10 Real culture shock examples: dog poop, boobs, food & beyond (2024)

We all have our beliefs about what is normal and what’s right or wrong, but not all cultures share our beliefs & values about what is normal or socially acceptable.

It’s these differences that can cause culture shock; a term people throw around but often don’t understand.

I’ve put together some culture shock examples that can turn your perfect holiday into an uncomfortable and frustrating experience.

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Welcome to your new country, we do things differently here.

10 Real culture shock examples: dog poop, boobs, food & beyond (1)Don’t underestimate the power of culture shock -that feeling of disconnect between what you expect and what you experience when experiencing another culture

Even seasoned travellers experience varying degrees of culture shock.

Some travellers, like Japanese tourists, have been know to experience an extreme form of culture shock when they visit Paris, called the “Paris syndrome.”

These wide-eyed Japanese tourists arrive with over-romanticized images, only to find a version of Paris they never expected. Pickpockets, dirty streets and rude servers.

When culture shock strikes, it hits you right away or it can slowly eat away at you, leaving you feeling anxious, nervous, confused, overwhelmed, disgusted, angry or homesick.

10 Real Examples Of Culture Shock

I’ve put together ten real culture shock examples

As you read through them, imagine how you might react or feel in these situations.

Some may SHOCK YOU, and some may not, but if you’re not accustomed to these differences, it’s completely normal to experience some form of culture shock.

1) Food culture shock examples

Travelling to a new culture means seeing things on the menu which you never anticipated eating.

You may even see something that you find disgusting that’s considered a delicacy in other countries.

Even if you think you’re an adventurous eater, these unfamiliar eating conditions, food customs and strange new dishes can lead to feelings of discomfort and culture shock.

Culture shock examples of foods that different cultures eat that may send you over the deep end.

  • In some countries like Thailand and Africa, some people eat wild field Rats roasted on a stick.
  • In China and some Chinese restaurants around the world, eating chicken feet is common, especially at Dim Sum restaurants.
  • Although not an everyday food item, horse meat and blood sausage (boudin) are normal in France.
  • Fifty years ago, the idea of consuming raw fish such as sushi was appalling to most Westerners.
  • The idea of eatingraw red meat dishes like steak tartare might make you wonder how it’s even safe to eat.
  • Smalahove (Sheeps Head): A Norwegian recipe of sheepshead, is a dish usually eaten on the Sunday before Christmas.
  • Some restaurants in Asian cultures specialize in dog meat dishes. However, recently in Cambodia, animal rights activists have gained a small victory in their effort to end the trade in dog meat.
  • Some people that visit restaurants in the US and Canada find portions shockingly large.

Culinary culture shock tip:

Expect food to be different. You don’t have to scarf down every new and strange thing you see, but at the same time, choosing not to eat could insult your hosts or make a bad impression.

Use good judgement and don’t insult people by making disgusted facial expressions. You’ll not only offend the locals, but you’ll also look ignorant.


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2) Culture shock examples regarding Language barriers.

In cultures where you don’t speak the language, simple tasks suddenly become more complicated- like riding a subway, ordering food at a restaurant or calling the cable company to tell them your box isn’t working.

The continued frustration you feel from not being able to communicate can lead to culture shock: leaving you feeling helpless, frustrated and confusion.

This is what happened to me in my first three months in Japan.

Imagine being in a country like Japan, where the language and the alphabet are entirely different.

You jump on the subway or bus, but you can’t read the signs, and no one speaks English. You could take a taxi, but how would you tell the driver where to go if you don’t speak Japanese? Grunt like a monkey while pointing wildly?

I remember feeling helpless and frustrated at my inability to understand anything.

Everything took extra time to figure out. I felt anxious about asking for directions because I couldn’t understand what the other person was saying. At times I didn’t want to go out because it took too much effort.

Over time, I adjusted and accepted that everything would take extra effort, including trying to decipher food packages at the grocery store. I took the time to figure out the words for the places I wanted to go. My japanese began to improve, I made made some friends and immersed myself in the Japanese culture.

It’s what made my stay in Japan so enjoyable.

Speaking the local language removed some language barriers and gave me the confidence to explore Japan fearlesslessly, despite my inability to communicate fluently.

Language culture shock tip:

Don’t assume people speak your language. I’ve seen this happen many times throughout my travels, especially English speakers.

Learn a few keywords and phrases before you go rather than assume everyone soaks English. Your efforts will be much appreciated.

10 Real culture shock examples: dog poop, boobs, food & beyond (2)

3) Nudity in public and boobs on the beach

This culture shock example is kind of funny.

Nudity in public is one of those things that makes certain cultures very uncomfortable.

In some countries such as France, topless sunbathing and nude beaches are the norm.

Women of all ages, young and old, even grandmothers grandmothers in their 80s parade around topless as if nothing could be more natural.

It’s also not that difficult to find nude beaches in France.

My daughter and I stumble across them quite often when we take strolls at the beach near our house.

At Cap d’Agde in the south of France, located one-hour southwest of our home in Montpellier, is a world-famous Cap d’Agde naturist resort. Nothing on this scale exists anywhere else in the world.

