women leaders change the world? ›

Women leaders are reshaping the future, bringing unique perspectives, innovative approaches, and transformative leadership styles to the forefront. Their roles are instrumental in driving social change, fostering inclusive growth, and addressing global challenges.

Why women are great leaders? ›

“Women are great leaders because we are able to balance professional and personal leadership skills. It's easier to approach a woman leader with a personal request or a sensitive question. I care about my team and their well-being, which includes their performance at work and their work-life balance.

What are the 10 important roles of women? ›

ADVERTIsem*nTS: The woman performs the role of wife, partner, organizer, administrator, director, re-creator, disburser, economist, mother, disciplinarian, teacher, health officer, artist and queen in the family at the same time.

Why are women important in the world today? ›

Women are essential contributors to the economy. They play a significant role in the labor force and contribute to the growth and development of businesses. Women have also been proven to be successful entrepreneurs and are starting their own businesses at a higher rate than men.

Why are women important in society? ›

Women play an important role in all aspects of society. They are caregivers, mothers, leaders, entrepreneurs, and activists. They are the pillars of the family and community. Women make significant contributions to the world and continue to break down barriers and achieve equality.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of female leaders? ›

In conclusion, having female leaders in the workplace can bring many benefits, including diversity of perspectives, improved communication, and increased profitability. However, there are also some potential downsides, such as the perception of weakness, work-life balance challenges, and gender bias.

What are the three major responsibilities of a woman? ›

Reproductive, productive and community managing role.

How women change society? ›

Women are more focused and have a unique decision making power even at senior leadership level, in the most optimal manner, and at times are in a better position than men. Empowering women can help the society to grow and develop at a faster pace.

Who is the greatest female leader ever? ›

Queen Victoria of England is one who typically receives the praise she deserves for her accomplishments, but others worth looking into for women interested in the history of female leaders include Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia (1729-1796); Egyptian Pharaoh Hatshepsut (1507-1458 BC); and Queen Liliuokalani ( ...

What changed women's roles in society? ›

New ideas like socialism, nationalism and women's rights helped transform traditional attitudes and expectations. As a result, gender roles began to shift and change.

What is a women's role in society essay? ›

A woman plays variety of great roles in everyone's life in various forms by being involved in various relationships. From her birth till her end of life, she plays various roles as a daughter, sister, wife, mother and other relationships. However, her main roles are as a wife and mother.

What does it mean to be a woman leader? ›

Horizontal leadership: Female leadership is inclusive, encourages participation and shares information and power with those she leads. She tends to create and strengthen group identities. Emotional prevalence: They are generally capable of considering the “human” side of individuals and generate high levels of empathy.

Who is the female leader in the Bible? ›

Deborah: A Distinguished Judge and Leader of Israel

Having no aristocratic lineage, she is identified simply as “the wife of Lappidoth.” Yet Deborah was the only woman in Scripture elevated to high political power by the common consent of her peers.

Why do we need more women in the workplace? ›

Why do we even need women in the workforce? Of course, we need women in the workforce! Women bring unique perspectives and solutions, women bring unique talents and life experiences, women bring unique emotional connections that are all valuable and should be revered.

Why is there a lack of women in leadership roles? ›

One of the biggest barriers for women seeking leadership roles is the persistent gender bias that exists in many organizations. Research has shown that men are often seen as more competent and capable of leadership than women, even when they have the same qualifications.

What is the value of women in leadership? ›

It all starts with empowerment. Female leaders must see and feel their sense of purpose within the company at every turn. This helps them prioritize in life, make plans and be resilient to setbacks. In turn, this can have a domino effect that leads to better teams, a better company and even a better society overall.

Why is gender diversity in leadership important? ›

By fostering a gender-balanced leadership team, businesses can tap into a wealth of diverse perspectives, experiences, and skills. This diversity enables companies to make better decisions, drive innovation, and enhance employee engagement. Overall, this can help your business achieve the best possible success.

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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.