14 High Protein Paleo Recipes for Lunch and Dinner (2024)

Get your inner caveman on--the healthy way!

14 High Protein Paleo Recipes for Lunch and Dinner (1)

Rev up your weight loss with one of our favorite super-nutrients, protein. These high protein paleo recipes for lunch and dinner are yummy additions to your weight loss menu.

The protein in our recipes will help you nourish lean muscle development. Why do you need to feed muscle? It burns more calories than fat tissue, even when you’re curled up in front of Netflix. The result is a higher metabolism that helps you shed pounds.

Just like any other weight loss plan, the key to success is controlling portions. Paleo meals offer plenty of protein and good fats, nutrients that nourish the muscles and naturally help the body drop weight. However, eating portions that are too large will increase your calorie intake, making it hard to lose weight or maintain a healthy one. Always check the recommended serving size listed with the recipe, and measure that out on your plate.

Adding these high protein paleo recipes into your regular lunch and dinner rotation can help you build muscle and maintain or reach a healthy weight. Plus, they’re all flavorful, delicious, and super easy to prepare!

1. Slow Cooker Sesame Chicken | 27 grams per serving

We love this dinner because it’s so easy to make and bursting with flavor. If you’re looking for high protein paleo recipes that are better than takeout, look no further!

Try the recipe: Slow Cooker Sesame Chicken

2. Slow Cooker Turkey Breast | 32 grams per serving

Whether you serve it as an entrée or load up on leftovers for lunch, this versatile dish is a keeper when you want high protein paleo recipes for lunch and dinner.

Try the recipe: Slow Cooker Turkey Breast

3. Slow Cooker Everything Chicken | 29 grams per serving

From entrée to salad, this recipe produces plenty of tasty chicken you can use throughout the week for your paleo menu planning. We love the versatility of this high protein paleo recipe!

Try the recipe: Slow Cooker Everything Chicken

4. Creamy Sun-Dried Tomato Chicken | 28 grams per serving

The creamy sauce in this dish comes from chicken broth and coconut milk. A healthier alternative to the viral “Marry Me Chicken,” this one is sure to please!

Try the recipe: Creamy Sun-Dried Tomato Chicken

5. Slow Cooker Everything Beef | 27 grams per serving

Tender goodness like this wallet-friendly dish makes eating paleo oh-so-tasty. This is a great one to meal prep on weekends and enjoy throughout the week!

Try the recipe: Slow Cooker Everything Beef

6. Slow Cooker Beef Curry | 28 grams per serving

Add spice to your menu with this dish, which makes a yummy entrée or lunch leftovers.

Try the recipe: Slow Cooker Beef Curry

7. Grilled Tilapia with Garlic Tamari Mushrooms | 44 grams per serving

Mix up your menu with a guilt-free paleo dish that will make you feel like you’re eating at a fancy restaurant.

Try the recipe: Grilled Tilapia with Garlic Tamari Mushrooms

8. Slow Cooker Beef Tips | 28 grams per serving

Use a paleo-friendly Worcestershire and swap out the cornstarch for tapioca starch or coconut flour in this delicious meat entrée. This is the ultimate comfort dinner for a chilly night!

Try the recipe: Slow Cooker Beef Tips

9. Slow Cooker Balsamic Beef | 26 grams per serving

Put hearty yumminess on the menu with high protein paleo recipes like this one. This recipe is super easy and extremely tasty!

Try the recipe: Slow Cooker Balsamic Beef

10. Greek Chicken Stew with Cauliflower Rice | 52 grams per serving

14 High Protein Paleo Recipes for Lunch and Dinner (11)

Nourish your body with this high-protein paleo recipe that delivers big-time Mediterranean flavor.

Try the recipe: Greek Chicken Stew with Cauliflower Rice

11. Slow Cooker Lemon Chicken | 35 grams per serving

Treat your taste buds to the zesty flavor of clean-eating, paleo-friendly recipes like this meal idea. It’s bright and refreshing yet hearty and comforting!

Try the recipe: Slow Cooker Lemon Chicken

12. Butterflied Lemon Roast Chicken | 28 grams per serving

This fantastic recipe is a delicious entrée, but you can also use the leftovers for lunchtime salads. It looks fancy, but it’s extremely easy to prepare, making this an ideal paleo recipe to serve at a dinner party!

Try the recipe: Butterflied Lemon Roast Chicken

13. Savory Lemon White Fish Fillets | 21 grams per serving

Heart-healthy and oh-so-good, this fish dish is the perfect addition to your high-protein menu plan. It’s super flaky with a crispy crust and bright splash of lemon!

Try the recipe: Savory Lemon White Fish Fillets

14. One-Pot Chicken and Spinach Dinner | 21 grams per serving

High protein paleo recipes like this one are delicious, family-friendly meals that won’t make everyone feel like they’re being forced to eat “your” food. Plus, we love a one-pot meal for a busy weeknight!

Try the recipe: One-Pot Chicken and Spinach Dinner

Whether or not you choose to follow the paleo diet, incorporating high protein paleo recipes like the ones above into your regular lunch and dinner routine can help you on your health and wellness journey. High protein meals can help you reach or maintain a healthy weight, build muscle, and provide energy to keep you going throughout your day.

Do you have any favorite high protein paleo recipes? We’d love to hear about them! Drop us a line in the comments section below!

