6 Essential Elements of a Successful Sales Pitch or Presentation [Infographic] (2024)

Calling a sales presentation a "pitch" is a little misleading.

6 Essential Elements of a Successful Sales Pitch or Presentation [Infographic] (1)

In baseball, good pitchers strike batters out. But in sales, a successful pitch is one that connects -- and gets hit out of the park.

As a pitch, however, good selling is something of an art form. People want to be told a story, to understand how your value proposition is going to mesh with their business and enhance it. How you accomplish that is up to you.

But along with the art of sales is a bit of science. The types of information most likely to convince a person to buy, or help them understand what you're talking about, can be broken down to zeroes and ones.

For example, did you know 40% of people respond better to information in visual form than when it's written? Or that the best presentations are two-thirds stories?

What is a sales pitch?

The sales presentation is where a huge part of this work gets done. Though you'll be speaking with your prospects about different concerns and questions on the phone, a sales presentation may be the best chance you have to put all your cards on the table and demonstrate exactly why your service is perfect for the prospect.

This infographic from PPTPOP breaks down the six essential elements of a successful sales presentation and includes examples from other companies' winning pitches.

From limiting the service offerings you recommend for a particular customer to ease their decision, to the types of proof you should include to demonstrate your product's worth, these helpful tips will help juice up any sales presentation.

Read on for tips on creating the perfect sales presentation, or skip to the infographic here.

Structure of a Sales Pitch

  1. A Stellar Cover Slide
  2. A Value Proposition
  3. A Powerful Story
  4. Enticing Solutions
  5. Proofs
  6. A Clear Call-to-Action

1. A Stellar Cover Slide

Your cover slide should reflect your company stance and industry. Your audience needs to "get it" instantly. Since 40% of people respond better to visual information than plain text, Google, Flickr, Unsplash, and Fubiz can be great sources for images that immediately boost your pitch.

2. A Value Proposition

What do you do? Summarize the value of your promise to deliver to prospects, and explain why they should buy from you. To help hone your value proposition, try using the "VP" formula:

[Company name]

helps [target audience]

with [services]

so you can [benefits].

Still not quite breaking through? Check out these examples of great value propositions:

  • Geekdom - "We're a new kind of collaborative workspace where entrepreneurs, technologists, developers, makers, and creatives help each other build businesses and other cool things together."
  • Airbnb - "Airbnb is a trusted community marketplace for people to list, discover, and book unique accommodations around the world."

3. A Powerful Story

The most successful presentations are 65% stories. Present your story and your team to humanize your company and increase likeability.

Make sure you include the reason why your company and product came to be. Tell your audience what motivates your team to wake up and work every day. And offer tips that are personal and will make your audience smile, like, "John eats fast and makes things work."

4. Enticing Solutions

First, focus on your client's problem. Here's how Airbnb did it:

Airbnb's first pitch extract: "Price is an important concern for customers booking travel online. Hotels leave you disconnected from the city and its culture. No easy way exists to book a room with a local or become a host."

  • Problems - Price, convenience, access
  • Aspirations - Have choice, unique experience, make money renting your place

Then, break down your value propositions into solutions tied to the benefits your clients want. Examples of benefits are, "Make more money and grow your business," "Look good and impress," and "Save time and money."

How to list your solutions:

  1. Don't give too many choices
  2. Communicate results customers will get
  3. Make it easy and quick to understand
  4. Give examples that demonstrate your product's value.

5. Proofs

The proofs you'll provide have to answer this question: "How do I believe you?" You should also:

  • Add testimonials - They highlight what clients love about doing business with you. Use real client's pictures to enhance credibility impact.
  • Share research data - Use expert quotes and findings that tie to the benefits of the product you're offering.
  • Compare your products vs. competitors - Show your audience how you're better.
  • Provide extra benefits - Offer a money-back guarantee, free trial, or free shipment to show and earn confidence.

6. A Clear Call-to-Action

A call to action is a simple command directing customers to take action (buy, start a free trial, sign up for our mailing list). To make your call-to-action even more enticing, include these sensory words to enhance your pitch.

Creating a Sales Presentation

  1. Build rapport with your audience.
  2. Lead with solutions.
  3. Include case studies.
  4. Ask for feedback.
  5. Be open to questions.

So, you're ready to create a sales presentation? Here are some tips to keep in mind.

1. Build rapport with your audience.

If you want to give a successful presentation, you need to connect with your audience. Start out the presentation by addressing the audience and by appealing to them. This can be done by asking about their business (e.g., a new product launch or announcement).

2. Lead with solutions.

What's the biggest pain point your product or service will address? Start your presentation by providing the solution right off the bat. Not only will this capture your prospect's attention, but it will also keep them engaged and hungry to learn more about what you and your company have to offer.

3. Include case studies.

How can you support the solution you provided? Show the prospect how that solution can be applied. Case studies allow you to highlight specific aspects of your product or service that will positively impact the prospect's company. This helps you build credibility and further develop trust.

