6 Examples of Professional Development Goals for Work (2024)

As humans, we like to set goals for ourselves in the search of becoming a better person or having a better life. Professionally speaking, we can have a specific position or business in our minds, and we want to work towards achieving those goals. But as most humans, you probably also feel a little lost and don’t know where to start or what you need to start. Well, worry no more! We’re here to help you out on this quest!

Table of contents:

  1. Intro
  2. What are Professional Development Goals?
  3. What are the Skills I Need to Learn to Increase my Professional Development?
  4. Professional Development Examples

There’s a popular saying that goes “One never stops learning”. And that has always been true, but more so nowadays that everything moves so fast. Technology changes every day and there are constant breakthroughs in every branch of science that practically force us to keep updating our knowledge and skills. We cannot fall behind.

6 Examples of Professional Development Goals for Work (1)

Success doesn’t happen overnight. The difference between a person who’s continuously advancing professionally and one who is stuck in their career is their ability to set, work and achieve professional development goals.

To know if you’re content with your current professional status, ask yourself the following questions: Are you happy with the way things are right now? Do you know what you’re doing? Are you satisfied with your daily activities and how you complete them? Is your career moving in the right direction? Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

If your answers don't make you feel excited about your future, then you might be stuck professionally.

What are Professional Development Goals?

Basically, they are professional goals that trace a map of your career to guide you in the right direction. The purpose of these career goals is to increase your knowledge and skills and be better prepared.

We need to be smart about our future, and knowledge doesn’t always come for free. So make peace with the idea of investing in yourself and enhancing your potential to be a top choice for employers and have a competitive advantage. Onceyou gather the knowledge and skills, you should demonstrate your competency, for instance bycreating an online portfolio. This can only bring you success and provide not only professional but personal development as well; but again, it doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time and a lot of effort.

What are the Skills I Need to Learn to Increase my Professional Development?

  1. Written Communication

    Written communication skills are necessary for writing emails, chatting with others through instant messaging tools, posting on social media for your business, or completing a project.

  2. Leadership

    Leadership training helps instill individuals with more confidence, leads to higher-level opportunities and positions in many instances, and is undeniably beneficial to organizations. Leadership skills can be developed through courses, mentoring, apprenticeships, and even on-the-job experience.

  3. Organization

    Improving your organizational skills can help you be more productive and efficient at work, saving you time and energy to put back into other projects.

  4. Creativity

    Creative thinking and problem solving are valuable skills to have for both day-to-day work and long-term visions in the workplace.

  5. Interpersonal

    Interpersonal skills help us communicate and interact with one another, and when done well, these skills help us communicate more effectively and create professional relationships.

  6. Conflict Resolution

    Risk-free and healthy conflict resolutions are necessary for all work environments, whether you work on a team, interact with clients, or both. Conflicts and disagreements are bound to happen and are a healthy and necessary part of working with others when handled appropriately.

  7. Time Management

    The better you manage your time, the more effectively you’ll be able to meet deadlines, manage your workload, and keep your stress levels down.

  8. Active Listening

    Active listening refers to the ability to listen to someone completely, understand what they’re saying, and comprehend their message so that you can recall what they said later. This soft skill will help you increase your value professionally, and comes with many benefits, including connection-building, instilling trust from others, and improving your knowledge base and understanding.

  9. Problem Solving

    No matter what industry you're familiar with, problems are bound to arise in your job. In your professional path, you'll surely encounter a variety of problems, and for you to overcome them successfully, you need to add problem-solving to your toolkit since it's a very valuable skill.Leadership is defined by your ability to problem solve and keep your entire team aligned and own the solution.

  10. Industry Knowledge

    Understanding the idiosyncrasies of your industry - and your organization's position within it is critical to any organization's success.

Professional Development Examples

Even though your goals should be tailored to your personal aims, we’ve put together 8 examples to give you an idea of career goals you can work towards. When setting professional development goals, it is vastly recommended to use the SMART goals framework to make it easier for you to accomplish those targets you’re striving for.

  1. Complete Leadership Training Before the End of the Quarter

    Like we said before, one never stops learning! And since knowledge is power, we strongly encourage you to find new skills to learn and master, especially ones that fit your position and will make you better at your job or are required for those positions you aspire to get. In this regard, consider using tools like a screen monitoring software to track your efficiency.

    Investing time to learn new skills will improve your worth and place you ahead of your colleagues. You’ll have more accomplishments to razzle-dazzle your resume with, and even create a stand-out cover letter, allowing you to land better jobs or start your own business.

  2. Take on More Responsibilities at Work

    Always try to go the extra mile instead of just doing what’s in your job description. If you take on more managerial responsibilities you’ll get noticed and this will provide you with a stepping stone into leadership positions. Ask your manager what are those areas of opportunity you need to work on and which extra responsibilities you can assume to improve them.