At the pool my husband used to swim at in Hyères France, some women slid into the pool and then removed their tops, which initially shocked my husband.

It eventually became the norm for him, and he barely even noticed. At least, that’s what he tells me.

Nudity culture shock tip:

You don’t need to go topless at the beach but don’t act as if you’ve never seen a pair of breasts, and for goodness sake, don’t stare. You’ll get used to it, and then it just becomes no big deal.

10 Real culture shock examples: dog poop, boobs, food & beyond (3)

(pictured above: My husband sleeping at the beach next to a topless woman)

4) Modesty culture shock examples: Clothing, burqa’s and the way people dress

At the other end of the (nudity) spectrum are women who cover most of their body, including their arms, legs, ankles, hands, neck and sometimes face.

This includes many women from Muslim countries whose custom is to dress this way, mainly to enforce female modesty and sometimes for religious reasons.

I’ll admit, I had a bit of culture shock when I first saw someone wearing a Burka, which first happened in France, a place where I never anticipated seeing this. I remember feeling confused.

France has a large Muslim community, so it’s pretty common to see Muslim women wearing headscarves.

However, in 2010, France banned any clothing covering the face, including Burkas and Niqab’s; nevertheless, it’s estimated that 2000 Muslim women in France still wear them. This is a very controversial subject in France and many parts of Europe.

10 Real culture shock examples: dog poop, boobs, food & beyond (4)

Clothing culture shock tip:

Do some research about attire before you go. You may discover certain things are inappropriate and gain a better understanding as to why these cultural differences exist.

10 Real culture shock examples: dog poop, boobs, food & beyond (5)

I met the woman above in Marseille (she is wearing a hijab)

10 Real culture shock examples: dog poop, boobs, food & beyond (6)

5) Hygiène Culture shock examples:

Humans have come a long way when it comes to hygiene. But what you consider good hygiene may not matter in other cultures.

Horking and Spitting on the Sidewalk:

Some Asian cultures, such as Korean and Chinese, openly spit on the sidewalk. Not normal Spitting, a loud, guttural spit that sounds phlegmy. It’s called horking. Like when you want to spit a big loogie.

Blowing your nose on the street

Many cultures are taught from an early age that it’s just not polite to pick a winner. One must use a tissue or handkerchief and blow your nose into it, and then put the tissue in your pocket until you can dispose of it later.

Theodora, a single mom who was travelling the world with her son, said that in some parts of Asia, “the thought of blowing your nose into a tissue and saving it for later is disgusting. Instead, many people cover one nostril and blow out the other nostril, so whatever is up there will get blown out like a projectile and hopefully land on the ground.”

Hygeint culture tip: People from different cultures view hygiene differently. Just because, it’s gross to you doesn’t mean it’s gross in other cultures.

10 Real culture shock examples: dog poop, boobs, food & beyond (7)

6) Toilet customs culture shock

Using a toilet in another country can lead to some of your biggest culture shock moments simply because you don’t know what to do or how to use the toilet. Not all of these situations are bad.

10 Real culture shock examples: dog poop, boobs, food & beyond (8)

Squatting Toilettes:

When I lived in Japan, I was surprised to learn that many bathrooms were squatting toilets. If you’re fortunate, there was a pole you could grab onto to keep your balance while you did your business.

On the flip side, I was pleasantly surprised that there were also public toilets with bidets and electric buttons you could push. Those were the days.

10 Real culture shock examples: dog poop, boobs, food & beyond (9)

Toilets with no seat cover or lid:

In France, Italy and Greece, some public toilets have no toilet seats.

My understanding is that people used to stand on toilet seats while they peed because they didn’t want to sit directly on them.

Many of the toilet seats broke, but no one wanted to replace them. And now, some businesses and restaurants prefer to order their toilets without liftable toilette seats.

Don’t flush the toilet paper, put it in the rubbish bin:

Many countries, especially in Central and South America, ask that you not flush used toilet paper in the toilet. Some hotels have signs asking guests to throw their toilet paper in the waste bin and NOT the toilet. The main reason is the septic systems in these areas can’t handle anything other than human waste.

Using your hands instead of toilet paper:

I know what you’re thinking. Use your hands to wipe poo from your bum?

In some Asian countries such as Thailand, India, parts of Africa and some Muslim countries such as Morocco, using water and your hands, not toilet paper, is considered much cleaner than using toilet paper and the preferred way to get a squeaky clean derriere.

Think of it like this. If you had poo on your arm, would you take a piece of toilet paper to wipe it off and call it a day? No, you wouldn’t. That would be like smearing it all over your arm. Instead, you would probably use soap and water to wash it clean.

TIP: Learn about toilet customs before you go. The differences in customs are usually for practical reasons.

Here is how to use a toilet without toilet paper

If you find yourself in a country where restrooms don’t supply you with toilet paper, here’s what you can expect and what you should do.

  • There is usually a bucket full of water with a ladle or scoop. Sometimes there will be a hose, but not always.
  • Scoop out some water and pour it on your rear while cleaning yourself with your other hand.
  • After it is all said and done, wash your hands with soap.