4. Ask for feedback.

It's important to connect with your audience and make sure they're engaged in your presentation. For example, you could ask, "Does this make sense?" or "Do you see how this would work for you/your team/your company?" Asking for feedback ensures that you're on the same page.

5. Be open to questions.

Let your audience know that they can ask questions at any time. Be aware of your audience and their reactions throughout the presentation. Sales strategist, Marc Wayshak, recommends, "Whenever a prospect interrupts you -- either with a verbal remark or subtle shift in their facial expression or posture -- stop immediately. Acknowledge the interruption, and welcome the opportunity to explore it with the prospect." You'll provide even more value to the prospect by addressing their questions and concerns during the presentation.

6 Essential Elements of a Successful Sales Pitch or Presentation [Infographic] (3)

Your pitch is the fastest and easiest way to set yourself apart from your competitors. Make sure it pops with these tips -- and see the difference in your quota results.

Looking for more? Check out these sales pitch examples next.

Topics: Sales Pitch

6 Essential Elements of a Successful Sales Pitch or Presentation [Infographic] (2024)


What are the 6 elements you need in product presentation? ›

Six elements that must be included in effective sales...
  • Quickly explain the category of your product.
  • Define the problem and show the solution.
  • Show how you stand out from the competition.
  • Provide social proof.
  • Present the price of the product clearly and honestly.
  • Encourage the customer to take a specific action.
Apr 10, 2020

What are the key elements of a successful sales pitch? ›

Here are some key elements of a compelling sales pitch that can help you win more deals.
  • 1 Know your audience. ...
  • 2 Have a clear goal. ...
  • 3 Use a simple structure. ...
  • 4 Tell a story. ...
  • 5 Ask questions. ...
  • 6 Have a strong call to action. ...
  • 7 Here's what else to consider.
May 18, 2023

What are the essential elements of a successful sales presentation? ›

The most successful presentations are 65% stories. Present your story and your team to humanize your company and increase likeability. Make sure you include the reason why your company and product came to be. Tell your audience what motivates your team to wake up and work every day.

What are the 6 C's in sales? ›

Remembering the six Cs of the sales approach -- confidence, credibility, contact, communication, customization, and collaboration -- will help you make a good impression when you contact your prospect for the first time.

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This presentation rules suggests that you should include no more than six words per line and no more than six bullet points per slide. The goal of this rule is to prevent your slides from becoming so dense and text heavy that people don’t want to look at it.

What is the rule of 6 presentation? ›

The 6x6 PowerPoint rule is a rule which suggests that a presentation shouldn't have more than 6 words per line and no more than six bullet points per slide. The goal of the 6x6 rule is to make your slides more readable yet informative.

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5 key elements of the perfect sales P-I-T-C-H
  • P- Problem solver (Show how you have a solution that works) ...
  • I- Inspire an action (Have an end goal in mind that you're leading them to) ...
  • T- Tailor it to the audience. ...
  • C- Concise (be quick and to the point) ...
  • H- Heart (Be passionate!)

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A presentation plan is broken down into six steps, in which each step is important. Each step can also bring its own challenges and problems. Each steps is as follows; approach, presentation, demonstration, negotiations, close and servicing the sale. Step one is the approach.

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7 steps to writing a powerful sales pitch
  1. What's the problem you're solving?
  2. What else is out there that addresses the problem?
  3. What's the perfect world solution for your customer?
  4. Who are you?
  5. What value do you bring?
  6. What's your proof?
  7. What do you want the customer to do?
Mar 15, 2022

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There are seven key selling habits you must develop as a sales expert. They are prospecting, establishing rapport, identifying needs, presenting solutions, answering objections, closing the sale and getting resales and referrals. They proceed in order.

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Sales pitches work best when they're anchored in plenty of facts and data. People are sometimes wary of salespeople and their tricks of the trade. Leaning on unfalsifiable facts and figures can disarm and eventually persuade even the most skeptical of prospects.

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The 7 elements of a powerful presentation are: clear and concise message, engaging opening, strong visuals, effective storytelling, audience interaction, confident delivery, and memorable closing.

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Effective presentation skills
  • Verbal communication. How you use language and deliver messages play essential roles in how your audience will receive your presentation. ...
  • Body language. ...
  • Voice projection. ...
  • Posture. ...
  • Storytelling. ...
  • Active listening. ...
  • Stage presence. ...
  • Self-awareness.
Jan 30, 2024

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There are three key elements of good presentations: Content, Organization, Delivery. Your audience needs interesting and appropriate content in order to pay attention, especially at the start of a presentation.

What are the 7 key points of sales? ›

There are seven key selling habits you must develop as a sales expert. They are prospecting, establishing rapport, identifying needs, presenting solutions, answering objections, closing the sale and getting resales and referrals. They proceed in order.

What are the 7 P's of effective presentation? ›

Purpose, People, Preparation, Planning, PowerPoint, Performance and Practice. These are the components of my 7P's of presenting model and in this podcast episode I share with you the final three - Powerpoint, Performance and Practice.

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