    You can also just evaluate what are those little things that everyone complains about and step up and take care of them. Doing tasks that no one else is willing to do will put you in the spotlight, give you a lot of recognition and shape your leadership skills for future roles. Also, it will definitely look great on your next performance review.

  3. Improve Public Speaking by the End of the Year

    If you’re interested in growing professionally, you definitely cannot afford to have stage fright. As you develop your career, you’re often going to find yourself doing from daily stand-up meetings to presentations, giving pep talks, and building relationships. Great public speaking skills allow you to engage and communicate successfully with your audience (well, in this case, your team!), and to motivate and inspire those around you.

  4. Learn the New Version of [Software] by Next Month

    Since technology moves so fast, new versions and improvements of everything appear every day. In this specific matter, if there are certain tools you need for your career goals and professional development, you cannot stop updating your knowledge on them. Set a specific time frame for you to update your digital skills every time you need to do so, and be consistent.

  5. Learn Stress Management Techniques

    Stress management is something we all need to learn to benefit our well-being. But for professional development and for an aspiring leader, it will give you the tools to manage conflict resolution and problem solving in the most efficient way. You’ll learn how to solve situations with a clear head and help others whenever they feel overwhelmed or stuck with a project or task.

  6. Attend a Convention in my Industry Next Year

    Conventions are a great way to get to know everything about your professional path and other people’s points of view regarding your interests. You can see how your competitors are doing and what they’re focusing on, what your organization is missing, or how you could learn from others. Not to mention the outstanding amount of interpersonal and professional relationships you can make that can help lift your career.

And there you have it. Deciding on your career goals is the first step to begin developing both personally and professionally. Write your goals down somewhere visible so you can constantly motivate yourself and hold yourself accountable. This will increase your chances of success.

If you’re a manager, we strongly recommend having development conversations with your team and helping them establish development goals and work towards achieving them. Using a tool like Hirebook allows you to keep track of their objectives, their progress and have useful conversations, resulting in great engagement and performance.

6 Examples of Professional Development Goals for Work (2024)


6 Examples of Professional Development Goals for Work? ›

10 examples of professional development goals
  • Develop a new skill set. ...
  • Develop your workplace skills. ...
  • Take up leadership responsibilities. ...
  • Expand your professional network. ...
  • Level-up your credentials. ...
  • Consume media in your field. ...
  • Find other ways to deepen job satisfaction. ...
  • Take a relevant course.
Aug 16, 2022

What is an example of a professional development goal? ›

Learning new abilities, earning certifications, gaining more experience in a specific field, moving forward in your company, and pursuing any other career aspirations are all examples of professional development goals.

What is a good development goal for work? ›

Consider choosing one of these common personal development goals: Improve your time management. Develop emotional intelligence. Cultivate resilience.

What are examples of professional development? ›

Professional Development Examples
  • Continuing Education.
  • Participation in professional organizations.
  • Research.
  • Improve job performance.
  • Increased duties and responsibilities.
  • Approaches to professional development:
  • Skill Based Training.
  • Job Assignments.

What are the 5 smart goals for work? ›

The SMART in Smart Goals stands for stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Based. In order to be a SMART goal, the goal needs to meet all five of these criteria. For a more detailed run-down on what each of these means check out our Guide to Smart Goals.

What are 3 goals for your career development? ›

What are examples of typical career goals?
  • Increase professional knowledge and training. ...
  • Increase earnings. ...
  • Improve low-functioning work processes or relationships. ...
  • Have new experiences. ...
  • Attain a leadership role.

What should I put for goals on a performance review? ›

Some possible performance review goals include:
  • Motivation. ...
  • Employee development and organizational improvement. ...
  • Protection for both the employee and the employer. ...
  • Productivity goals. ...
  • Efficiency goals. ...
  • Education goals. ...
  • Communication goals. ...
  • Creativity and problem-solving goals.
Jan 21, 2020

What are at least 5 professional development activities? ›

5 professional development opportunities employees want
  1. Management and leadership training. ...
  2. Professional certifications. ...
  3. Technical skills training. ...
  4. Teamwork and interpersonal skills training. ...
  5. Employer-subsidized degrees.

What are the 3 most important areas of development for you professionally? ›

The following are several areas of growth examples to consider pursuing in your professional life:
  • Communication skills. Nearly every professional can benefit from having strong communication skills. ...
  • Setting goals. ...
  • Adaptability. ...
  • Productivity. ...
  • Stress management. ...
  • Integrity. ...
  • Giving and receiving feedback. ...
  • Conflict resolution.
Jun 29, 2021

What are the two types of professional development goals? ›

Job-specific goals have to do with tasks that are part of an employee's job responsibilities. Skill-set goals are broader than job-specific goals, but are still related to what a person does. Educational goals are about gaining advanced knowledge in a subject.

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.