40 in Words - How to Write and Spell 40 in English (2024)

40 in words is written as “Forty”. 40 is a two-digit number that has two place values, ones and tens. It represents a count, quantity or value. To represent 40 in words, we should know how to read and write it in English since it is the most commonly used language. Also, learning to spell numbers in words is necessary to utilise in real-life situations. For example, Gautam saved Forty Rupees out of shopping today. Learn how to write 40 in words in this article.

40 in wordsForty
Forty in Numbers40

How to Convert 40 in Words?

40 is a number that is a multiple of 4. When 4 is multiplied by 10 then we get 40 as the result. Now, we can see 40 has two digits 4 and 0. The place value of 4 is at tens place, and 0 is at ones place. In the Indian number system, the positions of digits from right to left are given in the order of:

  • Ones
  • Tens
  • Hundreds
  • Thousands
  • Ten-thousands
  • Hundred-thousands or Lakhs

Thus, we can write the number 40 in words using the place value method.


The digits at:

  • Unit place is 0
  • Tens place is 4

In the expanded form, we can write as:

4 x 10 + 0 x 1 = 40 + 0 = 40

Therefore, 40 is written Forty in words. You can practise writing 1 to 40 in words, in the same way.

40 in English

The number 40 is spelt as Forty in English. We should learn to write and read the numbers in the English language to make them easy to understand and express. Since, in education, English is commonly used worldwide. Hence, it is necessary to learn all the counting numbers using the English alphabet.

What is 40?

40 is a number that could be a count, a quantity or a value. It can be used in various other forms like a nominal number (E.g. House No.40) or an ordinal number (E.g. 40th). Other specifications of the number 40 are:

  • 40 is a natural number
  • 40 is a whole number
  • 40 is an even number
  • 40 is a composite number
  • 40 is a real number
  • Square root of 40 is 6.32

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Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs


How to write 40 in words?

40 in words is written as Forty.


What is 400 in English?

400 is written as Four hundred in words.


Is 40 an odd number?

40 is not an odd number but an even number. It is completely divisible by 2.
40/2 = 20


Is 40 a perfect square?

40 is not a perfect square number since its square root is not a whole number.


40 is a prime number. True or false?

False, 40 is not a prime number but a composite number since it has more than two factors.

40 in Words - How to Write and Spell 40 in English (2024)


40 in Words - How to Write and Spell 40 in English? ›

40 in words is written as “Forty”. 40 is a two-digit number that has two place values, ones and tens. It represents a count, quantity or value.

Is 40 spelled forty or fourty? ›

The correct spelling of the number 40 is forty. In modern times, fourty is incorrect, although in the past this was likely the original spelling. Nowadays, forty is the accepted spelling and fourty is considered a mistake.

How do you spell 40 dollars in words? ›

Forty dollars is correct. Forty is the correct spelling of the cardinal number used to indicate a quantity of something. “Fourty” is sometimes used instead of forty, but this is incorrect.

What is the English word in 40? ›

40 in words is written as Forty.

Is it forty two or fourty two? ›

42 in words is written as “Forty-two”. 42 is a two-digit number that has two place values, ones and tens.

Why is 40 spelled forty and not fourty? ›

The Origin of "Forty"

The word forty can be traced back to an Old English compound word feowertig that combines feower (four) and tig (group of ten). So, the spelling of forty without a “u” has been popular since at least the16th century. Even the Bard himself, William Shakespeare, spelled it without a “u.”

When did the spelling of 40 change? ›

At the beginning of the 15th century, numerous vowel shifts happened, which reflected dialects and admitted ways of speaking and writing. During this time, both spellings and pronunciation of countless English words changed, and fourty was one of them. Thus fourty became forty as we know today.

What if I spelled forty wrong on a check? ›

Some banks will accept fixed mistakes on checks while others won't, so check with your bank if you're unsure. If your numerical value in the box is correct but the spelled-out value is wrong, you'll need to void the check and write another one. When in doubt, avoid the check and start a new one just to be safe.

Is fourty one correct? ›

So twenty, thirty, forty, etc. In other words, from forty-one through forty-nine, all need that little hyphen to be 100% correctly spelled. Furthermore, in the debate between forty one or fourty one, neither would be correct. Forty-one would be the true, correct spelling.

How do you say 40 in Old English? ›

forty since 15th century; fourty Middle English up to 17th century < Middle English fourti (and, in parentheses, forti) < feouwerti < Old English feowertig . So the forti spelling was apparently occasional in Middle English, but not regular.

What is the 1st longest English word? ›

Major dictionaries

The longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters), a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano; medically, it is the same as silicosis.

What is the 45 longest word in English? ›

The longest English word is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, which is forty-five letters long and refers to a type of lung disease.

How is 40 written? ›

40 in words is written as “Forty”.

How do you write forty first? ›

next after the fortieth; being the ordinal number for 41.

How do you spell $42? ›

42 in Words can be written as Forty Two. If you have saved 42 dollars, then you can write, “I have just saved Forty Two dollars.” Forty Two is the cardinal number word of 42 which denotes a quantity. Let us write the given number in the place value chart.

When did fourty change to forty? ›

The only accurate spelling of 40 is forty. The root of all the confusion is in the history of the word. Fourty was considered the appropriate spelling for 40 before the 15th century. However, many variants of forty emerged in Modern English such as fourtie, fourtye, and vorty, which were gradually replaced by forty.

Is it forty-nine or fourty nine? ›

49 in words is written as Forty-nine. The number 49 tells the count of objects or anything countable; hence it is a counting number. The numeral 49 represents a value that is used in Maths and in real-life in many different ways.

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.