When we went to Thailand, I made sure to carry some toilet paper in my bag or some wipes to dry myself off. Sometimes I had a water bottle just in case there was no water in the bucket.

Watch this video of Wilbur Sargunaraj explaining the whole process.

10 Real culture shock examples: dog poop, boobs, food & beyond (10)

7) Tipping culture shock:

If you’re from North America (Canada and the US), you know exactly what to do at a restaurant when you pay for the meal. You leave a 15 to 20 percent tip. More if you had exceptional service, less if you had lousy service.

In France and other parts of Europe, that’s not the case. Not knowing how much to tip, when to tip and when not to tip caused me a lot of anxiety during my first few months living in France.

Tipping tips:

The complete guide to tipping in France; It’s not as much as you think!

Countries where you don’t need to tip

10 Real culture shock examples: dog poop, boobs, food & beyond (11)

8) Poverty culture shock

There is poverty all over the world, but it never seems real until you experience it firsthand.

  • The number of homeless beggars and shantytowns in France was a big shock to me.
  • When I returned to Thailand (my place of birth), I was shocked by the conditions my aunts were living in.
  • When we went to Cambodia, we stopped at the killing fields and drove through some small towns where the children asked for food and gifts and were so happy to receive a bag of rice.

Witnessing poverty in the streets and on your travels is heartbreaking. As a visitor, it can be hard to know what to do.

Tip: Donate to local charities, and volunteer.

10 Real culture shock examples: dog poop, boobs, food & beyond (12)

9) Strange celebrations and customs:

There are customs and rituals around the world that would make many of us scratch our heads and maybe even recoil in disgust.

Jennifer and Tony Miller were in Thailand during their family world travel tour, where they saw the annual phu*ket vegetarian festival. The festival lasts nine days during the ninth Chinese lunar month, which can fall in September or October. People participating in this festival engage in extreme acts of self-mutilation, driving swords, spears, tubes and other sharp objects through their cheeks and other body parts.

Most travellers and tourists would probably be quite horrified to watch this festival and wonder, “WHY?”. But this festival holds special meaning to the locals as a way to purify their souls.

If you are interested in seeing Jennifer’s photo essay about this festival, you should go and read about it on her blog. Just remember, you may not like what you see.

10 Real culture shock examples: dog poop, boobs, food & beyond (13)


An age-old tradition that results in the deaths of thousands of bulls every year is bullfighting in Spain and some parts France, and Europe.

There’s nothing more shocking than watching a slender little bullfighter stab a bull, and watch the bull bleed profusely, after which men on horseback drag the dead bull around the bullring while the crowd applauds.

Animal rights groups in Europe have tried to get Spain to ban bullfighting but so far, no such luck. It’s been banned in France since 2015.

TIP to deal with unusual customs:

Every culture has its customs and rituals. To the rest of the world, they may seem strange, but it has special meaning to them. Learn about their customs to get a better understanding. It doesn’t mean you have to like it. As in the bullfighting example, there are some customs which even locals are fighting against.

10) Dog Poop- Accepting the unacceptable social norms

There is no worse feeling than taking a stroll and stepping in a hot pile of dog dung. That disgusting stench that’s released and won’t go away no matter how much you try to scrape the bottom of your shoe on the curb or in the grass.

France has had a bad reputation for all the dog poop, and guess what? There really is an exceedingly large amount of dog dung everywhere.

I remember hearing about the dog poo problem in France but knowing and experiencing firsthand are two completely different things. Even French people hate dop poop and know they have a problem. Why else would there be avertissem*nts announcing a 50 euro fine for not picking up after your dog?

It took about a year for me to adjust and take on the French attitude towards the dog poo problem, which is…I don’t have to like it, but I don’t have to get frustrated or angry either. I tolerate it and say, “That’s just the way it is; what can I do?” C’est la vie!

See Also: The Day We Found Dog Poop On Our Front Door Step!

10 Real culture shock examples: dog poop, boobs, food & beyond (14)

What Can You Do About Culture Shock?

If you’re up for the challenge of experiencing other cultures, learning their values, customs and beliefs, and travelling to other countries can be rewarding.

Depending on where you travel, culture shock is a normal and manageable part of travelling.

Try to remain open-minded and patient as you hone your cultural awareness skills without passing judgment. It’s also important to understand the history and reasons why these cultural differences exist. Look at it as a learning experience to gain a fresh perspective and develop a better understanding of that other culture and respect those differences.

It’s these differences that make travel so compelling.

And one last thing.

It’s important not to set your expectations too high. For example, people often have over-romanticized visions of what France is like only to visit France and be severely disappointed. I wrote a whole article on the subject called Stop Idolizing France! It’s Time To Adjust Your Expectations.

You might be interested in reading this:

Stop Idolizing France! It’s Time To Adjust Your Expectations

Do you or someone you know idolize French culture or have a romanticized vision of France? Here’s a look at what it’s really like living in France. Unfortunately, reality seldom measures up to the picture-perfect image we fall in love with. I should know.

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10 Real culture shock examples: dog poop, boobs, food & beyond (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.