Like a paleo diet, clean eating focuses on nourishing the body by reducing or eliminating processed foods.Check out Skinny Ms. Clean Overhaul 30-Day Weight Loss Program ebook.

Enjoyed reading this post? Discover more:

  • 14 Paleo Meals for Weight Loss
  • Paleo Zucchini and Turkey Skillet Dinner
  • 15 Best Protein Sources for a Lean Body
  • Coconut Banana Paleo Cookies
  • Paleo Chocolate Cupcakes

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14 High Protein Paleo Recipes for Lunch and Dinner (2024)


How to increase protein intake on Paleo? ›

Obviously one option is to simply increase your intake of whole-food proteins, such as meat, fish, eggs, and nuts (though it's worth pointing out that the protein in nuts is not as readily absorbed as animal proteins).

How to eat Paleo at work? ›

Plenty of Paleo foods are good cold. Try some potato salad, hard-boiled eggs, or a fresh vegetable salad with some leftover meat. Guacamole is always a hit; if you want something a little fancier, you could also roll yourself some sandwiches or whip out some pâté with vegetables.

Is Paleo low protein? ›

[7] The Paleo diet provided 30% of total calories from protein, 40% fat (from mostly monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats) and 30% carbohydrates. It included lean meats, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, avocado, and olive oil.

Is the paleo diet inflammatory? ›

Both paleo and keto diets have anti-inflammatory properties but work differently in managing inflammation and related health conditions. The paleo diet is better for managing autoimmune diseases, while the keto diet is better for managing diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

What are the inflammatory foods on the paleo diet? ›

Foods That Cause Inflammation
  • Refined grains.
  • Milk and dairy products.
  • Soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages.
  • Margarine, shortening, and lard.
  • Processed meats.
  • Vegetable oils.
  • Alcohol.

Is peanut butter paleo? ›

Peanuts are technically legumes, which are not paleo compliant, and that means peanut butter is off limits for paleo eaters. All other nuts and seeds are fair game, so if nuts and seeds are the only ingredients, snack away!

Are protein shakes OK on Paleo? ›

Is protein powder OK on paleo? Yes, protein powder is acceptable on the paleo diet. However, it cannot include ingredients from foods prohibited on the paleo diet. It cannot contain dairy, grains, legumes, or added sugar, among other discouraged foods.

How to speed up weight loss on paleo? ›

Try to eat lean protein and healthy fats at every meal. Good examples of healthy proteins are grass fed beef, chicken, and fish (cod, tuna, or salmon). Healthy fats include avocado, coconut, and olive oils. Lean meats and healthy fats are both filling and nutrient-rich, which makes them perfect for weight loss.

Why am I so tired on paleo? ›

Any poorly planned diet can cause you to feel “off” and have lower energy than usual. If a paleo diet is too restrictive, it could lead to low energy levels and feelings of tiredness. Too restrictive means it doesn't provide enough calories or certain nutrients, such as carbs.

Why am I so hungry on paleo? ›

Not Eating Enough Food

It's not too uncommon for those new to Paleo to report feeling hungry in the beginning. Yes, there is a brief transitional phase during which our bodies are adapting to the new regime of pure, unadulterated food.

How much protein per day on Paleo? ›

Practical Takeaway: Protein for a Paleo Diet
PersonProtein Needs
Teenage girl 105 lbs total 20% body fat 84 lbs lean mass74-84 grams
Adult man 180 lbs total 15% body fat 153 lbs lean mass126-153 grams
Adult woman 125 lbs total 20% body fat 100 lbs lean mass88-100 grams
2 more rows
Jan 24, 2023

Can you have coffee on Paleo? ›

Many Paleo Diet followers report that they fair much better with only decaffeinated coffee since the main problems in coffee come from caffeine, the main stimulant in coffee, so decaffeinated coffee should prove to be a wise choice in the long-term.

What fruits are Paleo? ›

Fruits: apples, bananas, oranges, pears, avocados, strawberries, blueberries, and more. Tubers: potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, turnips, etc. Nuts and seeds: almonds, macadamia nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and more.

Can you eat lunch meat on paleo? ›

Steer clear of things like modified food starch, MSG, and carrageenan. Applegate Farms, Heidi's, and Deistel are great choices as far as lunch meat is concerned. But before you whip up a batch of Paleo bread and go sandwich crazy, remember that even the best cold cuts are still processed food.

Can you have deli meat on paleo? ›

Processed meat contains additives

Read the labels of most lunch meats, processed meats, canned meats, sausages, salamis and bacon, and you will invariably find numerous additives listed above. Clearly refined sugars, salt, soy, dairy and cereals added to processed meats are not “Paleo” ingredients.

Is pizza paleo? ›

Wait, I can eat pizza on the paleo diet?!

Sure can! You just have to make sure you skip a dough with wheat and gluten and dairy (dairy-free mozzarella is surprisingly easy to find these days). But vegetables and pepperoni are totally allowed for topping.

Is it OK to have a cheat day on paleo? ›

You can follow Dr. Cordain's suggestion and eat 2 or 3 “cheat meals” each week, where you get to eat whatever you want for that meal. Some other advocates of Paleolithic nutrition suggest one whole cheat day every 1-2 weeks, where you eat whatever you want all day.

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